2013 Partnership Foundation Annual Report

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A year with Partnership Foundation

In 2013 an educational and consultancy centre Open Garden became fully operational, through which not only us but also our colleagues from other significant environmental organizations gained a perfect background for our work. We also verified that sample environmental solutions and sharing of practical experience from the operation of passive objects in Údolní are far more effective in education and inspiration than the best courses and publications. The newly opened compound welcomed in 2013 around 9,000 visitors; the smallest, school groups, seniors or company or foreign people interested in ecological constructions. Throughout the year we fully devoted to our main topics—environmental education, friendly mobility, public areas, water, trees, sustainable tourism and last but not least grant support for projects of nonprofit organizations, communities, schools and other partners. Great effort and professional capacity was paid to the administrative of the Block Grant for NPO from Swiss assistance and to the preparation of grant scheme for NPO financed by funds of the European Economic Area. In particular thanks to these resources we were able to keep the total amount of grants awarded to high level—almost 50 million Czech crowns. We are thankful to all our donors and partners, our Foundation staff members and also members of the administrative bodies, thanks to whom we can continue to help people take care of the environment. Miroslav Kundrata director CEO

Jiří Francek president of the board

Who we are?

ǟǟ awards grants ǟǟ provides professional services ǟǟ educates both children and adults ǟǟ brings foreign know-how ǟǟ organizes educational campaigns We are a part of the international Evironmental Partnership Association.

What do we want?

ǟǟ reinforce active access of communities to care for the environment and the role of civil society ǟǟ motivate companies to social responsibility ǟǟ promote equal partnership of non-profit sector, public administration and business

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ǟǟ inspire professional public by using modern friendly technologies and renewable resources

Our Topics

Public spaces

Traffic calming and safe ways to schools

Sustainable tourism and bicycle tourism

Greenery in cities and landscape

Renewable sources of energy

Protection of nature and cultural heritage

Water management

Green buildings

Engaging the public in decision making

Education of children and adults

Corporate social responsibility

Our People

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Board of Directors

Jiří Francek, chairman of the board of directors Monika Kašparová, vice-president of the board Petr Hlobil Jitka Klinkerová Čestmír Klos Blanka Malinová Andreas Beckmann Blažena Hušková Zdeněk Hotař Jan Dungel Ladislav Miko Petr Dobrý

Supervisory Board Jiří Hartmann, chairman of the supervisory board Jaroslav Kratochvíl Jiří Hrbáček

Our team

Management Miroslav Kundrata, director CEO Tomáš Růžička, executive director Markéta Janíčková, financial director Michal Veselý, director of development Petr Kazda, commercial manager, director of Partnerství, public benefit organization

Where and how are we helping?

Where and how are we helping?

Open Garden ǟǟ playful garden: 12 educational posts on the subject of natural phenomena ǟǟ passive house: guided tours of the unique construction ǟǟ counseling: seat of important environmental organizations ǟǟ education: seminars and lessons for children and adults ǟǟ rent: unconventional spaces for seminars and conferences ǟǟ culture: thematic events and exhibitions

April Opening ceremony of the Open garden took place symbolically on Earth Day and attracted 1,000 visitors.

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October Pumpkin carving, tasting unusual pumpkin dishes and fun activities on interactive posts of the Open garden—700 visitors enjoyed all of that on the Pumpkin Festival.

In the attractive environment of the Open garden there are organized conferences, seminars or workshops.

Where and how are we helping?

Public Spaces ǟǟ 35 facilitations of public meetings ǟǟ 19 educational seminars ǟǟ 12 round tables for local action groups ǟǟ sold more than 500 thematic books on public space ǟǟ 9 e-learning programs on www.prostranstvi.cz ǟǟ organizing the City Under the Lid conference ǟǟ implementation of the series of practical workshops Communities Movers ǟǟ methodological leadership of the Housing Estates are Alive programme of the OKD Foundation ǟǟ publication of PROSTORY: Průvodce tvorbou a obnovou veřejných prostranství (transl. SPACES: A Guide to the creation and renovation of public spaces) ǟǟ implementation of discussion forums and happenings of the project REpublic Brno

April-June Almost 200 active participants went through the educational series of seminars of the Communities Movers.

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May In Brno we co-organized first celebration called The City Day. In gently way it pointed out, how several changes could help people and their life in harmony with the environment.

November At the first discussion forum of the REpublic Brno the most pressing issues of the Brno public space were discussed.

Where and how are we helping?

Trees, Water and Landscape ǟǟ 28 grants for taking care of trees and greenery in total ammount 528,000 CZK ǟǟ helping to plant 1,134 trees ǟǟ treatment of 21 significant trees certified by arborists in the project Healthy trees for tomorrow ǟǟ 19 grants in total amount of nearly 864,000 CZK to promote the responsible use of water ǟǟ publication of the results of the first year’s student competition focused on innovative projects for water management ǟǟ 36,000 people voting in the Tree of the Year contest ǟǟ 45,000 people from all around the world voting in the European Tree of the Year contest ǟǟ 675 runners of the RunCzech have contributed to tree planting and protection


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Tree of the year became the Oak called protector from Višňová which helped by the flood with its trunk.

March For the first time, we awarded three student ideas for better water management in the competition For water.

photo credit: Lenka Grossmannová

photo credit: Lenka Grossmannová

We encourage tree planting—for example, thanks to our grant the trees in Jemnice in Vysočina could have been planted.

Where and how are we helping?

Sustainable Tourism and Bicycle Tourism ǟǟ 14 grants to support the development of Greenways (600,000 CZK) ǟǟ more than 3,000 participants of 10 cycling events in the series Through the wine region at Moravian Wine Trails ǟǟ promoting 1,000 establishments that use the Cyclists Welcome certificate ǟǟ 5 interpretative cycling trips on Greenways ǟǟ promotion of 3 Festivals of Open Wine Cellars and events Wine from a close look with involving of 120 wineries and participation of more than 4,000 people

May Traditional cycling event A week on the bike went this time on the newly marked distant route EuroVelo 9 in South Moravia.

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We support the development of the Elbe trail as well as other trails called Greenways.

spring-autumn The series of cycling events Through the wine region presents South Moravia from the bike seat.

Where and how are we helping?

Traffic Calming ǟǟ about CZK 1 million earmarked to promote safe routes to school ǟǟ a record number of 53 projects submitted to the national competition Roads through cities ǟǟ a pilot project Mobility plan for Czech Technology Park in Brno ǟǟ win in the competition of the European Committee with the Mobility Week campaign ǟǟ more than 600 participants in Brno involved in the campaign By Bike to Work ǟǟ 42 schools have joined the We Want to Be Seen competition and 200 pictures were applied ǟǟ the implementation of the Mobility Week in the CTP Brno

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Thanks to the competition Green light the pedestrian crossing in Meziboří was converted so that the way to school could be safer.

October Within the Mobility Week campaign in Brno it was possible to borrow electrical bikes.

September One of the winners of the Roads through cities 2013 competition became the footbridge in Semily.

Where and how are we helping?

International cooperation Together with four sister organizations in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia we create an international organization Environmental Partnership Association (EPA), aimed at support of the activities focusing on protecting the environment, local communities and the society. We are part of the European Cyclists’ Federation and the European Greenways Association.

European Tree of the Year www.treeoftheyear.org Last year together with our partners we organized the third year of the international survey called European tree. The winner became the Hungarian plane tree from Eger village within the competition of five other trees.

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The ceremony in European Parliament was attended by 200 prominent guests. The representative of Czech Republic—lime tree from Novodvorská alley took 5th place.

Photo credit: Lenka Grossmannovรก

A total of 6 trees from 6 European countries were involved in the survey. A total amount of received votes was 45,137.

Financial Report Partners

Financial Report

Projects Supported in 2013 In total Number of supported projects: 116 Amount: CZK 49,546,458

Josef Vavroušek Prize Greenery in cities and landscape CZK 40,000 1 grant CZK 528,160 28 grants

Water management CZK 863,758 19 grants

Environmental education CZK 460,000 9 grants Sustainable tourism CZK 600,000 14 grants

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Traffic calming CZK 870,126 16 grants

Block grant for non-profit NGOs CZK 46,184,414 29 grants

Financial Report

Profit and loss account

by 31 Dec 2013 (in thousands CZK)

Expenses Material expenses Services Personnel expenses

2,404 8,129 13,241

Taxes and charges


Provided grants


Other of that, depreciation of that, sold securities and deposits, financial expenses Total expenses

5,061 4,259 626 28,885

Profits Endowment gifts Grants revenues from own activities

4,922 10,198 8,869

revenues from financial investments


of that, proceeds from the sale of securities and ownership interests other profits


of that, settlement of funds Total profits Profit for the accounting period

4,177 4,090 28,888 3

Financial Report

Balance sheet

(in thousands CZK)

by 1 Jan 2013

by 31 Dec 2013



ASSETS fixed assets current assets total assets








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profit for the 2012 period





Total liabilities



Financial Report

Trends in endowment registered in the Foundation register 200

(in millions CZK)

endowment in total

CZK 171.41 million (2013)

Foundation Investment Fund



100 50

Trends in approved Foundation contributions

13 20

12 20

11 20







07 20

06 20

05 20





02 20

01 20




(in millions CZK)

60 CZK 49.55 million (2013)

50 40 30 20 10 13 20

12 20

11 20





08 20

07 20

06 20

05 20

04 20

03 20

02 20





19 99



Thanks to all who support us!

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Biggest Corporate Donors and Partners


Pro vodu,

Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj

vzduch a přírodu


Biggest Providers of Funding and Grants EVROPSKÁ UNIE

Pro vodu,

Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj

vzduch a přírodu






Pro vodu,


Pro vodu,

Fond soudržnosti

vzduch a přírodu

Fond soudržnosti

vzduch a přírodu



Pro vodu,


Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj

vzduch a přírodu



Pro vodu,


Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj

vzduch a přírodu



Pro vodu,


Fond soudržnosti

vzduch a přírodu

Another big thank you goes to: E V R O P S K Á U N I E Pro vodu, OPERAČNÍ PROGRAM ŽIVOTNÍ PROSTŘEDÍ Fond soudržnosti a přírodu Our individual donors, especially the RunCzechvzduch runners and those who donated to the Foundation’s assets. All volunteers, especially the employees of the IBM Delivery Centre Brno who regularly help maintaining the Open Garden. The full list of corporate donors and partners and providers of subsidies and grants is provided in a detailed annual report on www.nadacepartnerstvi.cz.

Nadace Partnerství Údolní 33, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic phone: +420 515 903 111 e-mail: partnerstvi@nap.cz www.nadacepartnerstvi.cz Identification number: 457 73 521 VAT ID: CZ 457 73 521

Help us to improve the environment! How? ǟǟ become a partner ǟǟ donate on-line ǟǟ donate by your services and know-how ǟǟ buy a gift voucher More on www.nadacepartnerstvi.cz

graphic design: František Eliáš, photo cerdit: Nadace Partnerství archive (unless stated otherwise) inspcriptions and pictures: employees and members of the Board of directors and Supervisory Board of the Partnership Foundation.


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