Nonprofit Risk Management Catalog

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Nonprofit Risk Management Center 2 0 1 1 c ata l o g

INSIDE! Online Tools and Books to help you manage risk.

Who are We? •N onprofit resource center – “management assistance provider” – a nonprofit that helps nonprofits •2 0-year history of service •w – the portal to access our resources • Wide scope of expertise, tools, resources •P artnerships are key to the delivery of resources; we work through large providers to get great risk management tools and resources in the hands of local/communitybased agency leaders

Our Services • Independent “risk assessments” examining insurable and uninsurable risks; providing unbiased and unvarnished advice about strengthening risk management programs • Insurance Coverage Reviews (often as part of a risk assessment) • Enterprise Risk Management Framework design and implementation (elevating the risk management function above the silos in the organization; increasing stakeholder confidence) • Development of risk management resource materials for training and loss prevention • Development of risk management policies (e.g., youth protection, cyber risk) • Research and benchmarking for networks, umbrella groups and associations

• Design of custom on-site and web-based training programs, including “virtual classrooms” featuring a menu of courses for large organizations and insurers • Special studies and research, e.g., risks associated with a proposed merger or collaboration

Our Innovative Web Tools • My Risk Management Policies – custom policies in minutes… available for single organizations or as branded resources for large organizations with affiliates/multiple agencies • My Financial Management Plan – efficient way to integrate components of financial management and identify gaps

Welcome! t o o u r 2 0 1 1 c a t a l o g . Inside you’ll find resources that will help you in your quest to appreciate, recognize, and sort through the risks facing your nonprofit, plus practical strategies for managing your nonprofit to balance risk and reward. You’ll also find easy-to-use online tools and books written from a nonprofit leader’s perspective. Together, these resources offer answers to your toughest questions about managing risk in a nonprofit organization. Wondering about the legal exposures facing nonprofits? It’s in here. Looking for practical suggestions for managing the risks arising from volunteer service? It’s in here too. Look inside our catalog for:

• Online tools that help you create custom risk management policies or a cohesive financial management plan for your nonprofit; • Practical tips for creating a culture that is conducive to safer programs and operations; • Insight from leading experts in the field of nonprofit risk management; • Checklists with “essential” reminders in the areas of youth protection, employment practices, effective governance and more.

Contact or Call (202) 785-3891 for: Information on quantity discounts. (10+ copies of a single title)

To book our staff experts to speak at a conference or event.

To request translation rights or inquire about resale opportunities.

Online Tools

Save time and money by using the Center’s Web tools to develop custom policies and apply best practices in risk management.

For information about developing a special edition of My Risk Management Policies or My Financial Management Plan for your national association or umbrella group, contact Melanie Herman at (202) 785-3891.

My Risk Management Policies

My Financial Management Plan

My Risk Management Policies was developed to help you create custom policies for your nonprofit. In a matter of minutes, you’ll be able to create policies that suit the mission, culture, and circumstances of your organization. You will be free from the guilt (and dread) associated with copying another organization’s policies, and you will be taking a giant leap forward to protect the vital mission of your nonprofit.

My Financial Management Plan is an easy-to-use online tool that helps you organize and integrate the key components of your financial management system into a plan that you can share with your Finance Committee, senior management, Board of Directors, or others who “need to know.” The tool is modular—which means that you can decide whether to complete the entire program or simply focus on the topics that seem most relevant to your nonprofit.

Use My Risk Management Policies to select appropriate language for policies in many areas, including governance, transportation, human resources, technology, facilities, client safety, volunteer management, financial management and more. You will create policies in minutes while learning about the importance of choosing language suited to your nonprofit’s agency’s culture, operations and environment.

In any area where you already have a financial management element or policy in place, you will be directed how to upload and integrate those elements into your Financial Management Plan. For those areas where you do not have existing policies we’ll provide sample templates for your consideration.

License/purchase price: $179


Since the program and your work reside securely online, you can return to My Risk Management Policies whenever you wish — to expand, revise, or rewrite.

My Financial Management Plan will help you turn disparate elements of your financial management system into a cohesive plan that will help you demonstrate that your nonprofit is effectively and thoughtfully managing precious financial resources. License/purchase price: $239


Since the program and your work reside securely online, you can return to My Financial Management Plan whenever you wish — to expand, revise, or rewrite.

Executive Guides

Ready…or Not: A Risk Management Guide for Nonprofit Executives This new book by the Center’s executive director, Melanie Lockwood Herman, explores the topic of risk management in the nonprofit world and reflects the author’s view that “effective risk management is readily within the grasp of every nonprofit executive” and “sound risk management policies, activities and approaches can be adapted and adopted without delay and without undue burden.” Subjects covered in this practical, how-to guide include: risk Click here to read identification, risk communication, a reader review of the intersection of organizational Ready...or Not. culture change and risk awareness, risk financing, stakeholders and risk, enterprise risk management, and much, much more.


Learn how to gauge your nonprofit’s appetite for risk as well as how to craft sound, durable approaches to the perennial challenges that arise when a nonprofit encounters or takes risk. This book offers the insight and tools nonprofit leaders need to increase their confidence about risk-taking and risk management. It is an essential addition to the enlightened CEO or board leader’s library. C lick here to view the Table of Contents and Introduction! 2009 | 198 Pages | ISBN 978-1-893210-25-7 | $25 Buy eBook

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EXPOSED: A Legal Field Guide for Nonprofit Executives EXPOSED was released in late 2009 as a followup to our workshops and training programs for non-lawyer executives covering a host of legal topics. Over the years countless attendees have told us that our training programs offer a scarefree overview of legal risks perfectly suited for non-lawyers who care about their organizations.

If you’ve ever been intimidated by a voluminous contract, a legal department that always says “no,” or you have nightmares about the possibility of a lawsuit against your nonprofit, this book will provide welcome relief. Written for non-lawyer nonprofit executives by two lawyers who also happen to be experienced nonprofit executives, EXPOSED walks the reader through important legal terms and concepts and offers practical risk management advice. While a lawsuit against your nonprofit may not be your biggest worry (yet!), reading EXPOSED will help you better understand the exposures facing your nonprofit. And following up on the advice in the book may help you get a better night’s sleep. While this new book is not a substitute for a formal legal education or competent in-house or outside counsel, it will help put you at ease the next time you’re working with legal counsel on any issue for which your nonprofit might be exposed to legal claims. In addition to chapters on defamation, employment liability, liability issues and the nonprofit board, surviving a lawsuit and intellectual property, EXPOSED features a thought-provoking chapter on exposure to claims alleging abuse of vulnerable clients. To read an excerpt, A click here. Click here to view the Table of Contents and Introduction! 2009 | 130 Pages | ISBN 978-1-893210-22-6 | $25 Buy eBook

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Coverage, Claims & Consequences: An Insurance Handbook for Nonprofits 2nd Edition Nonprofit organizations purchase insurance for many reasons, covering many exposures (risks), and at a wide range of prices. This book puts insurance in perspective as a riskfinancing tool that is part of an overall risk management strategy. After reading this book, you’ll have an overview of what insurance can and can’t do to protect your nonprofit’s mission. You’ll also understand the role of an insurance professional (typically an agent or broker) and know how to go about evaluating the services you’re receiving from your insurance advisor. You’ll also know how to put your insurance program “out to bid.” Coverage, Claims and Consequences also offers information on how to read and understand your insurance contracts...something you’ve probably been avoiding! Any way you slice it, insurance is a complicated topic. This book helps cut through the confusion and unfamiliar terms and will increase your confidence about your insurance “know-how.” Once you’ve read the entire book or sections of interest, you’ll want to put this resource within arm’s length on your office bookshelf. Funding to support the publication of Coverage, Claims, & Consequences was provided by the Public Entity Risk Institute. Click here to view the Table of Contents and Introduction! 2008 | 200 Pages | ISBN 978-1-893210-20-2 | $30 Buy eBook

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Financial Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofit Executives This book explores the topic of financial risk management in the nonprofit world. Subjects covered in this practical, “how-to” guide include financial accountability, fraud prevention and board-staff communication on financial management issues. Readers will learn how to identify, measure, and minimize risk to financial assets, while maximizing accountability to stakeholders, fiscal integrity and mission-fulfillment. This book is suitable for CEOs, COOs, and board members with limited financial management experience. It is also appropriate for experienced finance professionals and CFOs who are looking for a risk manager’s slant on financial risk and who are charged with teaching and coaching others about financial risks. Funding to support the publication of Financial Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofit Executives was provided by the Public Entity Risk Institute. Click here to view the Table of Contents and Introduction! 2008 | 128 Pages | ISBN 978-1-893210-19-6 | $25

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Note: This publication is available as an eBook only.

“ We purchased the comprehensive reference Coverage, Claims & Consequences: An Insurance Handbook for Nonprofits. It was the only guide of its type that I’ve found and helps clarify a topic that is very important yet confusing and a bit overwhelming for many in the nonprofit arena.” — Maureen Murphy, Hub Resource Conservation & Development, Albuquerque, NM

Volunteers & Events

No Surprises: Harmonizing Risk and Reward in Volunteer Management 5th Edition Recruiting and managing the spectrum of volunteers who bring your nonprofit’s mission to life is no easy task. Safeguarding volunteers, service recipients and the organization requires a sophisticated blend of risk taking, risk awareness and risk management. Whether your nonprofit has been highly successful at balancing the risks and rewards of volunteer management and wants to evaluate or refine what you’re already doing, or you are looking at the risks associated with volunteer service for the first time, we expect you will find the practical advice and support you need in No Surprises, 5th Edition. No Surprises is an easy-to-read and easier to use book that translates risk management into everyday choices and behaviors—all directed at protecting the mission of your nonprofit. The 5th Edition of No Surprises includes a brand-new chapter on “Frequently Asked Questions” about volunteer service as well as updated content on managing risk in program design, volunteer recruitment, volunteer supervision and public relations. If comments from fans of this book are any indication, we predict that No Surprises will soon be your “go-to resource” on practical risk management for your volunteer program. C lick here to view the Table of Contents and Introduction! 2009 | 125 Pages | ISBN 978-1-893210-23-3 | $25 Buy eBook

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Managing Special Event Risks: Ten Steps to Safety 2nd Edition Published by the Nonprofit Risk Management Center, this easy to read and easier to use guide offers insight on the risks that arise when nonprofit organizations sponsor or host special events. From events held on property owned by the nonprofit to trips to distant locations involving youthful participants, this guide covers a wide range of topics that will help leaders increase the safety of their special events. Subjects covered in the second edition include goal setting, the identification and evaluation of risks, risk sharing, emergency procedures, event documentation, and working with the media. Checklists and forms are included. To read an excerpt, A click here. Click here to view the Table of Contents and Introduction! 2009| 100 Pages | ISBN 978-1-893210-24-0 | $20

Note: This publication is available as an eBook only.

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Taking the High Road: A Guide to Effective and Legal Employment Practices for Nonprofits 2nd Edition “Employees are our most valuable asset,” is an organizational cliché. An equally true statement is that employees can be a nonprofit’s liability, both by their specific actions and by not sharing the vision of the organization’s leadership. Managing an organization well requires being mindful of both sides of this conundrum: assets and liabilities. The nonprofit sector can claim no exception to this advice. In fact, when the higher moral purpose that typically distinguishes the nonprofit sector is taken into account, it’s even more important for managers of nonprofit organizations to be attentive to taking the high road. This resource offers the help you need to effectively manage employment risk. Taking the High Road: A Guide to Effective and Legal Employment Practices for Nonprofits—2nd Edition, contains valuable information on developing sound, defensible employment practices that are practical as well as fair and compassionate. The second edition of Taking the High Road offers state of the practice guidance, as well as insights on current and emerging topics in the employment landscape, from exposure to third-party harassment claims to providing domestic partner benefits. Taking the High Road also features 21 sample policies and checklists, and 19 state-by-state comparisons of key employment laws. The eBook version of Taking the High Road features hyperlinks to hundreds of source references, such as state statutes, factsheets and regulatory guidance. Active hyperlinks are featured in red throughout the eBook. Click here to view the Table of Contents and Introduction! 2006 | 220 Pages | ISBN 978-1-893210-21-9 | $45

Note: This publication is available as an eBook only.

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15 N. King Street, Suite 203, Leesburg, VA 20176 Phone: 202.785.3891 | Fax: 703.443.1990 |

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