2012 Annual Report

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2012 Annual Report

2012 Annual Report

1. About Nadace PartnerstvĂ­

About Nadace Partnerství

The Partnership Foundation helps people take care of the environment via: •• grants •• expert services •• education •• transfer of know-how •• inspiration in our Open Garden We are a part of the international Environmental Partnership Association.

An important part of the Foundation’s activities is to actively involve local communities.


About Nadace PartnerstvĂ­

Our Topics

Public spaces

Sustainable tourism

Traffic calming and safe ways to schools

Cycling and walking as means of transport

Water management

Greenery in cities and landscape

Education Protection of nature and cultural heritage

Renewable sources of energy

Green buildings

Engaging the public in decision making

Social responsibility


About Nadace Partnerství

Our Goals •• to foster the active involvement of communities in civil society and taking care of the environment •• t o change the values of the Czech population in order to promote higher responsibility for the future •• to respect long-term strategies in the international context •• to promote sustainable behaviour as an ordinary thing •• to advocate equal partnership between the non-profit sector and government or business •• t o support the competitiveness of the Czech Republic through sustainable technologies and renewable resources •• to cooperate effectively with our corporate partners in order to reach these goals.


About Nadace PartnerstvĂ­

People are overloaded with information, advice, negative news. We want to use practical examples to inspire them and motivate them to start actively taking care of their home and their environment. Miroslav Kundrata director of the Partnership Foundation


About Nadace Partnerství

Our People Jiří Francek, chairman of the Board of Directors Jiří Hartmann, chairman of the Supervisory Board Miroslav Kundrata, director Tomáš Růžička, executive director Markéta Janíčková, financial director Michal Veselý, director of development Martin Nawrath, director of Partnerství, o. p. s.

Our Board of Directors


About Nadace PartnerstvĂ­

The Partnership Foundation team


About Nadace PartnerstvĂ­

Activities Supported by Our Funds Improving the environment with the involvement of the public

Planting and taking care of trees and greenery

Development of Greenways cycling trails


About Nadace PartnerstvĂ­

Projects of other environmental and social non-profit, non-governmental organisations that deal with sustainability (Block Grant for NGOs of the Swiss financial mechanism)

Safe Routes to School and traffic-calming measures

Sustainable water management


About Nadace Partnerství

Our Services •• Grant management for governmental agencies and corporate donors •• Engaging corporate volunteers and competence building for employees •• Drafting Mobility plans •• Analysing public spaces and creating strategies for their development •• Facilitating public meetings •• Census of cyclists and pedestrians

Mobility plans ensure fast, cheap and effective transport for all of your employees and visitors. 12

About Nadace Partnerství

•• Planning and signing cycling infrastructure, bike tourism management •• Certificating services for cyclists •• Interpreting local heritage •• Renting facilities for seminars or conferences


A professionally lead facilitation makes it easier to reach an agreement about a strategic plan, the design of a public space or the development of tourism. 13

About Nadace Partnerství

Our Prizes and Competitions •• Roads through Towns competition

•• Tree of the Year contest

•• Town of Trees competition

•• European Tree of the Year contest

•• For Water student competition

•• Josef Vavroušek Prize

•• We Want to Be Seen school competition

The Roads through Towns competition showcases successful traffic-calming solutions, and awards financial prizes.


About Nadace PartnerstvĂ­

In the For Water competition, students share their inspiring ideas for sustainable water management.


About Nadace Partnerství

Our Headquarters The Open Garden in Brno, below Špilberk castle Educational centre for both children and adults What will you see and experience? •• a unique passive building: an inspiration for investors, a living textbook for students •• an entertaining garden: 12 play stations on the topic of the 4 elements •• education: seminars and courses for both children and adults •• conferences: rental facilities

Come and get inspired! Open Garden, Údolní 33, Brno www.otevrenazahrada.cz


About Nadace PartnerstvĂ­

By building the consulting centre we intend to show that environmentallyfriendly buildings are viable even in the densely developed historical heart of a city.


About Nadace Partnerství

Do you also want to help? We will be happy to have you with us! You can either support the Partnership Foundation as a whole, or select a topic closest to your heart. Where to start? •• become our partner •• join the Friend’s Club and volunteer in the garden or in the office •• send a financial contribution via our website •• give a gift to your loved ones: Tree certificate, Run for a good cause, Open wine cellars festival—available on our e-shop Thank you!

Make your family and friends happy—give them a tree. 18

About Nadace PartnerstvĂ­

Regular support is priceless for us—you can even help by working in the garden.


2012 Annual Report

2. 2012 Events and Numbers

2012 Events and Numbers

The Year in Hindsight How successful were we in accomplishing our mission in 2012? Fully! We supported environmental and social non-profit organisations with the total sum of more than 37 million crowns, mainly thanks to the Swiss Block Grant. Along with the Civil Society Development Foundation we succeeded in the tender to administrate the so-called Norway Grants for NGOs. With the upcoming cessation of the European funds, these resources will no doubt prove very important. We were fully devoted to all of our topics (with the new addition of “water in landscape”) and we participated in the preparation of the new Civil Code and related legislation, which will benefit the whole non-profit sector. Hard work allowed us to finish the reconstruction of our premises below Špilberk castle and to create the Open Garden educational centre, offering facilities for other NGOs and environmental education. Located on the grounds is a unique low-energy passive building with a green roof, which serves as an inspiration for investors and a living textbook for students. Now in 2013, the Open Garden is already serving its purpose. Feel free to visit us!


2012 Events and Numbers

Miroslav Kundrata Director, Partnership Foundation


2012 Events and Numbers

Open Garden / Inspiration, a living textbook, and fun

november > The Open Garden, our new educational centre, greeted its first visitors.


2012 Events and Numbers

Come and get inspired! www.otevrenazahrada.cz


2012 Events and Numbers

Public Spaces / We want cities for people •• grants for renovation of public spaces (CZK 524,500) •• 20 facilitations of public meetings •• 13 educational seminars •• helping to organise the international reSITE conference •• Brno courtyards: a study of possible restoration that involved the public •• Holice town: a conceptual framework for the rejuvenation of the town centre •• preparing the Community Movers cycle of practical seminars •• methodological leadership of the Housing Estates are Alive programme of the OKD Foundation


2012 Events and Numbers

may > We published the Czech translation of Cities for People, a book by the Danish architect Jan Gehl.


2012 Events and Numbers

Traffic Calming / Traffic as a part of the public space, no •• grants to support Safe Routes to School (CZK over 1.2 million) •• expansion of our services to implement mobility plans •• 29 municipalities have joined the Roads through Towns national competition •• a conference about sustainable traffic, held in Česká Třebová •• creating methodology for barrier-free audits •• a travelling exhibition showcasing the most interesting traffic projects •• 26 schools have joined the We Want to Be Seen competition


2012 Events and Numbers

ot the other way around

Thanks to the support from the Green Light grant, 21 schools improved the safety of their students on their way home.

september > The winners of the national Roads through Towns competition were announced at a sustainable traffic conference in Česká Třebová.


2012 Events and Numbers

Trees and Landscape / We believe in small positive action with the support of the local community •• grants for taking care of trees and greenery (CZK 1.5 million) •• helping to plant 1,618 trees and 1,317 shrubs •• 28,000 people voting in the Tree of the Year contest •• 41,000 people from all around the world voting in the European Tree of the Year contest •• 2 two-day seminars for representatives of environmental departments of 39 towns and cities •• 548 runners in the Prague International Marathon and RunCzech have contributed to tree planting and protection •• a new students’ competition and seminar on the topic of water •• 7 grants to support economical water management


2012 Events and Numbers

may > For the first time we awarded grants to improve water management.

october > The tree of the year is the lime tree in NovĂŠ Dvory avenue, gathering 9,879Â votes.


2012 Events and Numbers

Sustainable Tourism / Developing Greenways •• grants to support the development of Greenways cycling trails (CZK 600,000) •• 120 kilometres of cycling trails have had their signs repaired and expanded •• 100 teams taking part in the Cycle to Work campaign in Brno •• 30 public interpretative cycling trips on cycling trails •• a new web portal of Czech cycling trails, greenways.cz •• promoting 1,000 establishments that use the Cyclists Welcome certificate •• promoting 3 open wine cellars festivals with a total number of 95 participating wine makers and 3,500 visitors

Where the Iron Curtain Used to Be— such is the name of our newly published booklet to go with the Iron Curtain Trail.


2012 Events and Numbers

april > The Dutch ambassador Jan C. Henneman arrived to Brno to support the Cycle to Work campaign.


2012 Events and Numbers

Projects Supported in 2012

Water management 12 grants / CZK 762,804 Greenery in cities and landscape 32 grants / CZK 611,976

In total:

Public spaces 3 grants / CZK 524,500

Environmental education 8 grants / CZK 260,000

Sustainable tourism 11 grants / CZK 619,160


2012 Events and Numbers

Traffic calming 38 grants / CZK 2,140,540

Block grant for non-profit NGOs Environment 7 grants / CZK 15,611,702

120 grants / CZK 37,039,886

Provision of social services 8 grants / CZK 16,459,204

Josef Vavroušek Prize 2 grants / CZK 50,000


2012 Events and Numbers

Financial Report BALANCE SHEET (in thousands CZK) by 1 Jan 2012

by 31 Dec 2012

110,759 105,206 215,965

154,771 167,515 322,286



ASSETS fixed assets current assets total assets LIABILITIES equity investment grants for the construction of the NGO centre and Open Garden profit for the 2012 period liabilities total liabilities

72,434 83,358 215,965


1,080 112,944 322,286

2012 Events and Numbers

PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT by 31 Dec 2012 (in thousands CZK) EXPENSES material expenses services personnel expenses taxes and charges provided grants other of that, depreciation of that, securities and ownership interests sold total expenses


PROFITS endowment gifts grants revenues from own activities revenues from financial investments of that, proceeds from the sale of securities and ownership interests other profits of that, settlement of funds total profits PROFIT FOR THE ACCOUNTING PERIOD TURNOVER

4,990 8,139 5,969 86,691 85,115 1,865 1,280 107,654 1,080 107,654

1,159 8,067 10,548 22 34 86,744 1,068 85,324


2012 Events and Numbers

Trends in endowment registered in the Foundation register 200 CZK 168.3 million (January 2013)


CZK 105.7 million (2012)

100 50

CZK (millions) 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 2 Ja 012 n 20 13



2012 Events and Numbers

Trends in approved Foundation contributions 50 40

CZK 37.04 million (2012)

30 20

CZK (millions)


19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 20 12



2012 Events and Numbers

We would like to thank everyone who supported us! Wit Biggest Corporate Donors and Partners

Biggest Providers of Funding and Grants

Another big thank you goes to: •• our individual donors, especially the RunCzech runners and those who donated to the Foundation’s assets 40

2012 Events and Numbers

thout your contributions, our work would not be possible

•• all volunteers, especially the employees of the IBM Delivery Centre Brno who regularly help maintaining the Open Garden 41

Údolní 33, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic partnerstvi@nap.cz


Photo: Lenka Grossmannová (Open Garden, Tree of the Year) and the Partnership Foundation’s archive.

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