Warren L. Beeton and Hung M. Pham :
: ASHRAE Journal :
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. LOT . SIT TD )LIT( . . SChx=LITLOT )SChx( )VOT( . TXVi )SH ( )Superheat( Qhx=Me)HlitHlot( )( . )Mi( . . )/ oC( oF oF . . . . o F )( . TXVi . oF
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. )SIT( )Tevap( ) Tcond( . ) ( R-404A EER ARI . )/ oF( )/ oF( ( .)EER )EER ( . ARI . oF )( oF oF . . . : . ) ( . )( . )( TXVi . ) ( .
( )( oF :DLT oF : )RA
( )( )/ oF
RA RA )(
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( )( )
) ( . . )/ oC( oF . . . . HFC HFC R-404A . . R-502 )GWP( . R22 EER Ra . . RA RC R22 ) oC( oF . HFC RA GWP . RA RA . RA GWP . R22 RA . . RA )( RA RA HFC EER .
. . . HFC . 1-VaporInjectedScroll- Compressor 2-interstage cooling 3- -HighStage 4- Subcooler 5- refrigeration effect 6- LowStage 7- required c0mpressor displacement 8- economizer 9-Flooded Evaporator 10-glide 11- modulation 12- pumpdown cycling control References 1. Stoecker, W. F. and J. W. Jones. 1982. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. New York: McGraw Hill, Chapter 16, pp. 308– 324. 2. Favrat, D., F. Brand, and M. Zehnder. 2000. “Pompe a chaleur haute temperature.” Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne, Final Report, June. 3. Diab, A., R. Tariq and J. Gephart. 1990. “Compressor for low temperature applications of R- 22.” Revue Int. Froid technolo-gies 14( 1). 4. Andrews J. W., T. A. Butcher, and W. G. Wilhelm. 1989. “Test on a supercharged compressor for commercial refrigeration.” results ASHRAE Transactions 95( 2). 5. Domanski, P. A. 1995. “Theoretical evaluation of the vapor cycle with a liquid- line/ suction- line heat exchanger, com-pression and ejector.” NIST, Report 5606. econo-mizer,ASHRAE Journal
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