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7 Chakras Wellness ................13
Be Here Now Yoga ................ 41 Be the Medicine.....................9
Center for Advanced Health ....... 43 Through Dentistry CopperZap ....................... 33 Dr. Andy Rosenfarb.................15 Dr. Paul Bizzaro ....................11
Dr. Clare Larkin .................... 8
Health Yeah with Michelle .......... 23
Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo .......8 Hibernate Bedding ................ 21 Holistic Dental Center ............. 44
Hunterdon Integrative Physicians ... 24 Hypnosis Counseling Center ........ 9 KnowWEwell ..................... 29
Lisa’s Thermography & Wellness ... 36 My Thermal Image .................15 Natural Awakenings Singles .... 19, 20 Nature’s Lab ...................... 25
New Jersey Natural Medicine ........17 Ondov Relationship Coaching ...... 42 Personally Yours Lingerie .......... 19 Psychic Reader & Advisor .......... 42 Qi Gong for Healing ................13 Quantum Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
RegeneSpine ...................... 2 Samsara Chiropractic ............. 41 Sunrise Nutrition Center ........... 24
Free Breathwork Course Online
Using breath to balance energy, find peace and groundedness is an ancient practice with modern application. And in today’s crazy world, it’s more important than ever to find inner security when everything outside can feel unsettled. Ayurvedic Practitioner Jennifer Agugliaro and owner of 7 Chakras Wellness is pleased to offer a free course on breathwork for healing the root chakra. The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is responsible for our sense of safety, security and groundedness. Signs that this chakra is out of balance include: anxiety, under/overeating, fearfulness, sluggishness and difficulties with change. The course training utilizes breathwork, guided meditation, asana (yoga posture), essential oils and a mantra to energetically heal the root chakra.
The practice of directing the breath is called “pranayama” and it can heal the body, mind and spirit. In the body, breathwork oxygenates the cells and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which results in a sense of calm. At the level of the mind it creates feelings of peace, slow thoughts and stabilizes emotions. Breathwork also creates a state of stillness from which you can too access the true self or spirit.
Breathwork is for everyone, and no prior knowledge is required. The course is pre-recorded and can be taken at one’s own pace. Videos and text are included for participants to learn two ancient breathing techniques and how to use them to energetically heal your first chakra. Link to course: 7ChakrasWellness.com/free. For more information call Jennifer at 908-2511200 or email jennifer@7chakraswellness.com. 7ChakrasWellness.com. See ad, page 13.
Techniques for Handling Stress During Covid
Life is filled with stressful events, however, the overwhelming experience of life in disarray through a pandemic is unique. Hypnosis techniques can be particularly useful in helping to restore a sense of calm and control. At 6:30 p.m., on February 22, Barry Wolfson, MS Director at Hypnosis Counseling Center, will present a free ZOOM lecture on “Dealing with Stress During Covid.” During the event, Wolfson will explain how to explore the internal and external sources of stress, identify what can change, and develop coping mechanisms so that when stressful situations arise, one is better equipped to face them in more appropriate ways. Whether feeling stressed, depressed, alone, or have other issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the relaxation techniques and strategies offered by hypnosis can help.
This ZOOM event is hosted by the Hunterdon County Library. To register, visit the library event calendar at hclibrary.us or call 908-788-1434. For information, call Kelsey Rizzolo at 908-788-1434 or Barry Wolfson at 908-303-7767 or email barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com. See ad, page 9.
The Hemp Oil Store.................31 Valley Integrative Pharmacy..........3 Whole Foods ......................10 * New / Returning Advertisers
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As we approach two full years of dealing with the pandemic, many have taken the opportunity to do some serious soul-searching, and many singles have come to the realization that they desire a deeply connected, conscious and loving relationship. To help in their quests, especially during special days this month that usually provide many face-to-face opportunities for potential romance that the health crisis has inhibited, NaturalAwakeningsSingles.com is having a Valentine’s Sale from February 10 through 15 with all subscriptions being offered at 25 percent off of regular prices during this period.
The platform, a leading holistic, conscious dating site and a venue for eco-conscious and spiritual singles to meet each other, is not a superficial, “swipedy-swipe” app, but a truly “help singles meet their match” dating site. Each member exerts control over which profiles they view and with whom they choose to initiate contact. The detailed profiles allow members to read and learn about potential matches, which makes meeting someone compatible more probable. Further, its new video dating feature has been well received as it allows members to get to know each other before meeting in person. For more information, visit NaturalAwakeningsSingles.com. See ads, pages 19, 20.
Discover Stress Relief with Hypnosis
Hypnosis Counseling Center
Flemington/Princeton - You’re anxious, sleepless, or you find yourself avoiding people or necessary tasks. You want to quit smoking. You need to lose weight.
Wouldn’t we all like to be more relaxed and healthier in some way? We can be. Imagine sleeping well, eating well, or putting down the cigarette habit for good without anxiety, weight gain, or mood swings. Whatever your situation is, hypnosis can dramatically improve the quality of your life.
Panic attacks and anxiety disorders can manifest themselves in physical symptoms such as stomach pains or insomnia, or behaviors like avoidance or extreme shyness. Nicotine addiction and unwanted weight can both lead to a frustrating roller coaster ride of hope and disappointment. Regardless of the issue, you can discover what thousands of others have already learned: Hypnosis offers a painless path to freedom and change.
Hypnosis is a safe, medically approved method of behavior modification therapy, and it really works. Whether you’ve got 20 pounds you want to lose or your self-esteem needs a boost, hypnosis counseling can make a difference for you.
The Hypnosis Counseling Center has been helping people change their lives for the better for over 35 years. Group classes are offered at over 35 adult schools and recreation centers throughout New Jersey to help people quit smoking and lose weight. Individual counseling is available for those who want to manage stress or overcome anxiety, poor confidence, insomnia, low self esteem, migraine headaches, or poor work and study habits.
To find out more, please visit HypnosisCounselingCenter.com or contact Barry Wolfson at 908-3037767. Offices are located at 28 Mine St., Flemington and 43 Tamarack Circle, Princeton. Skype and Zoom appointments are also available.

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