Nonprofit Risk Management program

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]CORPORATE)SPONSORS} The Nonprofit Risk Management Center is deeply grateful for the generous contributions of the following companies, whose support has made the 2010 Summit possible. Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Bollinger Insurance Solutions Charity First Chubb Group of Insurance Companies First Nonprofit速 Insurance Company Great American Insurance Group The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. Harleysville Insurance LexisNexis Munich Re Mutual of America Non Profit Insurance Program Philadelphia Insurance Companies The Redwoods Group Riverport Insurance Company Hosts: Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations & NonProfit Issues









 Housing Authority Insurance Group
 Cheshire, CT Treasurer
 Warren, NJ Secretary
 Girl Scouts of the USA New York, NY DENNIS DOHERTY 

 Portland, OR

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.


Bollinger Insurance Solutions


Charity First Insurance Services, Inc.


Chubb Group of Insurance Companies


 San Francisco, CA

First Nonprofit® Insurance Company


Great American Insurance Group


 National Multiple Sclerosis Society
 New York, NY

The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.


Harleysville Insurance


JUDY NOLAN American Red Cross
 Washington, DC




 Harpswell, ME

Munich Re


Mutual of America


Non Profit Insurance Program


Philadelphia Insurance Companies



The Redwoods Group


 Executive Director

Riverport Insurance Company


 Senior Counsel and Director of Special Projects



 Office Manager


 Pension Boards of the United Church of Christ New York, NY

 Philadelphia Insurance Companies Bala Cynwyd, PA BILL TAPP

 College of Direct Support Knoxville, TN

3 4


sunday TIME











(MH) Risk

Management 101

During this boot camp Summit session you’ll be introduced or re-introduced to core risk management principles and practical management strategies and techniques. After our intellectual “warm up” the camp will turn to real-life risk management challenges with the opportunity for active participation. No sit-ups, we promise. Working in small groups we will tackle some of the toughest challenges facing nonprofits today and tap the “wisdom of crowds” to identify practical solutions. The format for this boot camp will be one that you can adapt for use in your own organization.

you purchase, and new insights on the value or gaps in your insurance program. Featuring: Colleen Lazanich, Riverport Insurance Company and Carlye Christianson, Nonprofit Risk Management Center


Featuring: Michael Gurtler, Safe-Wise Consulting


(C) A2 On

the Go: Managing Transportation and Fleet Risks

(C) B Insurance

Boot Camp

&O, CGL, professional liability, non-owned auto, business D interruption, and crime coverage are just a few examples of insurance policies commonly purchased by nonprofit organizations. Depending on the mission, the environment, and the services provided, a nonprofit’s insurance program takes different forms—there is no one-size-fits-all answer. And the components of an appropriate insurance program change over time as the nonprofit’s programming changes and the organization grows in size or scope. This fast-paced workshop will offer a quick study of key insurance topics, including how to understand an insurance policy and an overview of the policies commonly purchased by nonprofit organizations. You’ll leave this workshop with a clear picture of what to look for in the coverage

onprofit organizations often provide transportation services as N an adjunct to recreation programs or social or educational services delivery. Others offer transportation as a core function. Whether the hiring of drivers and purchase or use of vehicles are reflected in a long-range plan or exemplify “organic” growth, when you’ve got vehicles and drivers, you’ve got transportation risk. This workshop will explore proven strategies for keeping your transportation exposures off the shoulder and back in the line of traffic. Featuring: Nick Schneider, Riverport Insurance


Location Key: (C) Commonwealth (CON) Congress (MH) Millennium Hall (MP) Millennium Prefunction (P) PARLOR Parlor

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1:00-2:45pm (C) C Top

10 Client Protection Principles

Serving vulnerable clients young and old, has its own set of unique

(C) A1 Alternative

Risk Financing: What’s New and What You Need to Know

risks and nonprofit organizations that provide services to them have a responsibility to minimize the risk of harm. Every organization that has potential exposure can be a model of preparedness. Learn about managing the risks associated with serving a vulnerable client population and join Mark Chopko as he explores policy development, training, screening, client and staff education, crisis response, crisis communication, learning from loss and more.

During this workshop a panel of experts will discuss how alternative risk financing has changed over time, the impact of technology in making alternative risk financing more accessible, what we know about market partners, and the availability of diagnostic tools to bring alternative risk financing within reach. Learn what others have discovered through long-standing alternative programs.

Featuring: Mark E. Chopko, Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP

Featuring: Cathy Green, Insurance Board-United Church of Christ, Peter Persuitti, Gallagher's Religious & Nonprofit Practice Group and Michael Witka, Archdiocese of Indianapolis, IN



5 6 2:45-3:15pm




(C) A1 Traits of Successful Leaders Leadership skills are a must for nonprofit managers responsible for risk oversight in their organization. Lessons on the art of leadership can be found in both obvious and not so obvious places. Effective leaders are intentional, precise with language, and action oriented. This session will highlight some very common sense approaches to successful leadership, including references to leadership in nature. This session promises to be different from any other leadership seminar you have attended!

(MH) Top

10 Coverage Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Featuring: Joe Geiger, Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations

Featuring: Peter Andrew, CS Plus, Albany, NY and Dennis Doherty, Portland, OR



When insurance consultants take a close-up look at a nonprofit’s insurance policies it’s not unusual to find a host of errors and potential problems. With policies chock full of legal jargon it’s not surprising that insurance consumers often miss the trouble spots. Attend this session to learn about common coverage mistakes and leave armed with a strategy to uncover the errors and fix what needs fixing in your nonprofit’s insurance program.

Location Key: (C) Commonwealth (CON) Congress (MH) Millennium Hall (MP) Millennium Prefunction (P) PARLOR Parlor



(C) A2 Conducting a Fraud Risk Assessment In its recent Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud and Abuse, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimates that 7% of organization revenues are lost to fraud. Across all three sectors of our economy, fraud losses amount to a staggering $994 billion annually. Increasing awareness of fraud risk is the first step in preventing losses. Attend this workshop to learn how to undertake a fraud risk assessment that reflects your changing internal and external environments as well as best practices in fraud prevention.

fashion. Learn who in your organization must be aware and involved to ensure that what should be private remains that way. Featuring: Monica Merrifield, YMCA of Greater Toronto NOTES

Featuring: Gerry Zack, Zack P.C. and Nonprofit Resource Center NOTES

(C) B Mission-Forward

vs. Safety-Forward Organizations... Are they the same thing?

( C) C Understanding

and Managing Privacy Risk Exposures

Privacy risks arise in various aspects of nonprofit service delivery and operations. From the enrollment of clients or participants to the processing of donor contributions, the collection of confidential information in a nonprofit is commonplace. Scrutiny of the data collection and privacy protection policies of organizations has never been greater. Attend this session to increase your knowledge of privacy exposures and fine tune the skills that are necessary to manage privacy exposures in a holistic



onprofit leaders attending this session will gain an N understanding of the intersection between social responsibility and risk management. This workshop explores the concept of a safety-forward organization and how that concept is an essential foundation for your nonprofit’s mission. Relegating risk management to a series of protocols and trainings is just bolt-on risk management. Learn why gaps between protocols and practices are detrimental to your mission and how to transform the culture of your organization and fulfill your social responsibility. Featuring: Kevin Trapani, The Redwoods Group NOTES


Featuring music by: Joe Louden (piano) and Alyssa Schultheis (violin)

Location Key: (C) Commonwealth (CON) Congress (MH) Millennium Hall (MP) Millennium Prefunction (P) PARLOR Parlor

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monday TIME











Featuring: Randy Park



(C) A Top

10 Tips for Avoiding Employment Practices Liability

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Employment-related claims are a “risk” of doing business by deploying paid personnel. Yet despite what appears to be a growing list of potential bases for claims, nonprofit employers have within their reach the keys to keeping this exposure at a manageable level. Attend this session to learn practical steps to reduce the potential for claims and create the strongest possible position if the day comes when you face a claim alleging wrongful employment practices. Featuring: Paul J. Siegel, Jackson Lewis, Melville, NY NOTES

( CON) C (4TH FLR) Appearance


Managing Reputation Risk

What’s in a reputation? According to one source* reputation represents “50% of the median value of a public company.” What about the reputation of a nonprofit that relies on generous, committed individual and institutional donors? Your nonprofit’s “value” in the charitable marketplace may be even more reputation-dependent. Attend this session to explore the intersection between sound risk management and reputation stewardship. Learn what steps and strategies are in order before your reputation is tarnished, in the midst of a crisis, and while the flood waters are receding.

(C) B E ffective Risk Communication: Say What? The pressure on nonprofit leaders to explain their motives and actions to stakeholders has never been greater. Sustainability increasingly depends on the ability to lead through communicating. The discipline of risk communication reminds us of the need to talk about risks and risk response, but simply understanding that imperative is a long way from successful execution. This presentation will offer practical tips to improve the communication of difficult concepts, news, feedback and more. The speaker will offer suggestions for strengthening interpersonal and group communication, listening techniques, overcoming communication apprehension, conducting effective meetings, message analysis and development, vocal and physical delivery, and communicating under pressure.

Featuring: Melanie Lockwood Herman, Nonprofit Risk Management Center

Featuring: Chris Youngberg, Canfield Solutions

ttend the “annual meeting” of the board of the Lancaster Opera A Singers Troupe (a “LOST” organization) and learn or review the basics about maintaining tax-exempt status, unrelated business income, excess benefit transactions, charitable solicitation, organizational structure, board governance, fiduciary duty and



( C) CD Nonprofit

Law: (Almost) Everything You Need to Know in One Meeting

Location Key: (C) Commonwealth (CON) Congress (MH) Millennium Hall (MP) Millennium Prefunction (P) PARLOR Parlor



personal liability for board members, indemnification, and a


whole lot more. Don Kramer, a Philadelphia lawyer and editor of Don Kramer’s Nonprofit Issues(s), will lead a fun discussion and illustrate points with incidents from the “meeting” and real stories from more than 35 years of experience representing nonprofits of all types and sizes. Featuring: Don Kramer, Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads, LLP NOTES

Making Risk Management Part of Your Y* (P) 2 (3RD FLR)

By using a team approach every YMCA can create a culture of safety that inspires the entire organization. Attend this workshop to learn how to ensure participation at all levels while strengthening your overall risk management program. Featuring: John Flynn, YMCA of Philadelphia and Vicinity (CON) AB (4TH FLR) Certificate

Agents and Brokers Part 1

Program for NOTES

During the first hour of the Certificate Program you’ll dive into the world of nonprofit organizations, with an introduction to the most diverse sector in the economy and the opportunity to take a peek under the “hood” of typical organizations. This segment will conclude with a presentation on coverages for nonprofits, which continues after lunch during “Part 2.” Featuring: Carlye Christianson, Nonprofit Risk Management Center and Paul Siragusa and Eric Martinson, Philadelphia Insurance Companies





( C) CD The

10 Biggest Legal Risks Facing Nonprofit Organizations During this top 10 session a top-rated speaker from the 2009

sleeping soundly. Featuring: Jeffrey S. Tenenbaum, Venable, LLP NOTES

Summit will offer a no-nonsense overview of critical legal risks. The presenter, a nationally-known advisor to nonprofits and head of a large legal practice group dedicated to serving nonprofits, will offer practical tips for dealing with and resolving complex issues that expose your nonprofit to liability. You’ll have ample opportunity to ask questions and get understandable, practical answers to the legal questions that prevent you from Location Key: (C) Commonwealth (CON) Congress (MH) Millennium Hall (MP) Millennium Prefunction (P) PARLOR Parlor

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9 10

monday 1:30-3:00pm


(C) A ERM Lessons and Tools “Enterprise Risk Management” sounds expensive, timeconsuming, out of reach and even a bit technical. Yet according to author Michael Power, ERM “…should be understood as referring to any broadly based conception of risk management… It signifies any aspiration for a form of risk management practice which is all encompassing in scope, business-focused, and is suggestive of a bird’s eye view of organizational life.” Attend this informal but informative roundtable to share your experiences, success stories and questions. The facilitator will begin with a survey of ERM lessons and tools and continue by leading a discussion of how ERM can be brought to life (without exhausting available resources) in a nonprofit.

(CON) C (4TH FLR) Inspired Governance The subject of “good governance” has garnered great attention and interest from the boards of the largest publicly traded corporations to small, mid-sized and large nonprofits, not to mention the regulatory agencies that exercise oversight authority. Yet in many cases the board and staff’s understanding of what constitutes “good governance” is too narrowly focused on the importance of having a handful of policies in place. Attend this fast-paced session led by the Center’s Executive Director to explore a new interpretation of what it means to govern effectively. This session will explore “hallmarks” of effective governance and offer practical examples that can be adapted to suit the needs of even the most “unique” organization.

Featuring: Dorothy M. Gjerdrum, ARM-P, Public Entity & Scholastic Division, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

Featuring: Melanie Lockwood Herman, Nonprofit Risk Management Center



(C) B Policy

Development Boot Camp

reating safety, HR and governance policies for a nonprofit is as C simple as using one of the world’s most popular search engines, right? Leaders of nonprofits saddled with overly complex, poorly written and unsuitable policies might beg to differ. This hands-on workshop will explore a more effective process for creating custom policies that actually work. The session facilitator will discuss the need to ask stakeholders what they think before telling them what you think, and the importance of standing in the shoes of the people who must comply with your policies. Attendees will also learn how to use free and affordable policy development resources.

(CON) AB (4TH FLR) Certificate

Agents and Brokers Part 2

Program for

uring part two of the program, attendees will participate in D a discussion of the coverage wants and needs of nonprofit organizations, including agencies serving vulnerable clients, social service programs, educational institutions and more. This intensive coverage clinic will be a valuable refresher for experienced agents and brokers and offer many “ah ha” moments for those who are still getting their sea legs in the nonprofit world.

Featuring: Carlye Christianson, Nonprofit Risk Management Center

Featuring: Paul Siragusa and Eric Martinson, Philadelphia Insurance Companies



Location Key: (C) Commonwealth (CON) Congress (MH) Millennium Hall (MP) Millennium Prefunction (P) PARLOR Parlor


1:30-3:00pm (P) 2 (3RD FLR) Youth

Protection for Ys: Reviewing and Renewing Our Commitment to Youth


YMCA networks in Massachusetts and New Jersey have recently come together to recommit and update their youth protection practices in order to effectively prevent child abuse. Best practices in youth protection will help your Y manage the risks associated with caring for children and youth work. Attend this workshop to learn more about the work in neighbor states and how you can apply the lessons learned and new strategies at your Y. Featuring: LuAnn Aversa, SPHR, YMCA of Hunterdon County, NJ and Maureen Simons, Metro YMCAs of the Oranges, Livingston, NJ

3:00-3:30pm (MP)




(C) B Top

10 Partnership and Collaboration Risks Few seasoned nonprofit leaders shy away from mutuallybeneficial partnerships. Yet things don’t always work out the way that we intend or hope they will. Attend this top 10 session to hear wisdom from a panel with deep experience in nonprofit public relations and partnering mishaps. You’ll learn what “not to do” and in the process pick up valuable tips to steer your collaborations into calm waters. Featuring: Robert M. Adler, Strategic Marketing Advisory Services LLC, De'Andre Salter, Professional Risk Solutions and Michael A. Schraer, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies

(CON) B (4TH FLR) Family

Matters: Managing Parent/Affiliate Relations and Risk What’s harder? Operating as an affiliate of a national or international organization that has adopted a web of changing rules and costly compliance requirements, or operating as a national organization that seeks to support its affiliates while ensuring appropriate protection of the national brand? Parties on both sides of the aisle encounter risks related to the parent/ affiliate relationship. Recognizing and addressing these risks openly is the first step in keeping parent/affiliate disputes and discord to a minimum. Attend this workshop to hear practical strategies and insights from experienced leaders on both sides. Featuring: Don Kramer, Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads, LLP, Andrea Kramer, Law Offices of Andrea R. Kramer and Carolyn Hayes-Gulston, National Multiple Sclerosis Society


Location Key: (C) Commonwealth (CON) Congress (MH) Millennium Hall (MP) Millennium Prefunction (P) PARLOR Parlor

11 12



(C) CD Social Media Risks Attend this workshop to learn about the risks and legal exposures associated with the use of Web 2.0 applications and social media tools, including blogs, wikis, audio and video postings, and virtual trade shows. Learn how to advance your mission while protecting it from assault by creating clear guidelines, click-wrap licenses, user requirements and more. Learn about common mistakes and how to avoid them. Find out how indemnification and insurance provisions should be applied to allocate risk appropriately. Covered topic areas will include defamation, harassment and other accusations of bad behavior; copyright and trademark protection and infringement, including fair use; privacy issues; antitrust concerns; and employment-related issues, among others.

Featuring: Jeffrey S. Tenenbaum, Venable, LLP

11 12

(CON) AB (4TH FLR) Certificate

Program for Agents and Brokers, Part 3 “WNRMC Insurance Talk Radio …find the answer here” uring the final segment in the "WNRMC Insurance Talk Radio D …find the answer here" a panel of experts will field calls from listeners in a virtual radio show format. You can anticipate questions on the risks and exposures of nonprofits as well answers to coverage challenges and dilemmas. Expected outcomes include helping participants acquire an understanding of important coverage issues and limitations for the nonprofits they serve.


Featuring: Merry Palmer, Canfield Solutions, John Cox, Hillcrest Educational Centers, and Eric Sauter, Wilson Elser NOTES

(C) A Business

Interruption Boot Camp

This boot camp session will explore the myths and realities of business interruption coverage. Learn from seasoned practitioners what you need to know and do to recover under a business interruption policy as well as how long you can expect to wait for that “check in the mail.” If you currently purchase this coverage for your nonprofit and can imagine any number of potential interruptions of normal operations, you won’t want to miss the opportunity to find out how to increase the odds that your coverage investment will pay off if and when you need it. Featuring: Jonathan P. Withee, CPA, CMA, The CPA Solution, LLC NOTES




Location Key: (C) Commonwealth (CON) Congress (MH) Millennium Hall (MP) Millennium Prefunction (P) PARLOR Parlor

tuesday 8:00-10:30am








“Risk Is Not a Four-Letter Word: Avoiding the Bends in Life” Featuring: Kenny Broad, Ph.D.



(C) B Top

10 Financial Risk Management Challenges The regulatory spotlight on fiscal oversight and finance-related risks has caused some leaders to sweat more than usual. This top 10 session will explore some of the recurring and evolving financial risk management challenges facing nonprofits across the sector. Learn what your organization can and should do to keep cool in a challenging environment. Topics that will be covered in this session include the dilemma of operating reserves; the board’s role in fiscal oversight; unmasking conflicts of interest; and more. Expectations and interest in fiscal transparency and close scrutiny continue to grow: are you ready for your close-up? Featuring: Tom Bonomo, First Nonprofit Insurance Company

(CON) AB (4TH FLR) Culture

of Safety: Who, What, How and Why Now It is well known that a true culture of safety cannot be accomplished without the support from top leaders in the organization; however, the ultimate culture is determined by the day to day buy in of the front line supervisors, direct care employees and the clients and participants themselves. This presentation will look at the over reliance on having the best tools of the trade, and offer practical strategies on how to persuade key staff to bring your policies and strategies to life. Featuring: Tom O’Neill, Hanover Insurance



(C) CD Top

10 Volunteer Risk Management Challenges The mega “industry” of volunteer service continues to evolve with every imaginable task assigned to volunteers. Dependence on volunteers arguably grew during the economic downturn as did the motivation to “cut corners” in volunteer screening and supervision in order to get the work done. Attend this fastpaced session to learn about rapidly morphing challenges in managing volunteer-associated risks. The session will include practical suggestions for managing the risks that arise whether a nonprofit deploys a small cadre or vast army of volunteers.

(CON) C (4TH FLR) Forum

and Brokers

for Insurance Agents

Join fellow insurance industry professionals for an informal roundtable. Featuring: Judy Foulkrod, Dennis Doherty, Peter Andrew and David Szerlip. NOTES

Featuring: Kelly Metzger, LexisNexis Screening Solutions and Les Nichols, AIA, CPP, Boys and Girls Clubs of America


12 noon


Location Key: (C) Commonwealth (CON) Congress (MH) Millennium Hall (MP) Millennium Prefunction (P) PARLOR Parlor

13 14


INTERESTED IN SPONSORING OUR 2011 RISK MANAGEMENT & FINANCE SUMMIT? Contact Melanie Lockwood Herman at or call 202.785.3891 for more information.

Corporate Sponsors Summit 2010 Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. The Gallagher Group of Companies is the largest specialized broker/consultant and financial services advisor for the charitable sector globally. From property, casualty, health & welfare traditional insurance and alternative risk financing/ program offerings to customized risk management, claims administration/advocacy, actuarial and wellness solutions Gallagher’s Nonprofit Practice mobilizes its more than 10,000 employees to bring innovation, value-added resources, and capacity to the sector and to give back generously through community action initiatives and a corporate matching philanthropic program. Let us connect you to the right resources and ‘boots on the ground’ in your area! Contact Information: 888.285.5106, ext. 3898

Bollinger Insurance Solutions www. As one of the nation's largest insurance brokers, Bollinger provides comprehensive insurance and risk management programs for Non Profit and For Profit organizations. Contact Information: David Szerlip Senior Vice President 973.921.8452 or 800.350.8005, ext. 8452

Our insurance products are available to most 501(c) organizations, such as Arts, Civic and Social Clubs/ Organizations; Museums; Theater Groups; Symphony and Orchestra Organizations; Educational and Training Programs; Community Centers and Organizations; Social Service Agencies; Animal Shelters and Humane Societies and more. We offer our products on a nationwide basis. Have your insurance agent call us at 1.800.352.2761. Contact Information: Riley Binford, Executive Vice President One Market, Spear Tower, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94119-3944 Phone: 415.536.8438 |

Chubb Group of Insurance Companies The Chubb Group of Insurance Companies has a long-standing tradition of delivering world-class insurance services to a multitude of organizations worldwide, including Not-for-Profit organizations. For more than 25 years, Chubb has been a leading provider of executive protection and professional liability insurance, as well as standard business insurance coverage for more than 50,000 Not-for-Profit organizations Contact Information: Michael Schraer, Vice President Not-for-Profit Product Manager, Chubb & Son 15 Mountain View Rd., Warren, NJ 07059 908.903.4183 |

First Nonprofit® Insurance Company Charity First Insurance Services, Inc. At Charity First our mission is to provide innovative and comprehensive insurance products and a variety of risk control tools tailored to meet the unique needs of the nonprofit community. In business since 1985, our underwriting and service teams offer years of expertise, exceptional responsiveness, consistent service and relationships with insurance industry experts. For over 30 years, First Nonprofit has been committed to nonprofits. In recent years, our portfolio of products and services has expanded beyond our property and casualty insurance to unemployment tax products and financial & management consulting - all focused on the nonprofit community. Contact: Trish Shanahan, SVP Marketing, First Nonprofit 1 South Wacker Drive, Suite 2380, Chicago, IL 60606 312.627.7724 |

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Corporate Sponsors Summit 2010 Great American Insurance Group Great American’s Specialty Human Services Division’s Program for Social Service Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations was established in 1980. Our Division’s Claims, Loss Prevention, Underwriting and Marketing Specialists work hand-in-hand with agents serving more than 6,500 organizations across the country. Our entire Program is built and maintained upon providing our agents with the products, services, tools and compensation to successfully prosper in the world of non-profit insurance. Contact Information: Mike Liguzinski, Senior Vice President 300 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60521 312.385.4150 |

15 16

The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. Your organization provides an essential value to your community, and we’re confident that the insurance coverages we have made available will reflect our respect for this value as well as our understanding of your unique liability exposures. The roots of our approach are highly personal. The Hanover Foundation, our non-profit initiative, supports Human Service organizations of all types, with a special concentration on early education. What’s more, over 70% of our employees donate considerable time and money to a broad array of organizations.

Harleysville Insurance Harleysville Insurance is a leading super-regional provider of insurance products and services for individuals and small and mid-sized businesses. Ranked within the top 70 U.S. property/ casualty insurance groups and the top 20 commercial multiperil insurers, Harleysville employs a team of professionals who have extensive experience in the human services segment. Our OthersFirst® product is designed specifically for organizations that provide services to the elderly, the disadvantaged and others with physical or intellectual disabilities. Also served by this product are day care centers for children with and without special needs. As a Trusted Choice® company partner, Harleysville distributes its products exclusively through a network of independent agents primarily across 32 states. Harleysville is rated A (Excellent) by A.M. Best, with a financial size category of XII. Contact Information: Brian Flemming Vice President of Marketing and Agency Relations 800.523.6344, ext. 8587 |


Enabling success begins with The Hanover's Human Service Advantage Insurance program. LexisNexis© Screening Solutions helps retailers conduct fast and effective background checks to limit the liabilities associated with hiring and retaining employees, volunteers, and contractors. Spend less time searching and waiting for results and more time making critical decisions based on the comprehensive, smarter data we provide with integrated proprietary technologies. In addition, LexisNexis offers retailers the Esteem retail theft contributory database. This private database contains legallyshareable employee theft and shoplifting incidents contributed by members to help retailers reduce the problems associated with employee dishonesty. Contact LexisNexis today to strengthen your screening strategy: 800 590-8535.

Contact Information: Thomas P. O'Neill 440 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA 01653 508.855.1000 |

Contact Information: Rae L. McPherson Marketing Manager, Screening Solutions 770.752.3214 |

The Hanover Insurance Group has successfully insured a multitude of non-profit organizations for over 20 years. Today, under the skilled leadership of those who have worked in the Human Services sector, our dedicated Human Services team employs its 360-degree perspective and collective experience to create and modify products to meet the specific needs of organizations like yours.

Corporate Sponsors Summit 2010 Munich Re Munich Re America’s Specialty Markets provides alternative risk solutions to public, educational, religious and secular nonprofit entities. Our Public and Nonprofit Client Group partners with entities that are committed to risk management and often share in the underwriting risk. We understand that each nonprofit and community-based organization is founded on trust earned with its community, its volunteers, and the clients it serves. As a result, our risk solutions are cost effective, flexible, and responsive to the unique risk requirements of each organization. Our professionals understand the nonprofit sector and are able to utilize our vast global resources and creatively combine coverages that ultimately provide the best solution for each nonprofit organization or program.

Non Profit Insurance Program The Non Profit Insurance Program (NPIP) offers a full range of services for nonprofits through its program administrator, Canfield. A dedicated team of professionals provides personalized insurance and risk management support. These services cover various topics and are available to all of NPIP|National’s insured’s and to those throughout their respective organizations, including board members, employees and/or volunteers. Visit to learn more. Contact information: Merry Palmer 451 Diamond Drive, Ephrata, WA 98823 509.754.2027 |

Contact Information: Greg Lang, Senior Vice President MRA - Business Development Group 609.275.2160 |

17 18 Philadelphia Insurance Companies

Mutual of America Mutual of America Life Insurance Company provides retirement products and services to employees of nonprofit organizations and the for-profit sector, applying a service and support structure developed for over 60 years. With headquarters in New York, a National Training and Telecommunications Center in Florida and 37 regional offices throughout the United States, Mutual of America is well positioned to offer employee benefit plans and services to corporations and nonprofit organizations as well as retirement and insurance products and services to individuals. Contact Information: Thomas E. MacMurray, CLU, ChFC, FLMI Senior Field Vice President, Mutual of America 320 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022 212.224.1707 | Philadelphia Insurance Companies is the premier provider of specialty insurance products targeted specifically to address the numerous exposures inherent to the Human Services industry. We are committed to delivering innovative products and unsurpassed service to niche insurance markets. Our Non-profit Package Insurance Program is uniquely designed to fulfill a wide range of special insurance needs for the Non-profit sector as defined under IRS Code 501 (c)3. Each policy is custom-tailored to address each insured’s unique exposures, and is reinforced by our superior claims and loss control services. We offer separate limits for General Liability, Professional Liability and Abuse & Molestation (if eligible). In addition, we offer a separate Directors & Officers Liability policy. In operation since 1962, the Company, whose commercial lines insurance subsidiaries are rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best Company and AA- for counterparty credit and financial strength by Standard & Poor’s, is nationally recognized as a member of Ward’s Top 50. For more information, visit Contact Information: Dave Brenner, Marketing Representative

17 18

Corporate Sponsors Summit 2010

The Redwoods Group The Redwoods Group is the largest provider of risk management services, insurance and claims management to YMCAs, Jewish Community Centers and non-profit resident camps. More than an insurance provider, Redwoods is also a leader in a movement of new, socially conscious "for benefit" companies, called B-corporations, for whom the bottom line is not just a number. It takes into account corporate impact on employees, community and the environment. Redwoods believes making both a profit and a difference together is the best way to fulfill its mission of protecting and improving the quality of life in the communities it serves. Contact Information: Kevin Trapani 2801 Slater Road, Suite 110, Morrisville, NC 27560 919.462.9731 |

Riverport Insurance Company Riverport was formed in 1989 as a Minnesota insurer dedicated to insuring only 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Today, Riverport continues to provide insurance coverage and services to nonprofit and for-profit social service organizations through its Human Services Program. Riverport’s Human Services Program provides a comprehensive package of property and liability insurance coverage designed to protect against the broad range of risks social service organizations encounter. Riverport is a member company of W. R. Berkley Corporation, is rated “A+” (Superior) by A.M. Best Company, and is an admitted carrier in 49 states and the District of Columbia. To learn more about Riverport, visit Contact Information: Kathryn Benvenuti, Marketing Representative 222 South Ninth Street, Suite 1300, Minneapolis, MN 55402-3332 612.766.3331 |


A Web-based tool that helps you integrate your financial management policies into an easy-to-use and simple-to-update custom plan. Increase accountability to stakeholders by identifying “gaps” in your financial management practices and fill those gaps with ease. Get focused today at

CD Handouts

19 20

A one ye license is $ ar 179.

Custom Policies in Minutes

The cost to use the program is free after the fir st year.

A Web-based tool that helps you create custom policies that will meet your nonprofit’s unique needs and circumstances. Avoid the pitfalls of using generic “sample” polices and create policies that work in a matter of minutes.

Create custom policies today at

15 N. King Street, Suite 203  Leesburg, VA 20176 Phone: 202.785.3891 | Fax: 703.443.1990

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