19 minute read
3.4 Circumcision and disability females
3.4 Circumcision and disability females
Somalia disability people are estimated to be more than 15% while great number of them can be females who suffer the female genital mutilation in the young. The girls with disabilities suffer FGM more than other girls without disabilities. They have no value in the family. They are immediately forced to be practised in the young that causes the girls ordeal in the life.
The young girl with disability is innocent who may not say no the orientation in the family to be circumcised. The practise is executed in unprofessional way that some time result wounds and bleeding in the disability girls genital. There some factories that makes the practise very hard unusual non-disabled girls. Because the girls with disabilities may have physical problems that will limit the body of the victim to be open enough for the execution.
The study was used for cross sectional descriptive research design, it described the extent to which female with disability are victims and suffer complications of FGM. The target people of this report were women (Females).
The study gathered both qualitative and quantitative data, structured questionnaires supplemented by FGD (FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION and direct interviews.
The preparation of this report meant for the collection of the problems caused by the FGM in the country through variety means of direct contact to a group of female disability who have physical limitation, sight impairment and hearing impairment who under gone female circumcision in their young.
Beside the contribution of the disabled female members of their families parent, brothers, sister and relative who has been with victim for long time. To get more information about the problems they have witnessed with victim of the FGM in their life.
The report was collected from twenty families in different regions of Somalia who were asked eleven questions tailored to get respond from the target victim related with cases of FGM by using open and closed questions.
We have classified into three groups to discuss three kind of responsive contributed information title about the problems witnessed by the victim in life from the horrific mutilation conceded in childhood.
Key Discussed Results
Most victims are the age between teenager, adult and old persons who most of them may face some kind of female circumcision in their life. Which is very rare to discover in public with other people.
Most of them face painful problems caused by the female circumcision in their life. Health problems at times of menstruation, pregnancy delivery and urinary tract infections.
They feel discrimination in the society, relatives and members of their families to share their ordeal. And lack of source to seek support and relief their mental, emotional and physical problems caused the female circumcision.
Key Discussed Results
Some members of the families and relatives responded the negative role in the community where the disabled females are subjected to remain silent from the female circumcision problems. The families claim that its shame for the family to raise question about the female circumcision in public to the community level and FGM victim service providers. Most families described that was traditional following age bye age with no solution of harms arose by FGM.
Key Discussed Results
Most practitioners of the female circumcision deny the wrong doing to the disability girls in the time of the circumcision where some of them express regret the circumcision disabled female who have kind of disability that make the life very hard in the future.
Midwifery practitioners do the problems of the disability female which has become endless life tuning risk in urinating, menstruation, sexual intercourse, pregnancy and delivery. The females with disabilities have more problems with non-disabled females’ circumcised in the above mentioned time.
In this section discusses the findings of the research against the backdrop of the specific objectives of the report. SAFDI will discuss collected problems, compare and contrast the varying feedback from respondents to the survey as well as the Focus Group Discussions and Key Informant interviews as sources of information and how these findings can raise awareness and advocacy for the protection of the disability females other research studies on the area.
5.1 Respondents Demographic Result
A total of 30 people took part in this research report with 20 of these completing the study survey questionnaire. Various methods and techniques were used to collect and analyse data. Three FGDs were conducted in Mogadishu participated with disability groups and survivors of FGM where each FGD bring together between 12 different knowledgeable health practitioners, religious actors and women as participants.
The age distribution of the 20 respondents that participated in the survey questionnaires ranged from 10 to 50 years as shown in Figure 1. The majority of the respondents (40%) were within the middle age groups that is between 18 and 30 years of age with the other age groups below and above these ages accounting of the respondent. The next of the middle age group (30-42 years) had impact nearly of the respondent with a 25% representation while the oldest of the age group (42 – 50 years) had almost a quarter of the respondents with a 20% representation. Majority of the responses provided to this study was therefore from middle aged participants.
18-30 25%
Age Group
The education of majority people interviewed were mainly disability people from communities in Banadir Region where most of them have no access to education who mainly feel disappointed about educational gap, in Figure.2 describes the analysis made in the educational level of the respondents/victims of FGM report where (55%) are noneducated upon no access to free education and discrimination, (10%) left their education in primary school, while an average of (15%) had finished secondary school and (20%) University degree
The people participated the study consists of people with special needs disability and others parts of society, in Figure.3 describes that (45%) were physical disability, (25%) were blind disability, (15%) were deaf and (15%) non disable people
Educational Level
55% 10%
Primary secondary University None
Non Disability
Physical disability Respondents status
15% 25%
5.2 Respondents Result/Discussion of FGM/FC Disability Cases
FGM is one of the effects that is done to the girls mostly under age from the young children to the 18 years old in the teenager. Many women and girls suffer permanent and irreversible damage to their health and well-being with two million girls being subjected to it annually. Most survivors of FGM/FGC live in 28 African countries including Somalia. With order and the pressure of the parent mostly from the mother who sensitize the girls in the family. This kind of female circumcision is done to the both disabled and non-disabled girls. FGM of any type has been recognized as a harmful practice and a violation of the human rights of girls and women.
Incidences of FGM to women specially disability were not documented and reported since cases are becoming relapsed and in the community where disability girls live, so we collected further data from communities in Somalia Banadir Region to carryout efforts to prevent FC that happen young girls specially female disability .
We asked questions from our questionnaire list related to FGM/FC cases and an inherited harms of health problems & complications, paralysis, and impression of FC in the community.
The incidence of FGM is practiced most females in young age as (80%) average respondents answered “Yes” for the question of “Have you ever circumcised”. Most of women complained about problems and complications in Sexual contact, obstetric and urinary infections. At (70%) have chronic persistent infection from FGM action while (60%) have menstruation problems before and after marriages. Women in disability are special victims as their ability in health become weaken.
In every society where it is practiced, FGM is a manifestation of deeply entrenched gender inequality. It persists for many reasons. The different societies have different impressions and perception on doing FGM, as we deeply step in on Somali, the impression of Somali communities on doing FC/FGM become good perception after of (60%) analysed average found-out and gave a statement to which considered “a rite of passage while in others, it is seen as a prerequisite for marriage or inhibit girls sexual sensation because FGM may be considered an important part of a culture or identity, it can be difficult for families to decide against having their daughters cut.
People who reject the practice may face condemnation or ostracism, and their daughters are often considered ineligible for marriage. As a result, even parents who do not want their daughters to undergo FGM may feel compelled to participate in the practice”.
During discussions in the FGDs and Key Informants have been noticed that FGM violates human rights principles and standards – including the principles of quality and nondiscrimination on the basis of sex, the right to freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment, the right to the highest attainable standard of health, the rights of the child, and the right to physical and mental integrity, and even the right to life.
After FGDs Focus group discussions and key informants’ interview we found results that there are three groups who have interest: First: the practitioners or who deal it. The Female genital mutilation is made money in this service provision. Second: parent who believe that this way can keep the sexual emotion of the girls to fail shame and the male persons to get less emotional girls that could be controlled in the family after the marriage, Mostly it is practiced by professionals and nonprofessional. These people have interest on it and in any more. While in the other side it cost more resource and lives in the countries and population both the victims and members of their families. This is the violation of universal rights to the cost of other persons. Third: Selfish interest for these groups is illegal in religion and national laws that needs powerful rule of law that can top the stereotype and monopolising the human body trade which is prohibited with many law local and internationals. The more there is weakness of law and order
Discussions found-out that FGM can happen at different times in a girl or woman’s life – including:
When a baby is new-born During childhood or as a teenager Just before marriage During pregnancy
5.3 FGM practitioner celebration
FGM has been widely celebrated in the country of Somalia at the period of the execution by group of cheerful females dragging or carrying a crying young girls come. Most of the women are very happy chanting protection and legalizing the future of the young girls. That they mean (from today the girls will be free from any illegal sexual actions and secure the dignity of the family) in the villages there
5.4 Facilities practised the FGM in Somalia
The practitioners are unregistered and unprofessional doing the work or hidden places in the country. These groups are mainly females who serve midwifery facilities and service they do for the people. They well knew in the community with midwifery and circumcision. Every time they serve a family midwifery they gain trust from the family that pave way new client for FGM in the future
The tools practised the FGM vary where the quality of the tool depends on the place where the practitioners operation. In the urban areas mainly the large towns the midwifery use medicalise tool they serve for midwifery operation. The use common tools for operation the cutlery, switching and anaesthetics injection.
The tools practised the far rural where major operation take place with the lacks of professional medical skilled persons, they depend of traditional midwifery who practice the FGM with poor tools that can causes the risk to the victim or disability from the limp and lastly death in some cases.
The tools practised in the rural are old fashion used the 18 century knifes, blade, needle stitching line made of irons, woods and grass found in the jungle. Fabricated solution made from the salt, green leave and sticking anaesthetics to reduce pain and stop bleeding.
Three thrones are part of the tool used in the mutilation of the female girls in the FGM practitioner time where the ruthless midwifery persons made the operation under tree or in shade animal fence or farm yard where the family of the victim girls live or small hut in the rural owned by the midwifery that mainly females
5.5 Consequences from FGM/FC Practices
Female genital mutilation is painful practise that cause the damage to the human, resource and the future of the people. The circumcised disability Girls suffer immediate and long term problems physical, emotional and mental. The parent spent money in the first that real long lasting infliction to the girl which may cause unpredictable after math to the victim person, family and society.
− Immediate problems is haemorrhage, tetanus and damage of nerve cell that may cause to the persons infection that spread to the reproductive organs of the victim which may grow over period of time, which may cause possible painful innless to the victim that she may not discover to the people who made the problems − Longer time problems vary more and are dangerous to the victim and her families.
A trauma she got from the circumcision attack and torture in the practicing period.
And infection that spread her organ which stop the excursion of the waste in the pipe line of the urine to the kidney and womb − Lasting problems is infibulation the reproductive cell of the female closed after hewing the erotic organ. The female persons face problems in the honey moon the week of the marriage where the girl should be practised again enlargement operation to open the genital pass way for legal sexual intercourse this can cause bleeding and new wounds that disruption the honey moon of the new family.
More obviously, the de-infibulation is not acceptable for some people both the new husband and the families of the two persons. The feel shamed and uncultured to support the dis-virgin the girls. The parents of the husband want the man to do it well natural. While the parent of the wife particularly the mother who did these problems of circumcision may sensitise de-infibulation.
5.6 FGM in awareness
Joint effort made by local and international has made change in the outreach of the FGM in the country. Where great investment made by the human rights, human rain and development donors in Somalia invested hundreds project to raise public awareness for the human mutilation against the innocent female girls in Somalia.
The work of the UNICEF in Somalia for the support the children protection from preventable problems and risk in the country has made some shift to the local people education for the FGM against the young girls. Through the prevention and awareness the problems in the community dialogue and workshop that has been implemented widely in the country though direct implementation the UNICEF Somalia staff and national partners working on the ground in the country. WHO has worked very hard the prevention of the FGM campaign in the country with support the local people and health facilities working in the country to mobilize people the risk of the FGM which is visible in the public and private hospitals and MCH where every day some group of female treated from different diseases and illness including the FGM legacy that took great part the medical facilities work. UNFPA has also worked the eradication of the FGM the last
two decades in Somalia with collaboration of the NGO, CBOs and traditional elders, religious groups and the governmental institutions in the country the elimination of the FGM which has real shifted from the top to the law level with in two decades.
Traditional government of Somalia in the 2007 to the 2012 and the Somalia federal government from the 2012 Somalia ministry of the social, minister of the women and the ministry of the health has worked in the campaign to eradicate the FGM in Somalia with cooperation international donors investment and the joint venture form the local Somalia people, federal state ministries and the federal government of Somalia member states working the regions and the far rural where the major of the problems take places. The federal government of Somalia from the 2012 has intensified the joint venture to fight against the FGM in the country with more decentralised in the federal states where the donors has made the hundreds millions dollar in the GBV gender based violence including the FGM that has priority in the focus
The federal government of Somalia has worked coordination of the humanitarian works back to the country where most donors to Somalia reported their office in the country making the operation wider in the fight against the FGM. Report and surveys made showed slope in the graph that has been different before. With active participation the health and protection cluster and the joint work with local NGOs, CBOs and the federal state government realised stop in the speedy work of the FGM in the local. Report published showed the mutilation operation is done hidden in the community where the government has substantiated the laws that prohibited the FGM against the female in Somalia.
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a practice that involves altering or injuring the female genitalia for non-medical reasons, and it is internationally recognized as a human rights violation. Globally, it is estimated that some 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone some form of FGM. Although FGM is declining in the majority of countries where it is prevalent, most of these are also experiencing a high rate of population growth – meaning that the number of girls who undergo FGM will continue to grow if the practice continues at current levels. An estimated 68 million girls are at risk of being mutilated by 2030. Protecting them will take a significant push to accelerate the abandonment of this harmful practice.
There are no medical reasons to carry out FGM It’s often performed by someone with no medical training, using instruments such knives, scalpels, scissors, glass or razor blade It’s used to control females sexuality and can cause long-lasting damage to physical and emotional health Some of the Girls are circumcised in Somalia everywhere more girls are victim every day Some of the girls with disability are the highest number of girls circumcised in the girls Some The girls with disability suffer more than non-disabled girl the problems of the female genital circumcision Some The girls with disability suffer emotional damage that lead long lasting trauma and psychosocial Some The girls with disabilities suffer erotically damaged that made them human without test in the life which leads shock and trauma
Some The girls with disabilities suffer physical disability from the mutilation in the reproductive organ in her body prevention to produce Some of the girls with disability suffer vaginal obstruction, genital tissue swelling and acute retention of urine and menstruation period Some of the girls with disabilities suffer infibulation that makes hard in the honey money week in the marriage, painful in the sexual intercourse.
Some of the girls with disability get dis-infabulation operation that may risk her life or body that cause severe haemorrhage, haemorrhagic shock Some of the girls with disability face risk in the pregnant time where they face problems that hard the baby in the stomach Some of the girls with disabilities face life threatening in the maternity where the infibulation and disability make more weak and vulnerable to lose the ability deliver naturally the baby
Mobilization the prevention of the disabled girls circumcision Identification the short time and longe time infliction of the FG to the disability girls Identification the inflictions of the FG to the disability girls physical, emotional and mental to the disability females The identification of the FGM to the reproduction cells and erotically organs in the genital of the disability girls Awareness and community counselling on how they can prevent and stop FC To prepare Clinical trials to investigate the safety and effectiveness of clitoral reconstruction.
We recommend to improve the role of psychological assessment and treatment in the antenatal care of women with FGM.
We recommend to be Increased the capacity of Member of community leaders to prevent female genital mutilation and protect girls at risk We recommend Promoting exchange of experiences and cooperation between societies and government to reduce the risk of female genital mutilation. We recommend to organize De-infibulation for FC victims which is a minor surgical procedure carried out to re-open the vaginal introitus in women living with type III FGM. In order to achieve this, a trained health professional performs an incision of the midline scar tissue that covers the vaginal introitus until the external urethral meatus, and eventually the clitoris, are visible. The cut edges are then sutured, which allows the introitus to remain open. This procedure is performed to improve health and well-being, as well as to allow intercourse and/or to facilitate childbirth.
- UNICEF Actions--- Action on eliminating harmful traditional practices is specifically mandated by the Convention of the Rights of the Child, and FGM is clearly such a practice. https://www.unicef.org/somalia/SOM_FGM_Advocacy_Paper.pdf
- FGM in Somalia-- The Constitution of Somalia (2012)1 states at Article 4, ‘After the Shari'ah, the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia is the supreme law of the country.’ It protects human dignity and equality under Articles 10 and 11 respectively, and, most significantly in relation to FGM, sets out under Article 15(4) that: The Penal Code, Law No. 05/19623 (the Penal Code), which came into force on 2 April 1964, is applicable to all jurisdictions in Somalia (and
Somaliland) and makes it a criminal offence to cause hurt to another that results in physical or mental illness.
- https://www.28toomany.org/static/media/uploads/Law%20Reports/somalia_law_report _(july_2018).pdf
- Somalia announces first prosecution for FGM ----- Somalia’s Attorney General
Ahmed Ali Dahir announced on 25 July the country’s first ever prosecution against female genital mutilation (FGM) following the death of a 10-year-old girl
Deeqa Dahir Nuur who passed away in July of severe bleeding after undergoing
FGM. https://somalia.unfpa.org/en/news/somalia-announces-first-prosecution-fgm - https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/jul/20/10-year-old-girl-deathfgm-female-genital-mutilation-somalia - UNIFEM (United Nations Women’s Fund). 2004. "Goal Three: Promote Gender
Equality and Empower Women." - UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund). 2004. "Eradication of FGM/FGC in
Somalia." Somalia.
- Eliminating female genital mutilation: an interagency statement. UNAIDS,
WHO. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2008. 6. Ending Female Genital
Mutilation, A strategy for the European Union Institutions, Executive Summary.
Brussels, END FGM - European Campaign.