DBK Drymatic II manual - NO

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INSTRUKSJONSHÅNDBOK NAC Europe - Ellegårdvej 18 - DK-6400 Sønderborg - Denmark


Tlf: +45 7442 6292 - Faks: +45 7442 4786 - Mobil: +45 4021 4787 - info@nac-europe.com - www.nac-europe.dk

Models: FGPH061; FGPH062; FGPH063; FGPH064; FGPH065; FGPH066; FGPH070; FGPH071 DBK Technitherm Limited


Unit 11, Llantrisant Business Park, Llantrisant, CF72 8LF, Wales, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 1443 23 79 27 Fax: +44 (0) 1443 23 78 67 Email: info-uk@dbk-group.com Web: http://drymatic.com Patented in Australia (AU2009272484), United States (US8720080 & US9015960), Great Britain (GB2462066 & GB2488873) and patents pending in Europe (EP2307838 & EP2498036). Model: All worldwide design rights and copyright reserved.




> Sørg for at du har lest og forstått denne håndboken før du betjener maskinen. > Unngå å overbelaste stikkontakter eller skjøteledninger – Kontroller strømforhold før bruk.

Ensure that> you have read and understood this manual before operating the machine. Fare for elektrisk støt – Unngå å åpne maskinen eller å forsøke å ta gjennom ristene. Varme overflater – Unngå å berøre varmeutslippet eller ristene maskinen er i drift. Do not>overload sockets or extension leads - Check powermens ratings before use. Når maskinen er slått av, må du la den kjøle ned før du berører den.

Risk of>electric shock - Do not open the unit or try to reach through the grills. Unngå å blokkere eller vri slangene. Dette kan forårsake overoppheting av maskinen eller hindre

Produktet er utelukkende til innendørs profesjonell bruk. Hot surfacesfunksjonsdyktigheten. - Do not touch heater outlet or grill whilst product is in operation. Once stopped allow the unit to cool down before touching.

Do not block or twist ducts. This could cause the unit to overheat or hinder performance. www.nac-europe.dk


Gratulerer med ditt kjøp! Gratulerer og takk for at du har kjøpt et Drymatic-produkt! For å få mest ut av din Drymatic, ber vi deg ta deg tid til å lese denne bruksanvisningen og gjøre deg fortrolig med betjeningen av maskinen og dens funksjoner.

Innhold Garanti ................................................ 2

Oppbevaring og transport ................. 11

Sikkerhet og advarsler ........................ 3

Vedlikehold ....................................... 12

Innledning .......................................... 4

Feilsøking.......................................... 14

Komponentidentifikasjon ................... 4

Reservedeler ..................................... 14

Hurtigoppsett ...................................... 6

Modellidentifikasjon ......................... 15

Avanserte innstillinger ........................ 8

Produktspesifikasjon......................... 15

Tips til oppsett .................................. 10

GARANTIOPPLYSNINGER For å aktivere garantien, må du fulle ut og sende inn garantiregistreringskortet med post, faks eller e-post, sammen med din faktura/kvittering. DBK Techniterm tilbyr en standard ettårig garanti fra kjøpsdatoen for Drymatic samt en supplerende fireårig garanti på rotasjonsstøpte kabinetter. Du finner kontaktopplysninger på forsiden av denne instruksjonshåndboken. Se avsnittet om komponentidentifikasjon for å finne din modell og ditt serienummer.

Drymatic Limited Garantikort Drymatic modellnummer FGPH Kjøpsdato

Serienummer Kjøpt av

Tittel Fornavn


Adresse Telefon


Dato og underskrift








 Do not Doalter not alter or modify or modify your your Drymatic Drymatic in anyinway. any way. Use only Use only replacement replacement partsparts approved approved by DBK, by DBK, modifimodifi-

cations/repairs cations/repairs not covered in the inmaintenance the maintenance section section ofkun this of manual this manual and and use theof use unapproved unapproved partsparts • Unngå å på noen not måtecovered endre eller modifisere din Drymatic. Bruk reservedeler somthe er godkjent avofDBK. will void will void any remaining any remaining warranty. Contact Contact your localom local Drymatic Drymatic distributor distributor for assistance. for assistance. Endringer/reparasjoner som ikkewarranty. er omfattet av your kapittelet vedlikehold i denne håndboken, samt bruk av ikke-godkjente reservedeler, fører til at gjenværende garanti bortfaller. Kontakt NAC Europe for hjelp.  Check Check hoseshoses for wear for wear and damage, and damage, replace replace whenwhen needed. needed. Heater Heater hosehose mustmust be rated be rated to 100°C to 100°C (212°F). (212°F). • Kontroller slanger for slitasje og skader, skift ut etter behov. Varmeslangen må være beregnet på å tåle 100˚C.  Product Product for indoor for indoor commercial commercial use only. use only. It must It must be kept be kept dry atdry allat times all times awayaway fromfrom rain, rain, waterwater or snow. or snow. • Produktet er kun til innendørs profesjonell bruk. Det må til enhver tid holdes tørt og må ikke utsettes for regn,  Handle thesnø. unit the carefully. unit carefully. Always Always operate operate the unit the on unita on flatastable flat stable surface. surface. Do not Dodrop, not drop, throw throw or place or place vannHandle eller

• Håndter maskinen med forsiktighet. Betjen alltid maskinen på en plan og stabil overflate. Unngå å miste eller kaste tions tions and eller will andvoid void the warranty. the på warranty. maskinen åwill plassere den steder hvor den risikerer å velte. Hardhendt behandling kan skade maskinen og skape farlige driftsforhold og fører til at garantien bortfaller.  Lift within Lift within your your limits. limits. Drymatic Drymatic weighs weighs 25kg,25kg, seek seek assistance assistance if necessary. if necessary. Please Please see transport see transport section. section.

 

the unit the in unit area in area it may it may fall. Rough fall. Rough handling handling may may damage damage the unit, the unit, create create dangerous dangerous operating operating condicondi-

• Løft innenfor dine egne grenser. Drymatic veier 25 kg. Be om hjelp, om nødvendig. Se kapittelet om transport.  Never Never pull or pull liftorthe liftproduct the product via the viamains the mains cord.cord. • Du må aldri trekke eller løfte produktet ved hjelp av strømkabelen.  Children Children of less ofthan less than 12 years 12 years should should be kept be kept awayaway unless unless continuously continuously supervised. supervised. • Barn under 12 år bør holdes på avstand, med mindre de holdes under konstant oppsyn.  This appliance This appliance can be canused be used by children by children fromfrom 16 years 16 years and above and above and persons and persons with with reduced reduced physical, physical, • Denne maskinen kan brukes av barn fra 16 år og oppover samt av personer med nedsatte fysiske, sensoriske eller sensory sensory or mental or mental capabilities capabilities or lack or of lack experience of experience and knowledge and knowledge if they if they havehave beenbeen givengiven supervision supervision mentale evner eller manglende erfaring og kunnskap hvis de har fått veiledning eller nødvendige opplæring i forsvarlig or instruction or instruction concerning concerning use of use theofappliance the appliance in a safe in a way safe and wayunderstand and understand the hazards the hazards involved. involved. Chil- Chilbruk av maskinen, og forstår de farer som er involvert ved bruk. Barn må ikke leke med maskinen. Rengjøring og dren dren shall shall not play not with play with the appliance. the appliance. Cleaning Cleaning and user and user maintenance maintenance shall shall not be not made be made without without susuvedlikehold må ikke utføres uten oppsyn.

• Barn mellom 12 og 16 år kan bare slå maskinen av/på dersom den er plassert eller installert i tilsiktet normal  Children Children agedogaged from from 12fått years 12 years and less and than less than 16 years 16 years shall shall only only switch switch on/off on/off the appliance the appliance provided provided that that driftsposisjon de har veiledning eller instruksjoner.

 

pervision. pervision.

it hasitbeen has been placed placed or installed or installed in itsin intended its intended normal normal operating operating position position and they and they havehave beenbeen givengiven su- su-

• Hvis strømkabelen er skadet må des skiftes ut av produsenten, dennes serviceverksted eller av en tilsvarende autorisert pervision pervision instruction. or instruction. person for or å unngå enhver risiko. Hold alltid i støpselet (ikke ledningen) for å trekke ut støpselet. 

• IfFor the supply the konstant supply cord cord is damaged, is damaged, it elektrisk must it must bestøt, replaced bemå replaced the bymanufacturer, the koble manufacturer, its service service agent agent orstrømuttak. similarly or similarly åIfsikre beskyttelse mot du by utelukkende maskinen tilits korrekt jordet Ikke qualified bruk persons adapter. Skjær aldri av avoid den pinnen på støpselet. qualified persons in order in order to totredje avoid a hazard. a hazard. Always Always graspgrasp the plug the plug (not the (notcord) the cord) to unplug. to unplug.

Unngå overbelaste stikkontakter eller against skjøteledninger – Kontroller kapasiteten for tilstanden til disse før bruk. • To provide Toåprovide a continued a continued protection protection against electric electric shock, shock, connect connect to properly toog properly grounded grounded outlets outlets only.only. Varmeenheten må ikke plasseres umiddelbart under en stikkontakt. Do not Douse notan useadaptor, an adaptor, nevernever cut off cutthird off third prong. prong.

 

• Maskinen skal betjenes i en egnet spenningskrets beskyttet med en jordfeilbryter (HFI-relé).  Do not Dooverload not overload sockets sockets or extension or extension leadsleads - Check - Check power power ratings ratings and condition and condition before before use. The use.heater The heater • shall Trekkshall alltid utlocated støpselet før transport, vedlikehold eller rengjøring, eller når maskinen ikke er i bruk. not be not be located immediately immediately below below a socket a socket outlet. outlet. ADVARSEL: Unngå blokkere varmelegemet eller vrivoltage slangene. Dette vil få maskinen å bli overopphetet og Interrupter • The unit The must unit must beatoperated be operated on a on matched a matched voltage circuit circuit protected protected by a Ground by atilGround Fault Fault Circuit Circuit Interrupter begrense luftsirkulasjonen.

(GFCI) (GFCI) device. device.

  

• ADVARSEL: Denne varmeenheten er ikke utstyret med en innretning for å styre romtemperaturen. Ikke bruk maskinen i  Always Always unplug unplug the unit the before unit before transporting, transporting, servicing servicing and cleaning and cleaning or whilst or whilst the unit the is unit notisinnot use. in use. små rom mens det oppholder seg personer i rommet som ikke kan forlate dette på egenhånd, med mindre de er under konstant overvåking.  WARNING: WARNING: Do not Doblock not block heater heater or twist or twist any ducts. any ducts. This will Thiscause will cause the unit the to unit overheat to overheat and limit and limit airflow. airflow. Unngå å røreThis varmeutslippet, rister eller slanger maskinen ertoi drift, fordi overflatene blir varmeDo ognot kan forårsake • WARNING: WARNING: heater This heater is not isequipped not equipped withmens with a device a device to control control the room the room temperature. temperature. Douse notthis use this forbrenninger. Når maskinen er slått av, må du la den kjøle ned før du berører den. Unngå å forsøke å åpne eller stikke heater heater in small in small rooms rooms whenwhen they they are occupied are occupied y persons y persons not capable not capable of leaving of leaving the room the room on their on their own,own, hånden gjennom ristene. Vær spesielt oppmerksom når det er barn og utsatte personer tilstede.

unless unless constant constant supervision supervision is provided. is provided.

• Holdes vekk fra åpen ild og varmekilder, eller hvor det kan være damp fra bensin, løsemidler, tynnere eller andre  Do not Dotouch not touch heater heater outlet, outlet, grills grills or hose or hose whilstwhilst product product is in operation is in operation as surfaces as surfaces will become will become hot and hot and brennbare materialer tilstede.

causecause burns. burns. OnceOnce stopped stopped allowallow the unit the to unit cool to down cool down before before touching. touching. Do not Doopen not open or tryortotry reach to reach through through grills.grills. Particular Particular attention attention has to has betogiven be given where where children children and vulnerable and vulnerable people people are present. are present.



INNLEDNING Drymatic er et intelligent varmetørkings- og luftutvekslingssystem som er utviklet for å tørke et rom så raskt som mulig. Ved å konstant optimere, og på kontrollert vis skifte ut fuktig luft med varm tør luft, gjør Drymatic tørkeprosessen betydelig kortere og samtidig mer effektiv. Tilførselen av varme sammen med den kontrollerte luftutvekslingen, øker på samme måte yteevnen for konvensjonelt avfuktingsutstyr f.eks kondensavfuktere. Slik virker den: Drymatic har to driftsinnstillinger: Resirkulasjons- og utsugingsinnstilling. I resirkulasjonsinnstilling varmes luften i rommet opp konstant inntil enten temperatur- eller fuktgrensen er nådd. Ved å øke lufttemperaturen kan den inneholde mer vann, og det øker fordampingen. Det betyr at det trekkes ut mer fukt av den våte strukturen/det våte innholdet i rommet, og at denne holdes i luften. I utsugingsinnstilling skiftes den nå våte og fuktige luften ut og erstattes med tørr luft som er oppvarmet før den sendes inn i rommet. Ved å hele tiden overvåke temperaturen og luftfuktigheten, kan Drymatic skifte mellom disse innstillingene for å maksimere den mengden vann som fjernes fra rommet. Egenskaper:


• Høy tørkeevne med overvåkingssystem som maksimerer effektiviteten.

• Rotasjonsstøpt kabinett som er sterkt, bærbart, og som kan stables. FGPH061; FGPH062; FGPH063; FGPH064; FGPH065; FGPH066; FGPH070; FGPH071 • Raskt og enkeltModels: quick-fix-slangesystem. • Enkel oppstart og betjening.

DBK Technitherm Limited

Unit 11, Llantrisant Business Park, Llantrisant, CF72 8LF, Wales, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1443 23 79 27 Fax: +44 (0) 1443 23 78 67 Email: info-uk@dbk-group.com Web: http://drymatic.com

Patented in Australia (AU2009272484), United States (US8720080 & US9015960), Great Britain (GB2462066 & KOMPONENTIDENTIFIKASJON GB2488873) and patents pending in Europe (EP2307838 & EP2498036).


All worldwide design rights and copyright reserved. Hengslet deksel og display (Åpnes for å gi adgang til kontrollpanelet)

Serienummer på undersiden av dekselet

Hjul Etikett (Nominell effekt) Mykt håndtak Sideføtter




Uttak for hovedledning (ledning skjult for å gi bedre oversikt) Stablehull (må settes på linje med bunnføttene)

Hovedhåndtak (langt) Ledningholder

Ledningklemme Kontrollpanelets deler

Sikringsholder Fastvare-port

Bryter (Lyser, når den er på)

Deler til quick-fix-rør

LCD berøringsskjerm



6” PVC-slange eller aluminiumsslange. Slanger kan kuttes i alle ønskede lengder. Jo kortere slangene er (spesielt ved varmelegemet), desto bedre yteevne. 4 4




Quick Set Up: To quicklySet set upUp: Drymatic: (Instructions can also be found on the screen cover). Quick HURTIGOPPSETT 1) Place the unit flat on the floor can as close to the centrethe of the Drying area as possible. To quickly set upav Drymatic: also be found screen cover). Hurtig oppsett Drymatic:(Instructions (veiledning fremgår også på on skjermdekselet). 2)Place Connect least inserting them the labelled ports (see below) and rotating clockwise until tight. 1) the at unit flatthree on thequick-fix floor asducts, close to the centre of into the Drying area as possible. 1) Sett maskinen på et gulv, flatt eller på høykant, så nærme midten av det område som skal tørkes som mulig. 3)Connect Plug theat power cord a grounded outlet. 2) Koble til minst treleast quick-fix-slanger ved å sette demthem inn i de inngangene nedenfor) og dreie mot 2) threeinto quick-fix ducts, inserting intomerkede the labelled ports (see(se below) and rotating clockwise until tight. klokken inntil den er strammet. 4)Plug Lift the switch the machine with the red power switch. 3) thecover powerand cord aon grounded outlet. 3) Koble strømforsyningen tilinto en stikkontakt med jord. 5) Press the green play button on the touch screen. 4) Løft4) opp dekselet og start maskinen med den røde bryteren. Lift the cover and switch on the machine with the red power switch. 5) Trykk på den grønne startknappen på berøringsskjermen. 5) Press the green play button on the touch screen.

2) Connecting the Ducts

4) Identifying the red power switch

The display when running

Identifying thebe red power switch display when Drymatic2)2) will now run av on slanger the default settings.4)The closed and the machineDisplayet, left The to run on it’s own.running Try keep Connecting the Ducts Tilkobling 4)cover Finncan den røde bryteren når maskinen er to i gang the area isolated with all doors and windows shut and take note of the initial relative humidity. Continue to check the room Drymatic will now run on the default settings. The cover can be closed and the machine left to run on it’s own. Try to keep and humidity values until you consider the room ’dry’ andlukkes, then use the red la power switchgå topå turn off the machine. Drymatic bruker nå standardinnstillingene. duinitial kan maskinen egen hånd. Forsøkthe å isolere the area isolated with all doors and windows Dekslet shut andkan take note ofogthe relative humidity. Continue to check room området ved å lukke alle dører og vinduer og legg merke til den innledende relative fuktigheten. Fortsett med å sjekke Note that thevalues reset until button be used before the next jobuse is started, see ‘About the in the ‘Advanced and humidity youshould consider the room ’dry’ and then the red power switch toMemory’ turn off the machine. rom- og fuktverdiene inntil du vurderer at rommet er "tørt", og slå deretter av maskinen med den røde bryteren. Settings’ section for more information. Vær that oppmerksom på at du må trykke nullstillingsknappen før neste jobb startes, se "Om minnet" i kapittelet om Note the reset button should be usedpå before the next job is started, see ‘About the Memory’ in the ‘Advanced "Avanserte innstillinger" for mer informasjon om dette. Settings’ section for more information.

Røridentifikasjon Utvendig utslipp – brukes til å fjerne fuktig luft fra rommet. Bør ledes utenfor, så langt vekk som mulig fra det område som skal tørkes.

Utvendig inntak – brukes til å trekke frisk luft inn i rommet. Føres normalt utenfor rommet til en friskluftkilde. (Merk – holdes på avstand fra utvendig utslippsrør for å unngå resirkulerende våt luft).


Rominntak – brukes for å trekke inn fuktig luft fra rommet. Kan plasseres hvor som helst i rommet, men må plasseres vekk fra varmeutslippet. Forsøk å skape en luftgjennomstrømning gjennom det område som skal tørkes.

Varmeutslipp – Sender varm luft ut i rommet – Bruk høy- temperatur- eller aluminiumslanger. Ikke legg denne slangen på tepper eller ømfintlige møbler. Bør rettes mot det området som er verst rammet eller plasseres sentralt i rommet. Du kan også bruke maskinen helt uten slanger*. FORSIKTIG! Dette utslippet kan bli varmt og bør ikke berøres før det har hatt tilstrekkelig med tid til å kjøles ned.


Displayets oppbygging

Display Layout: Display Layout: Når maskinen er i gang, viser displayet

Whenog running the display will show the following information and controls: følgende informasjon betjeningsmuligheter: When running the display will show the following information and controls:Varmeenhetens effektnivå – Viser hvilken Heater Power Level effekt varmeenheten drives med (av 4)** Heater Power Level - what power level Status – Viser om Drymatic Shows Status - Shows if Dryer i drift eller er stoppet Shows what power level the heater is operating at (ou Status - Shows if Dry-matic is running or heater is operating at (out of 4)** matic is running stopped. Innstilling – Viserorhvilken kWhof–4)** Maskinens kWh - The total numstopped. innstilling Drymatic benytter. samlede forbruk i kWh. w the following information and controls: Mode - Shows which kWh - The total ber numof kWh used by Mode - Shows which mode Drymatic is in. Heater Power Level the machine. ber of kWh used by Relativ luftfuktighet – Driftstid – Det totale mode Drymatic is in. Relative Humidity Shows what power level the Luftfuktigheten i rommet the machine. antallet timer maskinen Hours Run - The total heater is operating at (out målt ved inntaksrøret. Relative Humidity - The humidity of air har vært i drift. of 4)** Hours Run - Thenumber total of hours the The humidity of air taken from the room Temperatur – Den unit intake duct. number of hours thehas been operating taken from the room kWh - The total numaktuelle romtemperaturen. for. unit has been operating intake duct. Temperature - The ber of kWh used by Play and Stop - Basic conReset Machine - Resets Settings - Access the for.the current room temperthe machine. Temperature - The trols to activate or demachine for next job. See to control Start og stopp – Grunnleggende InnstillingerSettings – Få tilgang til settings Nullstill – Nullstiller ature. Play and Stop - Basic con- maskinen Reset Machine - Resets the - Access the current room temperactivate the machine. Advanced settings. room limits and more. betjeningsknapper for å starte innstillingene for å styre maskinen før Run neste jobb. Hours - The total trols to activate or Se de-Avanserte machine for next job. Seegrenseverdier settings to control for rommet mm. og stoppe maskinen. innstillinger. ature. number of hours allow the air out to fall between room limits the Advanced roomandlimits and **Heater activate power levels aremachine. determined by software and sensors to settings. provide safemore. operation. The bars here serv unitConditions has operating an indication of how machine is performing. such as lowfalle room ambient temperatures, fan speed duct blockage may lim ** V armeenhetens effektnivå bestemmes av the programvaren og sensorer for å labeen luftutslippet til limits, nivåethigh for rommets grenseverdier low og sikre sikkerand drift. Søylene fungerer somheaters en angivelse av maskinens ytelse. som lave grenseverdier for rommet, høye omgivelsestemperaturer, lav viftehastigthe power level. **Heater powerher levels are determined by software and sensors toForhold allow air out to fall between room limits and provide safe operation. The bars here serve as for. het og blokkering av slangene, begrenser varmeenhetens effekt.

an indication of how the machine is performing. Conditions such as low room limits, high ambient temperatures, low fan speed and duct blockage may limit

and Stop - Basic conReset Machine - Resets the Settings - Access the the heaters power level. Example Set Up: to activate or demachine for next job. See settings to control ate the machine. Advanced settings. room more. The diagram below shows an example setlimits up forand a small room with windows. A wooden panel is used to seal the window lea Eksempel på oppsetting the room and all hoses are directed away from one another. Always try to minimise the length of the heater hose or avo

Example Set Up:

oftware andThe sensors to allow air outshows to using fall between room limits andfor provide safe operation. Thewindows. bars here serve as Forutsatt alle slanger er koblet til. Sørg alltid for kortest mulige ifexample possible. diagram below set up a small room with A *wooden panel is used to seal the window leavI dette diagrammet vises an etit eksempel ming. Conditions such as low room limits, high ambient temperatures, low fan speed and duct blockage maylengde limit og minst mulig bøy på slangen til varmeenheten, om mulig.

ing theoppsett room and på et i etall litehoses rom are meddirected away from one another. Always try to minimise the length of the heater hose or avoid vinduer. er benyttet et trepanel using it ifDet possible. for å forsegle vinduet i rommet, og alle slanger er rettet vekk fra alltidwindows. å redusere ple set uphverandre. for a smallForsøk room with A wooden panel is used to seal the window leavlengden på slangen til varmeenheten cted away from one another. Always try to minimise the length of the heater hose or avoid eller unngå helt å bruke den, hvis det er mulig.

Rettet vekk fra hverandre

Rettet vekk fra hverandre. I dette tilfellet er slangen til varmeenheten ikke nødvendig.*

Directed away from each other. In this situation the heater hose is not necessary.* 6




Drymatic har fire betjeningsknapper langs den nederste delen av skjermen, Start, Stopp, Nullstill og Innstillinger. Den øverste Drymatic four controlstatus. buttonsIalong bottomhvor of themaskinen screen, Play,har Stop, Reset and Settings. The top ribbon shows the linjen viser has maskinens alle the tilfeller blitt stoppet, starter startknappen maskinen igjen fra der den machine status, inSettings: any situation where the machine is stopped the play button will restart it from where it previously left off. Advanced Advanced Settings: var da den ble slått av. På tilsvarende måte setter stoppknappen maskinen på pause uten at det er behov for å trekke ut Similarly the stop button will put the machine on hold without the need to power it down. In order to correctly understand strømtilførselen. å four forstå ordentlig hvordan nullstillingsknappen virker, henviser vi ribbon tilThe "Om minnet" nedenfor. Drymatic has fourFor control buttons along the bottom of bottom the screen, Play, Stop,Play, ResetStop, and Reset Settings. top shows theshows Drymatic has control buttons along the of the screen, andThe Settings. top ribbon the how the reset button functions please see ’About the Memory’ below. machine status, in any situation thewhere machine stoppedisthe play button willbutton restartwill it from where it previously left off. left off. machine status, in anywhere situation theismachine stopped the play restart it from where it previously Similarly the stop button willbutton put thewill machine hold without the need to power Similarly the stop put theon machine on hold without the needittodown. powerInitorder down.toIncorrectly order tounderstand correctly understand Maskinens how the reset functions seeplease ’Aboutsee the’About Memory’ howbutton the reset button please functions the below. Memory’ below.


Control Buttons Betjeningsknapper Control Buttons Control Buttons

Touching the button brings youåpnes to the advanced menu, here you have complete of the room Når du trykker på settings innstillingsknappen den avanserte menyen. Her harcontrol du hele styringen av romforhold, viftehastigconditions, fan speed, units Once have finished you will need to pressfor playåagain to restart het, enheter og språk. Når duand er language. ferdig må duyou trykke på startknappen igjen starte maskinen på nytt (når du går inn i the machine (accessing the settings will cause the machine to stop). innstillingene, maskinen automatisk). Toggles speed between Touching stoppes the settings button brings youbrings to theyou advanced here you have of control the fan room Touching the settings button to the menu, advanced menu, herecomplete you have control complete of the room high and low (low is used for høy og lav vifteSkifter mellom conditions,conditions, fan speed,fan units and language. Once you have will need press again play to restart speed, units and language. Oncefinished you haveyou finished youto will needplay to press again to restart quieter operation. Note perhastighet (lav brukes for mer lydløs the machine the settings will cause will the machine stop). to stop). the(accessing machine (accessing the settings cause thetomachine Grenseverdier for rommet. Se neste side (9) for detaljer. Toggles fan speed between Toggles fan speed between formance may be reduced). drift. Vær oppmerksom på at high and low (low used forisbli high andislow (low used for yteevnen kan redusert). Room Limits -

See next page (8) for details. Room Limits - Limits Room See next page (8) page (8) See next for details.for details.

quieter Note quieter Togglesoperation. fan speedoperation. be- per- Note performance may be reduced). formance may be reduced). tween °C and °F.

Skifter temperaturen Toggles fanToggles speed fan bespeed bePressing the flag will cycle mellom °C°F.og °F. tween °C and °F. °C and tween the language. Chose between: Nårwill du trykker på fanen kan Pressing the flag cycle Pressing the flag will cycle mellom språkene. the language. Chose betheskrolle language. Chose be- English tween: tween: Du kan velge mellom:


English Engelsk - English Cancel, will revert any - French Accept Changes, will Return to default changes and return to implement any changsettings. This will reset the main screen. es and return to the all options to the factoCancel, willCancel, revert will anyrevert any - German French Fransk - French Accept Changes, Return to default Acceptwill Changes, will Return to default main screen. ry defaults. changes and return to changes and return to implementimplement any chang-any changsettings. This will reset settings. This will reset the mainAvbryt screen. the main screen. all optionsall – – annullerer Tilbake til factostandardes Akseptere and return to endringer the tooptions the factoes and return to the to the About the Memory - Drymatic has a built in memory allowing it to continue and restart jobs even if power is lost or re- German Tysk - German aktiverer endrinalle endringer ogry defaults.ry defaults. innstillinger. Dette main screen. mainalle screen. moved. This ensures that the machine doesn’t forget kWh and hours data and continues on the same point of it’s drying cyger og returnerer til returnerer til nullstiller alle valgte cle. There are two separate memory banks that can be reset independently. hovedskjermen. innstillinger til About theAbout Memory Drymatic-has ahovedskjermen. builthas in memory to continue restartand jobsrestart even ifjobs power or rethe- Memory Drymatic a built inallowing memoryitallowing it toand continue evenisiflost power is lost or refabrikkinnstillingene. Job Memory - Keeps track of where thedoesn’t machine is in kWh theforget drying cycleand and all kWh/hours data - This data bedrying reset at drying cymoved. This ensures that the machine forget and hours data and continues on the same point of it’spoint cymoved. This ensures that the machine doesn’t kWh hours data and continues on theshould same of it’s either the start of the new job or end of the previous job to ensure that the next jobs starts fresh. This can be reset from the cle. There cle. are two separate thatbanks can bethat reset There are twomemory separatebanks memory canindependently. be reset independently. main display, failure to do so will slow the drying time and could cause confusion with data. Memory Keeps track of where the machine in the drying cycle and kWh/hours dataog - This data-should be should reset atbe reset Job-- Memory - Keeps track of where theismachine is in the drying cycle and all kWh/hours data This data OmJobminnet Drymatic har et innebygget minne som gjør at all den fortsetter starter jobber på nytt, selvatom strømforsySettings Memory -the Remembers all of job the user settings such as room limits, fan speed, units and language. These can be reset either the start of new job or end of the previous job to ensure that the next jobs starts fresh. This can be reset from the either the start of the new or end of the previous job to ensure that the next jobs starts fresh. This can be reset from the i tørkesykluningen har vært brutt. Dette sikrer at maskinen ikke glemmer kWh og timedata og fortsetter fra samme sted to thedisplay, default values viado the settings page but willthe notdrying be reset with the job.cause If using thedata. machine after someone else you main failure to so will slow the drying time and could cause confusion with main display, failure to do so will slow time and could confusion with data. sen. Det er to separate minner som kan nullstilles uavhengig av hverandre. should always ensure that the appropriate settings have been chosen. Settings Memory - Memory Remembers all the user such as room limits, fan limits, speed, units and language. These can These be reset Settings - Remembers all ofsettings themaskinen user settings such as room fan speed, units and language. can be resetDisse dataene Jobbminne - Holder orden påofhvor langt er kommet i tørkesyklusen samt alle kWh-/timedata. to the default values via the settings page but will not be reset with the job. If using the machine after someone else you to the default values via the settings page but will not be reset with the job. If using the machine after someone else youdet neste jobben bør nullstilles ved hver oppstart av en nyt jobb, eller 7 ved avslutning av en tidligere jobb for å sikre at should always ensure that the appropriate settings have been chosen. should always ensure that the appropriate settings have been chosen. starter fra begynnelsen. Dette kan nullstilles fra hoveddisplayet. Gjøres ikke dette vil tørketiden bli forlenget, noe som

kan forårsake sammenblanding av data. 7 7 Innstillingsminne - Husker alle brukerdefinerte innstillinger, som f.eks. grenseverdier for rommet, viftehastighet, enheter og språk. Disse kan nullstilles til fabrikkinnstillingene ved hjelp av innstillingssiden, men nullstilles ikke med jobben. Hvis maskinen brukes etter at en annen har betjent den, bør du alltid forsikre deg om at det er de korrekte innstillingene som er valgt.



Endring av rommets grenseverdier Changing the Room Limits: I enkelte tilfeller er det ikke ønskelig med høye temperaturer, høy fuktighet eller til og med veldig lav fuktighet. Hvis dette In some situations high temperatures, humidity or even a very low humidity may not be desirable, if this is the case the room er tilfeller, kan rommets grenseverdier tilpasses manuelt. limits can be adjusted manually to suit. Du kan endre grenseverdiene for rommet ved å trykke på en hvilken som helst av disse. Et redigeringsfelt åpnes, og du kan det trykkesany på of forskjellige for limits å endre Når har verdiene ønsker, måappear du trykke knappen med Touching the valuesintervaller for the room willverdien. allow you todu change them. Andu edit box will withpå different increments avkrysningshaken for å bekrefte. Hvis du ønsker å annullere endringene, må du trykke på knappen med krysset. Husk at that can be pressed to change the value. Once you are happy with the value press the tick button to confirm, if you wish to nullstillingsknappen på innstillingssiden laster grenseverdiene for rommet tilbake til fabrikkinnstilling. En oversikt over de cancel the changes press the cross. Remember that the reset button on the settings page will restore all room limits to the facvariable grenseverdiene for rommet ser du nedenfor. tory defaults. An outlineChanging of the variable roomLimits: limits can be found below. the Room

Changing the Room Changing Limits: Changing the Roomthe Limits: Room Limits: Changing the Room Limits: In someRoom situations high temperatures, humidity may or even low humidity desirable, Changing the Room Changing the Limits: In some situations high temperatures, humidity or even a Limits: very low humidity not abevery desirable, if this ismay thenot casebethe room if this is the case the room In some situations high temperatures, humidity or even a very humidity mayhumidity not be desirable, if this is the case room In some situations high temperatures, humidity orlow even a very low may not be desirable, if thisthe is the case the room Changing the Room Limits: limits can be adjusted manually to suit. Changing the Room Limits: limits cansituations be adjusted to suit. In some highmanually temperatures, humidity or even a Limits: very low humidity may not abevery desirable, if this ismay thenot casebethe room if this is the case the room some situations temperatures, humidity orlow even desirable, Changing thehigh Room limits cansituations beIn adjusted manually to suit. limits can be adjusted manually to suit. In some high temperatures, humidity or even a very humiditylow mayhumidity not be desirable, if this is the case the room Changing the Room Limits: Touching any of the values for the room limits will you to change An box will appear withisdifferent In some situations high temperatures, humidity orAnallow even very low humidity not desirable, if this the case increments the room limits cansituations be adjusted manually to room suit. limits can belimits adjusted manually suit.humidity In some temperatures, humidity or even ayou very may not abe desirable, ifthem. this theedit casebe the room Touching any of thehigh values for the will tolow change them. edit box will appear withismay different increments limits can be adjusted manually to allow suit. Touching anyIn ofsome thecan values forthe the room limits will youwill to allow change them. Anthe edit boxmay will appear with increments Touching any of values for the room limits to change them. An edit boxdesirable, will different appear with increments situations high temperatures, humidity or even ayou very low humidity not be this isdifferent theifcase the room that be to change the value. arethe happy with press toif confirm, you wish to limits bepressed adjusted manually to suit.allow limits canbebepressed adjusted tocan suit. that can tomanually change the value. Once you are happy with theOnce valueyou press tick button tovalue confirm, if the you tick wishbutton to

Touching any of that thehigh values for the room limits will allow tolow change them. An edit box willchange appear with different increments In some situations temperatures, humidity or even ayou very humidity may not be desirable, ifvalue this ispress theedit case the room Buttons totochange the Touching any of values for the room allow you to them. An box will appear with different increments can be pressed to change the value. Once you arelimits happy with the value press the tick button to confirm, ifto you toifKnapper that can be pressed to change the value. Once you are happy with the tick button confirm, you wish Touching any of the values forthe room limits allow youwill to change them. Anthe edit box will appear with different increments Den aktuelle verdien for for limits can be adjusted manually towill suit. cancel the changes press cross. Remember that the reset button on the settings page restore allwish room limits to the fac-endring The current value for cancel the changes the cross. Remember that thethe reset button on thewill settings page will restore all room limits towill the fac-to confirm, Touching any of the values for the room limits allow you to change them. An ifedit will with different increments that can be pressed to change the value. Once you are happy with the value press the tick button tovalue confirm, youbox wish toappear can be adjusted manually tocan suit. that be pressed to change the value. Once you are happy with the press the tick button ifav you wish toindicated Touching any of that thepress values for the room limits will allow you to change them. An edit box will appear with different increments cancel the press the cross. Remember that the reset button on the settings page will restore all room limits to the faccancel the changes press the cross. Remember that the reset button on the settings page will restore all room limits to the faccan bechanges pressed to change the value. Once you are happy with the value press the tick button to confirm, if you wish to limit by the denlimits valgte grensen. grensen med den tory defaults. Anthe outline of be thefound variable room limits can be found below.them. An edit box will appear with different increments Touching any of values for room limits will allow you to change toryselected defaults. Anlimit. outline of the variable room limits can below. the that can be pressed to change the value. Once you are happy with the pressiflimits the tick button iflimits you wish tofaccancel the changes press the cross. Remember that thethe reset button on the settings page will restore all room towill the fac-to confirm, cancel the changes press cross. Remember that the reset button on the page allto room that can be pressed change the value. Once you are with the value press the tick tovalue confirm, you wish torestore tory defaults. An of the variable room limits can belimits found below. tory defaults. An outline ofhappy the variable room be found below. the changes press the cross. Remember that the reset button on the settings page will restore all room limits theangitte fac- to the mengden. Touching any of cancel the to values for theoutline room limits will allow you to change them. An can edit box will appear withsettings different increments amount. that can bechanges pressed to change the value. Once you with the presslimits the tick button iflimits you wish tofaccancel the press the cross. Remember thatare thehappy reset button onvalue the settings page restore all room to the tory defaults. An outline the variable room can be found below. tory defaults. An limits outline of the variable room can be found below. cancel the changes pressof the cross. Remember that the reset button on thelimits settings page will restore all room towill the fac-to confirm,

toryto defaults. theyou variable room with limitsthe canvalue be found that can be pressed changeAn theoutline value. of Once are happy pressbelow. the tick button to confirm, if you wish to cancel the changes pressof the cross. Remember that can the reset button on the settings page will restore all room limits to the factory defaults. An limits outline the variable room limits be found below. tory defaults. An outline the variable room be found below. cancel the changes pressof the cross. Remember that can the reset button on the settings page will restore all room limits to the factory defaults. An outline of the variable room limits can be found below. tory defaults. An outline of the variable room limits can be found below. Aksepter endringer Annuller Buttons to changeendringene the Buttons to change the The current value for The current value for Buttons to change the Buttons tolukk change the og fortsett. og vinduet. limit by the indicated The current value for The current value for limit by the indicated the selected limit. Buttons to change theby the indicated Buttons to change the the limit. for limit limit by the indicated The selected current value Buttons to change the The current value for amount. the selected limit. the selected limit. The current value for amount. Buttons to change the limit by the indicated limit by the indicated Buttons to change the amount. The current value for amount. the selected limit. for limit by the indicated selected limit. The current value the selected the limit. Buttons to change the limit by the indicated amount. amount. limit by the indicated The current value the selected limit. for amount. Buttons to change the the limit. for limit by the indicated The selected current value amount. amount. the selected limit. limit by the indicated amount. the selected limit. amount.

Accept the changes Cancel changestemperatur and Maks. temp - Dette er den maksimale temperaturen som rommet kan nå. Høyere skal avkorte tørkeprosessen. and continue. closebegrenset the window. Vær oppmerksom på at enkelte maskiner er som standard til 40°C, noe som likevel kan økes til Accept the changes changes and opptil 50°C, avhengig av maskinen brukes. Accept the hvordan changes the Cancelcan changes and higher Cancel Max Temp - This is the maximum temperature room reach, temperatures Accept the changes Cancel changes and Accept the changes Cancel changes andshould speed up the drying process. and continue. close the window. and continue. close the window. Accept therelative changes Cancelthe changes and Accept changes Cancel changes and Maks RL - Dette er den maksimale luftfuktigheten som rommet kan oppnå. Når maskinen er increased i gang i resirkulaand continue. close the window. and continue. close the(104°F) window. Accept changes this isCancel changes and Please note that by default on somethe machines limited to 40°C however can be to up to 50°C Accept changes Cancel changes and should speed up the drying process. and continue. close the window. Max Temp - This isthe the maximum temperature the roomand canshould reach, speed higher temperatures and continue. close the window. Accept the changes Cancel changes Max Temp - This is the maximum temperature room can reach, higher temperatures up the drying process. and continue. close the window. sjonsinnstilling, vil varmen fra maskinen øke fuktnivået ved å presse fukt fra strukturen/byggematerialene ut Max Temp This is the maximum temperature the room can reach, higher temperatures should speed up the drying process. Max Tempand -on This is the maximum temperature thechanges room canthis reach, higher temperatures should speed upincreased the dryingtoprocess. Accept the Cancel changes and however (140°F) depending how the machine isclose and continue. closeto the window. Please note that by default onused. some machines is limited 40°C (104°F) can be up to 50°C continue. the window. notemaximum by default some machines this is limited to 40°C (104°F) however can be increased up toReduksjon 50°C Max Temp - Please This is the temperature room can reach, higher temperatures should speed up the dryingtoprocess. Accept the changes Cancel changes and -on This isthe the maximum temperature the room canthis reach, higher temperatures should speed up theav drying process. iMax luften ithat rommet, deretter i utslippsinnstilling føre fukten ut av bygningen. denne grensen and continue. Please notefor that by default on some machines this is limited to 40°C (104°F) however can be increased to up to 50°C close the window. Please note that by default on some machines is limited to 40°C (104°F) however can be increased to up to 50°C Temp -Max ThisTemp is the maximum temperature the room can reach, higher temperatures should speed up the drying process. (140°F) depending on how the machine is used. (140°F) depending howand machine isthat used. Max Temp -the This is the maximum temperature the room canthis reach, higher temperatures should speed upincreased the dryingtoprocess. continue. close the window. note that byon default on some machines this is limited to 40°C (104°F) however can to be increased tohowever up to 50°C MaxRH Temp This the maximum temperature room can reach, higher temperatures should speed up the (104°F) drying Please note by default onroom some machines iswhen limited 40°C canut be to 50°C (140°F) depending on how the machine is used. (140°F) depending on how the machine used. Please note that bythe default on some machines this is islimited to 40°C (104°F) however canprocess. be increased to av up to 50°C up Max - - Please This is the maximum relative humidity the can reach, in recirculation mode the machine will aim to infårismaskinen til å skifte innstilling oftere, og den vil derfor ikke presse like mye fukt strukturen som den Max Temp This is the maximum temperature themachines room canthis reach, higher temperatures should speed up the drying process. Please note by default on some isreach, limited to 40°C (104°F) however can be increased upto toin50°C (140°F)note depending on how the machine isthat used. Max RH This is the maximum relative humidity the room can when in recirculation mode the machine willtoaim (140°F) depending on how the machine is used. Please that by default on some machines this is limited to 40°C (104°F) however can be increased to up to 50°C RH - - This isisthe maximum relative humidity room can reach, when ingir recirculation mode theup machine will aim to in(140°F) depending on the how the machine is used. Max Temp This the maximum temperature the room can reach, higher temperatures should speed the drying process. ellers ville kunne i hver syklus. Høyere verdier normalt raskere tørking. crease the humidity by extracting water from the room and into air before exhausting it out ofbuilding. the building. Max RH - Max This is the relative humidity the room can reach, when in recirculation mode the machine willit aim to in-will RH - maximum This is the maximum relative humidity the can when in recirculation modecan the machine inPlease note by default on some machines this isreach, limited to 40°C (104°F) however be increased toaim upto to 50°C (140°F) depending on how the machine is room used. crease the humidity by extracting water from the room andthe into the air before exhausting out of the (140°F) depending how the machine isthat used. the humidity by extracting from the room and into the air before exhausting it out of the building. Max RH - crease This is the maximum relative humidity the room can when inthe recirculation mode the machine will inPlease byon default on some machines this isreach, limited to 40°C (104°F) however can be increased toaim upto to 50°Cthe machine will aim to inMax - maximum This iswater the maximum relative humidity room can reach, when in recirculation mode (140°F) depending on how the machine is to used. crease the humidity by extracting water from the room and into the airmore before exhausting itmachine out ofmay the building. crease the humidity by extracting water from the room and into frequently the air before exhausting it aim out of the building. Max note RH - that This RH is the relative humidity the room can reach, when in recirculation mode the will to in- extracting Reducing this limit will cause the machine switch mode however not be extracting as Reducing this limit will cause the machine to switch mode more frequently however may not be MinMax RLRH - Dette er den minste fuktigheten som rommet kan oppnå. Faktisk en grense for hvorthe"tørt" du vil atto in- as this limit cause the machine switch mode more frequently however may not be extracting astomode Maxwill RH - the This is the maximum relative humidity the room can reach, when inof recirculation will aim (140°F) depending on how machine is to used. crease the humidity by extracting from the room and into the air before exhausting ithowever out building. - Reducing This is the maximum relative humidity the room can reach, in recirculation mode the machine will aim crease the humidity by extracting water from the room and into the airthe before itmachine out of the building. Reducing limitwater will cause the machine towhen switch mode more frequently may not beinextracting asdrying. Reducing limit will cause the machine to switch mode frequently however may not be extracting as crease thethis humidity bythis extracting water from the room and into the airmore before exhausting itexhausting out of the building. much moisture as it possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally correspond to faster Max RH - Når This is each the maximum relative humidity the room can reach, when indrying. recirculation mode the will aim to inmuch moisture as itwill possibly could cycle. Higher values will generally correspond to faster much moisture as it crease possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally correspond tonot faster drying. thethis humidity by extracting water from the room and into the air before exhausting itmachine out of the rommet skal bli. dette målet er nådd, går maskinen fortrinnsvis iof utsugingsinnstilling for å building. kunne Reducing limit cause the machine to switch mode more frequently however may not be extracting as limit cause the machine to switch mode more frequently however may be extracting as thethis humidity by extracting from the room and into the air before exhausting itcorrespond out the building. much moisture aswater itmoisture possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally to faster much as itwill possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally correspond to faster Reducing thisReducing limit will cause the machine towhen switch mode more frequently however may notto bedrying. extracting asdrying. Max RH - crease This is the maximum relative humidity the room can reach, in recirculation mode the machine will aim increase thethis humidity by extracting water from the room and into the aira before exhausting it out of the Reducing limit cause the machine to switch mode more frequently however may not be extracting as to much moisture as itwill possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally correspond to faster drying. Min RH This ismoisture the minimum relative humidity the can reach, effectively limit onas how ’dry’ you want thebuilding. room much as itwill possibly could each cycle. values will generally correspond to faster drying. bevare denne fuktigheten. Reducing this limit cause theasmachine to switch mode more frequently however may not be extracting Min RH This is the minimum relative humidity the room can reach, effectively aroom limitHigher on how ’dry’ you want the room todrying. much moisture it possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally correspond to faster crease the humidity by extracting water from the room and into the air before exhausting it out of the building. Minmoisture RH - Min ThisRH is the relative humidity thehumidity room can reach, effectively amore limit on how ’dry’ you want the room toto Reducing this limit cause the machine to switch mode frequently however may not be extracting as to - minimum This ismoisture the minimum relative the room caneffectively reach, effectively aexhaust limit on how ’dry’ you want the room Min RH - much This is the minimum relative humidity the room can reach, adrying. limit on how ’dry’ you want the room to much as itwill possibly could each cycle. Higher values willrun generally correspond to faster drying. get. Once this target has been reached the machine will mainly in mode with the aim keep this huas it possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally correspond to faster get. Once this target has reached the machine will mainly run in aexhaust mode with the aim to keep this hu-’dry’ you want the room to Min RH This is thethis minimum relative humidity the room can reach, effectively limithowever on how ’dry’ yoube want the room to Reducing limit will cause the machine to switch mode more frequently may not extracting ashow - been This ismoisture the minimum relative humidity the room can reach, effectively aexhaust limit on much as it possibly could each cycle. Higher values will generally correspond to faster drying. get.RH Once this target has been reached the machine will mainly run in exhaust mode with the aim to keep this huget. Once this target has been reached the machine will mainly run in mode with the aim to keep this huMin RH - Min This is the minimum relative humidity the room can reach, effectively a limit on how ’dry’ you want the room to midity constant. get. Once this target has been reached the machine will mainly run in exhaust mode with the aim to keep this humidity constant. Min - beenThis is each thethe minimum relative humidity the room can reach, aexhaust limit on how youaim want room much as it RH possibly could cycle. Higher values willrun generally correspond toeffectively faster drying. get. Once this target has reached the machine mainly in mode with the aim keep this hu-’dry’ the Min RH - statuslinje This ismoisture the minimum relative humidity room can reach, aexhaust limit on how you want the room to get. Once this target haswill been reached the machine will mainly run into mode tothe keep thisto huMaskinens midity constant. constant. get. Once thismidity target has been reached the effectively machine will mainly run in’dry’ exhaust mode with the aimwith to keep this huMin RH This is the minimum relative humidity the room can reach, effectively a limit on how ’dry’ you want the room to get. Once this target has been reached the machine will with mainly run into exhaust mode midity constant. midity constant. constant. get. target has beenmidity reached theroom machine mainly run in the keep this hu-with the aim to keep this humidity constant. Min RH - statuslinje This Once is the this minimum relative humidity the can will reach, effectively aexhaust limit onmode how ’dry’ youaim want the room to The Machine Status Ribbon: Maskinens viser maskinens aktuelle driftsstatus, driftsinnstilling og varmeenhetens tabellene get. Once this target has been reached the machine will mainly run in exhaust modeeffektnivå. with the aim toDisse keep this huThe Machine Status Ribbon: midity constant. midity constant. The Machine Status Ribbon: The Machine Status Ribbon: Once this target has been reached the machine will mainly run in exhaust mode with the aim to keep this humidityribbon constant. viser deMachine mestget. sannsynlige situasjonene. (Vær oppmerksom på at viftene alltid går når maskinen er i gang). The Status The Ribbon: machine status shows the machines current operating state, operating mode and the heater power level. This table The Machine Status Ribbon:

The Machine Status Ribbon: The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating mode and the heater power level. This table midity constant. The Status Ribbon: TheStatus machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating mode and the heater level. power This table The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating andpower the heater level. This table The Machine Status Ribbon: shows most possible situations. (note that fans are always running when machine ismode running). TheMachine Machine Ribbon:

shows most possible situations. (note thatstatus fans are always running whenoperating machine ismode running). The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, and the heater power level. This table Varmeenhetens The machine ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating andpower the heater power level. This table The Machine Status Ribbon: shows most possible situations. (note that fans are always running when machine ismode running). shows most possible situations. (note that fans are always running when machine ismode running). The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating and the heater level.nivå This table Innstilling Beskrivelse Beskrivelse Maskinstatus Beskrivelse The Machine Status Ribbon: Machine Status: Description: Mode: Description: Heater Level: Description: The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating mode and the heater power level. This table shows most possible situations. (note that fans are always running when machine is running). shows most possible situations. (note that fans areDescription: always running when machine islevel. running). The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating mode and the heater power This the table The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating mode and heater power level. This table Machine Status: Description: Heater Level: Description: shows most possible situations. (note that fans areMode: always running when machine is running). Machine Status: Description: Mode: Description: Heater Description: Machine Status: Description: Description: Heater Level: level. Description: The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, andLevel: the heater power This table shows most situations. (note that are always runningMode: whenoperating machine ismode running). shows most possible situations. (note thatpossible fans are always running whenfans machine ismode running). UtsugingsMachine Status: Description: Mode: Description: Heater Level: Description: The machine status ribbon shows the machines current operating state, operating and the heater power level. This table Machine running Machine Status: Description: Mode: Description: Heater Level: Description: shows most possible situations. (note that fans are always running when machine is running). Exhaust ModeLevel: Machine Status: Description: Mode: Heater Description: Full Power Full effekt shows most possible (note that fans areExhaust always running when machine is running). Machine runningsituations. Mode - Description: Full Power Maskinen går normalt. Machine running Machine running Machine Status: Mode: Description: Heater Level: innstilling Mode Exhaust Mode shows most possible situations. (note that fans are always running when machine is running). Exhaust asDescription: normal. Full Power Description: Full Power Machine Status: Mode: Description: Heater Level: Description: exchanging with asDescription: normal.running exchanging with Machine Mode - exchanging Machine Full Power Exhaust Mode Machine Status: Mode: Description: Heater Level: Description: as normal.running asDescription: normal.runningExhaustMode: Machine Full Power – utveksling with exchanging Exhaust Mode - med Machine Status: Description: Description: Heater Level: Description: Full Power outside air. with Machine Status: Mode: Description: Heater Level: Description: Machine running outside air. asDescription: normal.running Exhaust Mode with as normal. Machine Machine on hold,exchanging press play Full Power 66% Power exchanging with Exhaust Mode - exchanging aspress normal. Full Power outsideutendørsluft. air. with outside air. Machine on hold, play Machine 66% Power running Exhaust Mode as press Machine onplay hold,exchanging press play 66% Power 66% Power 66% effekt exchanging with Full Power outside air. with as normal.runningMachine on hold, to normal. resume. outside air. air. Recirculation Machine to resume. Exhaust Mode - outsideExhaust Machine running Machine on hold, press play as 66% Power Fullwith Power Mode Maskinen på pause, trykk Machine onplay hold,Recirculation press play normal. Full Power exchanging to resume. to resume. Machine on hold, press outside air. 66% Power 66% Power Recirculation Recirculation outside air. Mode - heating as normal. A hasonbecome blocked, exchanging with Machine hold,Mode press to resume. 66% 50% Power - play heating for ånormal. gjenoppta driften. toduct resume. Machine onbecome hold, press play A duct has blocked, Recirculation 66% Power as outside air. to resume. Recirculation 50% Power exchanging with ModeResirkulasjons- heating Mode - heating Recirculation A duct has become blocked, A duct has blocked, room. Machine onbecome hold,room. press 50% Power 66% 50% Power remove the blockage to- play reoutside air. resume. to resume. Recirculation remove the blockage to play re- to Mode heating A duct has blocked, Mode - heating Recirculation Machine onbecome hold, press A duct has blocked, 50% Power 66% room. room. Mode -outside heating 50% effekt remove thebecome blockage tobecome reinnstilling remove the blockage to reA duct has blocked, air. to resume. start machine. 50% Power 50% Power Recirculation Mode heating start machine. room. A duct has become blocked, remove the blockage toblokkert, reroom. 50% Power Mode Machine hold, 50% 33% Power to resume. remove the blockage to- heating reA duct has blocked, 66% Power room.– varmekabinett Enbecome slange eron start machine. startpress machine. Recirculation remove the blockage to play re33% Mode Room limits haveroom. been A duct has blocked, room. - heating 33% Power 50% 33% Power remove thebecome blockage to reMachine not in start machine. Room limits have been start machine. remove the blockage to reMachine not in fjern blokkeringen for Mode heating start machine. (none) tobecome resume. A duct has blocked, 33% Room limits have been Room limits have been 50% Power room. notMachine in Recirculation not in machine willto stay remove the blockage re-in Machine start(none) machine. operation. 33% Power 33% Power reached, machine willto stay inreached, start machine. (none) (none) Room have been operation. ålimits starte maskinen på nytt.been Heater off effekt room. Machine Room limits have been 33% remove the blockage re33% Power Machine not inPower reached, machine will stay in reached, machine will staynot in in Machine Room limits have Heater off operation. operation. 33% not in exhaust mode to equalise. start machine. (none) (none) Mode - heating exhaust mode to equalise. Heater off Heater off Power (none) limits haveoperation. been A duct has become blocked, reached, machine will stay inRoom Machine not in reached, machine will stay in 33% Power Room limits have been 50% start machine. operation. exhaust mode to equalise. Machine not in exhaust mode to equalise. reached, machine will stay in Heater off (none) 8 operation. Heater off (none) 33% Power Room limits have been Heater off reached, machine will stay in Maskinen ikke i exhaust mode to equalise. Machine not in 8 Rommets grenseverdier er operation. mode reached, machine will inexhaust remove thestay blockage to re-tooperation. mode to equalise. 8equalise. (ingen) Room limits haveexhaust been 8 (none) room. Heater off Heater off reached, machine will staynot in in Varmeenhet exhaust mode toMachine equalise. drift. operation. nådd,tomaskinen blir 8 i (none) exhaust mode equalise. 8 Heater off reached, machine will stay in 8 start machine. exhaust mode tooperation. equalise. slått av Heater off 8 utsugingsinnstilling for å 8utligne. 33% Power exhaust mode to equalise. 8 Room limits have8 been Machine not in

reached, machine will stay in exhaust mode to equalise.



Heater off



TIPS OM OPPSETT Følgende retningslinjer bør følges for å få mest mulig ut av din Drymatic. Å ta deg tid til å sette maskinen opp korrekt, vil gi langt bedre yteevne og redusere tørketidene. Slanger: • Hold slangene fri og så rette eller glatte som mulig – skarpe bøyer eller blokkeringer begrenser luftgjennomstrømningen og begrenser varmeenheten. • Hvis det er plass til å sette Drymatic tett på selve vannskaden, kan det være mulig å la maskinen gå med kun tre slanger. Dette garanterer at varmeenheten alltid går på høyest mulige effekt. Unngå at slangene blokkerer åpningen, hvis de krysser hverandre. • Hold endene av både de utvendige slangene samt slangene i rommet adskilte. Hvis slangene ligger for tett, vil maskinen bare sirkulere den samme luft rundt, og det begrenser yteevnen. • Forsøk å skape luftgjennomstrømning i rommet – ideelt bør den varme luften passere vannskadens mest fuktige områder for å absorbere fukten før den ledes ut av rommet. • Slangene kan flyttes gjennom hele syklusen for å fokusere på områder som er mer fuktige. Dette er spesielt nyttig i større eller komplekse rom. • Slanger kan skjæres til, eller de kan forlenges ved hjelp av slangekoblinger. Husk på at forlengelse av slangene vil redusere luftgjennomstrømningen. Se kapittelet om vedlikehold, hvis du ønsker å skifte ut slangen helt. Varmeslangen må ikke forlenges. Området som skal tørkes: • Hold området som skal tørkes forseglet – varmetap reduserer yteevnen eller lar fukt slippe inn i området. I større/åpne områder, bør du overveie å bygge/sette opp et tørkekammer/-telt for å isolere det fuktige området. For flere opplysninger, kan du spørre NAC Europe om ZipWall. • Hvis slanger går gjennom åpne vinduer, må du dekke til området med tre- eller papp-paneler for å holde rommet forseglet. Skjær et 150 mm (6”) stort hul i panelet til å trekke slangen gjennom. • Drymatic kan plasseres i tilstøtende rom med slanger som fører til området som skal tørkes. Dette kan være eneste mulige løsning ved mindre rom/skap. • Hvis gulvet under Drymatic er vått, bør du overveie å flytte den i løpet av tørkeprosessen. Stopp alltid maskinen før du flytter den. • Hvis det ikke er noen steder å lede våt luft til, bør du overveie å lede den til et forseglet bad, hvor den kan kondensere og ledes ut via avløpet. Måling, overvåking og annet utstyr: • Drymatics display gir oversikt over den relative fuktigheten i hele rommet. For å optimalisere tørkeprosessen, anbefaler vi at det benyttes en fuktmåler for å kartlegge våte områder og deretter plassere/flytte slangene i henhold til dette. Fjernbetjent overvåking kan utføres via Drymatic Hygronet-systemet. For flere opplysninger, kontakt NAC Europe. • Når energiforbruket overvåkes, må du huske å nullstille og logge avlesningene av KWh og driftstimer både når jobben startes og avsluttes. • Strategisk bruk av Drymatic sammen med annet utstyr kan øke yteevnen. For eksempel ved å plassere varmeutslippet i nærheten av en ventilator/vifte vil medføre at varm luft sendes/fordeles over vannskaden, og det vil øke fordampningen. Alternativ bruk: • Hvis Drymatic kjører uten slanger, virker den som en varmevifte, innstillingsmenyen kan i så fall brukes til å styre maksimaltemperaturen og viftehastigheten. • Innstilling av et høyt mål for RL (Relativ luftfuktighet) og lav temperaturgrense får Drymatic til å fungere utelukkende som en luftutvekslingsmaskin. • På trange områder kan maskinen stå på siden som vist på side 11 nederst til høyre.


INSTRUKSJONSHÅNDBOK DRYMATIC II Storage and Transport: Storage and Transport: Storage and Always use Transport: the long handle to pick up the unit using two hands whenever possible. Ensure that safe manual OPPBEVARING OG TRANSPORT handling guidelines are followed and request assistance if necessary. The soft handle can be used to pull DryStorage and Transport: Always use the handle long handle to pick unit usingtwo twohands hands whenever whenever possible. that safesafe manual Always use the long to pick up up thethe unit using possible.Ensure Ensure that manual

matic alongmaskinen with it’s wheels as you a suitcase. Anår case provided to store complete hoses for Bruk alltid håndtaket til å løfte med og brukwould begge hender, detisThe er mulig. Sørg forfour atused retningslinjene handling guidelines are followed and request assistance necessary. can be to pull Dry-Dryhandling guidelines are followed and request assistance ififnecessary. Thesoft softhandle handle can bemanual used to pull Always use the long handle to pick up the unit using two hands whenever possible. Ensure that safe håndtering følges og spør omit’shjelp, omasnødvendig. Det mykeAhåndtaket kan brukes tilfour å trekke Drymatic på hjulene dens, matic along with wheels you would a suitcase. case is provided to store complete hoses matic along with it’smed wheels you would aassistance suitcase. case is provided storecan four handling guidelines are followed andtil request ifA necessary. Theslanger. softto handle becomplete used to pullhoses Drysom en koffert. Det følger en as veske oppbevaring av fire komplette matic along with it’s wheels as you would a suitcase. A case is provided to store four complete hoses

The power cord should always be removed from the electrical outlet when not in use and wrapped anti clockwise around the cord wrap as shown. Once fully wrapped the cord can be clipped to the side of the unit. The power cord should always be removed from the electrical outlet when not in use and wrapped anti clock(number of wraps will vary depending on cord length) wise around the cord wrapbeasremoved shown. Once wrapped outlet the cord cannot be in clipped to the side ofanti theclockunit. The power cord should always from fully the electrical when use and wrapped Ledningen bør alltid trekkes ut av stikkontakten når maskinen ikke er i bruk, og kveiles opp mod klokken påanti Thewise power cord should always be removed from the electrical outlet when not in use and wrapped clock(number of wraps will vary depending cord DO NOTwrap PULL ONshown. THE MAINS CORD - length) this may and create a risk electric shock. around the cord as Once on fully wrapped thedamage cord canthe be product clipped to the side of the of unit. ledningsholderen som cord vist. Når ledningen erOnce helt rullet opp, kan den klikkes fast på maskinens side. wise around as shown. theproduct cord can clipped side shock. of the unit. (number of the wraps vary on cord length) DO NOT PULLwill ONwrap THE depending MAINS CORD - thisfully maywrapped damage the andbe create a risktoofthe electric

(Antallet omganger rundt ledningsholderen avhenger av ledningens lengde). (number of wraps will vary depending on cord length) DO NOT PULL ON THE MAINS CORD this may damage the product and a riskstøt. of electric shock. IKKE TREKK I HOVEDLEDNINGEN – det kan-skade produktet og øke faren forcreate elektrisk DO NOT PULL ON THE MAINS CORD - this may damage the product and create a risk of electric shock.

Drymatic can be stored in three different orientations as shown. It can also be stacked flat up to four units high. DrymaticThe canunit be stored three orientations as shown. can alsotoberain stacked flat up four unitsfrom high.freezing. shouldinbe keptdifferent indoors and dry. Ensure it is notItexposed or snow. Andtoprotected

Drymatic kan oppbevares i tre forskjellige posisjoner som vist. Den kanto også stables flatt i protected opptil fire maskiners høyde. Drymatic can should be stored in three different orientations shown. It can also be stacked flat to four units The unit bemust kept indoors andwhen dry. Ensure itasisto not exposed rain or snow. Andup fromhigh. freezing. Drymatic be secured in transit prevent it sliding and potentially causing damage, harm or injury. Maskinen bør oppbevares innendørs og på et tørt område. Sørg for at den ikke utsettes for regn eller snø, samt at den er The unit should be kept indoorswhen and dry. Ensuretoitprevent is not exposed toand rainpotentially or snow. And protected fromharm freezing. Drymatic be secured in transit it sliding causing damage, or injury. beskyttet mot frost.must Drymatic må sikres når den transporteres for å unngå at den glir og eventuelt forårsaker ødeleggelser, Drymatic can be stored in three different orientations as shown. It can also be stacked flat up to four units high. materialeller personskader. Drymatic must be secured when in transit to prevent it sliding and potentially causing damage, harm or injury.

The unit should be kept indoors and dry. Ensure it is not exposed to rain or snow. And protected from freezing. Drymatic must be secured when in transit to prevent it sliding and potentially causing damage, harm or injury.

Vertical (up on wheel end)

Vertikalt Vertical (up on wheel end)

(stående hjulene) Vertical (up onpå wheel end)

Flat (stacked three high)

Flattthree high) Flat (stacked 10

(stablet i trethree maskiners Flat (stacked high) høyde) 10 10

Side (on flat edge) Side På (onsiden flat edge)

flate siden) Side(på (onden flat edge)



VEDLIKEHOLD WARNING: The unit must be unplugged before performing any form of maintenance or cleaning. ADVARSEL: Maskinen må kobles fra stikkontakten før det utføres noen form for vedlikehold eller rengjøring. Before each use: Før hver bruk: Inspect the power cord for any sign of damage. If the cord looks broken, frayed or worn do not use the product and seek a reUndersøk ledningen for tegn på skader. Hvis ledningen ser ødelagt, fliset eller slitt ut, må du ikke bruke produktet. placement. Skaff til veie en annen ledning. Cleaning: Rengjøring: The housing can be cleaned with a mild detergent and warm water. Do not use liquids on the grills and metal plates, these can Kabinettet kan rengjøres med et mildt rengjøringsmiddel og varmt vann. Ikke bruk væsker på rister og metallplater. be kan cleaned with amed soft cloth. Never a hose cleantil the unit and ensure that it isog completely before use. Disse rengjøres en myk klut.use Bruk aldri to slange rengjøring av maskinen, sørg for atdry den er helt tørr før bruk. Replacing the Fuse: Skifte av sikring:

DenThe monterte sikringen skiftes ved 1) opening å åpne skjermdekselet, flathead skrutrekker til å to åpne sikringsholderen, on board fuse cankan be changed by 1) the screen cover.2)2)bruke Usingen a flat screwdriver open the fuse holder. 3) 3) ta ut den gamle sikringen og erstatte den med en ny, 4) lukke sikringsholderen og dekselet. De nye sikringene måbe være Remove the old fuse and replace with new one. 4) Close the fuse holder and shut the cover. Replacement fuses must 15A, 15A, 250V eller 500 V kvikke patronsikringer. 250V or 500V fast blow cartridge types. Utskifting avthe hovedledningene: Replacing Mains Cord: Hovedledningene bør bare skiftes av en autorisert elektriker. Hvis du er usikker på noe, må du kontakte NAC Europe. Når The mains cord should only be replaced by a qualified electrician. If you are unsure of any thing contact your Drymatic repreledningen skiftes, må du aldri trekke kraftig i den, fordi du da risikerer å skade en forbindelse. Bruk bare hovedledninger sentative. Whenmed changing thereservedelsnummer cord never pull it with force as a connection may become damaged. Only use mains cords levert av Drymatic korrekt (semuch tabell). supplied by DBK or Drymatic with the correct part number (See Table). Komponenter på kontrollpanelet Skruer på kontrollpanelet

Fastvare-port LCD-skjerm

Skruer på kontrollpanelet

Sikringsholder Bryter

SlikRemoving fjernes hovedledningen the Mains Cord 1: Trekk ut støpselet og sørg for at hovedbryteren er på OFF. 1: Unplug the unit and make sure that switch is in the off position. 2: Åpne dekselet og fjern de fire skruene fra kontrollpanelet. the cover and– remove the four screws Control Panel. 3: L2: øftOpen panelet forsiktig vær oppmerksom på atfrom andrethe forbindelser vil holde igjen platen. Det må utvises forsiktighet for å unngå skader på komponentene, platen skal kun løftes en aning. 3: Gently lift the panel - note that other connections will restrict the plate. Care must be taken to prevent damage to the com4: Fjern de strømførende nøytrale fra kontakten. Det kan hjelpe å vrikke lidt på dem for å få dem av. ponents, the plate onlyog needs to behovedforbindelsene lifted slightly. 5: Fjern mutteren fra hovedledningens jordforbindelse, fjern hovedledningens jordforbindelse og spenneskive på 4: Remove begge sider.the Live and Neutral mains connections from the switch. Wiggling them may help them come off. 6: Fjern de firethe skruene fra the hovedledningens plate. 5: Remove nut from mains grounding post, remove the mains cord ground terminal and the star washers either side. 7: Trekk forsiktig hovedledningens plate av kabinettet, den har andre forbindelser, og trenger ikke å flyttes mye. 6: Remove the four screws from the mains cord plate. 8: Klem kabelklemmeskiven bakerst med to tenger for å løsne den. Skyv den gamle hovedledning ut gjennom hullet. 7: Gently pull the mains cord plate away from the housing, it has other connections and does not need to move far.


8: Squeeze the strain relief grommet at the back with pliers to release it. Slide the old mains cord out through the hole.


Skruer til hovedledningsplaten Hovedledningsplate Kabelklemmeskive


Connecting a new Mains Cord Slik tilkobles en ny hovedledning 1: Feed new cord through the mains cord plateog andgjennom through the housingopp up totilthe control panel keeping it slack. 1: Før den nyethe ledning gjennom hovedledningsplaten kabinettet kontrollpanelet, mens du holder Connecting a new Mains Cord den slakk. 2: ground terminal to plate the mains ground the posthousing with star either side a nut it onslack. top. 1: Connect Feed thethe newmains cord cord through the mains cord and through upwashers to the control paneland keeping 2: Koble hovedledningens jordterminal til hovedjordforbindelsen med stjernespenneskiver på begge sider og en 3: andcord neutral connections to the the mains switch.ground post with star washers either side and a nut on top. mutter øverst. the 2: Connect Connect the live mains ground terminal to 3: Koble til de strømførende og nøytrale ledningene kontakten. 4: the live control and screw it back ontilthe housing. 3: Relocate Connect the and panel neutral connections to the switch. 4: Sett kontrollpanelet tilbake på plass og skru det fast i kabinettet. 5: strain relief grommet around mains cord with pliers and push through mains cords plate. The cord wrap can be 4: Squeeze Relocate the control panel screw itthe back onved the housing. 5: Stram kabelklemmeskiven rundtand hovedledningen hjelp av tenger og skyv den gjennom hovedledningsplaten. used to gage where to place the grommet. Ledningsholderen kan brukes til å måle hvor skiven skal plasseres. 5: Squeeze strain relief grommet around the mains cord with pliers and push through mains cords plate. The cord wrap can be Push intotothe housing and mains cord platehovedledningsplaten in place. (Do not pull tight as some slack is needed for servicing) 6: Skyv6: eventuelt løsthengende ledning innscrew i kabinettet og skru på plass. (Ikke trekk til for hardt, used to any gageslack where place the grommet. fordi det er behov for litt klaring for å utføre ettersyn. 6: Push any slack into the housing and screw mains cord plate in place. (Do not pull tight as some slack is needed for servicing)


Kontrollpanelets underside


Hovedledningens nøytral

Hovedledningens strømførende

ADVARSEL: WARNING: Different models have different electrical ratings, only use the mains cord corresponding to your model number. De forskjellige modellene har forskjellig elektrisk kapasitet. Bruk kun den hovedledning som passer til ditt modellnummer. WARNING: Different haveFGPH062 different electrical ratings, only use the mains cord corresponding to your model number. Modell FGPH061 FGPH062 FGPH063 FGPH064 FGPH065 FGPH066 FGPH070 FGPH071 Model models FGPH061 FGPH063 FGPH064 FGPH065 FGPH066 FGPH070 FGPH071 HA5344 HA5346 HA5347 HA5347 HA5344 Mains HA5253Cord HA5253 HA5344 HA5202 HA5202 HA5346 HA5344 HA5374 HA5374HA5375 HA5375 Model FGPH061 FGPH062 FGPH063 FGPH064 FGPH065 FGPH066 FGPH070 FGPH071 Utskifting av slange: Replacing aMains Hose: Cord HA5253 HA5344 HA5202 HA5346 HA5347 HA5344 HA5374 HA5375 Hovedledning

Ved misbrug eller ved or almindelig slitage, kan slanger blive flossede eller beskadigede. Slanger skal udskiftes ved at skrue de Through Replacingmisuse a Hose: just general wear and tear hoses may become frayed or damaged. Hoses can be replaced by unscrewing the grønne spændebånd af og trække slangen af. For at fastgøre en ny slange, skal du blot lade slangen glide ned over tilslutgreen tab on the band clamp and pulling the hose off. To attach a new hose simply slide the hose over the attachment as far as ningen,Through så langtmisuse som muligt, og herefter spændebåndet. anvendes 6 meter lange 6” grå PVC-rør. Derthe or just general wear stramme and tear hoses may becomeDer frayed or damaged. Hoses canstandard be replaced by unscrewing possible then tighten the band clamp. 6m standard 6” grey PVC ducting is used however different lengths or colours may be kan imidlertid forskellige længder farver de ikke luftgennemstrømning. green tabanvendes on the band clamp and pulling eller the hose off.forudsat, To attachata new hoseforhindrer simply slide the hose over the attachment as far as used providing they don’t restrict airflow. WARNING: The heater outlet hose must be rated for at least 100°C/212°F on 230V ADVARSEL: Varmeutslippslangen måclamp. være 6m godkjent for6” minst på 230V-modeller og different minst 70°C på 120V-modeller. possible then tighten the band standard grey 100°C PVC ducting is used however lengths or colours may be models and at least 70°C/158°F on 120V models. Hoses are available through DBK. Slangerused fås providing hos NAC Europe. they don’t restrict airflow. WARNING: The heater outlet hose must be rated for at least 100°C/212°F on 230V 12 models and at least 70°C/158°F on 120V models. Hoses are available through DBK. 12



FEILSØK Ved feil må du først forsøke å slå av maskinen, kutte strømmen til kontakten og deretter vente 10 sekunder. Du kan deretter enten starte den opp igjen og se om det er nogen endring. Hvis ikke, henviser vi til denne feilsøketabellen med årsaker og løsninger. Feil



Ingen strøm, rød bryter lyser ikke når den er satt på ON.

Sikringen i stikkontakten er gått.

Sjekk sikringen i støpselet, hvis støpselet ikke har sikring - kontakt NAC Europe.

Tomt display, rød bryter lyser når den er satt til ON.

1) Intern sikring gått.

Sjekk intern sikring, den er plassert på displaypanelet ved siden av den røde bryteren. Skift ut etter behov.

2) Termisk bryter aktivert.

Sikkerhetsbryteren er aktivert, kontakt servicesenteret. Maskinen krever ettersyn hvis bryteren bare aktiveres når det er ytterligere feil tilstede.

Har ikke vært i drift lenge nok.

Drymatic har ikke oppdatert disse verdiene fra en tidligere jobb. Vent et øyeblikk og se om de oppdateres. Hvis problemet vedvarer, start maskinen på nytt og gjenta.

Frosset display.


Kjør en omstart og nullstill maskinen. Hvis problemet ved- varer, er det kanskje behov for oppdatering av programvaren. Kontakt servicesenteret.

Ventilatorvinge ute av balanse.

Noe har blokkert ventilatorvingen og forårsaket at den er kommet ut av balanse.

Vingen kan være skadet eller tvunget løs. Kontakt NAC Europe.

Maskinen nullstiller ved oppstart.

For lite kraft til å starte viftene.

Kontroller at det benyttes korrekt strømforsyning til maskinen. Hvis problemet vedvarer, kontakt NAC Europe.

Gamle temperatur-/fuktmålinger.

RESERVEDELER Reservedeler kan bestilles gjennom NAC Europe. Tilgjengelige reservedeler omfatter: Slangesett (4 slanger med adaptere i en transportbeholder) - FGPH072 Ekstra plastslangeadaptere (med slangeklemme) - FGPH082 PVC-slanger for høye temperaturer - DT0048, Aluminiumslanger for høye temperaturer - DT0021 230V hovedledninger - UK - HA5343, Europa - HA5344, Australia - HA5202, USA - HA5347, CAN - HA5375 120V hovedledninger - USA - HA5346, CAN - HA5374 Sikring (15A, 500V kvikk patronsikring) - EC308 Flere reservedeler kan fås på forespørsel. Sjekk dine korrekte hovedledninger opp mot ditt modellnummer i vedlikeholdskapittelet.




Your model number can be found on the side of the power rating sticker (see component identification page). Here you will Du your finnermodel ditt modellnummer på siden av strømkapasitetsmerket siden med komponentidentifikasjon). finner du find number and power requirements as shown below: -(se Please note model number, approvals and Her symbols may modellnummer og machine. strømkrav som vist nedenfor: - Vær oppmerksom på at modellnummeret, godkjennelser og symboler be different for your kan være forskjellige fra din maskin.

MODELLIDENTIFIKASJON Product Specification: Modell








CountryStrøm/kW for use



2,5 Europe 2,5 Australia/NZ 2,05

Power/kW Spenning/V





Max Current/A


Maks. strøm /A








10.9 50


2.05 230



8.9 50










USA Stand- USA High 1,4 2,5 ard Power

Canada sterkstrøm FGPH071

Scanda2,05 navia

Canada 1,4 Standard

Canada High 2,5 Power




































650m³/hr (380cfm) Recirculation Mode, 595m³/hr (350cfm) Exhaust Mode, 25kg (55lbs) uten avtakbart utstyr og slanger



25kg (55lbs) excluding removable attachments and hoses. 35 x 64 x 93 cm

Dimensjoner Dimensions

35 x 64 x 93 cm (13.9 x 25.3 x 36.6 in)

luft ut Max Maks. Air Off

100°C 100°C (212°F)

Operating BetjeningsRange intervall

-20°C-20°C to 50°C (-4°F til 50°C (-4°Ftotil122°F) 122°F)


Rotomoulded double skinned housing Rotasjonsstøpt dobbeltsidig kabinett




standard FGPH070


650m³/t (380cfm) Resirkulasjonsinnstilling, 595m³/t (350cfm) Utledningsinnstilling

Air Movement




standard FGPH065 sterkstrøm FGPH066 FGPH064














FÅ ENDA MER INSPIRASJON! Følg DBK Drymatic på Facebook og LinkedIn

NAC Europe - Ellegårdvej 18 - DK-6400 Sønderborg Tlf. +45 74 42 62 92 - Faks +45 74 42 47 86 Info@nac-europe.com - www.nac-europe.dk

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