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Joanna Turpin :
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REFERENCES Akbari H., Huang J., Martien P. and Rainer l., Rosenfeld A. and Taha H., "ACEE Summer study on energy efficiency in buildings", 1988. Argiriou A., Balaras C.A., Dascalaki E., Gaglia A., Gountelas G., Moustris M., Santamouris M. and Vallindras M., "A survey of indoor air quality in office buildings in Athens", Greece, Proc. Int. Conf. Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation, Athens, 1992. British Standards Institution, "B.S. 5925, Code of practice for design of buildings: Ventilation principles and designing for natural ventilation", London, 1980. Brown M., "The thermal mass of buildings in reducing energy consumption", Solar Energy Eng., vol. 112, p.273, 1990. Carnody J.C., Meixel G.D., labs K.B. and Shen l.S., "Earthcontact buildings: Applications, thermal analysis and energy benefits", Advances in Solar Energy, vol. 2, chapter 6, pp. 297347, 1985. Clarke J., Hand J. and Strachan P., "ESP- A building and Plant Energy Simulation System", ESRU Manual U90/1, 1990. Darlier S.B. and lane-Serff G.F., "The hydraulics of doorway exchange flows", Building and Environment, vol. 26, No.2, pp. 121-135, 1991. Givoni B., "Impact of planted areas on urban environment quality: a review", J. Atmospheric Environment, vol. 25b, pp. 289-291, 1991. Goulding J.R., lewis J.D. and Steemers T.C., "Energy in Architecture", The European Passive Solar Handbook, European Commission, Brussels, 1992. lEA-Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems Programme, "Annex 20 : Air flow patterns within buildingsAir flow through large openings in buildings", 1992. Koeppe C.E. and long G.C., "Weather and Climate", McGrawHili Book Company, N.York, 1958. labs K., "Underground building climate", Solar Age, vol. 4, pp. 44- 50, 1979. labs K., "Earth Coupling", Chapter 5 in book Passive Cooling. J. Cook (editor), pp. 197-346, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1989. Lechner N., "Heating, Cooling, lighting", John Wiley, New York, 1991. liman K., Innard C. and Allard F., "Etude experimentale des transfer de masse et de chaleur a travers les grandes ouvertures verticales", Conference Groupe d'Etude de la Ventilation et du Renouvellement d' Air, Institut National des Science Appliques de lyon, pp. 98-111, 1991. ,Martin M., "Radiative Cooling", Chapter 4 in Passive Cooling, J. Cook (editor), pp. 197-346, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1989. Montgomery D.A., "landscaping as a Passive Solar Strategy", Passive Solar Journal, vol. 4, No1, 1987. Pelletret R., Allard F., Haghighat F. and Van der Maas J., "Modelling of large Openings", Presented at the 21 st AIVC Cont., Canada, 1991. Santamouris M. (editor),"Horizontal Study on Passive Cooling", CEC- Building 2000 Project, Chapter 1, pp. 1-7, organised by DG 12, European Commission, 1990a. Santamouris M., "Natural Cooling Techniques", Proc. of Passive Cooling Workshop, pp. 143-153, Ispra, 1990b. Santamouris M., Argiriou A., Dascalaki E., Vallindras M., Gaglia A. and Sigalas J.,"Energy Conservation in Office Buildings", Final Report, Ellenic Productivity Centre and Ministry of Industry, Research and Technology, 1992. Santamouris M., "NORMA-A method to calculate the thermal performance of passive cooled buildings", vol.5 : Cooling load of Buildings, version 1.1, 1994. Yannas S., "Solar Control Techniques", Proc. Workshop on Passive Cooling, E. Aranovich, E. Oliveira Fernandes and T.C. Steemers (eds.), pp. 75-97, Ispra, Italy, April, 1990. Yellott J.I., "Evaporative Cooling", Chapter 3, in Passive Cooling, J. Cook (ed.), pp. 85-137, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusets, 1989.
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DRYWARE Colmac Coil Manufacturing DRYWARE . ) ( DRYWARE . ) ( . . . Colmac DRYWARE . DRYWARE . . . www.colmaccoil.com . .
Michael Michael Huang Huang : :
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Engine-Driven Heating and Cooling Equipment ) (
8. These types of engines are used to drive space conditioning, liquid chilling, and refrigeration equipment since their operating costs are less than that of electric-driven equipment in many parts of the United States. 14. This organization publishes “Standard 575 - Method of Measuring Machinery Sound Within an Equipment Space.” 16. Noise created by this can be minimized with engine isolator mounts and flexible connections for piping. 18. This indicates the severity of chiller operation and is defined and calculated as follows: (Total ton-hours per year)¿(Maximum continuous design tonnage capacity). 20. This device allows the engine to warm up before engaging and loading the compressor. 21. This type of heat exchanger transfers heat from the engine water jacket, engine oil, and compressor oil loops to the cooling tower
ACROSS 2. When this type of cooling equipment is powered by a combustion engine, it is generally in a conventional vaporcompression mode. 6. This type of box is typically used to mate the engine to the compressor. 7. Due to the demand charges for this type of energy being highest in the peak time of the day, there are additional cost savings involved with utilizing combustion engine-driven chillers. 9. These are selected on the basis of performance, reliability, and probable applications of the unit and should be protected against loss of lubrication, liquid floodback, and high discharge temperatures. 10. The energy in the fuel in a combustion engine is released and converted to this and shaft work. 11. One of the purposes of ventilating an engine room is to provide enough of this for proper combustion in the engine. 12. This is formed by incomplete combustion of the fuel which occurs when air is insufficient or poorly mixed with the fuel to develop complete combustion. 13. Three to six percent of the fuel consumed by a gas engine is lost as heat which is ________ to the surrounding air. 15. This organization publishes Topical Report 86/0083 - GasEngine Heat Pump Test Procedures.
17. This is necessary in an engine room in order to keep the room temperature to less than 110°F in order to maintain rated engine power and a reasonable temperature for the engine operator and service personnel. 19. This organization publishes Application Engineering Manual for Engine-Driven Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Systems. 21. The frost that forms on the surface of the coil of a heat pump is usually removed by this reverse-cycle method in which refrigerant flow in the system is briefly reversed and hot gas from the compressor flows through the outdoor coil and melts the frost.
DOWN 1. Engines for a chiller can be categorized either as dieselderivative or ________________-derivative. 3. These are unburned fuels and are a result of incomplete combustion because of inadequate air, insufficient mixing of the air and fuel, and inadequate combustion temperature. 4. Because the flow of this reverses its direction between the heating and cooling mode of operation, a check valve bypasses in the appropriate direction around each expansion device in a heat pump. 5. This device is commonly used to attenuate exhaust and generally reduces the noise by about 15 dB when measured 10 ft from the exhaust outlet.
: Ross Ross Mackay Mackay :
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. . D/L )( . . . . )( )( . . ) ( . . . . . . . ) ( )( . )BEP( . 1- Shaft Slenderness Ratio 2- overhang )( 3- Axial Diffuser Vane 4- Stuffing Box :
Lev Nelik, Ph.D., P.E. :
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References [1] Nelik, L., “Bearing Life Extension and Reliability Features of Modern ANSI Pumps,” 2nd International Conference of Improving Reliability in Petroleum Refineries and Natural Gas Plants, Houston, 1993 [2] anker, Z “Effect of Impeller Pump Out Vanes on Pressure Distribution and Thrust in Centrifugal Pumps,” BHRA, November 1962 [3] Pellin J. and McCollough W., “Design and of a Mechanical Implementation Seal Improvement Program at an Oil Refinery”, Proceedings of the Texas A& M 12th International Pump Users Symposium, Houston, 1995 [4] Bloch, H., “Pump Shaft Deflections,” HP In Hydrocarbon Relia-bility, October, 1984 Pro-cessing, [5] Cooper, P., “Cavitation and NPSH Considerations for the Boiler Feed Pumps,” EPRI, 1986 [6] Hart B., “Best Practice: Centrifugal Pumps; NPSH Definitions and DuPont Internal Specifi-cations,”Notes, May 18, 1992 [7] Nelik L., Salvaggio, J.,oseph, J and Freeman, J.,“Cooling Water Pump Case Study – Cavitation Improvement,” Perfor-mance of the Texas A& M Pro-ceedings 12th International Pump sers U Symposium, Houston,TX, 1995
MTBF . × / = / MTBF . MTBF / . ÷/=/ . . . . . / =
Forward Backward Twin City Fan Companies : : www.twincityfan.com :
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