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EarthX Congress of Conferences
EarthX, now in its 13th year, will offer more than a dozen conferences (several free) from April 20 through 23 at Fair Park, in Dallas.
Free Events
Environmental Justice: Highlights ways people can become involved with key issues facing our region and our nation.
Hemp: Showcases the farming and production of hemp-based products and technologies, as well as blockchain utilization and carbon capture in the hemp industry.
Rocky Mountains: A a strong basis of economic sectors that include agriculture, rangeland, outdoor recreation and tourism.
NextGen: An area geared to ages 15 to 25 wishing to get involved in the environmental movement, with interactive workshops and panels.
Paid Events
Built Environment: Topics include federal policy and project funding, and the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on the building sector and resilience in Texas. April 21.
Climate Adaptation: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment process, ocean and climate science, extreme weather events, the U.S. Climate Ready
Nation plan and more. April 22.
Energy: A wide range of topics affecting the energy industry.
Farm, Ranch, Forest, Land: A conference on conservation efforts and the future of Texas lands. April 21.
Island Resilience Forum: Island leaders from around the world discuss solutions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. April 22.
Latin America: A bilingual program with a slate of Latin American speakers. April 21 and 22.
Wildlife Conservation: Topics for this conference showcase innovative conservation efforts and include sessions on combating change through conservation. April 22.
E-Capital Summit: An invitation-only conference tackling some of the world’s greatest investment and business opportunities in sustainability, resilience, conservation, clean technology and climate technology. April 20 through 22. To request an invitation, email ecapital@earthx.org.
Corporate Impact Summit: An invitation-only conference of more than 100 executives, advocates, investors and funders shares candid insights and ideas. April 20 21. To request an invitation, visit Future500. org/summit.
Free Stages
Blue Speaker Stage: Learn about the health and future of our oceans and water at this highly interactive stage of scientific and environmental leaders.
EarthxTV Interview Stage: Guests will enjoy their favorite personalities from EarthxTV as they interview environmental speakers, present show snippets and meet with fans.
Green Speakers Series Stage: Speakers will discuss environmental and sustainability issues. Topics include Parks for Downtown Dallas, Understanding Pollinators, American Red Cross: International Humanitarian Law, and The Three Sisters and Food Secure Communities.
Latin America Pavilion Stage: U.S./Latin America collaboration will be showcased. Guests will enjoy panels with leading Latin American NGOs, political leaders from across the globe and academic thought leadership. Organizations such as the United Nations will convene additional conferences onsite during EarthX2023.
For more information, visit EarthX.org. See ad on back cover.