Recipe02 (layout design)

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dobla 世界西點冠軍講習 dobla 巧克力裝飾系列,堪稱是巧克力裝飾產品中的精品,也是眾多國際級西點 師傅最愛用的品牌之一,此次特別邀請 Michel Willaume 師傅示範多款熱銷產 品,要讓大家更能感受到 dobla 的魅力

Dobla 是專門生產製作裝飾巧克力和巧克力杯的領頭羊。本公司所有的巧克力裝飾都是使用市面上可看到最好 的比利時巧克力。Dobla 的總部位於荷蘭,擁有四個全球性的生產和配送工廠(荷蘭、比利時、美國和越南), Dobla 的通路有麵包 / 西點店、飯店、餐廳、食品經銷商、超級市場和零售商。 Dobla 將品質及創意列為第一,努力讓產品精緻化。為了維持我們產品的新穎性和創新,Dobla 與世界知名的 西點師傅合作。創意中心是 Dobla 創意和洽商的核心,是一個非常現代的環境,並擁有最新的烘焙設備。那 裡有我們合作的西點師傅 Michel Willaume 和 William Dekker,每年研發超過 50 種以上的新穎產品。我們仍 然歡迎全球師傅和客戶來與我們的師傅共同研發新的巧克力裝飾和巧克力杯。 生產 Dobla 巧克力裝飾時的過程,品質是最重要的。所有員工都定期接受產品品質要求的培訓,BRC A+, ISO 14001 和其他品質標準都深植在員工的心裡。再拉比的監督之下,我們也能生產 Kosher 猶太認證的產品 2010 年 Dobla 取得 UTZ 認證。Dobla 支持更好的商業實踐,更好的環境和可可農更好的生活。


出生於法國,曾與多位世界知名的西點大師一起鑽研,並獲得法式西點大師的封號,更深入研 究古典歐式傳統西點。他不僅是一名西點師傅也是巧克力師,20 年來他投入在國際級的教學、 產品開發和研究。

他參加各種國際西點比賽,在紐約的美食節中獲得第一名,在法國里昂的西點大賽中獲得世界 冠軍的頭銜。Michel 也透過 Dobla 與巴塞隆納 EPGB 學校的合作關係,培育了許多新秀師傅, 也到世界各地旅行開發產品及做講習。


目錄 KYOTO 京都


GOA 印度風










EXOTIC 異國風松露巧克力


CASSIS 黑醋栗松露巧克力

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(g) 材料名稱 伯爵茶蛋糕 Earl grey tea sponge 1. 鮮奶 Milk.......................140 2. 唐寧伯爵茶 Earl Grey tea..........15 3. 飛雪金磚奶油 Butter .............100 4. T55 法國專用粉 Flour............140 5. 蛋黃 Egg yolks..................170 6. 全蛋 Whole eggs................100 7. 蛋白 Egg whites.................250 8. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar.....120

製作方法 1. 鮮奶煮開後泡伯爵茶,過濾後取 90 克濃縮汁 Let infuse the tea into the milk and get back 90g of infusion. 2. 奶油加入奶茶煮開後離火,加入麵粉後繼續加熱 Bring to a boil the infusion with the butter and out the heater, add the sifted flour moving well and dry lightly over the heater. 3. 分次加入全蛋,另外快速打發蛋白與糖製成蛋白霜 Add progressively the eggs until smooth texture. Whip the egg white directly with the sugar to high speed and until firm. 4. 混合麵糊與蛋白霜,倒入軟烤模以 160ºc 烤 12 分鐘 Mix both mixture. Bake on silicon mat with borders at 160ºc around 12 minutes.

杏仁酥菠蘿 Almond streusel


1. T45 法國專用粉 Flour T45..........160 2. 飛雪金磚奶油(冷藏 ) Butter,cold..160 3. 鹽之花 Fleur de sel.................1 4. 杏仁粉 Almond powder............200

製作方法 1. 奶油切丁狀加入乾性原料混合,以 160ºc 烤 15 分鐘 Mix the dry ingredients with the cold butter cut into dices until forming small bowls. Bake on silicon mat at 160ºC around 15 minutes.


鳳梨醬 Pineapple comfit



1. 樂比鳳梨果泥 Pineapple puree.....200

1. 混合所有材料後煮滾

2. 樂比萊姆果泥 Lime puree...................50

Mix all ingredients together and bring to a boil

3. 轉化糖 Inverted sugar..............40 4. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar.....80 5.NH 果膠粉 Pectin NH................5

柚香橘子慕斯 Yuzu mandarin mousseux


1. 卡地亞動鮮奶油 Heavy cream 35% fat ......................125 2. 柚子汁 Yuzu juice.........................................................25 3. 樂比柳橙皮 Mandarin zest..........................3 4. 金牌吉力丁粉 Powder gelatin 200 bloom....................3.2 5. 水 Water.........................................20 6. 嘉麗寶 33.1% 白巧克力 White chocolate Ivory........150 7. 卡地亞動物鮮奶油(打發)Whipped cream 35% fat..325

製作方法 1. 鮮奶油與柳橙皮煮開 Bring to a boil the cream with the mandarin zest. 2. 過篩後加入泡好吉利丁及已融化巧克力 Strain and pour directly over the hydrated gelatin and previously melted chocolate. 3. 降溫至 30ºC 後加入打發鮮奶油,入模冷凍 Cool down around 30ºC and add the whipped cream. Mold and freeze.

鏡面 Cold neutral glaze


1. 水 Water......................1000

1. 全部混合均勻煮開

2. 葡萄糖漿 Glucose...............200

Bring everything to a boil and reserve.

3. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar...350 4.NH 果膠粉 Pectin NH..............25 5. 樂多 100% 檸檬汁 Lemon juice......25


淋面 Mirror glaze


1. 水 Water......................................150 2. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar.................300 3. 葡萄糖漿 Glucose..............................300 4. 金牌吉力丁粉 Powder gelatin 200 Bloom....................20 5. 水 Water......................................120 6. 煉奶 Sweet condensed milk.....................200 7. 嘉麗寶 33.1% 絲絨白巧克力 White chocolate Ivory..300 8. 黃色色粉 Yellow/orange Coloring..................1

製作方法 1. 水、糖、葡萄糖漿煮至 103ºC 後加入煉奶、色粉、泡好的吉利丁,倒入已融化巧克力 混合均質,35ºC 使用 Bring to a boil the water with sugar and glucose (103ºC). Add the condensed milk, coloring and the hydrated gelatin. Pour gradually into the melted chocolate until shiny texture. Use around 35ºC

萊姆椰子粉 Coconutlime powder


1. 椰子粉 Dry coconut ...........................100 2. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar.................100 3. 萊姆皮 Lime zest...............................10 4. 蛋白 Egg whites..........................................................10

製作方法 1. 椰子粉、糖、萊姆皮混合均質,加入蛋白後乾燥 Mix coconut, sugar and zest together and pass through the blender until thin. Add the egg whites to stick ingredients together and dry in the oven. 2. 裝飾 - 雪球、白長毛、銀箔、萊姆鳳梨醬 DECORATION – Snow ball, Spear white, Silver leaves, pineapple lime comfit



材料名稱 (g) 椰子芒果海綿蛋糕 Tender coconut & mango sponge 1. 椰子粉 Dry coconut................................115 2. 鷹牌高筋麵粉 Strong flour...........................50 3. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST(1) Sugar..................112 4. 蛋白 (1) Egg whites................................75 5. 樂比椰子果泥 Coconut puree........................25 6. 蛋白 (2) Egg whites...............................225 7. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST(2) Sugar..................125 8. 芒果丁 Pieces of mangoes.............................................200 9. 椰子粉 Dry coconut..........................................................35

製作方法 1. 椰子粉、麵粉、糖 (1) 混合均質 Pass through the blender the dry coconut, strong flour and confectioner’s sugar. 2. 加入蛋白 (1)、椰子果泥混合均勻 Add the liquid egg whites, coconut puree and mix until homogenous texture. 3. 混合蛋白 (2) 與糖 (2) 打發製成蛋白霜 Start mixing gently the egg whites adding little by little the sugar until shiny and firm consistency. 4. 混合麵糊後 , 擠進高 4,5, 直徑 18 公分框裡 Add delicately into the first mixture. Pipe the coconut sponge into the mold 18cm diameter and 4,5cm high. 5. 加入芒果丁表面撒上椰子粉 Add the small dices of mangoes and sparkle shredded coconut all over the surface. 6. 以旋風烤箱 170ºC 烤 25-30 分鐘 Bake in convection oven at 170ºC around 25/30 minutes.

椰子果凍 Coconut jelly



1. 樂比椰子果泥 Coconut puree.......500

1. 果泥加熱至 40ºC

2. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar.....30

Heat up the puree to 40ºC.

3. 寒天 Agar agar.....................4

2. 混合糖與寒天後加入攪拌

4. 金牌吉利力粉 Gelatin ...............8

Pour gradually the mixture granulated sugar/agar agar mixing well with a whisk. 3. 煮開後加入已泡好的吉力丁 Bring to a boil and the hydrated and strained gelatin leaves. 4. 趁熱倒在蛋糕上後冷凍 When still warm, pour a thin layer in top of the sponge and freeze.


香料芒果奶醬 Spicy mango cream (g)


1. 樂比芒果果泥 Spicy mango puree......300

1. 混合蛋黃、蛋、糖與果泥

2. 蛋黃 Egg yolks.......................90

Mix together egg yolks, eggs and sugar with the puree.

3. 全蛋 Whole eggs....................110

2. 混加熱至 85ºC, 加入已泡好吉利丁後降溫至 38ºC

4. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar........75

Heat up to 85ºC, add the hydrated gelatin leaves and cool

5. 飛雪金磚奶油 Butter.................145

down to 38ºC

6. 金牌吉力丁粉 Gelatin ...............4.5

3. 加入室溫奶油後均質 Add the tempered butter with hand blender. 4. 冷藏降溫後倒在椰子果凍上 , 冷凍 Cool down into the refrigerator until soft consistency and pour ontop of the coconut jelly. Freeze.

焦糖慕斯 Caramel mousse 法式蛋黃醬 Pâte à bombe*

製作方法 (g)

1. 混合蛋黃、蛋、糖、水 , 以隔水方式加熱攪拌至 82/84°C

1. 蛋黃 Egg yolks..................160

Cook at 82/84°C with hot bath the mixture egg yolks, eggs,

2. 全蛋 Whole eggs.................65

sugar and water.

3. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar...120

2. 直接快速打發

4. 水 Water........................80

Pour directly into mixing bowl and whip until consistency. 3. 趁熱混和其他原料 Mix with the rest of the recipes when still warm.

1. 全脂牛奶 Whole milk............................145 2. 金牌吉力丁粉 Whole eggs.........................10 3. 嘉麗寶焦糖牛奶巧克力 Milk caramel chocolate 36%..675 4. 法式蛋黃醬 Pâte à bombe*.......................425 5. 卡地亞動物鮮奶油 Heavy cream 35% fat............535

製作方法 1. 吉利丁泡冷水備用 Hydrate the gelatin leaves into cold water and strain. 2. 鮮奶加熱至 85ºC 後加入泡好的吉利丁 Heat up the milk to 85ºC and melt the gelatin into it. 3. 倒入已融化 40ºC 巧克力一起乳化 Pour gradually the hot mixture into the melted chocolate (40ºC) to emulsify the texture. 4. 鮮奶油打至微發後取 1/3 量與 45ºC 巧克力醬拌勻 Whip the cream to soft texture and add 1/3 to the chocolate mixture (45ºC). 5. 繼續混合蛋黃醬與剩餘打發鮮奶油 Continue mixing adding the pâte à bombe and the remaining whipped cream. 6. 攪拌成細緻並且光亮質地 , 入模直徑 20 公分後冷凍 Final texture has to be soft and shiny. Mold into 20cm diameter mold and freeze.


焦糖鏡面 Caramel glaze


1. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar.............200 2. 卡地亞動物鮮奶油 Heavy cream 35% fat.....360 3. 金牌吉力丁粉 Gelatin .......................11 4. 嘉麗寶 33.1% 絲絨白巧克力 White chocolate ..400 5. 耐凍鏡面果膠 Neutral glaze.................240

製作方法 1. 吉利丁泡冷水備用 Hydrate the gelatin into cold water and strain. 2. 加熱鮮奶油至 85ºc Heat up the cream to minimum 85º 3. 糖煮焦化 , 加入 1/4 熱鮮奶油後停止焦化 Cook the sugar in a saucepan until light caramel, pour directly ¼ of the hot cream to stop the caramelization. 4. 分 2 次倒入剩餘熱鮮奶油 , 加入已泡好吉利丁後均質 Pour the remaining cream in 2 times, add the gelatin and blend with hand mixer. 5. 倒入已融化 40ºC 巧克力乳化均質 Pour gradually the caramel mixture into the melted chocolate (40ºC) making a perfect emulsion with the hand blender. 6. 加入 75ºC 鏡面果膠後冷藏 , 淋面溫度 25ºC 使用 Add the neutral glaze (75ºC), mix again and reserve to the refrigerator. Use at 25ºC.

組合 ASSEMBLY 1. 在直徑 18 公分的圓形圈模中放入椰子海綿蛋糕鋪底,依序疊上椰子果凍、香料芒果奶醬,在放上一層 海綿蛋糕,冷凍並脫模。 Built first in insert into 18cm diameter inox ring with one layer of coconut sponge in the bottom, coconut jelly on top, spicy mango cream and second layer of sponge. Freeze and unmold. 2. 再取直徑 20 公分的圓形圈模,放入上面的內餡後灌焦糖慕斯冷凍,脫模,淋面。 Place the frozen insert into 20cm diameter inox ring and pour all over the Caramelia mousse. Freeze. Unmold, glaze and decorate.



材料名稱 開心果蛋糕 Pistachio sponge


1. 開心果粒 Whole Green pistachios......245 2. 嘉麗寶 100% 純開心果醬 Pistachio past..45 3. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST(1) Sugar....200 4. 全蛋 Whole eggs....................365 5. 飛雪金磚奶油 Butter 84%.............100 6. 蛋白 Egg whites......................80 7. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST(2) Sugar.....50

製作方法 1. 混合開心果、糖 (1)、開心果醬均質至質地細緻 Blend together the green pistachios with sugar and pistachio paste until homogenized texture. 2. 加入全蛋打發 Place the pistachio mixture into the mixing bowl adding the whole eggs and whip until lighter consistency. 3. 同時打發糖 (2) 與蛋白製成蛋白霜 During the same time, whip the egg whites with sugar until dense and shiny consistency. 4. 全部混合後以 170ºC 烤 20 分鐘 Mix together both mixtures, fold into the mild mat bake at 170ºC around 20 minutes.

櫻桃糖漿 Griotte cherry syrup


1. 水 Water...........................300 2. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar.......100 3. 樂比常溫櫻桃果泥 Griotte cherry puree.270 4. 樂多 100% 檸檬汁 Lemon juice.........45

製作方法 1. 水加糖煮開 , 加入櫻桃果泥與檸檬汁 Bring to a boil water and sugar, then add the cherry puree and lemon juice. 2. 冷藏降溫 , 放置巴巴完全浸泡後濾乾使用 Cool to the refrigerator. When cold, place the babas into it until completely soaked.Strain before use.


巴巴麵團 Baba dough


1. 卡地亞動物鮮奶油 Heavy cream 35% fat..30 2. 奶粉 Milk powder......................60 3. 鹽 Salt................................3 4. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar.........15 5. 伯爵棕酵母 5 克 Fresh yeast.............15 6. T55 法國專用粉 Cake flour.............200 7. 全蛋 Whole eggs.....................100 8. 飛雪金磚奶油 Butter 84%...............60

製作方法 1. 加熱牛奶與鮮奶油至 30ºC 後加入酵母溶解 Heat up milk and cream at 30ºC and dissolve the fresh yeast into it 2. 加入鹽、糖與過篩麵粉 Add salt and sugar and the sifted flour. 3. 加入 3/4 全蛋揉製麵團 Then pour ¾ of the eggs and knead lightly, not to give much body to the dough. 4. 加入剩餘全蛋完全攪拌均勻 Add the remaining eggs and mix until complete absorption. 5. 融化奶油 , 倒入麵團表面後覆蓋 Melt the butter, pour on top of the dough without mixing and cover with a towel. 6. 放置發酵箱以 28ºc 發酵 18 分鐘 Place the dough into the proofer at 28º around 18 minutes. 7. 翻面 The butter has to go under the dough. With spatula, homogenize the dough and fill by fingers the molds. 8. 二次發酵 Let fermented a second time into the proofer. 9. 以 170ºC 烤 15 分鐘 When ready bake at 170ºC around 15 minutes.

櫻桃醬 Griotte cherry confit


1. 加熱果泥、冷凍櫻桃、葡萄糖漿至 40ºC,果膠粉與糖混合

2. 樂比冷凍櫻桃 Frozen cherries.........300


3. 葡萄糖漿 Glucose...................120

Heat up the puree and the frozen cherries with the glucose

4. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar.......100 5. NH 果膠粉 Pectine NH................12



1. 樂比櫻桃果泥 Griotte cherry puree.....450

until 40ºC, pour in the mixture sugar/pectin mixing well. Bring to a boil and reserve to the fridge.

巧克力鮮奶油 Whipped ganache


1. 卡地亞動物鮮奶油 (1) Heavy cream 35% fat.......300 2. 葡萄糖漿 Glucose...............................30 3. 轉化糖 Inverted sugar...........................30 4. 嘉麗寶 66.8% 巴西單一產區巧克力 Dark chocolate..270 5. 卡地亞動物鮮奶油 (2) Heavy cream 35% fat.......650

製作方法 1. 鮮奶油 (1)、葡萄糖漿、轉化糖混合加熱煮開 Bring to a boil cream with glucose and inverted sugar. 2. 倒入已融化巧克力均質乳化 Pour gradually the hot liquid into the partially melted chocolate to obtain a perfect emulsion with the hand blender. 3. 加入第二部分未加熱鮮奶油 (2) 混合 , 冷藏至少 8 小時待結晶 Add the remaining liquid cold cream (675g) into the mixture. Let crystallize 8 hours minimum in the fridge.

櫻桃鏡面 Cherry griotte glaze



1. 愛迪達耐凍鏡面果膠 Neutral glaze...500

1. 全部加熱煮開,80ºC 以噴槍使用

2. 水 Water..........................25

Bring to a boil the neutral glaze with water and cherry griotte

3. 櫻桃糖漿 Cherry griotte syrup........25

syrup. Spray at 80ºC.

組合 Assembling 1. 準備開心果蛋糕脫模 Unmold the pistachio sponge. 2. 在蛋糕表面抹一層櫻桃醬,之後擠上一層巧克力鮮奶油 Spread the cherry griotte comfit on top and place the all over letting space to pipe the whipped chocolate cream. 3. 放置冷凍冰硬後 , 噴上櫻桃鏡面 Place to the freezer and when cold enough, spray the glaze all over the cake.



材料名稱 榛果餅皮 Hazelnut streusel


1. 飛雪金磚奶油 Butter .................180 2. 大日本明治三溫糖 Cassonade sugar....180 3. 鹽之花 Fleur de sel...................1.2 4. 榛果粉 Hazelnut powder..............220 5.T45 法國專用粉 Flour T45..............180

製作方法 1. 奶油切丁後全部混合 Cut the cold butter into small dices and mix all together. 2. 桿開厚度 0.4 公分厚冷藏,切成 30*10 公分,以 160ºc 烤 15 分鐘 Roll out the dough at 4mm and reserve to the fridge. Cut bands of 30cm X 10cm and bake at 160ºc around 15 minutes.

榛果酥菠蘿 Hazelnut crumble


1. 飛雪金磚奶油 Butter........................30 2. 大日本明治三溫糖 Cassonade sugar..........20 3. 榛果粉 Hazelnut powder.....................30 4.T55 法國專用粉 Flour T55....................30 5. 杏仁角 Grounded almonds...................20 6. 嘉麗寶 39% 阿里巴牛奶巧克力 milk chocolate...35 7. 嘉麗寶 50% 榛果醬 Hazelnut praliné 50%.......55

製作方法 1. 除了巧克力、榛果醬外其他全部混合,以 160ºC 烤 15 分鐘,趁熱混合未加熱巧克力及榛果醬 Mix all ingredients together, except chocolate & praliné, into the mixing bowl. Bake the crumble at 160ºC around 15 minutes. When crumble still hot, mix with chocolate (not melted) and the praliné.



Hazelnut moelleux (g)

1. 全蛋 Whole eggs................45 2. 蛋黃 Egg yolks..................15 3. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar...60 4. 榛果粉 Hazelnut powder..........75 5. T55 法國專用粉 Flour T55........15 6. 香草粉 Vanilla powder...........0.3 7. 飛雪金磚奶油 Butter.............35 8. 蛋白 Egg whites.................27 9. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar...27

製作方法 1. 蛋白和糖快速打發蛋白霜 Put the egg whites to whip with the sugar to high speed until firm consistency. 2. 混合全部乾性材料後加入全蛋及蛋黃 Mix all the dry ingredients together and add in the eggs and yolks mixing well. 3. 混合上述麵糊拌勻,秤 200 克抹在榛果餅皮上 Incorporate the meringue into the egg mixture and pour 200g of moelleux on top of the baked streusel. 4. 以 160ºC 烤 20 分鐘 Bake at 160ºC around 20 minutes.

焦糖醬 Tender caramel


1. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar.........100 2. 葡萄糖漿 Glucose......................80 3. 卡地亞動物鮮奶油 Heavy cream 35% fat.100 4. 煉奶 Condensed milk...................60 5. 香草棒 Vanilla bean.....................1 6. 飛雪金磚奶油 Butter...................160 7. 鹽之花 Fleur de sel......................1

製作方法 1. 加熱鮮奶油及香草棒 Heat up the cream with the vanilla beans. 2. 焦化糖與葡萄糖漿 Make light caramel with sugar and glucose. 3. 加入奶油後再倒入熱鮮奶油及煉奶,再煮到 117ºC, 最後加入鹽 Stop the cooking adding butter and then pour the pre heated cream and condensed milk, cook until 117ºC. Add the salt and reserve.


榛果鮮奶油 Whipped hazelnut cream (g) 1. 卡地亞動物鮮奶油 Heavy cream 35% fat..210 2. 金牌吉力丁粉 Gelatin powder 200 bloom..4.5 3. 水 Water...............................27 4. 嘉麗寶 50% 榛果醬 Hazelnut powder......180 5. 嘉麗寶純可可脂 Cocoa butter.............32 6. 卡地亞動物鮮奶油 Heavy cream 35% fat..450

製作方法 1. 吉力丁泡好備用 Hydrate the gelatin with water 2. 鮮奶油加熱煮開 Heat up the cream to a boil. 3. 融化可可脂倒入榛果醬 Melt the cocoa butter and pour it on top of the praliné. 4. 鮮奶油混和吉力丁後加入榛果醬乳化 Add the gelatin into the hot cream and pour gradually into the praliné mixture forming a good emulsion. 5. 加入第二部分冷鮮奶油均質後,冷藏結晶最少 8 小時,最後打發擠製使用 Add the cold cream mixing with hand blender. Reserve minimum 8 hours into the refrigerator. Then whip until consistency to be pipe.

杏仁牛奶巧克力淋面 Almond milk glazing (g)


1. 嘉麗寶 39% 阿里巴牛奶巧克力 milk chocolate .500

1. 巧克力融化 45ºC 後全部混合使用

2. 菜籽油 Colza oil..........................125

Melt the chocolate to 45ºC, add the other ingredients

3. 烤杏仁角 Grounded toasted almonds........250

mixing well. Temper and glaze the base.

榛果脆餅 Crunchy hazelnut



1. 去皮榛果 Hazelnut without skin.............200

1. 榛果以 160ºC 烤 20 分鐘

2. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar.............100

Torrefied the hazelnut 20 minutes at 160ºC in the oven.

3. 水 Water..................................15

2. 製作糖水加入水、糖、香草棒 , 加入熱榛果後炒至焦化

4. 香草棒 Vanilla bean.......................0.5

Make a syrup with water, sugar and vanilla bean, add

5. 鹽之花 Fleur de sel........................0.2

the hot nuts and mix rapidly to cristallize the sugar around the nuts.



材料名稱 (g) 杏仁覆盆子餅乾 Almond raspberry sablé short dough 1. 飛雪金磚奶油 Butter ...............................180 2. 覆盆子粉 Raspberry powder..........................30 3. 鹽 Salt.............................................3 4. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar......................135 5. 杏仁粉 Almond powder..............................45 6. 全蛋 Whole eggs...................................75 7.T55 專用粉 (1) Cake flour.............................90 8.T55 專用粉 (2) Cake flour............................260

製作方法 1. 混合室溫奶油及覆盆子粉、鹽、糖、杏仁粉、蛋與 60 克麵粉 Proceed mixing first the tempered butter with raspberry powder, salt, confectioner’s sugar, almond powder, egg and 60g of sifted flour. 2. 開始混合均勻後加入剩餘的麵粉,冷藏備用 When the mixture start to be homogenous, add the remaining sifted flour and mix briefly. Reserve few hours to the fridge before rolling. 3. 延壓至 2.5 公分厚冷藏 30 分鐘,切成圓形狀以 155ºC 烤至黃褐色 Roll at 2,5mm and let rest minimum 30 minutes to the fridge. Cut the rings and bake at 155ºC until gold brown color.

覆盆子果醬 Raspberry jam


1. 樂比冷凍覆盆子 Raspberry IQF......................300 2. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST(1) Sugar...................150 3. 葡萄糖漿 Glucose...................................72 4. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST(2) Sugar....................60 5.NH 果膠粉 Pectin NH.................................3 6. 樂多 100% 檸檬汁 Lemon juice.......................18

製作方法 1. 加熱覆盆子、糖 (1)、葡萄糖漿至 40ºC Heat up to 40ºC the frozen raspberries with the sugar and the glucose. 2. 果膠粉與糖 (2) 混合後加入煮至 104ºC Add the mixture sugar/pectin into it, mixing well. Bring to boil and cook until 104ºC. 3. 離火後加入檸檬汁降溫使用 Remove from heat and pour the lemon juice. Cool down rapidly and reserve.


紅椒覆盆子果凍 Raspberry and red bell pepper jelly


1. 樂比覆盆子果泥 Raspberry puree...........................260 2. 樂比紅甜椒果泥 Red bell pepper puree......................130 3. 純真龍眼蜂蜜 Honey.......................................60 4. NH 果膠粉 Pectin NH .......................................8 5. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar..............................8

製作方法 1. 混合果泥與蜂蜜加熱至 40ºC,果膠粉與糖混合後加入煮至滾,倒在覆盆子醬表面上 Mix together the purees with the honey heating gently to 40ºC. Add in the sugar/pectin mixture and bring to a boil. Fill on the top of the raspberry jam.

巧克力奶醬 Chocolate cream


1. 卡地亞動物鮮奶油 Heavy cream 35%........................150 2. 全脂牛奶 Whole milk......................................150 3. 蛋黃 Egg yolks............................................60 4. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar.............................30 5. 嘉麗寶 66.8% 巴西單一產區巧克力 Dark chocolate ............120

製作方法 1. 鮮奶及鮮奶油煮開沖入已混合的蛋黃與糖 Bring to a boil the cream with milk and pour one part into the yolks previously mixed with the sugar. 2. 加熱至 84/85ºC 後均質 Cook until 84/85ºC, pass through the hand blender and chino. 3. 加入巧克力均質乳化 Pour gradually the hot mixture into the melted chocolate realizing a perfect emulsion with the hand mixer. 4. 冷藏隔夜 Place to the fridge and let cristallize completely overnight.


覆盆子脆餅 Raspberry tuille


1. 樂比覆盆子果泥 Raspberry puree....................250 2. 飛雪金磚奶油 Butter................................125 3. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar......................250 4.T55 法國專用粉 Flour ...............................125 5. Red color

製作方法 1. 混合室溫奶油與糖 , 加入室溫果泥與麵粉 Mix together soft butter with sugar, add gradually tempered raspberry puree and sifted flour. 2. 冷藏靜置備用 Set aside to a fridge until firmer texture. 3. 擠製後以 150ºC 烤 8 分鐘 , 趁熱切成正方形 Pipe into silicon mat and bake at 150ºC around 8 minutes. Cut directly after baking in squares.

法式蛋白霜 French meringue


1. 蛋白 Egg whites...................................100 2. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Sugar......................100 3. 馬卡龍專用糖粉 Icing sugar..........................75

製作方法 1. 慢速打發蛋白 In the mixing bowl, start to whisk slowly the egg whites in first speed until foamy. 2. 加入部分糖後加快速度打發 Add a pinch of sugar and speed up to whip them. 3. 加入剩下糖繼續打發至光亮 Add progressively the remaining granulated sugar until firm but shiny and homogenous texture. 4. 加入過篩糖粉攪拌 Remove from the machine and add manually with robber spatula and gradually the sifted icing into the meringue. 5. 擠在塔上裝飾 Pipe for decoration on top of the tart.






榛果餅乾 Sablé hazelnut short dough

1. 混合室溫奶油及鹽、糖、榛果粉、蛋與麵粉 60 克

1. 飛雪金磚奶油 Butter.................180

Proceed mixing first the tempered butter with salt,

2. 鹽 Salt...............................3

confectioner’s sugar, hazelnut powder, egg and

3. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Suga........135

60g of sifted flour.

4. 榛果粉 Hazelnut powder...............45

2. 開始混合均勻後加入麵粉,冷藏備用

5. 全蛋 Whole eggs.....................75

When the mixture begin to be homogenous, add

6.T55 法國專用粉 Cake flour..............90

the remaining sifted flour and mix briefly. Reserve

7.T55 法國專用粉 Cake flour.............350

few hours to the fridge before rolling. 3. 延壓至 2.5 公分厚冷藏 30 分鐘,切成圓形狀以 155ºC 烤至黃褐色 Roll at 2,5mm and let rest minimum 30 minutes to the fridge. Cut the rings and bake at 155ºC until gold brown color.

榛果脆餅 Praliné crunch



1. 黃金蕎麥脆片 Pop rice.....................67

1. 巧克力融化後加入榛果醬

2. 嘉麗寶 50% 榛果醬 Hazelnut praliné 50%.....210

Mix together praliné and melted chocolate.

3. 嘉麗寶 39% 阿里巴牛奶巧克力 milk chocolate.135

2. 加入黃金蕎麥脆片 Add the pop rice mixing delicately. 3. 抹平冷凍切成圓形放至塔中 Spread into parchment paper and put it in the freezer. Cut into disk and place inside the tart shell.

榛果奶醬 Hazelnut cream



1. 全脂牛奶 Whole milk......................100

1. 吉力丁泡好備用

2. 金牌吉力丁粉 Gelatin.....................3.8

Submerge the gelatin into cold water to hydrate.

3. 嘉麗寶 50% 榛果醬 Hazelnut praliné 50%.....670 4. 卡地亞動物鮮奶油 Heavy cream 35%.........330

2. 牛奶加熱至 85ºC 後加入吉利丁,加入榛果醬後乳 化拌勻 Heat up the milk at 85ºC and add the strained gelatin leaves, Pour the hot milk into the praliné and mix with hand blender to make good emulsion. 3. 加入打發鮮奶油,入模冷凍 Add the whipped cream, mold and freeze.


杏仁乳加 Almond nougat



1. 全脂牛奶 Whole milk..................46

1. 牛奶、奶油、糖漿、鹽煮開

2. 飛雪金磚奶油 Butter .................120

Bring to a boil the milk with butter, glucose and

3. 葡萄糖漿 Glucose.....................46


4. 鹽 Salt...............................6

2. 果膠粉與糖混合加入拌勻

5. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Suga........142

Combine yellow pectin with sugar and add into the

6. 黃色果膠粉 Yellow pectin...............3

hot mixture.

7. 杏仁片 Chopped or sliced almonds.....240

3. 再次煮沸後加入杏仁片 Bring to a boil again. Add the chopped almonds. 4. 抹平以 180ºC 烤至金黃色,切成與塔殼一樣大小 Roll it flat between to layers of baking paper and bake at 180ºC until Golden color. Cut into rounds, same diameter as the tartlet shell.

榛果花生慕斯 Praliné peanut mousse


1. 卡地亞鮮動物奶油 Heavy cream 35%.......120 2. 全脂牛奶 Whole milk......................120 3. 蛋黃 Egg yolks............................48 4. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Suga..............25 5. 嘉麗寶 50% 榛果醬 Praliné 50%.............175 6. 無糖花生醬 Peanut paste..................170 7. 金牌吉力丁 Gelatin leaves...................6 8. 卡地亞鮮動物奶油 Heavy cream 35%.......185

製作方法 1. 吉力丁泡好備用 Place the gelatin into cold bring until blooming. 2. 鮮奶油及鮮奶煮開,加入已拌勻糖及蛋黃 Bring to a boil cream and milk; pour into the egg yolks previously mixed with the sugar. 3. 加熱至 84/85 ºC 後均質 Cook at 84/85 ºC, passes through hand blender and chino. 4. 加入吉力丁 Add the strained gelatin leaves. 5. 趁熱倒入榛果及花生醬後均質 Pour gradually the hot mixture into the praliné and peanut paste to obtain a perfect emulsion with the hand blender




焦糖白巧克力鏡面 White chocolate caramel glaze 1. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Suga......................150 2. 卡地亞動物鮮奶油 Heavy cream 35%.................270 3. 金牌吉力丁粉 Gelatin leaves........................8.5 4. 嘉麗寶 33.1% 絲絨白巧克力 Ivoire ....................295 5. 耐凍鏡面果膠 Neutral glaze.........................180

製作方法 1. 吉力丁泡好備用 Bloom the gelatin into cold water and strain. 2. 鮮奶油煮開後加入吉力丁 Bring to a boil the cream and add into it the bloomed gelatin leaves. 3. 糖煮焦化後加入熱鮮奶油 Make a light caramel with the sugar and stop the caramel pouring gently the hot cream into it. 4. 加入白巧克力均質乳化 Pour gradually the hot caramel mixture into the white chocolate forming a perfect emulsion with the hand blender. 5. 加入 70ºC 鏡面果膠後均質 Add the neutral glaze previously heated at 70ºC and pass through the hand blender. 6. 冷藏備用,使用溫度 20/22 ºC Reserve the glaze to the fridge and use between 20/22 ºC.




焦糖白巧克力餡 Caramel exotic chocolate ganache 1. 大日本明治製糖上白糖 ST Suga......................180 2. 樂比椰子果泥 Coconut puree.........................90 3. 樂比芒果果泥 Mango puree..........................90 4. 樂比萊姆果泥 Lime puree............................90 5. 嘉麗寶 33.1% 絲絨白巧克力 White chocolate...........100 6. 飛雪金磚奶油 Butter ................................75 馬爾頓海鹽

Salt Maldon

多不拉牛奶巧克力松露杯 Dobla milk truffle shell

製作方法 1. 糖煮焦化至 180ºC,加熱果泥 Cook the sugar until light caramel, 180ºC. Meantime, heat up the purees all together. 2. 混合煮至 103ºC Stop the cooking by pouring gradually this hot mixture into the caramel. Mix well and cook again until 103ºC. 3. 均質降溫後加入已融化白巧克力 Pass through the hand blender to homogenize and cool down the hot mixture, then pour gradually into the melted chocolate to obtain a perfect emulsion. 4. 降至 38ºC 後加入室溫奶油冷藏靜置後使用 When the mixture reach 38ºC, add the tempered butter and reserve to the fridge few hours before molding. 5. 填入牛奶松露杯後靜置結晶,絲絨白巧克力封口 Fill up the milk truffle shelves and let crystallize completely. Obturate and cover with tempered white chocolate.




黑醋栗杏仁膏 Cassis marzipan mixture 1. 樂多 100% 檸檬汁 lemon juice.........................20 2. 樂比黑醋栗果泥 Cassis puree.......................165 3. 嘉麗寶純可可脂 Cocoa butter........................100 4. 杏仁膏 Marzipan 50%.............................1000 乾燥草莓碎粒粉 Dry red fruit powder 多不拉白松露杯 Dobla White truffle shell

製作方法 1. 加熱檸檬汁與果泥至 45ºC Heat up the lemon juice with the puree at 45ºC. 2. 杏仁膏以槳狀攪拌 Place the marzipan into the mixing bowl with the paddle attachment. 3. 上述混合後加入 50ºC 可可脂,冷藏結晶 3-4 小時備用 Pour gradually the warm mixture onto the marzipan and mix until forming pasty mixture; add the melted cocoa butter (50ºC). Mix until homogeneous and place to the refrigerator for 3 to 4 hours to crystallize. 4. 之後再次攪拌填入松露杯裡靜置結晶 Then, mix again until light texture. Fill directly the chocolate truffle shelves and let crystallize until the surface is not anymore sticky. 5. 封口後裹以乾燥草莓粉 Seal with tempered chocolate. Roll into dry powder berries. 6. 可保存 2-3 週 Conservation 2 to 3 weeks.






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