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Have a business opportunity, job opening, space for rent or other need? Place your classified ads here, 30 words for $30, extra words $1 each. Email to
Joe@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com by the 10th of the month prior to publication date.
PART-TIME SPACE AVAILABLE: at busy integrative medicine practice. This lovely treatment room would be perfect for a massage therapist or similar. Great location and serene waiting area. A receptionist is an option. See NJNaturalMedicine. com for practice info and email erin@ njnaturalmedicine.com if interested.
OFFERINGS: A unique gift shop for the mind, body and soul. Check out our collection of angels, candles, cards, crystals, crystal soaps, jewelry, sage, salt lamps, solar wind chimes, tea, t-shirts, tumbled stones and more. Card readings, classes and workshops available. Metaphysical & Spiritual Bliss, 19A Old Highway 22, Clinton. 908-268-8029. FB Metaphysical & Spiritual Bliss. Instagram @cmatsen11
EMF’s affect our health and well-being. We offer remediation of Electomagnetic Fields inside and outside the home using energy balancing tools. For rates and information call Irene Christopher (917) 576-9310 or Barbara Kehr (201) 6378859.
and connect with your higher self. $45 per person; pre-registration required. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information contact 848-217-2371 or Ayearandadaymysticalshoppe@yahoo. com. AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.
Healing Circle – 7:30-9:30pm. Reiki Practitioners and energy healers come discuss and share your experiences and techniques and practice your skills working on one another. It’s also an amazing way for people who are new to Reiki and energy therapy to get a taste and feel of what these therapies are all about. $10 per person; pre-registration required. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information contact 848-217-2371 or Ayearandadaymysticalshoppe@yahoo. com. AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.
Special Event: Akashic Records Reading – 1-5pm The Akashic Records hold information about your soul’s past, present and future. During an Akashic Records reading, Cherise taps into your records, offering you channeled messages from your guides, masters, teachers and loved ones. These messages are intended to help you raise your awareness of your spiritual path so you can live in alignment with your highest and best good. Session is 45-60 minutes. $125 per person. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information contact 848-217-2371 or Ayearandadaymysticalshoppe@yahoo. com. AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.
Special Event: Medium Readings with Cherise – 2-6pm. Do you have a loved one who has passed that you would like to communicate with? Cherise can mediate your connection and help you convey what you would like to say and pass on to you any messages from the other side. Session is 45-60 minutes. $125 per person. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information contact 848-217-2371 or Ayearandadaymysticalshoppe@yahoo. com. AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:308:30pm. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 6:30-7:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 7:30-8:30pm. $60 each session. Hunterdon Polytech, 8 Bartles Corner Rd., Flemington. For more information, contact Barry at 908-303-7767 or barry@ hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Qi Gong for Beginner Series – Times and days vary. Four 1-hour classes. Begin the gentle movements of a Qi Gong Tai Chi journey featuring Patty Pagano live online. First 1-hour class is Free! Check schedule or register at https://forms.gle/k2kcv9tVJ6X1QfpD8. For information contact Patty at 908-3921313 or PattyQigongforHealing@gmail.com. QiGongForHealing.com.
Quiet the Monkey Mind – 7-9pm. 2nd Wed. This gathering of teachings and tools is life changing. You learn to be in charge of your mind instead of your mind running you—achieve a calm mind and peaceful heart as we release anxiety, fear, memories, current challenges, and resolve issues. $60 per night $60 or prepay $200 for the series. Audio recording and notes if you miss a class. Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-Classes-Retreats), 247 North Road, Chester. 973-647-2500. BeTheMedicine.com.
Soul Shamanism 201 – 7pm on Thursdays. 101 was an introduction, and 201 completes the training. After practicing for a while, it is important to regroup as more subtilties become important to be aware of and navigate. Learning to move through any blocks into wholeness, health, happiness, truth, beauty, and light allows your entire life to transform into perfect alignment. In this class, you will join more fully with your timeless self and know more clearly about your life and soul purpose. We explore new dimensions of us in various realms and find our true nature divine, with solutions always available. $395/$425. Be The Medicine, 247 North Road, Chester. For information, call 973-647-2500, email Janet@ BeTheMedicine.com or visit BetheMedicine. com.
Friday Psychic Readings and Energy
Healings – 2-7pm. Get a 10-minute Reading or Energy Healing for only $20. Have a question about a direction you are looking to embark on? About a job, relationship, or move? Get a reading and we will advise you! Feeling off, or out of balance? Get rebalanced with an energy healing. Walk-ins or appointments are welcome. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information call 848-217-2371 or email Ayearandadaymysticalshoppe@ yahoo.com. AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe. com. 34 Somerset/Middlesex/Hunterdon/Mercer/ S. Warren Co. Edition NaturalAwakeningsCNJ.com