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During World War II, an estimated 20 million Americans planted individual and community “victory gardens” to assist the war efforts by producing more than 40 percent of the fresh fruits and vegetables consumed in the country at the time. As the world faces a different kind of threat today, Green America is encouraging and training people to plant “climate victory gardens” to restore soil health and draw down carbon as a way to help solve the climate crisis.
The project invites people to log their garden on an online map (GreenAmerica.org/climate-victory-gardens), showing the cumulative impact of their effort. More than 20,000 climate victory gardens have already been planted, collectively sequestering approximately 4,740 tons of carbon per year, which is equivalent to eliminating the emissions from driving more than 39 million miles.
The mission of Green America, a nonprofit, is to mobilize and empower consumers, investors, businesses and the marketplace to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society. Green America provides information on regenerative gardening in down-to-earth terms for beginners and seasoned pros. They also provide resources on related topics, such as organic fertilizers and pesticides, raising chickens, growing food indoors, composting, supporting pollinators and building a rain barrel.