1 minute read
o Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD
years, the disorder lost its significance and is introduced, nowadays, as a part of mythical legends and history.
In the American Television series developed by Bryan Fuller, Will Graham had repeated imaginary manifestations of a wendigo that, in reality, symbolizes the cannibalistic serial killer Hannibal.
Figure 3: Wendigo: A painting b Jakub Jakuda Source : https://www.deviantart.com/jakubjagoda/art/Wendigo-853445448
The brief background story explaining the origin of Hannibal’s cannibalism leads us to believe that the character possibly suffers from PostTraumatic Stress Disorder. Psychologist Dr. Amanda Frechin explains that PTSD is a dissociative disorder that results from extreme physical or psychological trauma. It is somewhat peculiar because it does not stem from an internal source but rather from the traumatic event itself (Hockenbury, 563).
While looking at the “emotional numbing”49 symptom of PTSD, I think the films provide the best reference for Lecter’s personality. Anthony Hopkins
49 "Emotional numbing is the mental and emotional process of shutting out feelings and may be experienced as deficits of emotional responses or reactivity"