4 minute read
daily & ongoing NOVEMBER 2022
All calendar events for the December 2022 issue must be received by November 10 and adhere to our guidelines. To submit, visit naturalawakeningscnj.com/pages/calendar-listings or email kathy@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com for submission form.
Roseland One Year Anniversary Celebration
with Life Vine Wines – 8:30pm. Roseland One Year Anniversary Celebration with Life Vine Wines – 8:30pm. Follows 7pm workshop. Join the Niyama Tribe and our favorite wine company, Life Vine, for a celebratory wine tasting event. Free. Niyama Yoga Shalas, 161 Eagle Rock Avenue, Roseland. For information call 973-5002939 or email niyamayogastudio@gmail. com. NiyamaYogaShala.com.
Soul Shamanism 201 – 7pm on Thursdays. 101 was an introduction, and 201 completes the training. After practicing for a while, it is important to regroup as more subtilties become important to be aware of and navigate. Learning to move through any blocks into wholeness, health, happiness, truth, beauty, and light allows your entire life to transform into perfect alignment. In this class, you will join more fully with your timeless self and know more clearly about your life and soul purpose. We explore new dimensions of us in various realms and find our true nature divine, with solutions always available. $395/$425. Be The Medicine, 247 North Road, Chester. For information, call 973-647-2500, email Janet@ BeTheMedicine.com or visit BetheMedicine. com.
Floating Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath – 7:30-8:30pm. On the first Friday of each month, float on a tapestry of the vibration of Crystal Singing Bowls and Earth Gong, weightless and completely relaxed in a silk hammock, while the sounds resonate around your whole body. No experience in yoga or meditation is required. Led by Ruth Ratliff. $45. Honor Yoga Washington, 25 E. Washington Ave., Washington. For more information call 908-533-1057 and visit Washington.HonorYoga.com/Workshops.
Dancing with the Energies of Dragons – 3-5pm. Dragons are celestial beings from the angelic realms who have been sent by Source to assist and protect us and have been serving our planet since its inception. They are wise, open-hearted beings that can delve into deep dense energy and clear it in a way that our angels cannot. Dana will guide us through meditation to meet connect with them. $45 per person; preregistration required. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information contact 848-217-2371 or Ayearandadaymysticalshoppe@yahoo. com. AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.
Full Moon Circle: 7:30-8:30pm, Enjoy and experience the Beaver Moon with us. November’s moon is the time to plan for the upcoming cold, or quiet season when the earth rests. We’ll have a sound bath, ask for guidance in aligning ourselves with the universe toward the next phase of each of our journeys. $20 per person; pre-registration required. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information contact 848-217-2371 or Ayearandadaymysticalshoppe@yahoo. com. AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:309:30pm. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 6:30-7:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 7:30-8:30pm. Better Sleep with Hypnosis – 8:30-9:30pm. $50 each session. Crossroads So. Middle School, 195 Major Rd., Monmouth Jct. For more information, contact Barry at 908-303-7767 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com. Quiet the Monkey Mind – 7-9pm. 2nd Wed. This gathering of teachings and tools is life changing. You learn to be in charge of your mind instead of your mind running you—achieve a calm mind and peaceful heart as we release anxiety, fear, memories, current challenges, and resolve issues. $60 per night $60 or prepay $200 for the series. Audio recording and notes if you miss a class. Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-Classes-Retreats), 247 North Road, Chester. 973-647-2500. BeTheMedicine.com.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 9am12noon. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 6:30-7:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 7:30-8:30pm. Better Sleep with Hypnosis – 8:30-9:30pm. $60 each session. Hypnosis Counseling Center, 28 Mine St., Flemington. For more information, contact Barry at 908-303-7767 or barry@ hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com. Free Drumming Circle: 1:30-3pm and stay and get an Aura photo with detailed report, a reading or energy healing from one of our gifted Psychics or Healers. Readings include, Tarot, Mediumship, Stones, Medicine Cards and Limpia (Egg Reading). Circle to be led by Shaman, Lauren. Experience the uplifting energy vibrations of this Native American drumming. You may bring an instrument (drum, rattle, etc.), or just enjoy the experience. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information contact 848-217-2371 or Ayearandadaymysticalshoppe@yahoo. com. AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.
Psychic/Mediumship Workshop: 3-5pm with Cherise. This class is part of a mentorship series which will introduce you to the concept of mediumship as an encounter with and interpretation of spirit energy. Learn how to develop your awareness and gifts, work with your own energy and the energy that surrounds you, (embodied or not). We’ll explore the levels of spirit energy, other dimensions, including the astral plane and focus on ways we can encounter spirit responsibly, foster our relationship with spirit and our team of guides in the spirit realm. $65 per person; pre-registration required. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information contact 848-217-2371 or Ayearandadaymysticalshoppe@yahoo. com. AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.
Native American Drumming/Journeyingwith Shamanic Practitioner, Lauren 7:309:30 pm. Looking to connect with the spirit of the drum and connect with your inner medicine? This event is for both those new to journeying as well as those experienced. Learn the importance of drumming, how drumming can help you heal spiritual wounds and be guided through a journey to help discover your spiritual allies