Ecor Pro EPD100LGR User manual NO / EN

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LGR kondensavfukter


LGR refrigerant dehumidifier

EPD100LGR (LowGrainRefrigerant)



EPD170LGR (Low Gas Refrigerant)

EPD100LGR (Low Grain Refrigerant)

Toreducetheriskofinjury,theusermustreadand understandthismanualbeforeusingthisproduct.



To reduce the risk of injury, the user must read and understand this manual before using this product.

For å redusere risikoen for skade, må brukeren lese og forstå denne håndboken før du bruker dette produktet.


Thankyouforchoosingthisproduct. Savethismanualforfuturereference.


Forsafetyreasons,pleasereadtheseoperatinginstructionscarefullybeforeusingyourappliance.The deviceisintendedexclusivelyforprofessionaluseby qualifiedpersonnel. Personswhoare notfamiliar with thisdeviceshouldnotuseit.

Safety instructions



Av sikkerhetsgrunner bør du lese denne bruksanvisningen nøye før du bruker apparatet. Enheten er kun beregnet for profesjonell bruk av kvalifisert personell. Personer som ikke er kjent med denne enheten bør ikke bruke den.

For safety reasons, please read these operating instructions carefully before using your appliance. The device is intended exclusively for professional use by qualified personnel. Persons who are not familiar with this device should not use it.

Thedehumidifier issuitable forindoor useonly witha groundedelectricaloutlet.

Check the mains with the rating plate.

Thank you!


Thank you for choosing this product. Save this manual for future reference.

Takk for at du valgte dette produktet. Oppbevar denne veiledningen for fremtidig referanse.

ThisECOR PROdehumidifier isapowerful dehumidifiersuitable forprofessionaluse.

This ECOR PRO dehumidifier is a powerful dehumidifier suitable for professional use.

Formorethan50years,wehavespecialisedinboth airtreatmentandtheproductionanddevelopment ofdehumidifiers andmobile airconditioners.

Denne ECOR PRO-avfukteren er en kraftig avfukter som egner seg for profesjonell bruk.

Ourquality productsare manufacturedaccording to thelatesttechnologicaldevelopmentsandarespeciallydesignedtoachieveaclean,betterandmore pleasantindoorclimate.

For more than 50 years, we have specialised in both air treatment and the production and development of dehumidifiers and mobile air conditioners. Our quality products are manufactured according to the latest technological developments and are specially designed to achieve a clean, better and more pleasant indoor climate.

I mer enn 50 år har vi spesialisert oss på både luftbehandling, samt produksjon og utvikling av avfuktere og mobile klimaanlegg.

Våre kvalitetsprodukter er produsert i henhold til den siste teknologiske utviklingen og er spesialdesignet for å oppnå et renere, bedre og mer behagelig inneklima.

Toensurethatyougetthemostoutofallthepossibilities,werecommendthatyoureadtheseoperatinginstructionscarefully.Keeptheinstructionsina safeplacewithineasyreach,sothatyoucanreferto themagainatalaterdateifnecessary.

To ensure that you get the most out of all the possibilities, we recommend that you read these operating instructions carefully. Keep the instructions in a safe place within easy reach, so that you can refer to them again at a later date if necessary.

For å sikre at du får mest mulig ut av alle alternativene, anbefaler vi at du leser bruksanvisningen nøye. Oppbevar instruksjonene på et trygt sted innen rekkevidde, slik at du kan se dem igjen på et senere tidspunkt om nødvendig.

The dehumidifier is suitable for indoor use only with a grounded electrical outlet.

Connectionvoltage: 220-240Volt(50Hz)-IEC60309plugforUKandEU.

Connection voltage: 220-240 Volt (50 Hz) - IEC 60309 plug for UK and EU, 115V (60Hz) - USA plug for USA and Canada.

Sjekk strømnettet med typeskiltet. Avfukteren er kun egnet for innendørs bruk med jordet stikkontakt. Tilkoblingsspenning: 220-240 volt (50 Hz) - IEC 60309-kontakt for UK og EU.


Humid air is drawn into the device by a rotating fan. After passing through the filter, which stops dust particles, the air is cooled by a cooling coil.

Humid air is drawn into the device by a rotating fan. After passing through the filter, which stops dust particles, the air is cooled by a cooling coil.

Fuktig luft suges inn i enheten av en roterende vifte.

Etter å ha passert filteret, som stopper støvpartikler, avkjøles luften av en kjølespiral.

The water vapour in the air condenses into water, which is discharged via a discharge hose.

The water vapour in the air condenses into water, which is discharged via a discharge hose.

Vanndampen i luften kondenserer til vann, som slippes ut via en utløpsslange.

The drier air is then heated by a heat exchanger and blown back into the room by the fan.

The drier air is then heated by a heat exchanger and blown back into the room by the fan.

Den tørre luften varmes deretter opp av en varmeveksler og blåses tilbake inn i rommet av viften.

Beskrivelse av deler 1 Kabinett 2 Typeskilt 3 Kabel 4 Hjul 5 Kontrollpanel/display 6 Tørluft-uttak


• Keep children out of reach of the device.


• Maintenance and repairs should only be carried out by certified personnel. Otherwise the warranty will become void.


Installasjonen må være i full overensstemmelse med lokale forskrifter, bestemmelser og standarder.

• This dehumidifier is a safe device (CE). However, as with any electrical appliance, care should be taken.

Merk at avfukteren må ha stått oppreist i minst én time før bruk.

The installation must be in full accordance with the local regulations, provisions and standards. Please note that the dehumidifier must have stood upright for at least one hour before use.

• Når du ikke bruker avfukteren, må du alltid koble den fra stikkontakten.

• Hold barn utenfor enhetens rekkevidde.

• When you are not using the dehumidifier, always unplug it from the wall socket.

• Keep children out of reach of the device.

• Vedlikehold og reparasjoner skal kun utføres av sertifisert personell. Ellers bortfaller garantien.

- Only install the device in an area that corre sponds to its IP rating.

NEVER connect the unit using an extension cord. If a suitable earthed socket is not available, have this installed by a certified professional.

• Koble alltid fra strømforsyningen før du rengjør enheten eller deler av den.

- Always disconnect the power supply before cleaning the unit or any part of it.

• Rengjør aldri avfukteren ved å spraye den med vann eller dyppe den i vann.

The plug must always be easily accessible when the appliance is connected.

- Never clean the dehumidifier by spraying it with water or immersing it in water.

• Ikke dekk til eller sett noe inn i åpningene på avfukteren.

• Maintenance and repairs should only be carried out by certified personnel. Otherwise the warranty will become void.

The environmentally friendly R290 refrigerant is in a closed circuit; it is highly flammable. Please observe the following:! No open flames or sources of heat in the vicinity of the appliance in the same room. Do not open the closed refrigeration circuit. Only qualified personnel, trained, certified and accustomed to using flammable refrigerants may carry out maintenance work. See warning next page.

• Denne avfukteren er en sikker enhet (CE). Men som med alle elektriske apparater, må man være forsiktig.

• This dehumidifier is a safe device (CE). However, as with any electrical appliance, care should be taken.

Det miljøvennlige R290-kjølemiddelet er i en lukket krets; det er svært brannfarlig. Vær oppmerksom på følgende: Ingen åpen ild eller varmekilder i nærheten av apparatet i samme rom. Ikke åpne den lukkede kjølekretsen. Kun kvalifisert personell, opplært, sertifisert og vant til å bruke brennbare kjølemidler, kan utføre vedlikeholdsarbeid. Se advarsel neste side.

The environmentally friendly R290 refrigerant is in a closed circuit; it is highly flammable. Please observe the following:! No open flames or sources of heat in the vicinity of the appliance in the same room. Do not open the closed refrigeration circuit. Only qualified personnel, trained, certified and accustomed to using flammable refrigerants may carry out maintenance work. See warning next page.

- Do not cover or insert anything into the openings of the dehumidifier.

• Installer kun enheten i et område som samsvarer med IP-klassifiseringen..

Important: The appliance MUST always be connected to earth. If the power supply is not earthed, do not connect the device at all.

- Only install the device in an area that corresponds to its IP rating.

ALDRI koble til enheten med en skjøteledning.

Hvis en egnet jordet stikkontakt ikke er tilgjengelig, må den installeres av en kvalifisert fagperson.

NEVER connect the unit using an extension cord. If a suitable earthed socket is not available, have this installed by a certified professional.

Warning! Never use the appliance if the cord or plug is damaged. If the cord is damaged, have it replaced by an authorised professional to avoid danger and accidents.

Støpselet må alltid være lett tilgjengelig når apparatet er tilkoblet.

The plug must always be easily accessible when the appliance is connected.

Viktig: Apparatet MÅ alltid være koblet til jord. Hvis strømforsyningen ikke er jordet, må du ikke koble til enheten i det hele tatt.

Important: The appliance MUST always be connected to earth. If the power supply is not earthed, do not connect the device at all.

Advarsel! Bruk aldri apparatet hvis ledningen eller støpselet er skadet. Hvis ledningen er skadet, må den skiftes ut av en autorisert fagmann for å unngå farer og ulykker.

Warning! Never use the appliance if the cord or plug is damaged. If the cord is damaged, have it replaced by an authorised professional to avoid danger and accidents.





R290 kjølemiddel er en brennbar naturgass og kan kun brukes av sertifisert personell. Lekk kjølevæske kan forårsake brann og eksplosjon, derfor ALDRI arbeid på enheten selv! Oppbevar, installer og bruk avfukteren i rom med minst 10 m2 gulvplass.

R290refrigerantisa flammablenatural gasand mayonlybeusedbycertified personnel.Leaking refrigerantcancause fireand explosion,therefore NEVERworkonthedeviceyourself! Store,install andusethedehumidifierin roomswithatleast

15 m

2 of floorspace.

R290 er tyngre enn luft. Hvis enheten lekker gass, den høyeste konsentrasjonen vil være nær gulvet.

R290 (propangass) er luktfri.

R290isheavierthanair.Iftheunitisleakinggas, thehighestconcentrationwillbenear the floor. R290(propanegas)isodourless.



• nær en åpen ild (som en sigarett, stearinlys osv.) eller en varmekilde (komfyr, varm lampe)

• inthevicinityofopen fire(suchasacigarette, candle, etc.)oraheatsource(stove,hotlamp).

• i et industrielt miljø med fare for gassog/eller støveksplosjoner.

•inanindustrialenvironmentwithariskofgasand/or dustexplosions

• på steder hvor ledningen lett kan bli skadet eller fanget.

•inplaceswherethecordcaneasilybedamagedor trapped

• når barn er tilstede uten tilsyn.


•wherethereisariskofliquidfallingonorintothe device

• der det er fare for at væske faller på eller inn i enheten.

• hvor apparatet kan bli skadet av kjemikalier.


Apparatet er IKKE egnet for gjør-det-selvreparasjoner.

TheapplianceisNOTsuitable forDIYrepair.

Ifagasleakis suspected,haveacertifiedserviceengineerinvestigate.Stayaway fromthe unit.Evacuatethearea.

Hvis det er mistanke om en gasslekkasje, få den sjekket av en autorisert servicetekniker. Hold deg unna enheten. Evakuer området.

Før oppstart

Before start-up



For best resultat, kjør avfukteren i et lukket rom. Lukk dører og vinduer. Plasser enheten mot en vegg, fri for hindringer og fri for hindringer for luftstrømmen (inntak og utløp).

For best results, run your dehumidifier in a closed space. Close doors and windows. Place the unit by a wall, free of obstacles and free of anything that obstructs the airflow (inlet and outlet).

Discharge hose connection

Tilkobling av utløpsslange

Avfukteren din kommer med en avløpsslange. Slangen kan festes til enheten med en hurtigkobling. Rull ut avløpsslangen og plasser enden i en vask, avløp, bøtte eller utenfor området som skal avfuktes der vannet kan renne av. Hvis du bruker en bøtte, tøm bøtten regelmessig slik at den ikke renner over.



La alltid enheten stå oppreist i minst én time etter transport. Olje fra kompressoren kan da strømme tilbake inn i kompressoren fra kjølespiralene. Apparatet må stå oppreist på en jevn overflate.

Always leave the device upright for at least one hour after transport. Oil from the compressor can then flow back into the compressor from the cooling coils. The device must be upright and level.

Your dehumidifier comes with a drainage hose. The hose can be attached to the unit with a quick connector. Unwind the drainage hose and place the end into a sink, drain, bucket or outside the area to be dehumidified where the water can drain away. If using a bucket, empty the bucket regularly so that it does not overflow.

NB. Rull alltid avløpsslangen helt ut. Plasser aldri enden høyere enn 3,5 meter. Kontroller slangen for sprekker og hindringer slik at kondensvannet ikke blokkeres i strømmen. Dette forhindrer lekkasje fra pumpen.

NB. Always roll out the drainage hose completely. Never place the end higher than 3.5 metres. Check the hose for kinks and obstacles, so that the condensation water is not obstructed in its flow. This prevents leakage from the pump.


3,5 meter maksimal avløpshøyde


Trykk for å montere/frigjøre



Montering av ekstra kanalpose / tørrluftuttak

Installation of additional hose / dry air outlet

En ekstern slange kan valgfritt monteres på utløpsristen.

Dette kan være nyttig for visse tørkekrav.

An external hose can be optionally mounted on the discharge grille. This can be useful for certain drying requirements.

1) Løsne de fire skruene i luftutløpskanalen.

1) loosen the four screws of the air outlet channel

2) replace the adapter turned

2) Monter adapteren på gitteret ved hjelp av de fire skruene.

3) attach the hose to the adapter

3) Fest kanalposen til adapteren.

Montering av kanalposeadapter

En ekstern slange kan valgfritt monteres på utløpsristen.

Straps can be used to easily secure the power cord and drain hose.

Stropper kan brukes til å enkelt feste strømledningen og avløpsslangen.

Control panel


Menu - Display screen - On/off button


Menu selection / Up - Pump button


PÅ / AV-knapp

Main Menu - Display


Insert plug into earthed socket


When the unit is connected, it starts the diagnostic procedure.


Koble til en jordet stikkontakt.

Når enheten er tilkoblet, starter den diagnostikkprosedyren.

The display shows “self diagnosis”. When the unit is ready, the display shows “stand by”.

Displayet viser "SELF DIAGNOSIS".

Når enheten er klar, viser displayet "STANDBY".

Slå enheten på eller av.

Switching the unit on/off

Trykk på PÅ/AV-knappen.

Press the “on/off” button. The unit starts up, the display shows “unit on”.

Enheten starter, displayet viser "UNIT ON".

Operating time 00:00, set value (00%), current temperature 00 oC and current humidity 00%.

Driftstid 00:00, innstilt verdi (00%), aktuell temperatur 00 oC og aktuell luftfuktighet 00 %.

MENY-knapp PÅ / AV-knapp DISPLAY
MENYVALG / OPP-knapp PUMP-knapp

Hvis displayet viser "PLEASE WAIT COMP DELAY" og utfører en numerisk nedtelling fra maksimalt 180 sekunder til 0, er dette kompressor-forsinkelses-beskyttelsen.

If the display reads PLEASE WAIT COMP DELAY and performs a numeral count down from a maximum of 180 seconds to 0, this is the compressor delay protection. Once the unit completes the compressor delay protection, the unit will start working immediately.

If the display reads PLEASE WAIT COMP DELAY and performs a numeral count down from a maximum of 180 seconds to 0, this is the compressor delay protection. Once the unit completes the compressor delay protection, the unit will start working immediately.

Når enheten har fullført kompressor-forsinkelses-beskyttelsen, begynner enheten å fungere umiddelbart.




Press the purge button, the unit will pump for 50 seconds to manually empty water from the condensate pump reservoir.

Press the purge button, the unit will pump for 50 seconds to manually empty water from the condensate pump reservoir.

Trykk på PUMP-knappen, enheten vil pumpe i 50 sekunder for å tømme vann manuelt fra kondensatpumpens reservoar.

During normal operation, the pump purges 90 seconds when the reservoir is full. The display will flash P in top right corner.

Under normal drift, pump ut i 90 sekunder når tanken er full. En P blinker i øvre høyre hjørne av displayet.

During normal operation, the pump purges 90 seconds when the reservoir is full. The display will flash P in top right corner.

Merk: Trykk alltid på PUMP-knappen før du flytter enheten.

Notice: Always press the PURGE button prior to move the unit.

Notice: Always press the PURGE button prior to move the unit.

Display Menu


Display Menu

Press the DISPLAY MENU button cycle through the display of additional dehumidifier conditions and User Setting. To return to the Main Menu, wait for 10 seconds no operation or keep pressing DISPLAY MENU button till it back to the Main Menu.

Trykk på MENU-knappen for å bla gjennom ytterligere avfukterog brukerinnstillinger på skjermen. For å gå tilbake til hovedmenyen, vent i 10 sekunder eller fortsett å trykke på MENUknappen til du kommer tilbake.

Press the DISPLAY MENU button cycle through the display of additional dehumidifier conditions and User Setting. To return to the Main Menu, wait for 10 seconds no operation or keep pressing DISPLAY MENU button till it back to the Main Menu.




Trykk på MENYVALG-knappen for å endre/kontrollere verdien på "User Setting Menu Display". MENYVALG-knappen fungerer som OPP-knappen for å justere innstilt verdi for drift med hygrostat.

PresstheMENUSELECTIONbuttontochange/checkthe valueon the“User SettingMenu Display”.TheMENU SELECTIONbuttonactsastheUPbuttonforadjustingthesetvalue forhumidistatmodeoperation.

PresstheMENUSELECTIONbuttontochange/checkthe valueon the“User SettingMenu Display”.TheMENU SELECTIONbuttonactsastheUPbuttonforadjustingthesetvalue forhumidistatmodeoperation.

Brukeren kan bruke knappene MENY og MENYVALG for å kontrollere og stille inn noen funksjoner.

UsetheDISPLAYMENUandMENUSELECTIONbuttonsto checkandsetsomefunctions.

UsetheDISPLAYMENUandMENUSELECTIONbuttonsto checkandsetsomefunctions.

Hvert trykk på MENY-knappen vil vise neste parameter.

Se liste nedenfor. For å velge parameteren du vil justere, trykk på MENYVALG-knappen.

Pilen som vises i øvre venstre hjørne betyr at du kan justere parameteren eller skjermen er nå låst. Trykk på MENU-knappen for å gå ut av det låste grensesnittet.

EachpressofDISPLAYMENUbutton,willshowthenextparameter.Whenyouwishtoadjust,presstheMENUSELECTIONbutton,thearrowshowninthelefttopcornermeans youcanadjusttheparameterorthescreenislocked.Press DISPLAYMENUbuttontoexitthelockedinterface.

EachpressofDISPLAYMENUbutton,willshowthenextparameter.Whenyouwishtoadjust,presstheMENUSELECTIONbutton,thearrowshowninthelefttopcornermeans youcanadjusttheparameterorthescreenislocked.Press DISPLAYMENUbuttontoexitthelockedinterface.




Viser totalt antall driftstimer på en spesifikk oppgave. Trykk på MENYVALG for å tilbakestille driftstiden etter at jobben er fullført.






Viser totalt antall driftstimer. Verdien kan ikke endres.



Temperatur på innløp (Inlet) / utløp (Outlet)

TemperatureofInlet /Outlet

TemperatureofInlet /Outlet

Viser gjeldende temperatur og relativ luftfuktighet for innløp og utløp.

Showscurrenttemperatureandrelativehumidityofinlet andoutlet.

Showscurrenttemperatureandrelativehumidityofinlet andoutlet.

Humidistat Mode

Humidistat Mode

Humidistat Mode

Humidistat Mode


Trykk på MENYVALG-knappen og sett "HUMIDISTAT MODE" til "ON" for å justere den innstilte hygrostatverdien fra CO-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-90 %.

Humidistat Mode

Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.

Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.

Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.

Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.

Velg ønsket verdi og vent i 5 sekunder - innstillingen beholdes. CO betyr kontinuerlig avfukting.

Temp Units

Temp Units

Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.

Temp Units


Temp Units

Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.

Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.

Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.

Viser gjeldende temperaturskala. Trykk på MENYVALG for å stille inn Fahrenheit- eller Celsius-skalaen.

Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.

Temp Units

Coil Temp


Coil Temp

Coil Temp

Coil Temp

Shows the evaporator coil temperature.

Viser temperaturen på kjølespiralen.

Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.

Shows the evaporator coil temperature.

Shows the evaporator coil temperature.

Shows the evaporator coil temperature.

Comprss Current

Coil Temp

Comprss Current

Comprss Current


Comprss Current

Shows the current draw in amps.

Shows the current draw in amps.

Shows the evaporator coil temperature.

Shows the current draw in amps.

Viser strømforbruket i ampere.

Shows the current draw in amps.

If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.

If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.

If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.

If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.

Comprss Current

Shows the current draw in amps.


Code Message

Code Message

Code Message

Code Message

If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.

Displayet viser totalt antall timers bruk i kWh. Den viste verdien kan ikke justeres. Registrer kWh-forbruk før og etter hver jobb.

If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.

If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.

If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.

Code Message



If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page. 12

Hvis enhetens innebygde diagnostikk oppdager et problem, vil enheten vise en feilkode. Se feilkoder på neste side. SIDE 11 - NO

If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.

Feilkode Forklaring



Feil ved temperatursensor

Feil ved innløpssensor

E3 Feil ved kjølesystemet

E4 Pumpefeil

E5 Feil ved innløpssensor

EC Overstrømsbeskyttelse

D Avriming

P Pumping / Tømning

MERK! Trekk alltid støpselet ut av stikkontakten før rengjøring eller service.

- Vedlikehold må kun utføres av kvalifisert personell.

- Apparatet må kobles fra strømnettet før du fjerner dekslene.

- Hvis apparatet ikke er i gang, kan varmeren fortsatt være varm.


Avkjøling oppnås ved å bruke R290 kjølemiddel, en naturgass (propan) i et lukket system.

Siden det er svært brannfarlig, anbefales det å være forsiktig: Ingen åpen flamme eller varmekilde i nærheten av apparatet – bruk og oppbevaring i et rom med et gulvareal på minst 10 m2, årlig inspeksjon av en autorisert fagperson som vil etterfylle kjølemiddelet hvis nødvendig.

Rengjøring av filteret

For å fjerne filteret, løsne først skruen i midten (f.eks. med en mynt).

Enheten har et inntaksluftfilter som skal kontrolleres med jevne mellomrom og kontrolleres og rengjøres ved behov.

Rengjør den med en støvsuger eller vask den.

Filteret må være helt tørt før det monteres på nytt.

FORSIKTIG: Kjør aldri enheten uten filteret, støv vil påvirke driften negativt.


Tørk regelmessig med en fuktig klut med et mildt husholdningsrengjøringsmiddel.

Attention! Always disconnect from the mains before cleaning or servicing.

Merk følgende! Trekk alltid støpselet ut av stikkontakten før rengjøring eller service.

Keep the filter, spirals and all grilles clean. This will help ensure proper operation.

Hold filteret, spiralene og alle rister rene. Dette vil bidra til å sikre riktig drift.

1) remove the hose from the air outlet (if fitted)

1) Fjern slangen fra luftuttaket (hvis montert).

2) unscrew the side panels (6 screws)

3) Take out the filter and clean it.

2) Skru av sidepanelene (6 skruer).

3) Ta ut filteret og rengjør det.

4) Remove dust from the panels with a soft dry cloth.

4) Fjern støv fra panelene med en myk, tørr klut.

5) Clean the inside carefully with a hoover, be careful not to damage delicate parts.

6) Attach the side panels in the reverse order.

5) Rengjør innsiden forsiktig med en støvsuger, pass på at du ikke skader ømfintlige deler.

6) Fest sidepanelene i omvendt rekkefølge.


Feil Årsak

Vann drypper ut når enheten flyttes.

Enheten ble koblet fra før pumpingen ble fullført.

Enheten fungerer ikke. - Ingen strøm til maskinen.

- Enheten er ikke slått på.

- Det innstilte fuktighetsnivået er nådd.


Sørg for fullstendig pumping/tømming før flytting av avfukteren.

- Koble til enheten. Sjekk strømmen på stikkontakten og bunnen av enheten.

- Slå på enheten.

- Velg CO (kontinuerlig) hvis du fortsatt ønsker å avfukte etter at den innstilte verdien er nådd.

Vann på gulvet. Avløpsslangen er løs. Ikke riktig tilkoblet. Stram til avløpsslangen.

Avfukteren produserer for lite vann.

- Romtemperaturen er for lav.

- Dører og vinduer er åpne.

- Enheten har ikke vært brukt lenge nok.

- Luftfilteret, kjølespolene er skitne.

- Øk romtemperaturen.

- Lukk alle dører og vinduer.

- La enheten gå lenger.

- Kontroller filter og kjølespiraler og rengjør.







Spenning / Frekvens

Efficiency (30 0CRH80%)

50 L/dag (35 °C RH95%)

150L/day(35 0CRH90%)

35 L/dag (30 °C RH80%)

90L/day(30 0CRH80%)

2 L/dag (27 °C RH60%)

50L/day(27 0CRH60%)

220-240 V / ~50 Hz

Nominell effekt 475 W


Nominell strømstyrke 2,1 A


Luftstrøm 330 m3/h



965W (27 0CRH60%)

220-240 Volt (50 Hz)IEC 60309 plugg for Storbritannia og EU

Enheten må være elektrisk jordet

• Koble den 3-pinners kontakten til strømledningen direkte inn i en jordet stikkontakt.

• Ikke bruk med en adapter.

Støy 50 dB (A)

RatedCurrent AirFlow

Kjølemiddel R290 / 0,135 kg


Driftstemperatur 1 ~38 °C


Vekt 2 kg


Dimensjoner (B x H x D)

310 x 370 x 500 mm

Strømkabel 5 m



Avløpsslange 12 m



4.3A (27 0CRH60%) 1.000m3/h 60dB(A) R290/0.265kg 1~38 0C 44.8kg

705x450x530mm 5m 5m


220-240Volt(50Hz)IEC60309 plug forUKandEU 15


Hold ledninger og motor tørre. Ikke bruk mens du står i vann. Hvis elektriske komponenter blir våte, la dem tørke helt før bruk.



Max. sugetryk 2,5 MPa Max. utløpstrykk 4,5 MPa

Med forbehold om endringer.

EPD100LGR (LowGrainRefrigerant)



EPD170LGR (Low Gas Refrigerant)

EPD100LGR (Low Grain Refrigerant)

Toreducetheriskofinjury,theusermustreadand understandthismanualbeforeusingthisproduct.




Safety instructions

Safety instructions

To reduce the risk of injury, the user must read and understand this manual before using this product.

To reduce the risk of injury, the user must read and understand this manual before using this product.


Thankyouforchoosingthisproduct. Savethismanualforfuturereference.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you for choosing this product. Save this manual for future reference.

Thank you for choosing this product. Save this manual for future reference.

ThisECOR PROdehumidifier isapowerful dehumidifiersuitable forprofessionaluse.

This ECOR PRO dehumidifier is a powerful dehumidifier suitable for professional use.

Formorethan50years,wehavespecialisedinboth airtreatmentandtheproductionanddevelopment ofdehumidifiers andmobile airconditioners.

Ourquality productsare manufacturedaccording to thelatesttechnologicaldevelopmentsandarespeciallydesignedtoachieveaclean,betterandmore pleasantindoorclimate.

Toensurethatyougetthemostoutofallthepossibilities,werecommendthatyoureadtheseoperatinginstructionscarefully.Keeptheinstructionsina safeplacewithineasyreach,sothatyoucanreferto themagainatalaterdateifnecessary.

For more than 50 years, we have specialised in both air treatment and the production and development of dehumidifiers and mobile air conditioners. Our quality products are manufactured according to the latest technological developments and are specially designed to achieve a clean, better and more pleasant indoor climate.

This ECOR PRO dehumidifier is a powerful dehumidifier suitable for professional use. For more than 50 years, we have specialised in both air treatment and the production and development of dehumidifiers and mobile air conditioners. Our quality products are manufactured according to the latest technological developments and are specially designed to achieve a clean, better and more pleasant indoor climate.

To ensure that you get the most out of all the possibilities, we recommend that you read these operating instructions carefully. Keep the instructions in a safe place within easy reach, so that you can refer to them again at a later date if necessary.

To ensure that you get the most out of all the possibilities, we recommend that you read these operating instructions carefully. Keep the instructions in a safe place within easy reach, so that you can refer to them again at a later date if necessary.

Forsafetyreasons,pleasereadtheseoperatinginstructionscarefullybeforeusingyourappliance.The deviceisintendedexclusivelyforprofessionaluseby qualifiedpersonnel. Personswhoare notfamiliar with thisdeviceshouldnotuseit.

For safety reasons, please read these operating instructions carefully before using your appliance. The device is intended exclusively for professional use by qualified personnel. Persons who are not familiar with this device should not use it.


For safety reasons, please read these operating instructions carefully before using your appliance. The device is intended exclusively for professional use by qualified personnel. Persons who are not familiar with this device should not use it.

Thedehumidifier issuitable forindoor useonly witha groundedelectricaloutlet.

Check the mains with the rating plate.

The dehumidifier is suitable for indoor use only with a grounded electrical outlet.

Connectionvoltage: 220-240Volt(50Hz)-IEC60309plugforUKandEU.

Connection voltage: 220-240 Volt (50 Hz) - IEC 60309 plug for UK and EU, 115V (60Hz) - USA plug for USA and Canada.

Check the mains with the rating plate. The dehumidifier is suitable for indoor use only with a grounded electrical outlet. Connection voltage: 220-240 Volt (50 Hz) - IEC 60309 plug for UK and EU.


Humid air is drawn into the device by a rotating fan.

Humid air is drawn into the device by a rotating fan.

After passing through the filter, which stops dust particles, the air is cooled by a cooling coil.

After passing through the filter, which stops dust particles, the air is cooled by a cooling coil.

Humid air is drawn into the device by a rotating fan.

After passing through the filter, which stops dust particles, the air is cooled by a cooling coil.

The water vapour in the air condenses into water, which is discharged via a discharge hose.

The water vapour in the air condenses into water, which is discharged via a discharge hose.

The water vapour in the air condenses into water, which is discharged via a discharge hose.

The drier air is then heated by a heat exchanger and blown back into the room by the fan.

The drier air is then heated by a heat exchanger and blown back into the room by the fan.

The drier air is then heated by a heat exchanger and blown back into the room by the fan.

of parts

The installation must be in full accordance with the local regulations, provisions and standards. Please note that the dehumidifier must have stood upright for at least one hour before use.

• When you are not using the dehumidifier, always unplug it from the wall socket.

• Keep children out of reach of the device.

• Maintenance and repairs should only be carried out by certified personnel. Otherwise the warranty will become void.

• This dehumidifier is a safe device (CE). However, as with any electrical appliance, care should be taken.

The environmentally friendly R290 refrigerant is in a closed circuit; it is highly flammable. Please observe the following:! No open flames or sources of heat in the vicinity of the appliance in the same room. Do not open the closed refrigeration circuit. Only qualified personnel, trained, certified and accustomed to using flammable refrigerants may carry out maintenance work. See warning next page.

• Always disconnect the power supply before cleaning the unit or any part of it.

• Never clean the dehumidifier by spraying it with water or immersing it in water.

• Do not cover or insert anything into the openings of the dehumidifier.

• Only install the device in an area that corresponds to its IP rating.

NEVER connect the unit using an extension cord. If a suitable earthed socket is not available, have this installed by a certified professional.

The plug must always be easily accessible when the appliance is connected.

Important: The appliance MUST always be connected to earth. If the power supply is not earthed, do not connect the device at all.

Warning! Never use the appliance if the cord or plug is damaged. If the cord is damaged, have it replaced by an authorised professional to avoid danger and accidents.





R290 refrigerant is a flammable natural gas and may only be used by certified personnel.

Leaking refrigerant can cause fire and explosion, therefore NEVER work on the device yourself! Store, install and use the dehumidifier in rooms with at least 10 m2 of floor space.

R290refrigerantisa flammablenatural gasand mayonlybeusedbycertified personnel.Leaking refrigerantcancause fireand explosion,therefore NEVERworkonthedeviceyourself! Store,install andusethedehumidifierin roomswithatleast

15 m

2 of floorspace.



• in the vicinity of open fire (such as a cigarette, candle, etc.) or a heat source (stove, hot lamp).

• inthevicinityofopen fire(suchasacigarette, candle, etc.)oraheatsource(stove,hotlamp).

• in an industrial environment with a risk of gas and/or dust explosions

•inanindustrialenvironmentwithariskofgasand/or dustexplosions

• in places where the cord can easily be damaged or trapped

•inplaceswherethecordcaneasilybedamagedor trapped

• when children are present without supervision


•wherethereisariskofliquidfallingonorintothe device

R290isheavierthanair.Iftheunitisleakinggas, thehighestconcentrationwillbenear the floor.

R290 is heavier than air. If the unit is leaking gas, the highest concentration will be near the floor. R290 (propane gas) is odourless.


• where there is a risk of liquid falling on or into the device


• where the appliance can be damaged by chemicals.

TheapplianceisNOTsuitable forDIYrepair.

The appliance is NOT suitable for DIY repair.

If a gas leak is suspected, have a certified service engineer investigate.

Ifagasleakis suspected,haveacertifiedserviceengineerinvestigate.Stayaway fromthe unit.Evacuatethearea.

Stay away from the unit. Evacuate the area.


Before start-up

Before start-up



For best results, run your dehumidifier in a closed space. Close doors and windows. Place the unit by a wall, free of obstacles and free of anything that obstructs the airflow (inlet and outlet).

For best results, run your dehumidifier in a closed space. Close doors and windows. Place the unit by a wall, free of obstacles and free of anything that obstructs the airflow (inlet and outlet).

Discharge hose connection

Discharge hose connection

Your dehumidifier comes with a drainage hose. The hose can be attached to the unit with a quick connector. Unwind the drainage hose and place the end into a sink, drain, bucket or outside the area to be dehumidified where the water can drain away. If using a bucket, empty the bucket regularly so that it does not overflow.



Always leave the device upright for at least one hour after transport. Oil from the compressor can then flow back into the compressor from the cooling coils. The device must be upright and level.

Always leave the device upright for at least one hour after transport. Oil from the compressor can then flow back into the compressor from the cooling coils. The device must be upright and level.

Your dehumidifier comes with a drainage hose. The hose can be attached to the unit with a quick connector. Unwind the drainage hose and place the end into a sink, drain, bucket or outside the area to be dehumidified where the water can drain away. If using a bucket, empty the bucket regularly so that it does not overflow.

NB. Always roll out the drainage hose completely. Never place the end higher than 3.5 metres. Check the hose for kinks and obstacles, so that the condensation water is not obstructed in its flow. This prevents leakage from the pump.

NB. Always roll out the drainage hose completely. Never place the end higher than 3.5 metres. Check the hose for kinks and obstacles, so that the condensation water is not obstructed in its flow. This prevents leakage from the pump.

Quick-connect fitting Press to install / release



Installation of additional hose / dry air outlet

Installation of additional hose / dry air outlet

An external hose can be optionally mounted on the discharge grille. This can be useful for certain drying requirements.

An external hose can be optionally mounted on the discharge grille. This can be useful for certain drying requirements.

1) loosen the four screws of the air outlet channel

1) Loosen the four screws of the air outlet channel.

2) replace the adapter turned

2) Mount the adapter on the grille using the four screws.

3) attach the hose to the adapter

3) Attach the hose to the adapter.

Mounting of duct adapter

An external hose can optionally be mounted on the outlet grille.

Straps can be used to easily secure the power cord and drain hose.

Straps can be used to easily secure the power cord and drain hose.



Control panel

Control panel

Menu - Display screen - On/off button

MENU button

Menu selection / Up - Pump button


ON / OFF button

Main Menu - Display


Insert plug into earthed socket

PUMP button

When the unit is connected, it starts the diagnostic procedure.


Insert plug into earthed socket.

The display shows “self diagnosis”. When the unit is ready, the display shows “stand by”.

When the unit is connected, it starts the diagnostic procedure.

The display shows "SELF DIAGNOSIS".

When the unit is ready, the display shows "STAND BY".

Switching the unit on/off

Switching the unit on/off.

Press the “on/off” button. The unit starts up, the display shows “unit on”.

Press the ON/OFF button. The unit starts up, the display shows "UNIT ON".

Operating time 00:00, set value (00%), current temperature 00 oC and current humidity 00%.

Operating time 00:00, set value (00%), current temperature 00 oC and current humidity 00%.

If the display reads PLEASE WAIT COMP DELAY and performs a numeral count down from a maximum of 180 seconds to 0, this is the compressor delay protection. Once the unit completes the compressor delay protection, the unit will start working immediately.

If the display reads PLEASE WAIT COMP DELAY and performs a numeral count down from a maximum of 180 seconds to 0, this is the compressor delay protection. Once the unit completes the compressor delay protection, the unit will start working immediately.

If the display reads "PLEASE WAIT COMP DELAY" and performs a numeral count down from a maximum of 180 seconds to 0, this is the compressor delay protection. Once the unit completes the compressor delay protection, the unit will start working immediately.




Press the purge button, the unit will pump for 50 seconds to manually empty water from the condensate pump reservoir.

Press the purge button, the unit will pump for 50 seconds to manually empty water from the condensate pump reservoir.

Press the PUMP button, the unit will pump for 50 seconds to manually empty water from the condensate pump reservoir.

During normal operation, the pump purges 90 seconds when the reservoir is full. The display will flash P in top right corner.

During normal operation, the pump purges 90 seconds when the reservoir is full. The display will flash P in top right corner.

During normal operation, the pump purges 90 seconds when the reservoir is full. The display will flash P in top right corner.

Notice: Always press the PUMP button prior to move the unit.

Notice: Always press the PURGE button prior to move the unit.

Notice: Always press the PURGE button prior to move the unit.

Display Menu

Display Menu

Display Menu

Press the DISPLAY MENU button cycle through the display of additional dehumidifier conditions and User Setting. To return to the Main Menu, wait for 10 seconds no operation or keep pressing DISPLAY MENU button till it back to the Main Menu.

Press the MENU button to cycle through the display of additional dehumidifier conditions and user setting. To return to the MAIN MENU, wait for 10 seconds or keep pressing MENU button till it back to the MAIN MENU.

Press the DISPLAY MENU button cycle through the display of additional dehumidifier conditions and User Setting. To return to the Main Menu, wait for 10 seconds no operation or keep pressing DISPLAY MENU button till it back to the Main Menu.

Menu selection

Menu Selection

Press the MENU SELECTION button to change / check the value on the "User Setting Menu Display".

Press the MENU SELECTION button to change / check the value on the “User Setting Menu Display”. The MENU SELECTION button acts as the UP button for adjusting the set value for humidistat mode operation.

The MENU SELECTION button acts as the UP button for adjusting the set value for humidistat mode operation.

User can use DISPLAY MENU and MENU SELECTION buttons to check and set some functions.

User can use MENU and MENU SELECTION buttons to check and set some functions. Each press of MENU button, will show next parameter. See list below. To select the parameter you wish to adjust, press the MENU SELECTION button, the arrow shows in the left top corner means you can adjust the parameter or the screen is locked now. Press MENU button to exit the locked interface.

Each press of DISPLAY MENU button, will show next parameter. See list below. When you wish the parameter you wish to adjust, press the MENU SELECTION button, the arrow shows in the left top corner means you can adjust the parameter or the screen is locked now. Press DISPLAY MENU button to exit the locked interface.


Job hours

Press MENU SELECTION to reset the working hours to zero.

Shows the total number of operating hours on a specific task. Press MENU SELECT to reset the operating time when the job is completed.

Live hours


Shows total of unit hours. Value cannot be modified.

Shows total of unit hours. Value cannot be modified.




of Inlet / Outlet

Shows current temperature and relative humidity of inlet and outlet.

Shows current temperature and relative humidity of inlet and outlet.

Humidistat Mode

Humidistat Mode

Humidistat Mode

Humidistat Mode


Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.

Humidistat Mode

Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.

Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.

Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.

Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%-90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.

Temp Units

Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.

Temp Units

Temp Units


Temp Units

Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.

Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.

Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.

Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.

Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.

Temp Units


Coil Temp

Coil Temp

Coil Temp

Coil Temp

Shows the evaporator coil temperature.

Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.

Shows the evaporator coil temperature.

Shows the evaporator coil temperature.

Shows the evaporator coil temperature.

Shows the evaporator coil temperature.

Comprss Current

Coil Temp

Comprss Current

Comprss Current


Comprss Current

Shows the current draw in amps.

Shows the current draw in amps.

Shows the evaporator coil temperature.

Shows the current draw in amps.

Shows the current draw in amps.

Shows the current draw in amps.

If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.

If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.

If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.

If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.

Comprss Current

Shows the current draw in amps.


Code Message

Code Message

Code Message

Code Message

If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.

Display shows total hours of use in kWh. The displayed value cannot be adjusted. Note down kWh consumption before and after each job.

If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.

If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.

Code Message


If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page. 12

If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display an error code. See the error codes next page.

If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page. 12

If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.

Code message (error code)



Temperature sensor error

E2 Inlet sensor error

E3 Cooling system failure

E4 Pump error

E5 Outlet sensor error

EC Overcurrent protection

D Defrosting

P Pump / Purging


Attention! Always disconnect from the mains before cleaning or servicing.

- Maintenance may only be carried out by qualified personnel.

- The appliance must be disconnected from the mains before the covers are removed.

- If the appliance is not running, the heating element may still be hot.


Cooling is achieved by using R290 refrigerant, a natural gas - propane - in a closed system. Since it is highly flammable, caution is advised: no open flame or source of heat near the appliance, use and storage in a room with a floor space of at least 10 m2, annual inspection by an authorised professional, who will top up the refrigerant if necessary.

Cleaning the filter

To remove the filter, first loosen the screw in the middle. (e.g. with a coin).

The unit has an intake air filter that must be checked periodically and checked and cleaned if necessary. Clean it with a hoover or wash it.

The filter must be completely dry before being replaced.

CAUTION: Never run the unit without the filter, dust will adversely affect operation.


Wipe regularly with a damp cloth using a mild household detergent.



Attention! Always disconnect from the mains before cleaning or servicing.

Attention! Always disconnect from the mains before cleaning or servicing.

Keep the filter, spirals and all grilles clean.

This will help ensure proper operation.

Keep the filter, spirals and all grilles clean. This will help ensure proper operation.

1) remove the hose from the air outlet (if fitted)

1) Remove the hose from the air outlet (if fitted).

2) unscrew the side panels (6 screws)

2) Unscrew the side panels (6 screws).

3) Take out the filter and clean it.

3) Take out the filter and clean it.

4) Remove dust from the panels with a soft dry cloth.

4) Remove dust from the panels with a soft dry cloth.

5) Clean the inside carefully with a hoover, be careful not to damage delicate parts.

5) Clean the inside carefully with a hoover, be careful not to damage delicate parts.

6) Attach the side panels in the reverse order.

6) Attach the side panels in the reverse order.


Fault Cause Solution

Water drips out when moving the unit.

Unit was unplugged before purging/ pumping was complete.

Unit does not operate. - No power to machine.

Purge/pump out unit before moving.

- Unit not switched on.

- The set humidity level has been reached.

Water on the floor. The drain hose is loose. Not correct connected.

Unit collect too little water.

- Room temperature is too low.

- The doors and windows are open.

- The unit has not been used long enough.

- The air filter, coils are dirty.

- Plug in unit. Check power at outlet and base of unit.

- Switch on the unit.

- Choose CO (continuous) if you still want to dehumidifying after the set value has been reached.

Thighten the connection of the drain hose.

- Increase the room temperature.

- Close all doors and windows.

- Allow the unit to run more time.

- Check the filter and coils and clean.



Water removal capacity


Voltage / Frequency

Efficiency (30 0CRH80%)

Rated Power


50 L/day (35 °C RH95%)

150L/day(35 0CRH90%)

35 L/day (30 °C RH80%) 20 L/day (27 °C RH60%)

90L/day(30 0CRH80%)

50L/day(27 0CRH60%)

V / ~50 Hz



Rated Current 2.1 A
















965W (27 0CRH60%)

4.3A (27 0CRH60%) 1.000m3/h 60dB(A) R290/0.265kg 1~38 0C 44.8kg 705x450x530mm 5m 5m

220-240 Volt (50 Hz)IEC 60309 plug for UK and EU

Unit must be electrically grounded

• Insert 3-prong plug on power cord directly into matching grounded receptacle.

• Do not use with an adaptor.


220-240Volt(50Hz)IEC60309 plug forUKandEU 15

Keep wiring and motor dry. Do not operate in standing water. If electrical components become wet, allow to dry completely before using.



Subject to modifications. FIRE AND ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD

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