NABITO ARQUITECTURA Q. Why do you make an architectural model? What
Q. What kind of tools do you use?
significance does it have in architecture?
: Hands of course, and temperature, cutter, styrofoam
: Our opinion is straight about model making. Each
machines, laser cutters, and stereolytography
project has to have a physical model. You have to
smell touch, see a manipulate reality, and achieved CREATIVITY. It is the access to feel a project.
Q. How do you document and store your models? : A model has to be visible, always. It is an inspiration
Q. How important is ‘model-making’ in your
for future projects and an advise for errors and
architectural practice?
possible corrections. We don’t store models; we let the
: Our architecture is based on the idea of modelling.
models scatter all around the office. We need to see
We often use “objet trouvé” as a start and then we
the presence of them.
discover the object. We re-trouvee’ l’objet. We don’t care about the kind of the material or the object we
Q. Anything new you would like to try in ‘model-
found outside the office. Everything could be useful
and even more could be directly from our idea.
: We are trying to develop something in between of physical and virtual…you will see soon. It is ‘Top secret’.
Q. Is there a way to make good models? What is
NABITO Born in Barcelona from the will and courage of
especially important in models?
Q. Are there any questions or curiosity on someone
: We don’t like the finish model that represent exactly
else’s model?
the perfect image of the building. We prefer to give
: Our curiosity goes to all the models that represent a
an idea with the model. We like to keep open the
style and not exactly a building.
perception and the imagination. We like to present
Alessandra Faticanti(1975), university of La sapienza Rome
study models rather than finished ones. We like to do
Q. Please tell an episode related to ‘model-making’
and Ecole polytechnique Belleville de Paris France, and
the model at our office; it is like a Tendence we want to
whether it’s on the process, materials, tools, etc.
Roberto Ferlito(1973), university of La sapienza Rome and
transmit. We do like this, but you think like that.
: We cut ourselves a lot and it hurts sometimes.
Faculteit Toegepaste Wetenschappen of Gent”, Belgium. NAbito is a multidisciplinary team based in Barcelona and active on the west Mediterranean territories including Italy Spain and France looking for similarities and differences. His attempt is to redefine ne a different process of elaboration for a new contemporary culture, from the social and
Once a collaborator lost a little piece of left hand Q. What style of models do you prefer to make?
finger. They tried to recuperate the fragment but were
: STEREOREAL: Physical than digital than physical and
so on… Q. What kind of models do you make depending on
Q. 건축모형을 왜 만드는가? 건축에서 모형은 어떤 의미가 있는가?
develop a cultural mix related and in communication with
the project phase? Is it at different scale for every
: 대부분의 건축 아이디어는 모형에서 표현된다. 각각의
parallels realities. Nabito Won the important European award
step? What kind of model is the most important?
프로젝트를 진행하면서 반드시 손으로 직접 만든 모형을
“Nouveaux albums des jeunes architectes Paris 2006”, given
: There are a lot of ways to represent what you have
제작하는데, 건축가는 디자인의 독창성이 만들어낸 현실의 공간을
by the ministry of culture. They won several competitions
an mind; we don’t always use a specific scale; only
느끼면서 만져보고, 보면서 조작해 볼 수 있어야 한다. 이것은
in Europe (including last edition of europan in the city of
when required. The most important model is the one
프로젝트를 이해하고 느껴볼 수 있는 시작점이 된다.
economic point of view. The goal of nabito arquitectura is to
Ljubljana) and open new offices in Rome and Frosinone. In 2009 NABITO won the Award “cavalierato giovanile della
that synthesize the entire process. We do a lot and we change a lot, and maybe at the end we use the first
Q. 모형은 당신의 건축에서 얼마만큼의 비중을 차지하고 있는가?
we did as the final. Our process is not sequential, but it
: 우리가 제안한 건축은 모형에서 얻은 아이디어를 기본으로
is random opened and timeless. It is NOT EVOLUTIVE in
제안된다. 종종 “objet trouvé(자연그대로의 미술품)”를 모티브로
Nabito is featured on several architectural and landscape
the sense of hierarchical evolution but is RE-EVOLUTIVE
해서, 그것을 발전시켜 나간다. 즉, 자연에서 얻은 오브제의
international review. From 2007 The office was selected to
in the sense of an always NEW INTERPRETATION,
재해석이다. 작업실 밖에서 발견한 재료나 물건이라 해도 상관없다.
participate in different exposition and conferences all over
horizontally. It is a never-ending evolution made of
모든 것이 유용하며 때로는 더 직접적으로 디자인에 대한
different point of views.
아이디어로 차용될 수 있다.
Q. What materials do you usually use? Are there
Q. 좋은 모형을 만들기 위한 방법이 있는가? 특히 모형에서
different materials for different design phase?
중요한 것은?
What’s the reason? Where do you get your ideas on
: 궁극적으로 추구하는 것은 건축물의 완벽한 이미지를 표현하여
완성도 높은 모형이 아니라, 모형을 통해서 그 아이디어를
design at the urban and territorial level, through restaurations,
: Materials that we prefer are artificial, but it depends.
제안하는 것이다. 제작된 모형이 보여주는 이미지가 관찰하는
urban installations, temporary architecture, various
Generally, we like to use simple material to deform and
사람의 통찰력과 상상력에 따라서 열려 있기를 바란다. 완성된
inhabitable typologies, parks and gardens, public buildings
manipulate with temperature. Transparent and shyness
모형보다 스터디 모형으로 아이디어를 표현하고자 하며, 우리
and residential complexes of different entity.
are two characteristics that we like most. Reflection
작업실에서 만든 모형을 선호한다. 이러한 의도가 모형을 보는
and refraction are other two we work a lot with. The
사람들에게 전해졌으면 한다. 물론, 우리가 이런 방식을 선호하는
reason is that we’d like to be inside the model and
반면 그렇지 않은 사람들도 있을 것이다.
provincia di Roma” for Art and Architecture and it is feautered in the book “annual of best creativity talents ,young Blood” award given by the Ministry of culture, Rome. The work of
Nabito’s design strategy focuses on answering the questions of sustainability, architecture, urbanism and territorial strategies in its projects. It is an active studio in the research field. Objective of our design approach is to conceive a product that is culturally valid and complete at every level: from
those effects permit to have different levels of realities.