NoMATERIA [english]

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NoMATERIA more disclosure, less atoms

Venezuelans doing industrial design. june 29, 2011. Caracas, Venezuela

NoMATERIA more disclosure, less atoms

Venezuelan doing industrial design. june 29, 2011. Caracas, Venezuela

NoMATERIA: more disclosure, less atoms Venezuelans doing industrial design Industrial design is a discipline that connects the society with the means of production, the culture with the industry. It refers to a project activity that should be present in the full life cycle of the product, from its conception to its final destination. For most people, the industrial design is embodied in the objects we use in everyday life, in the products we buy and use. For the industry, it is a tool for innovation, process optimization and secure market insertion. For countries, it is a real possibility of development. What happens with industrial design in the country? How many designers are there in Venezuela? What industries use industrial design? Where are Venezuelan designers studying? How many Venezuelan designers work abroad or for international markets? Given these questions, and taking advantage of the International Industrial Design Day, we propose from Venezuela this simple action:

"NoMATERIA: more disclosure, less atoms" is a proposal that combines the constant concern of the designers about the lack of dissemination of knowledge and the discipline, with the powerful discourse of sustainability connected directly to the production of objects. We disclose the design. We do not want to produce t-shirts, stickers, 'pins' or any other promotional material that could immediately become waste. "NoMATERIA: more disclosure, less atoms" is a viral action that seeks to explain to people the importance of industrial design. Does your neighbor know how to design a product, does the man of the supply, or your aunt or the family doctor?. Using the tools and the ability of Social Networks (Twitter and Facebook) to spread this idea appears as a possibility of low cost and high visibility. "NoMATERIA: more disclosure, less atoms" is also a digital exhibition of what, in one quick glance, is made and produced in industrial design by Venezuelan industrial designers. In DIconexiones Blog, a virtual space for reflection, exhibition, debate, promotion and source for what is happening in industrial design, you can see those works and in the future, interviews with participants in the sample.


CRITICAL SCENARIOS FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGN Product development is torn between two powerful poles: the design of the forms and the discursive paradigms. On the one hand, designing objects and product development activity is connected to the project and the producing of forms. It is in the practice of this activity that we find the concrete results of things. On the other end, the paradigms of thought move the focus of the project activity by unsuspected paths, sometimes with such a force that we start to loose the meaning of design. Speeches such as sustainability, innovation, social design, communication technology, to name the best known, historically have driven designers to cross and explore new work areas. But the debate in the pursuit of hegemony of each of these lines of thought has forced the Design to its constant reformulation, its transformation and growth. Although it seems a contradiction, work territory of designers is at the very heart of the discussions of those speeches. The balance and measuring of the forces they represent is the most complex task that a designer has when developing a product. The world is constantly changing and therefore rearranging the means of production. Today, flags of "green design" are raised and appear some suspicions such as: When was that the design failed to ensure the optimization of processes or the wise use of resources and materials?, When does the design intent abandoned the idea of creating innovative products that now the discourse of innovation demands its space?. And finally, When was that people ceased to be the final destination of products, that projects now need a social component for its success in the market?

This rearrangement of the media also proposes new approaches in the areas of work. Cities are no longer the domain of architects and planners, to become a transdisciplinary space that proposes industrial design concrete and complex problems. The development is no longer connected primarily with the generation of industries; knowledge base is the main indicator of this development. New production systems appear to make way for group practices in the generation of livelihood and identity. The accelerated advances in technology design demand proposals to make these advances edible and digestible, seeking new ways of interacting with products and objects: interface design. Finally, recognize that the design is for the people, not technology. For this reason it was initially called User and it was later redesigned by the famous speech of 'user-centered design', opening the way for the friendly products, and now it rediscovers these aspects in the design experience. It is up to designers to reconcile themselves with the discipline and abandon radical positions or naive in relation to speeches, to design better products, more honest, more efficient and intelligent. Ignacio Urbina Polo Industrial Designer -


THE SAMPLE The products and objects that appear in this brief exhibition and publication were collected with a digital call and received directly from the authors for edition. The entire sample was conducted in eight (8) days. One of the premise of the project was to publish products manufactured or prototypes only, atoms, so people could see form and texture. We deliberately excluded many products that, for myriad of reasons have not been produced or marketed, whether because they were academic projects, or because they were at a preliminary stage of the design process. In this faster overview of the design scene in Venezuela, in this viral sample, we can see some products dealing with quitter architecture, lighting systems for public spaces or coverage, and also small systems of objects that touch craft levels of production. Also, we can see products that are part of the traditional repertoire and necessary industrial design, like pieces of furniture or articles of daily use. Venezuelans are doing industrial design anyway. Although there are industries involved, predominates in this sample an effort by young industrial designers dabbling in design and production of objects, in business, in the generation of profiles of designers entrepreneurs. A large number of small companies led by designers, who face the difficult task of manufacturing and marketing its own objects. Every product that appears in the sample has been part of a design and manufacturing process. Each project has an individual memory that tells its history and working conditions. The data sheets that accompany the products provide the information necessary to meet the designers and companies who are behind this action. The exhibition only presents them. The efforts and sales strategies are the responsibility of each participant. The responsibility for the promotion and dissemination of industrial design is primarily the task of the designers.



“To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Buckminster Fuller [1895-1983] NoMATERIA 05

TANK SUPPORT . 2009 Design of the tank, auxiliary box and cab with seating for three firefighters Design Darwin Molina | Sergio Alonso Manufacturer Industrias Freeways. Mérida, Vzla Client Miranda State Firemen Department, Vzla Materials Acero A36 y Acero Inoxidable AISI 304l. Capacidad 6.000 lts. Mérida, Venezuela


GIRAFFE PUFF 2008 Design Luisa Sivoli Mujica | Sofia Ball Manufacturer Boing Materials Waterproof fabric, beads of EPS expanded polystyrene [stuffing] MĂŠrida, Venezuela +58 426 3270415 +58 426 3272715 +58 274 9354562 Facebook Seria2 | Facebook Boing Twitter Seria2 | Twitter Boing


GAUCHO GRILL Design and manufacture OrangeX c.a.. Carlos Ega単a Maracay, Venezuela Materials cast aluminum. Weight 5.4 kg. Dimensions 46x25x15 cms. Maracay, Venezuela +58 412 3490318 +58 426 2883531


ARAYA, WOVEN POLTRONA 2011 Design Bernardo Mazzei Manufacturer Bernardo y Francisco Mazzei Materials Aluminum plate 2' x 1/4" and 1 1/2" x 1/4", aluminum tubing 1/2". Bronze bushings. Stainless steel allen screws. Nylon belts 2" Caracas, Venezuela +58 412 3686273


ARRE! ROCKING HORSE 2009 Design Giovanni Ditillio Lock Man Yee Materials Sealed and inking MDF Manufacturer UN OCHO c.a. Caracas, Venezuela


"CABUCHÓN", SERIES RINGS 2010 Design and manufacture Objetos-o ® Materials Silver 925, acrylic PMMA, recycled paper Caracas, Venezuela


BARQUIM LAMP POST 2007 Design Estudio Otai Design Conrado Cifuentes Cortijo Client Constructora Sambil Caracas, Venezuela Participating in the Iberoamerican Biennial of Design 2010


"NEFERTITI", TABLE LAMP 2010 Design Albert Humet Materials Apamate wood turning, PVC and fabric screen Production HuConcept Dise単os, c.a. Pantalamp, c.a. Caracas, Venezuela +58 212 9510750 +58 416 6393210


DISABILITY JACKET 2010 Design and manufacture Nada, c.a. Omar Guerra Alfonzo Carolina Pérez Puerta Mérida, Venezuela Participating in the Iberomerican Biennial of Design 2010


ACCORDION BAG 2007 Design and manufacture Mรกxima Duda Materials Moriche, weaving and gourd Caracas, Venezuela Participating in the Iberomerican Biennial of Design 2008 +58 212 613 97 79 +58 414 211 87 99


TIPO ĂšTIL 2007 Disign estudio_t Teresa Mulet Caracas, Venezuela Participating in the Iberomerican Biennial of Design 2008


AME, ARM CHAIR 2010 Design Marc Flallo Materials Venezuelan semiprecious timber, bรกlsamo or stick smell, clear and miguelito. Cattle skin dyed black, bronze axes Yaracuy, Venezuela Participating in the Iberomerican Biennial of Design 2010


TEXTIL DESIGN _ PATTERN BENCH 2009 Design Anabella Georgi Manufacturer Casa Curuba, Caracas Materials Patchwork leather, Venezuelan Wood Caracas, Venezuela Participating in the Iberoamerican Biennial of Design 2010


ONDU 2010 - 2011 Design Maria Teresa Sucre Manufacturer Tybso Material Porcelain Bogotรก, Colombia


TEXTILES URBAN COVERAGE, SABANA GRANDE BOULEVARD 2010 Design Grupo Estran, c.a. MSc. Carlos H. Hern谩ndez | Arq. Jaime Le贸n Contractor PDVSA La Estancia | Casal Beach c.a. Caracas, Venezuela


YARE, SALT AND PEPPER 2008 Design Iguano c.a. Sergio Alonso | Luis Andueza | Darwin Molina Carlomar Montes | María José Partipilo Jorge Parada | Keyla Torres | Lock Man Yee Manufacturer Iguano c.a. Material Ceramics Mérida, Venezuela


BOTTLE HOLDERS SERIES 2010 Materiales: Vetiver fiber, bamboo and thread Descripción Designed in the experimental workshop for the development of new designs proposed, conducted by the Center for Craft Trainning of the Empresas Polar Foundation in the Marroquina community. Yaracuy State, Venezuela

Co-design Di. María Teresa del Castillo Artisans of the Marroquina community: Zurma Ramírez, Naileth Méndez, Melisa Méndez, Wilmary Méndez, Marta Carusi, Dayana Miranda, Diana Miranda, Oscaira Miranda, Delcia Córdoba, Ana María Córdoba, Yusmary Salero y María Parra Caracas, Venezuela


TAKÓ, GARDEN LAMP INDOOR AND OUTDOOR USE 2008 Design Daniel Domínguez F. Manufacturer 3Ejes Materials Steel sheet 3mm Caracas, Venezuela +58 412 2323300


TO2021 INFRAWAVE OVEN GEORGE FOREMAN 2009 Design Concepto Studios Inc. | Andrew E. Morrison Manufacturer Applica Consumer Products Inc. United States. China


BOBI 2009 BUSINESS ORGANIZATOR & BUSINESS IDENTITY Design D-factory Design Group c.a. Project Management Antonio José García Rico Development Luís Lobo Asesoría Salvador Guida Client Franquicia Tequechongos Manufacturer Union Sign C.A. Materials Metal, wood and fiberglass Caracas, Venezuela +58 426 5187770 +58 212 7632126


CHEF’S TABLE 2007 GOURMET LINE Design Enrique Méndez | Christian Saravia Manufacturer Smith Falchetti, c.a. Materials Stainless steel and beechwood Caracas, Venezuela +58 212 9621208 +58 212 9621590 +58 212 9621763


INTELLIGENT VOLTAGE GUARD 2008 FOR DOMESTIC REFRIGERATORS WITH REMOTE INDICATOR. MODEL: PTN 1821 IR Design Miguel J. Maestre Electric-electronic design Ernesto Iriarte Manufacturer Protecci贸n El茅ctrica Global and Pegsa, s.a. Material Fire-retardant PVC Features Use for refrigerators any capacity Miranda, Venezuela


SIDNEY 2009 TABLE LAMP Design Gilberto Montero | AndrĂŠs Velandia Manufacturer BMZ Design Group, c.a. Caracas Materials and Processes Body in polypropylene laminated and die-cutting. Base made in CNC lathe and electrostatic paint finish. Packaging made in paperboard die cutting silkscreen Caracas, Venezuela

+58 212 5322164 +58 212 5322372


TCH.6 ANIMALS, BLUE SERIE 2007 Design and manufacture Tierra Chig端ire | Annella Armas Materials Figures in national pine wood, box in printed solid sulfate Description Drawer-type box with 6 figures [graphic synthesis] manufactured in national pine wood, unarmed and painted in 6 basic colors Caracas, Venezuela +58 212 7518673 +58 416 8243211 Facebook NoMATERIA 29

MILLER 2010 Design Identidad Diseño Leonardo Niño | Gustavo Ostos | Mayra Briceño Manufacturer Identidad Diseño Materials Beech wood laminated and worked on laser, spheres of ash wood and aluminum bar Mérida, Venezuela +58 274 4156353 | 8481182 +58 424 7041700 Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr Iddi Magazine NoMATERIA 30

POLTRONA, ARM CHAIR 2010 Design Andres Echandia | Carlos Luis Villarroel María José Partipilo Manufacturer Complemento Diseño Materials Artificial leather [’cuerina’] Structure in wood Description Piece from a single post Mérida, Venezuela


TALCUBO, PEN HOLDER 2010 Design TalCosa Santiago Díaz Aguirre | Fernando Mora Saldivia José Alfredo Noguera | Róger Zambrano Material Acrylic glass, synthetic elastic, cutting and engraving with high definition laser Mérida, Venezuela +58 416 7777874 +58 424 7233597 +58 414 5323449 Facebook | Twitter NoMATERIA 32

CHAO PESCAO, BAG HOLDER 2010 Design Gallina Ciega Stefanie Suárez | Mercedes León Alejandro Ruiz | Marihum Pernía Materials Acrylic glass 5mm, laser cutting and cast resin Mérida, Venezuela +58 424 7026670 +58 424 7010278 +58 414 7479348 +58 424 7227312 Facebook | Twitter NoMATERIA 33

TETRA 2006 COLLAPSIBLE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE Design and manufacture Monna GutiĂŠrrez Materials Bamboo, wood, rubber, sealant and polyurethane. Paperboard 120 gr. punched and printed in ink. Paper 150 gr. Printed in two colors on both sides Features Three-dimensional folding structure whose vertices are connected by flexible washers, allow manipulation and increasingly new volumes with the movement of the edges +58 416 7076888 +58 212 6364645 Facebook


NoMATERIA: more disclosure, less atoms Venezuelans doing industrial design

DESIGNERS Darwin Molina Sergio Alonso Luisa Sivoli Mujica Sofia Ball Bernardo Mazzei Giovanni Ditillio Lock Man Yee Claudia Mauro Conrado Cifuentes Albert Humet Omar Guerra Alfonzo Carolina Pérez Puerta María Antonia Godigna Teresa Mulet Marc Flallo Anabella Georgi Maria Teresa Sucre Carlos H. Hernández Jaime León Luis Andueza Carlomar Montes María José Partipilo Jorge Parada Keyla Torres Lock Man Yee María Teresa del Castillo

Daniel Domínguez F. Andrew E. Morrison Antonio José García Rico Luís Lobo Salvador Guida Enrique Méndez Christian Saravia Miguel J. Maestre Gilberto Montero Andrés Velandia Annella Armas Leonardo Niño Gustavo Ostos Mayra Briceño Andres Echandia Carlos Luis Villarroel Santiago Díaz Aguirre Fernando Mora Saldivia José Alfredo Noguera Róger Zambrano Gallina Ciega Stefanie Suárez Mercedes León Alejandro Ruiz Marihum Pernía Monna Gutiérrez

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was made possible with support from designers, architects, institutions and companies that have collaborated with the delivery of material products and the dissemination of the event. Special thanks to Elena Cardona, Vicente Lecuna, Iván Castillo, Carlos Calderón and Claudia Mauro. SUPPORT Prodiseño, School of Visual Communication and Design Caracas, Venezuela D-Store Temporary Store Design Mérida, Venezuela Iberoamerican Biennial of Design Madrid, Spain PRODUCTION AND EDITION Diconexiones Industrial Design: Direct Connections Ignacio Urbina Polo

June, 2011 Caracas, Venezuela


NoMATERIA more disclosure, less atoms

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