Mitakuye Oyasin
By Silent Voices
Native American Connections Newsletter Lincoln High School, 2900 S Cliff Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 (605) 367-7990 • www.sf.k12.sd.us/lincoln/home
November 2019
Volume 3, Issue 2
Veterans Day Honors Service to Country
Class Learns About Native Culture
Day of Remembrance for New and Fallen Heroes
Teacher Steps Outside of Content Area
By Isabel Ferguson Staff Writer Veterans Day honors those who have served our country. It celebrates those who are retired members, active duty service members, and reserve members. There are five branches of the military: army, air force, navy, coast guard, and marines. Each of these have a specific purpose and mission. According to History.com, Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day and was a holiday meant to reflect upon the heroism of those who died in service to our country. It originated on November 11, 1919, on the 1-year anniversary of the end of World War I. The November 11 date is significant as it honors the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918 that signaled the end of World War I. In 1954, President Eisenhower renamed the day to Veterans Day. Individuals who join the military have different reasons for joining. Sometimes there are significant world events that impact people of all cultures that call them to serve their country. Henry Goodface was a senior in high school when the terrorist attacks took place on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. He joined the Marine Corps because of those attacks. He had many family members who were also in the military. He served three tours of duty in support of Operation Iraq Photo courtesy of Henry Goodface Freedom in Al Anbar Province, Iraq, and one tour of duty in As a member of the Marine Corps, Henry support of Operation Enduring Goodface served his country overseas in three military operations in support of Freedom in southern Helmand other countries’ fights for freedom. He left Province, Afghanistan. He was the military after eight years, and now lives overseas from 2005 through and works in Sioux Falls. 2009, and on active duty with the Marine Corps from 2002 to 2010. “My most powerful memories of this time are the good times I spent with my friends,” Goodface said, “If you’re considering the military keep your honor clean and never accept defeat.” (continued on Page 4, Military)
By Isabel Ferguson and Jahnessah Rondell Staff Writers Native American Day made a substantial impact on Mr. Bogart’s first-period English students. Many of his students were going to be absent on October 14, celebrating Native American day in Sioux Falls. This created a unique learning opportunity for the rest of his English class members. The students remaining in Mr. Bogart’s class explored the Native American culture Photo by Noah Whiteshirt through reading Mr. Bogart teaches English in the and videos. “[I Freshman Academy at Lincoln. He taught about Native had his students learn about Native culture on Native culture] because American Day in his English I most of my Native classes. American students were going to be gone that day. So, I asked my students who were going to be gone what they wanted the class to learn about, and they said, ‘their culture.’ So, I talked to Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Kolb about what I could teach the students. They sent me videos and one of their newsletters. The video on Lakota Star Knowledge personally interested me, and so I had the students watch it,” Bogart said. Mr. Bogart felt that there was a connection between the Lakota Star Knowledge and the Greek myths and legends. “I have always been interested in Greek myths and legends. I liked how these two things on opposite ends of the world could be so similar. Another thing I liked was that we didn’t need to go to the other end of the world to learn this because it is already here.” Bogart said. (continued on Page 2, Culture)