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Meditation4Sobriety – 5:30-6:30pm, online, Aug 2, 9, 16. Chakra, 12-step Meditationoin including Simple breathwork, mudras, guided visual meditations, and journaling with Tanya D, founder of The Peace We Crave. Donation-based. For questions email tanyad@thepeacewecrave.com, and visit yoga4sobriety.com/schedule.
FULL MOON: Shamanic Surrender Box Fire Ceremony / Sound Healing – 1-2:30pm. Join Leslee Penny as she takes you through a journey of spiritual release, de-stressing and healing. She will help you create a surrender box of things that no longer serve you – and let them go. Followed by Sound Healing. Bring comfortable clothing and something to lie down on. $45. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. MadLavenderFarm.com/workshops/workshops.
Learn the Art of Primative Rug Hooking – 1-3pm. Have you ever wanted to create something but not sure where to start? Rug Hooking is a fiber art where we use recycled wool clothing, I will help you visualize your personal design, and bring it into reality. All materials provided. Scale from $15 - $60 depending on supplies needed. Beginners welcome, RSVP for material prep. . Seasoned rug hookers invited for inspiration, please bring a project to work on. Ellen Perkins at Gaia’s Gifts, 16 Broad St., Washington. For information, call 908-223-1331 or email Ellen at perkins145@comcast.
Gong Sound Bath – 6-7:30pm. Lay down for a brief meditation then let the vibrations of the gongs, rattles, chimes, other instruments wash over you, creating a sound scape for you to go on an internal journey. Most people awaken from the journey feeling refreshed and renewed and completely different from when they walked in. Led by Ruchi Jain. $40. Sand Hills Wellness Center, 57 Sand Hills Road, Kendall Park. 732-419-3551. DeepRootsRising.com.
Dragon Flight Guided Meditation – 6-7pm. When dragon energy is awakened, we are courageous & visionary. Awaken your dragon, hop on its back and surrender to the ride. $30. Advanced registration required. Ellen Perkins at Gaia’s Gifts, 16 Broad St., Washington. RSVP to 908-223-1331 or perkins145@comcast. net. GaiasGifts.net
All calendar events for the September 2023 issue must be received by August 10 and adhere to our guidelines. To submit, visit naturalawakeningscnj.com/pages/calendar-listings or email kathy@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com for submission form.
Lavender Sage Smudge Workshop – 1-3pm. Learn to wrap gorgeous, heavenly scented smudge sticks with up to four different herbs. The colors are spectacular and the combination of aromas when they are burned are so cleansing, soothing and elevating to the soul. Have fun making a glorious mess. $65. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. MadLavenderFarm.com/ workshops/workshops.
Gong Bath Sound Journey – 6:30-8pm; 3rd Fri. each mo. Sound vibration powerfully moves stuck energy. Spend an evening relaxing to the sounds of a 39” gong, antique singing bowl, crystal singing bowls and other sound makers. $35. Ellen Perkins at Gaia’s Gifts, 16 Broad St., Washington. RSVP required as space is limited. For information, call 908-223-1331 or email Ellen at perkins145@comcast.net. GaiasGifts.net.
Shamanic Prayer Arrow Ceremony & Sound Healing Meditation – 10:30am-noon. We take our most precious intentions, goals or even a simple prayer and place them into a prayer arrow. As you put love and care into your intentions, the feathers of your arrow will lift it into the heavens. Sound Healing Meditation follows. Crafting supplies provided. Led by Leslee Penny. $45. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. MadLavenderFarm.com/ workshops/workshops.
Shamanic Lucid Dreaming Workshop & Sound Healing / Dream Catcher Tea –1-2:30pm. Learn to remember your dreams by connecting the dream world to your waking reality, and ways to increase your chances of having a lucid dream each night. You may even be able to ask questions of your guides. Dream Catcher Tea served. Please bring a notebook or journal with you. Followed by Sound Healing session. Sweet dreams! Led by Leslee Penny. $45. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. MadLavenderFarm.com/ workshops/workshops.
Natural Dye: Mellow Yellows and Glorious Goldens – August – 1-3:30pm. Using barks, cones and seasonal flowers, we will dye organic cotton bandanas! We will also play with the petals used in the dye process by steaming and pounding them into cotton rag paper. Sip lavender lemonade and taste lovely cookies. $45. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. MadLavenderFarm.com/workshops/workshops.
Gong Sound Bath – 7-8pm. Lay down for a brief meditation to go inside yourself and land here in this space. Then, let the vibrations of the gongs, rattles, chimes, and other instruments wash over you, creating a sound scape for you to go on an internal journey. Most people awaken from the journey feeling refreshed and renewed and completely different from when they walked in. Led by Ruchi Jain. $30. Sand Hills Wellness Center, 57 Sand Hills Road, Kendall Park. 732-4193551. DeepRootsRising.com.
Light Language Activation/Workshop –7-8:30pm. In this workshop, Michael will explain in depth the language of the light. He will channel it to each participant, giving them an activation of their unique light codes. This workshop is a great way for beginners to learn about and experience Light Language. $25 per person. Pre-Registration required. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information call 848-217-2371 or visit AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.
Sound Healing Workshop – 9am-6pm; 8/25-27. Level 1 Certification Course with Debbie Hawker-Misra/The Academy of Sound Healing. Learn how to offer sound healing, sound therapy, vibrational sound massage, sound baths and mindfulness meditation with sound to help yourself and others. Hands on experiential workshop with bowls, gongs, tuning forks, drums, and voice. Location: Tenafly, NJ. Register at AcademyOfSoundHealing.com/workshop-courses-usa#northeast or call Debbie at 201-923-9829.
Sacred Tea Ceremony – 6-9pm. Connect with Mother Gaia in sacred tea ceremony. Connecting with her elements and learn “in what way” you experience her messages. $45. $35. Registration requires prepayment. Ellen Perkins at Gaia’s Gifts, 16 Broad St., Washington. RSVP to 908-223-1331 or perkins145@comcast.net. GaiasGifts.net
Conversation with Crystals – 1-3pm. A crystal cocktail is put together and discussed. Learn how crystals can add healing, spiritual awak-