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Fathers Know Best by Neal Allen D ads, lighten up. Yes, all dads project happens in just about every family, so their own fears and hopes on good luck finding a control group for their children. If Dad dreamed of the experiment. becoming a first baseman for the Yankees, There may be no hope for the kids, he’ll push Johnny into baseball, ignoring his but how about the dads? What might hapson’s preference for woodworking. If Dad pen if they notice this odd behavior and harbored hopes of being the next Heminghow might that lighten their own loads? way, he’ll praise Mary’s poetry, and maybe Most of us dads, most of the time, skip a few of her tedious soccer games. initially take on the responsibility of father

Those are the facts, ma’am. Dads hood—income, protection, education—with have a habit of imposing their own sucdrive and purpose. We make compromises cess goals on their kids. It’s not built with our pre-dad selves. The sports car gets into fatherhood to let kids willy-nilly traded in for a minivan. Playing guitar bedevelop their own talents and dreams. comes a hobby, not a professional goal. We Does that ruin the kids? Who knows? It sign on at the warehouse. New dads around

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the country are making these changes every day, and mostly with alacrity.

It’s later, when the perfect infant becomes the complaining toddler or rejecting teenager, that the vexing notion arises that another life could have been lived. This form of nostalgia—for what never came—is bitter. The word “nostalgia”, after all, comes from the Greek for “the pain of going home”.

But by seeing himself project his dreams on his children, a father can also see how he’s holding onto a suspect belief that another life would have been better. With maturity, a dad can revisit his adolescent dreams; not nostalgically, but with the wisdom that comes with age. Did I really have a chance at the Yankees? Be real. Weren’t there two guys in high school alone who had more talent?

Asking these questions, a father might even notice that no one in the family measures his worth in worldly achievements. A dad is best remembered in his capacity for love, kindness, forgiveness, everyday strength and friendliness. Your child may know you’re a master carpenter. But what she remembers is that day when you gently showed her the right way to hold a hammer.

Neal Allen is a spiritual coach and author who shares seven children, step-children and grandchildren with his wife, writer Anne Lamott. His book on a new path to personal freedom will be released by Hierophant Publishers in spring 2021. For more information, visit ShapesOfTruth.com.

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