31 minute read
VEGAN FITNESS A Healthy Choice for Body and Planet
by Marlaina Donato
TennischampionVenusWilliams andNewEnglandPatriotsstar quarterbackTomBradyareamong theathletesthatoptforhealthy,plantdominantdietstoreachtheirpersonal best,atrendthatbeliessomemisconceptionsaboutwhatitmeanstobevegan. “Goingveganimpliesalarger,lifestyle choicebasedonpersonalethics,butathletesreportthattheyjustfeelbetter,”says
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BrendaCarey,editor-in-chiefofVegan Health and Fitness Magazine.“They’realso surprisedathowwelltheyputonmuscle aftermakingthisdietarychange.” Abalancedvegandietcanprovide everythinganactivebodyneedsfor musclemass,staminaandrecoverywhile loweringtheriskofheartdisease.A2018 meta-analysisof40studiespublished inthepeer-reviewedjournalPLOS One concludesthataplant-powereddietfosters ahealthiercardio-metabolicprofile.AccordingtoDutchresearchers,ampingup nutritionfromplantsmayalsolowerthe riskofinsulinresistanceandType2diabetes.Devoteesreportunexpectedperks. “Irecoverfaster. Ialsohavemore naturalenergywithouttheneedfor caffeineandreducedinflammation,as confirmedinbloodtests,”saysMattTullman,managingpartnerofthecommunity-buildingwebsiteNoMeatAthlete.com andCEOofvegansupplementmaker Complement,inBoulder,Colorado.
Nutritional Superpowers
Bolsteringthedietwithfoods likequinoa, chiaseeds, nutbutters andvegan energypowders, as wellas combining foods foramorecompleteproteinprofile, is important. Forexample, pairing whole-grainricewithbeans makes a completeprotein, says StefanieMoir, internationalveganfitness coachand founderofVeganAesthetics.co.uk, in Glasgow, Scotland. “Eatingawidevarietyoffoods acrosstheplantkingdomensuresthat youreachyourfitnessgoals,”saysMoir, whotrainssixdaysaweekandoptsfora breakfastofoatswithnutbutterandchia seeds. “Ifyouwanta‘superfood’component,youcanaddcacaopowderfor antioxidantsandagreatchocolatetaste.” Tullmanacknowledgesthatthere aresomeexceptionstoproteinrequirements—especiallyfortheelderly,individualswithcertainchronicdiseasesand pregnantwomen—buthenotesthatdaily proteinneedsarelessthanwe’vebeen conditionedtobelieve. “Ifyoutrackyour macronutrientsthroughaday,you’llfind thatyou’regettingadequateprotein.” ProfessionalbodybuilderTorre Washington,inTamarac,Florida,keeps itsimple. “We’realluniqueindividuals, soit’suptoeachpersontotestthings withoutfearoflack.”TheNationalAcademyofSportsMedicine-certifiedcoach lovesantioxidant-richblueberries,filling applesandpotassium-packedbananas, andtendstochoosecaloricallylower, nutritionallydensefoodsduringperiods thathe’scompeting. Careysuggestsveganmealdelivery servicesasanoptionandvegan-friendly restaurantsinapinch,butatteststoan easysystemofmealprepforconsistency. “Somepeopleliketomealprepone dayaweek—cookingbrownrice,quinoa andchoppingveggies. Thisway,youcan justthrowittogetherwhenit’stimeto eat,”shesays. “Youcanalsoeatmore simplyandthrowabunchofyummy fruitsorveggiesintotheblenderfor smoothiesorsoups.”
Foraddedfortification,someexperts recommendsupplementingwithvegan sourcesofvitaminB 12 ,especiallyforactivewomenintheirchild-bearingyears andolderindividuals,becauseB 12 absorptioniscompromisedasweage. Addinga
Mentally, it’s given me more depth of thought and spiritually connected me with the “YOUniverse” as a whole. ~Torre Washington
vegansourceofvitaminDisalsoawise choiceifexposuretonaturalsunlightis notadequate.
The Big Picture
Fortheveganathlete,workoutgearthat doesn’tcontainwoolorleatheristheway togo. “Makingconsciouschoicesexpands beyondyourplate,andalotofbrands havevegan-friendlyshoes,”saysMoir. “Thedifferencebetween‘plantbased’and‘vegan’hastodowithethical motivationsandtreatmentofanimals,” saysTullman. “Naturalfiberssuchas cottonandsyntheticfabricslikepolyester arefine.” Thepathofveganfitnesscannot onlyofferhealthbenefits,butalsoapersonalconnectiontotheEarth. “It’sgiven meanopportunitytosharemyjourney withothersandtoallowthemtoreach theirownspecificgoals,”saysWashington. “Mentally,it’sgivenmemoredepth ofthoughtandspirituallyconnectedme withthe‘YOUniverse’asawhole.”
Marlaina Donato is the author of several books and a composer. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com.
Affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries and Daily Word
Sunday Services, 11am
1270 Surfside Industrial Park Drive Myrtle Beach, SC 29575
Facebook Unity Myrtle Beach
MondayMarch 16 th 1-3PM - New Thought Prayer Class Love Offering, Surfside Location
WednesdayMarch18 th Healing Evening 5-5:45PM
Meditation; 6PM - Prayer &Hands on
Healing; 6:30-7:30- Reiki drop in Love Offering, Surfside Location SaturdayApril 18 th Earth Day Festival Event Vendors, Healing Practitioners, Artisits, Educational programs. For info call 843-267-1478. Salem Road location
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healthy kids COLD-BUSTERS
Natural Remedies for Kids
by Ronica O’Hara
Marchbringsthefirstwhiffsof fragrantspringair,alongwith aheightenedchanceofrunny noses,coughs,sorethroatsandcongestion inyoungsters.Thespringandfallmonths arethemostlikelytimestocatchacold becauseseasonalallergensinflamenostrils, makingiteasierforcoldvirusestohave theirway.Althoughmanyworriedparents reachforcoldandcoughmedicines, antihistaminesorevenantibiotics,there islittleevidencethattheseeasesymptoms orhastenrecovery,andtheymayeven causeharm,accordingtoreportsfromthe AmericanAcademyofPediatrics(AAP). TheAAPsuggestssomenaturalapproachesforsymptoms,includingspongingforfeversaswellashydration,honey andchestrubs.Ametastudypublishedin
American Family Physicianin2012found thattreatmentwithbuckwheathoney, UmckaColdCare,nasalsalineirrigation, avaporruborzincsulfate“maydecrease coldsymptomsinchildren.”Herearethose andsomeothernaturalstrategies: 1 Hydration to flush out germs: “Ifyourchilddoesn’tlike drinkingwater,addaspritzoflemon, ginger,crushedberriesorfruitjuicetogive itsomeflavor,”advisesHeatherTynan,ND, ofEvergreenNaturopathic,inSanDiego.A childcanalsodrinkcoconutwaterorsuck onfrozenberriesorpopsicles. 2 Honey for sleeplessness and coughs: Honeycankillboth virusesandbacteria,andinaPennsylvaniaStateUniversitystudy,abedtime teaspoonofbuckwheathoneybeatoutdextromethorphan,acoughsuppressantusedin over-the-countercoldandcoughmedicines, inhelpingkidssleepbetterandcoughless. (Butdon’tgivehoneytoakidunderage1 becauseoftheriskofbotulism.) 3 Chest rub to ease conges- tion: Achestrubcanhelpcleara child’scongestion,butchoosenatural ingredientslikealoe,eucalyptus,lavender androsemary;that’sasaferbetthanthe standardmentholatedproductswhich cancausebreathingproblemsintoddlers. Naturalalternativesaresoldathealthfood stores,andado-it-yourselfversioncanbe madesimplybymixingtogetheronecupof coconutoil,20dropsofeucalyptusoiland 10dropsofpeppermintoil. 4 Essential oils to fight infection: Acombinationoffive essentialoils—clove,lemon,cinnamonbark,eucalyptusandrosemary,commonlyknownasfourthieves—hasantibacterial,antiseptic,antiviralandimmunestimulatingproperties,saysTynan.“Diffuse itinyourchild’sroom,ordilutewell(about onetotwodropsperfivemillilitersofcarrieroil)andapplyundertheirnose,behind theirearsandonthebackoftheirneck,on theirchestandonthesolesoftheirfeet.” 5 Saltwater gargle for a sore throat: Assoonasanyoneinher familyshowssignsofgettingsick, theybegingarglingwithsaltwater,says TangelaWalker-Craft,amotherandformer teacherinLakeland,Florida.“Saltwater loosensmucusandflushesbacteriaoutof
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thethroat.Itwillalsohelptoreduceswelling,”shesays. 6 Elderberry or Umcka to ease symptoms: ArecentmetaanalysisinComplementary Therapies in Medicineconcludedthatelderberrysyrup (instoresasSambucol)reducestheduration andseverityofcoldandflusymptoms.“The syrupissweetanddelicious,sotypicallyvery easytogetchildrentotake,”saysnaturopathicdoctorKieraSmialek,ofScottsdale, Arizona.UmckaColdCare,basedonthe SouthAfricangeranium,halvedcoldsymptomsinfivedayscomparedtoaplaceboina UniversityofChicagostudy. 7 Zinc sulfate to shorten a cold: Iftakenwithinthefirst 24hoursofsymptoms,zincsulfate tabletsorsyrupcanreducecoldsbyaday ormore,studiessuggest. 8 Warming socks to boost immunity: Thisodd-sounding strategy“increasescirculation,decreaseschestcongestionandincreasesthe activityoftheimmunesystem,”saysSmialek. Soakapairofcottonsocksinicecoldwater. Wringthemoutandplacethemonthe child’sfeet.Coverthemwiththickdrysocks, ideallywool.Keepthemonovernight.Inthe morning,thewet,cottonsockswillbedry. “Remember,thebestremediesforcold andfluarerestandtime,”saysTynan.In themeantime,though,stepslikethese“can helpyoukickitmuchfasterandreduce somesymptomswhileyou’redoingso.”
Ronica A. O’Hara is a Denver-based health writer. Connect at OHaraRonica@gmail.com.
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NOTE: Visit NA-SENorthCarolina.com for guidelines and to submit entries online. Email Editor@NA-SENorthCarolina.com with questions. Deadline for calendar/events: 12th of the month. Please call ahead to confirm event times.
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Sunday, March 1 Illuminate Carolina Beach – 10am-5pm. The finest local holistic wellness practitioners, products & amazing artisans; try sample sessions; find crystals, jewelry, essential oils, spa products, gifts, and art. Free workshops too. Cost: $6/$5, door/ online. Courtyard by Marriott Carolina Beach Oceanfront, 100 Charlotte Av, Carolina Beach. 575-519-5883. IlluminateFestivals.com.
Sunday, March 1 Daniel Nahmod in Concert – 1-3pm. Internationally known singer-songwriter performing original heart opening positive music. This is not to be missed. Cost: $15. Unity of Wilmington, 717 Orchard Av, Wilmington. 910-763-5155. UnityWil.com. Monday, March 2 Indigo Mom’s – 6:30-8pm. Join our community collective support group for magical mamas and mamas of magical children. Indigo Moms is a group for moms of all ages to come together in a safe space to learn, talk, share and ask questions about their awakening that is going on all over the planet. And to learn together about different tools to help parent empathic or Indigo children. Cost: $35. Blue Lagoon Wellness Center, 1202 Floral Pkwy, Wilmington. Call to register 910-685-2795. BlueLagoonWellnessCenter.com. Healing Night – 7-8:30pm. Join us for a sampling of a multitude of healing modalities including Reiki and Therapeutic Touch for a profound healing experience. Open to all. Cost: Love Offering. Unity of Wilmington, 717 Orchard Av, Wilmington. 910-763-5155. UnityWil.com. Thur day, March 5 Angel Speak – 6:30-8pm. Receive channeled messages from the Archangels and angelic realm in a group setting that explores healing, guidance, and connection to Spirit. Cost: $35. Blue Lagoon Wellness Center, 1202 Floral Pkwy, Wilmington. Call to register 910-685-2795. BlueLagoonWellnessCenter.com. Sa urday, March 7 Positive Mindset Workshop – 9:30am-noon. A glimpse at what you will be learning: 3 words to eliminate from your vocabulary; How to make your affirmations true for you; How to deal effectively with Negative Neds and Nellies, and so much more Call/ Visit Healing Leaves to pay/register. Cost: $30 with workbook. Healing Leaves, 1015 S Kerr Av, Unit C, Wilmington. 910-660-8127. HealingLeavesNC.com. Monthly Autoimmune Support Group – 12:30- 2pm. Meet and discuss group. Cost: First class is FREE. Please call to reserve a seat. Healing Leaves, 1015 S Kerr Av, Wilmington. 910-660-8127. HealingLeavesNC.com. Sunday, March 8
Daylight Saving Begins
Cards & Coffee – 11am-1pm. With Maiden Minx. Bring your tarot and/or oracle cards to learn, practice, and connect with other hobby readers under the guidance of professional intuitive. Cost: $10. Madame Meerkat's Cabinet of Curiosities, 1001 S. Kerr Ave, Wilmington. Intuitive Development Circle – 2-4pm. With Felicia Grant. Are you ready to open up to your intuitive gifts? Are you looking for professional and tailored guidance while you step into your awakened self? Do you want to join an ongoing group that explores up-to-date metaphysics and spirituality? Cost: $35. Blue Lagoon Wellness Center, 1202 Floral Pkwy, Wilmington. Call to register 910-685-2795. BlueLagoonWellnessCenter.com. Full Moon Energy Healing Savasana – 3-4pm. Experience chakra healing in alignment with our cosmic connection. Shamanic Reiki, crystals, oils, and oracles are offered throughout your journey. We close with a sacred circle, offering love & amp; light to all beings, reconnecting to our earthly plane. Discussion about healing energy, crystals and oracles follow. Pre-registration required. Cost: $15. Sacred Soul Healing Arts Center, 4317 Arendell St, STE 8, Morehead City. 910-340-4575. MySacredSoul.com. Monday, March 9 Kundalini Full Moon Meditation – 7-8:30pm. Join Adi Krishna Kaur in a combination of music and mudra key to opening the flow of Kundalini, “soul energy” as we honor the full moon. Cost: $11. Unity of Wilmington, 717 Orchard Av, Wilmington. 910-763-5155. UnityWil.com. Tue day, March 10 Thermography & Breast Health – 9:30-11:30am. Join Shelly Laine of Beacon Thermography for an informative session on digital infrared thermal imaging, better known as thermography. Thermography is a non-invasive, clinical imaging procedure for detecting and monitoring various diseases and injuries by showing thermal abnormalities in the body. Cost: Free. St James Community Center, 4316 Southport-Supply Rd, St James. 910-803-2150. Crochet Sleeping Mat Project – 1-3pm. Craft sleeping mats for local or international group in need. Bring several hundred plastic bags (ask friends/recycle) and a crochet hook size 10 or above. Unity Center Myrtle Beach, 6173 Salem Rd, Myrtle Beach. Call Lesta Sue Hardee for more information. 843-902-8418. Friday, March 13 Ecstatic Dance – 7-8:30pm. Come together in dance to celebrate life, celebrate Spirit and celebrate each other. This free-style dance offers a 90-minute playlist of eclectic and world music inspired by Gabrielle Roth's Five Rhythms. Facilitated by Jeff Brown. Cost: $10. Unity of Wilmington, 717 Orchard Av, Wilmington. 910-763-5155. UnityWil.com. Sa urday, March 14 Access Bars Class – 10am-6pm. Access Bars Certification Class taught by Aubrey Lueck. Learn a tool to create a better life for yourself. Sleep better, fix relationships, break habits and more. 537 Vorlis Ln, STE 301, Wilmington. For cost details and to reserve spot email AccessAubrey@yahoo.com or call 630-292-0216.
Make Your Own Natural First-Aid and Illness
Kit – 10:30am-noon. Come and make your own first-aid/illness kit to keep on hand for you and your family. Learn about which natural remedies are a must to keep in your first-aid/illness kit and how/when to use them. Products and travel bag included. Cost: $45. Call/stop in to pay/register for class. Healing Leaves, 1015 S Kerr Av, Wilmington. 910-660-8127. HealingLeavesNC.com. Walking the Wheel of Transformation – 3-6pm. Based in shamanic energy practice, learn to connect deeply with nature and step into the circle of the elements and tune into the spirit allies that reside with each elemental realm. Learn to release, bring balance, create ease and provide inspiration. Pre-registration required. Cost: $45. Sacred Soul Healing Arts Center, 4317 Arendell St, STE 8, Morehead City. 910-340-4575. MySacredSoul.com. Sunday, March 15
Usui Holy Fire Reiki I & II Certification Class
– 10am-5pm. See March 14 listing. Wilmington. Monday, March 16 New Thought Prayer Class – 1-3pm. Rev. Marilynn Mattox, Ordained Unity Minister and Scientific Prayer Treatment; Rev. Dr. Cassandra Butler, Ordained Centers for Spiritual Living explore how your thoughts, words, feelings and beliefs effect your experiences and how prayer is practiced in New Thought spirituality. Unity 5 Step Process. Cost: Lover Offering. Unity Myrtle Beach, 1270 Surfside Industrial Park Dr, Myrtle Beach. 843-238-8516. Tue day, March 17
Saint Patrick’s Day
Community Healing Circle – 5-7pm. With Shaman Fire. Once a month receive and gift energy healing under the guidance of shamanic healer/ teacher. Free to attend – accepting canned goods and non-perishables to donate to charity. Held at Madame Meerkat's Cabinet of Curiosities 1001 S Kerr Av, Wilmington. Thur day, March 19
First Day of Spring See NA-SENorthCarolina.com for latest events
Sa urday, March 21 Community Yard Sale – 8am-1pm. Hunt for bargains at this huge yard sale. So big there are too many items to list. Come and see for yourself. Unity of Wilmington, 717 Orchard Av, Wilmington. 910-763-5155. UnityWil.com.
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Sa urday, March 21 Illuminate Myrtle Beach – 10am-5pm. The finest local holistic wellness practitioners, products & amazing artisans; try sample sessions; find crystals, jewelry, essential oils, spa products, gifts, and art. Free workshops too. Cost: $6/$5, door/online. Horry Georgetown Technical College, Grand Strand Campus Conference Center, 950 Crabtree Ln, Myrtle Beach. 575-519-5883. IlluminateFestivals.com.
Growlers of Kombucha – 10:30-11:30am. Learn about and how kombucha works. Enjoy samples of a kombucha demonstrating the varying tastes you can create at home. Participants receive instructions and starter SCOBY to make own batch. Cost: $25. Blue Lagoon Wellness Center, 1202 Floral Pkwy, Wilmington. 910-685-2795. BlueLagoon WellnessCenter.com. Reclaim Your Personal Power – 10:30am-4:30pm. With Wolf Frielund. In this all day workshop you will develop key skills in creating healthy boundaries, communicating your truth, and owning all aspects of your authentic self. Light refreshments provided during break. Cost: $150 with $50 deposit. Must pre-register and place deposit, call 910-518- 6231. Madame Meerkat’s Cabinet of Curiosities, 1001 S Kerr Av, Wilmington. All About Thermography – 1-2pm. Join Shelly Laine of Beacon Thermography for an informative session on digital infrared thermal imaging, better known as thermography. Thermography is a non-invasive, clinical imaging procedure for detecting and monitoring various diseases and injuries by showing thermal abnormalities in the body. Cost: Free. Healing Leaves, 1015 S Kerr Av, Wilmington. Call 910-660-8127 or 910-803-2150. BeaconThermography.com. Sunday, March 22 Sacred Sisterhood New Moon Circle – 6-9pm. Learn how to hold space for yourself to sit with uncomfortable feelings and emotions, and how to tune in and tap in to the archetypal energies available to you. Workshop welcomes newcomers and beginners in the art of circling, as well as those returning. Must pre-register. Cost: $15. Sacred Soul Healing Arts Center, 4317 Arendell St, STE 8, Morehead City. 910-340-4575. MySacredSoul.com. Tue day, March 24 Crochet Sleeping Mat Project – 1-3pm. See March 10 listing. Myrtle Beach. Wedne day, March 25 Energy Healing Savasana – 6:30-7:30pm. Welcome to a journey of deep healing as we open the space with a sage smudging ceremony to clear away any energy that is not your own while guided through pranayama, breath work, to connect your mind, body and spirit and then slowly flow with rhythmic movement to release stagnant energy from the body. Must pre-register. Cost: $15. Sacred Soul Healing Arts Center, 4317 Arendell St, STE 8, Morehead City. 910-340-4575. MySacredSoul.com.
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Wedne day, March 25 Movie Night at Waterline Brewing – 7-9pm. Earth Day Alliance fundraiser for Wilmington Earth Day Festival. Film Overload: America’s Toxic Love Story explores a women’s journey to find out about levels of toxins in her body and measures to control our exposure. Cost: Donations accepted, $1 contribution from Waterline per pint beer purchased. Waterline Brewing Co, 721 Slurry St, Wilmington. 910-547-4390.
Sa urday, March 28 Soul Animal Discovery – 10am-12:30pm. With Fox. Discover your Soul Animal and what that can mean for your self-awareness, communications, relationships, and well-being. Cost: $35. Held at Madame Meerkat’s Cabinet of Curiosities, 1001 S Kerr Av, Wilmington.
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Sa urday, March 28 Corn Tournament for Earth Day – 3:30pm. Earth Day Alliance fundraiser to support Wilmington Earth Day celebration. Prizes for the 1st and 2nd place winners. Raffle tickets and more. Capt’n Bill’s Backyard Grill, 4240 Market St, Wilmington. 910-547-4390.
Sunday, March 29 Shamanic Reiki Level 1 Certification – 10am6pm. Do you feel called to the healing arts? Want to know more about how to work with energy? Learn the art through this immersion style training of initiation and attunement. Don't expect book reading in this class. This is pure experiential. Learn to feel, sense and immerse yourself in the energy, safely and confidently. Must pre-register. Cost: $180. Sacred Soul Healing Arts Center, 4317 Arendell St, STE 8, Morehead City. 910-340-4575. MySacredSoul.com.
plan ahead
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Sa urday, April 18 Spring Day Market – 1-7pm. Celebrate the Spring Season with some of Wilmington's finest Psychics, Healers, and Artists in this outdoor evening event that hosts over 25 vendors and energy workers, a drum circle ceremony, and more! We will have Camperchino Coffee Co on site. Cost: Free entry. Blue Lagoon Wellness Center, 1202 Floral Pkwy, Wilmington. 910-685-2795. BlueLagoonWellnessCenter.com.
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Friday, April 24 Oak Island Earth Day Festival – 10am-2pm. Go Green this Earth Day with the Brunswick County Earth Day Event at Middleton park on Oak Island. Numerous area conservation groups on site, hands-on exhibits, displays, live animals, educational opportunities, food and more. Cost: Free Admission. 133 SE 48th St, Oak Island. For more info call 910-278-5518 or email EFalkenhagen@CI.Oak-Island.nc.us.
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Sa urday, April 25 Wilmington Earth Day Festival – Noon-6pm. The World is Your Oyster, Don't Shuck it Up. Celebrate the planet and learn new ways to care for Mother Earth. Over 75 exhibitors, live music, food and beverage, and Kids' EcoZone. Free shuttle service. Cost: Free admission. Hugh MacRae Park, 1799 S College Rd, Wilmington. For more info see WilmingtonEarthDay.com.
sunday Unity MB Contemplative Service – 8:30-9:15am. 3rd Sunday. Cost: Love Offering. Unity Myrtle Beach, Unity Center, 6173 Salem Rd, Myrtle Beach. 843-238-8516. Sunday Morning Circle – 9:45-10:45am. Rev Marilynn Mattox facilitates book dialog, Healing Letters, by Myrtle Fillmore. In two years of prayer, meditation, and communing with the cells of her body, Myrtle healed her body of tuberculosis. Cost: Love offering. Unity Myrtle Beach, 1270 Surfside Industrial Park Dr, Surfside Beach. 843-238-8516. Unity MB Sunday Service – 11am. Unity Myrtle Beach Sunday Service with inspiring message, meditation and music. Cost: Love offering. Unity Myrtle Beach, 1270 Surfside Industrial Park Dr, Surfside Beach. 843-238-8516. Heal Your Life – 7-8:30pm. 2nd Sunday. Join licensed Louise Hay Heal Your Life teacher once a month. Cost: love offering. Unity Church of Wilmington, 717 Orchard Av, Wilmington. For more information, call Terri at 910-470-2745.
Kundalini Yoga – 9-10:30am. Kundalini Yoga is a spiritual, physical, mental & healthy way to ignite your soul energy and connect to Truth & Love. Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is a life changing technology that incorporates Kriya, Mantra, Mudra, Meditation and other tenants of Yogic Philosophy. Cost: $5. Unity of Wilmington, 717 Orchard Ave, Wilmington. UnityWil.com. 910-763-5155. Eating For Well-Being – 6pm. Teri Mann leads a plant-based diet discussion and ensuing weekly forum. Bring favorite recipe share with you and any questions you may have. Cost: Free admission. Tidal Creek Co-op, 5329 Oleander Dr, Wilmington. 910-470-2745.
Sitting in Your Power – Key to Authentic Medi
umship – 6:30-8pm beginning March 3 for 5 weeks. With Felicia Grant. This course will give you a better understanding of your own spiritual power and how to maintain it. This will help you in all aspects of your spiritual work. Beginners to advanced mediums welcome. Cost: $175. Blue Lagoon Wellness Center, 1202 Floral Pkwy, Wilmington. Call to schedule. 910-685-2795. BlueLagoonWellnessCenter.com.
wednesday Unity Book Group – 12:30-1:30pm. New book starts soon: Rising Strong by Brene Brown. Read, dialog, insights, community and support. Cost: Love offering. Unity Myrtle Beach, 1270 Surfside Industrial Park Dr, Surfside Beach. 843-238-8516. Community Acupuncture – 3:30pm to close. With Jeff Fox. Receive holistic healing through acupuncture, acupressure, massage, and traditional Chinese herbs - available twice a week. Cost: $25. Walk-ins welcome. Madame Meerkat's Cabinet of Curiosities, 1001 S Kerr Av, Wilmington.
Healing Evening – 3rd Wednesday. 5-5:45pm Meditation, 6pm Prayer & Hands ON Healing Blessings, 6:30-7:30pm Reiki drop-in. Cost: Love Offering. Peace Chapel at Unity Myrtle Beach, 1270 Surfside Industrial Park Dr, Surfside Beach. 843-238-8516. Chenrezig-Amitabha Sadhana – 7:30pm. Chenrezig is the representation of compassion. This meditation involves chanting a liturgy while mentally performing a series of visualizations and finishing with mantras and an insight visualization. Cost: Free. Location: Forestbrook area of Myrtle Beach, call for information and directions. 843-655-8056.
thursday A Course in Miracles – 12:30-2pm. Cost: Love offering. Unity Myrtle Beach, 6173 Salem Rd, Myrtle Beach. 843-238-8516. A Course in Miracles – 6:30-8pm. Cost: Love offering. Unity Myrtle Beach, 1270 Surfside Industrial Park Dr, Surfside Beach. 843-238-8516.
Psychic Readings – 11am-4:30pm. Eileen and Great Oak in the House. Drop-ins welcome. Cost: $75/$110 for 30-/60-min sessions. Blue Lagoon Wellness Center, 1202 Floral Pkwy, Wilmington. Call to schedule. 910-685-2795. Community Acupuncture – 3:30pm to close. With Jeff Fox. Receive holistic healing through acupuncture, acupressure, massage, and traditional Chinese herbs - available twice a week. Cost: $25. Walk-ins welcome. Madame Meerkat's Cabinet of Curiosities, 1001 S Kerr Av, Wilmington. Unity Game Night – 6pm. 3rd Friday. Enjoy games and potluck dinner. Potluck begins 30 minutes prior game start. Unity Myrtle Beach, 6173 Salem Rd, Myrtle Beach. 843-238-8516.
Holistic Health Practitioner Training – 3rd Saturday. Comprehensive class will empower and equip with thorough overview and all principles a Holistic Health Practitioner needs to counsel others in natural health care. Call for times, location and details. Southern Institute of Natural Health. Call or text 910-216-0100. Natural Family Basics – 2nd Saturday. Curriculum for parents, teachers and children as a local class for Brunswick Islands area. Courses encourage individuals to take responsibility of their own health. Call for times, location and details. Southern Institute of Natural Health. Call or text 910-216-0100. Psychic Readings – 10am-3:30pm. Guest readers. Drop-ins welcome. 15-, 30-, 45- or 60-minute sessions; price varies per session length. Blue Lagoon Wellness Center, 1202 Floral Pkwy, Wilmington. Call to schedule 910-685-2795. Thermography Scans – 10am-4pm. 1st and 3rd Sat. Mammography doesn’t see anything till it’s something..., Thermography can see something before it’s anything. Cost dependent on scan type. Beacon Thermography at Elite Chiropractic, 1319 Military Cutoff Rd, Ste LL, Wilmington. 910-803- 2150. BeaconThermography.com.
Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, visit NA-SENorthCarolina.com or call 910-833-5366.
Acce Energy Service Aubrey LUE CK Access Bars Facelift & Body Process Practitioner End of Life Specialist 630-292-0216 • AccessAubrey@yahoo.com AccessAubrey.com Offering Access Bars, Facelift and Body process hands-on method promoting energies to flow, heal and repair. This energy transformation modality, links season wisdom, ancient knowledge, and highly contemporary pragmatic tools for positive change. Receiving these holistic, non-invasive treatments will leave you with a sense of peace and space; and a feeling like there are more possibilities open to you. All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory.
ACUPUNC TURE Lumina A u Cl ini Enhong “Ann” Yu, LAc 6781 Parker Farm Rd, Ste 130, Wilmington 910-256-3939 • Info@LuminaAcuClinic.com LuminaAcuClinic.com At our practice, we combine acupuncture with traditional Chinese herbal remedies to address a variety of our patient’s needs. Dr. Yu’s extensive training in both Chinese and Western medicine in China gives her a unique perspective that allows her to deliver the best possible care to all her patients.
ALLERGY ELI MINA TION LIFELINE CHIR OPRACTIC & NATUR AL ME DICINE Dr. Louis J. Buffalino, DC 1133 Military Cutoff Rd, Wilmington 910-679-4079 LifeLineChiroNC.com Got Allergies? NAET is a noninvasive, drug-free, natural choice to control reactions to food, water, pollen, grass and mold. If you have symptoms which have not responded to traditional care and don't make sense, visit NAET.com or LifeLineChiroNC.com to review our testimonials and learn more.
Peace is its own reward. ~Mahatma Gandhi
Al erna ive Medicine Th e Cl ub at Ca mCl ini Nan Cameron, MSN, RN, LAc 1928 S 16th St, Wilmington 910-342-0999 • CamClinic.com Located at the Cameron Clinic of Oriental Medicine, The Club increases your treatment options utilizing complementary alternative therapies. We help you design a program that meets your health and wellness goals utilizing cutting-edge technology. Let us be part of your team! See ad, page 16.
ANI MAL SERVICE S GOOSE MASTER S, LLC 910-523-9668 • Info@Goose-Masters.com Goose-Masters.com Natural, humane and eco-conscious Canada goose control company offering services in Southeastern North Carolina and Northeastern South Carolina. Highly trained Border Collies that never touch or harm geese bring peace of mind to properties overrun with Canada geese by persuading and keeping the birds away.
Bioiden ical Hor one Therapy Bio Symmet ry Dr. Chris A. Pate, MD 265 Racine Dr, Ste 102, Wilmington 910-399-6661 • BioSymmetry.com Are you experiencing any of the following: muscle loss, weight gain, night sweats, vaginal dryness, low sex drive, memory loss, mood swings, depression, anxiety, erectile dysfunction? You could have declining hormones and benefit from Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for both men and women. See ad, page 27.
chiroprac ic Innat e Health Fa mil y Ch irop ract i & Well ness Dr. Ada Aniniba, DC 14886 US Hwy 17N, Hampstead 910-406-1200 • DrAdaAniniba.com Dr. Ada Aniniba is a Max Living Doctor at Innate Health Family Chiropractic and Wellness. She focuses on five essentials of health: maximizing the mind, chiropractic, nutrition, lean muscle and minimizing toxins. Innate Health is a familycentric practice open to patients of all ages. Corrective and wellness care programs provide a primary source of wellness, nutritional support, immunity and allergy support, education, inspiration and fitness. See ad, page 28.
Far Sh elto n Herb Fa rm 340 Goodman Rd, Leland 910-253-5964 SheltonHerbFarm.com Specializing in growing a large variety of culinary herbs, and grow seasonal vegetable plants, heirloom and native plants; butterfly and bee plants. Open year-round with seasonal varieties. Provide fresh-cut herbs, edible flowers and microgreens to local restaurants, caterers and home use. Also participate in local farmers’ markets, garden shows and special events. Farm tours, workshops and classes available. See ad, page 21.
HEAL TH EDUCA TION SOUTHERN IN STITUTE OF NATUR AL HEALTH Brunswick Islands of NC 910-216-0100 SouthernInstituteofNaturalHealth.com We educate and empower students to higher knowledge concerning natural health and healing. Offering a variety of local classes and online courses to support living, sharing and teaching a natural, healthy lifestyle.
HOLI STIC DEN TIST Wil mingto n Hol ist i Dent ist ry Dr. Jessica Shireman, DMD AIOMT 6200 Oleander Drive, Wilmington 910-777-4020 WilmingtonHolisticDentistry.com Dr. Shireman is excited to bring holistic dentistry to Wilmington. She and her family recently relocated from Raleigh where she had a holistic practice for 5 years. S h e h o l d s b o t h S M A RT certification and is accredited by the IAOMT in safe-mercury removal and has a unique, patient-based approach to dentistry. See ad, page 12.
HOLI STIC NU TRI TIONI ST Th e Calla Lil y Adva ntag e Karen L. Dettore 910-262-6732 Karen@TheCallaLilyAdvantage.com TheCallaLilyAdvantage.com As a master-level certified Nutrition Consultant, Karen offers several services including nutritional well-being, holistic nutrition, healthy cooking/meal planning, weight management, and sports nutrition. Eat better, feel better, and have more energy; all in a fun and rewarding environment with a healthier and happier lifestyle goal for you. See ad, page 24.
Lets Get Ch e ed 910-833-5366 NA-SENorthCarolina.com Save 20% Code: Natural 20 Convenient at-home STD testing with online results in a matter of days. Accurate and reliable, private and confidential, discreet packaging along with a dedicated medical support team available 24/7 to call and explain your results and provide treatment options. See ads, pages 2 and 27.
H ypno herapy Inner Gold Counsel in & Hypnos is Novella Hall Serving Greater Wilmington area 910-398-4724 • Novellac@BellSouth.net Novella Hall has been treating through hypnosis for attachment trauma, past life regression, future life progression, pain management to restore vital and healthy functioning, plus habit change, as well as providing Akashic readings for over 15 years. Both private and group sessions including over telephone and via Skype. International Board of Certified Hypnosis Trainer.
JEWELRY Origa mi Owl 609-915-2033 JewelrybyLAJ.OrigamiOwl.com Tell your story through customizable jewelry. Origami Owl is a leading custom jewelry company known for telling stories through our signature Living Lockets, personalized Charms, Necklaces, Bracelets and Earrings.
Me aphy ical Shop Mada me Meerkat ’s Ca binet of Curios it ies 1001 S Kerr Ave, Wilmington MadameMeerkat.net A community metaphysical shop supplying crystals, tarot, incense, and local art in a welcoming atmosphere complete with coffee bar, energy healers, intuitive readers, and workshops to help you learn and grow. Facebook/Instagram: @ madamemeerkat. See ad, page 5.
Age-Defying Habits
Plus: Healthy Immune System
Cardiovascular Health
Plus: Regenerative Medicine
Thriving on a Plant-Based Diet
Plus: CBD
Grassroots Climate Crisis Strategies
Plus: Healthy Home
Autoimmune Breakthroughs
Plus: Protein & Collagen Connection
Inspired Lifestyle Travel
Plus: Brain Health
Beyond Factory Farming
Plus: Gut Health
Biological Dentistry
Plus: Environmental Education
SELF-EMPOWERMENT ISSUE SEP Emotional Well-Being Plus: Adaptive Yoga
Stress Management
Plus: Joint Health
Personalized Diabetes Strategies
Plus: Skin Care
Creating Community & Connection
Plus: Spending Locally
Na ural Service GREEN CORE CLEANIN G 910-800-1951 GreencoreClean@gmail.com Offering comprehensive, ecofriendly cleaning services for both the home and office. Using only green products, we believe your home should look and feel as healthy as you do. Pet-friendly, veteran-owned. Attention to detail sets us apart. See ad, page 9.
Lif e El ixir Well ness Tea 970-903-5311 LifeElixirTea.com Glenn@CaptainGlennsTeas.com Captain Glenn's Life Elixir Tea is a “Wellness Tea” that, when used regularly, promotes good health and well-being. While providing an excellent herbal supplement to fight colds and flu, Life Wellness Elixir Tea has demonstrated the ability to foster changes in the body that can aid digestion, infections, headaches and even symptoms of anxiety. Grandmother says, “It’s Good for What Ails You!” See ad, back cover.
Will in Bea ut y 609-915-2033 WillingBeauty.com/LAJ
You don't have to choose between safe & effective skincare! We are a skin-loving beauty brand with heart, created to inspire your life, celebrate your beauty. We believe in simple, safer, better-for-you formulas that harness the power of nature, deliver proven results, and are fun to use. Our products are free of parabens, sulfates, DEA, phthalates, mineral oils, chemical sunscreens and synthetic fragrances. Never tested on animals. Rewards program available. See ad, page 5.
SPIRI TUAL CO MMUNI TY UNI TY MYR TLE BE ACH 1270 Surfside Industrial Park Dr Surfside Beach 843-238-8516 • UnityMyrtleBeach.org Our uplifting mission of prayer, service and education enriches and transforms lives. We are a spiritual community of individuals dedicated to knowing Self and knowing God, and doing our part in supporting the emotional, mental and spiritual well-being of children, individuals and families on the Grand Strand. See ad, page 27.
UNI TY of WILMIN GTON 717 Orchard Ave, Wilmington 910-763-5155 • UnityWil.com A positive path for spiritual living committed to expanding consciousness and inspiring transformation, Unity teaches a culturally Christian and spiritually unlimited way of life. Unity is an open-minded, accepting community emphasizing practical, everyday application of spiritual principles for more abundant and meaningful living. Check Facebook and Meetup for events. See ad, page 28.
Fee for classifieds is $25 (up to 20 words) + $1 per word over 20 words. To place listing, email content to E d i t o r @ N A - S E N o r t h C a r o l i n a . c o m . Deadline is the 10th of the month.
Ther ography Beaco n Th ermog raph y, in . Shelly Laine 910-803-2150 BeaconThermography.com Thermography is a state-of-the-art, radiation-free diagnostic tool which creates a digital map of your body, illustrating heat patterns that may detect some condition or abnormality using a scanning-type infrared camera that measures your body’s surface temperature. Thermography aids in the detection and monitoring of many types of diseases and physical injury. Multiple scanning locations throughout the Wilmington area. See ad, page 20.
OPPOR TUNI TIE S ADVERTISE HERE – Are you hiring, renting property/office space, selling products, offering services or in need of volunteers? Advertise your personal/business needs in Natural Awakenings classified ad section. To place an ad, email Publisher@NA-SENorthCarolina.com.
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THYROID HEAL TH Lets Get Ch e ed 910-833-5366 NA-SENorthCarolina.com Save 20% Code: Natural 20 Lets Get Checked home thyroid test will provide a broad picture of how your thyroid is performing with online test results in 2-5 days. Biomarkers covered: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Free Thyroxine (FT4), Free Triiodothyronine (FT3), Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TGAB)*, Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO/TPEX)*. Note: presence of TGAB or TPEX antibodies can indicate thyroid damage which can include autoimmune disorders. See ads, pages 2 and 27.
ellne cen er Bl ue Lagoo n Well ness Cent er Pat and Jo Zachry 1202 Floral Pkwy, Wilmington 910-685-2795 BlueLagoonWellnessCenter.com B e s i d e s b e i n g o n e o f W i l m i n g t o n ' s L a r g e s t Emporium Rock Shops with all your Metaphysical needs, we offer Energy Work, Chakra Balancing, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Massage, CranioSacral therapy, Hypnotherapy, and Psychic Readings. Many classes. Check Meetup and Natural Awakenings online for listings. See ad, page 17.
PURE LIFE WELLNE SS CEN TER Victoria RP Chavez, Owner/Manufacturer 317 N Front St, Wilmington 910-343-1374 MiracleSkinRelief.com Creating wellness paradigms for mind, body and soul. Offering vitamins, herbs, minerals, specialty formulas, handmade herbal remedies, fresh organic juices, smoothies and salads, local products and honey, over 100 varieties of teas, spices and herbs; and also wellness therapies including reiki, cognitive behavior therapy, ear candling, hypnotherapy and neurolinguistic programming. See ad, page 17.
Call 910-833-5366 to join us next month.
Captain Glenn’s Newsletter
spirit mind body
therapeutic menu
Grandmother says, “It’s Good For What Ails You!”
appropriate exercise
Trinity Technique Glenn, a Navel Veteran and Pilot, has a keen eye and an ability to execute. He has natural techniques and experience in healing disorders associated with PTSD for people of all walks of life. We are on a mission to address health and wellness issues in several areas which includes everything from the emotional to the biological. Glenn offers guidance through seminars, local presentation, newsletters and one on one consultations. His Life Elixir is the corner stone of “Trinity Technique” Spirit, Mind and Body.
Want More Energy? There are three tiers to the human energy dynamic. It begins with spirit, mind and body working in harmony, followed by a therapeutic menu and finally exercise. Many users of our Life Elixir Wellness Tea TM report that it energizes them, while lowering stress levels and boosting their immune system.
Happiness & Wellbeing As we age and the demands of a busy world challenge us, stress begins to take its toll—sapping energy and contributing to fatigue. Fight back with the power of Captain Glenn’s Life Elixir Wellness Tea. TM
What’s In It? Captain Glenn has always been unwavering in his commitment to impeccable food quality and safety—in the ingredients, their preparation and storage as well as the final product. Everything we use has been certified organic, fairly traded and never irradiated, heated, smoked or roasted. “Certified Hieronymus TM ” is batch tested and recognized as higher standard than organic. Our products are always gluten free, sugar free and without preservatives! It’s not just a matter of using premium natural organic ingredients, but also balancing the ingredients synergistically so that they can work together. Preparing the variety of herbs and spices and blending the right mixture is key. Visit our website www.lifeelixirtea.com to learn more about our essential ingredients and their healing properties.
Worst Flu Season Ever? “Get ready, some medical experts are predicting the worst flu season in history” Our exclusive formula cleanses and detoxifies. Gets you feeling better and get well sooner. Helps with winter colds too.
“I have found that Captain Glenn’s Wellness team (I’m the one who suggested that he should call it ‘Elixir of Life’) has benefited several of my patients and clients. Typical of the effects is that one patient who stated it makes me feel more centered.” —Dr. David Sigurslid, M.D.
To enjoy Captain Glenn’s Life Elixir Tea TM , visit www.lifeelixirtea.com or call 970-903-5311.