A Taste of Paris

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aTaste s ar


Shopping 21


6 20

Practical Stuff










9 10 cultural


ow to get here...

By Tra in:


Paris can be reach ed by train in a matt er of hour s from elsew here in Fran ce and all majo r Euro pean cities . Ther e are 7 statio ns whic h will bring you right into the heart of the city. Cent rally locat ed and each with speci fic desti natio ns, they offer smoo th conn ectio ns with the publi c trans port netw ork (met ro, RER, bus). Make sure you don’t forge t to valid ate your rail ticke ts by punc hing them in the oran ge mach ines locat ed in the conc ourse and in front of the platf orms . Certa in statio ns prov ide lugga ge hold ing facili tes: Gare du Nord , Gare de l’Est, Gare de Lyon , Gare d’Au sterli tz and Gare Mon tparn asse. Lugg age can be left for a maxi mum of 72 hrs and the cost, the same in all statio ns, range s from €3 to just over €7 per day, depe ndin g on the size of the locke r. They are avail able from 6.30a m to 10.45 pm. Warn ing: this servi ce may be close d at any time for secur ity reaso ns.



One of the most convenient ways to travel to Paris nowadays is the Eurostar. London to Paris can now be done in just a little over 2 hours. But it is also essential to remember that the Eurostar can be taken from cities other than Paris or Paris; ie Lille, Brussels, Calais, Avignon and don’t forget you can also go directly to Eurodisney. Upon arrival, you will not have to worry about any further connections as the station’s arrival (Gare du Nord) is conveniently situated in the centre. For more information on bookings and timetable, visit www.eurostar. com.

By Plane: Paris is served by two main airports: Orly (ORY) to the south of the city, and Roissy/Charles de Gaulle (CDG) to the north. Together, t h e s e airports welcome 75 million passengers annually, w i t h flights to 500 cities in 132 countries. Most international flights arrive at Roissy/CDG, while domestic French flights mostly arrive at Orly. Both Orly and Roissy/CDG offer extensive international airport facilities — including duty-free shops, car rentals, restaurants, hotels, post offices, and ground transport into the city center. Passengers arriving on different flights at separate terminals who wish to meet each other may make use of free shuttles which make frequent runs between the various terminals. From both airports, there are numerous ways to join the centre of Paris:

Air France Bus: An express shuttle between Roissy/ CDG and the Arc de Triomphe. It runs between 5:45 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., with departures every 15 minutes. Travel

time is about 45 minutes. A one-way ticket costs €12 for adults, €6 for children (ages 2-11); round-trip tickets are €18.

Paris City Bus: The bus lines 350 (terminus Gare de l’Est, 10e arrondissement) and 351 (terminus Nation, 11e & 12e arrondissements) serve the airport terminals 1 and 2. Both the 350 and 351 run every day of the week, but not at night. They are by far the most economical choice. Furthermore, they afford a leisurely and fairly pleasant view of Paris neighbourhoods passing along the route.




hether you are travelling alone, one or with with your loved u will find yo ds; en fri ur yo tion in Paris your accommoda budget. ur yo to ing accord an for g kin loo u Are yo in the accommodation from the city? Not too far intend to monuments you would you visit? Or maybe e de France” like to stay in “Il autiful and enjoy the be apes of the sights and landsc ” and its “pays de la Loire s? magnificent castle y in the sta to nt wa u yo If mfortable co st mo the y, cit ok a solution is to bo or 4 hotel in Paris: 2,3 ing to star hotel accord e have your budget. W u a few listed here for yo , choice is so wide the as t bu s tel ho m so to help you the list to us ssible for you it would be impo bsites from where selected good we further we have ok from. will be able to bo

ONa budget

Hôtel Marigny ** (55 € per night) 11 rue de l Arcade - 75008 Paris

Right in the heart of Paris, the 2 star budget hotel Marigny welcomes you near the Madeleine church, Opera house and Great Department stores. You’ll enjoy a stroll at the Jardin des Tuileries and Louvre museum nearby or a show at Marigny theatre.

Le General Hotel ** (57 € per night) Welcome to the heart of Paris. A crossroads of business districts and tourist flow such as Place de la Republique, Le Marais. Lively atmosphere during springtime, bright and colourful in summertime, warm in autumn and snug in wintertime... As your wishes evolve, the colour schemes transform... just to lift up your spirit all year long.

Median Paris Congrès ** (65 € per night) 6-8 boulevard de Douaumont 75017 Paris

Situated in the north of Paris near the Stade de France and Palais des Congrès, the Hotel Median Paris Congrès is the perfect location from which to access the French capital´s main business and exhibition centres.



Hôte l Chom el *** (80 € per night ) 15 rue Chom el - 7500 7 Pa ris All of Saint-G ermain des Prés is on the hotel Chome l´s doorst ep. The Orsay museu m and the Louvre museu m are just a short walk away. The hotel is ideally located on a small quiet street in the heart of Paris where you can mix busine ss with pleasu re and sightse eing.

Hôte l Troc adér o La Tour *** (90 € per night )

5 Bis Rue Massen et - 75116 Paris First class charm ing hotel two steps away from the Eiffel Tower and Champ s Elysee s in the heart of the Wond erful Trocad ero-Pa ssy area. Empir e style lobby and restau rant elegan t and intima te room, atmosp here, with very large and comfo rtable rooms , excelle nt and very helpfu l staff.

A treat Ho te l Cl ar idg e Be llm an ** ** (1 50 € pe r nig ht )

37 Ru e Fra nco is 1er - 750 08 Par is Loc ate d nea r the Ch am ps Ely see s, the fas hio n gar me nt dis tric t, the ma jor per fum e sho ps and int ern ati ona l bus ine sse s, the Cla rid ge Bel lm an is a cha rm ing hot el fea tur ing lux ury ser vic e.

Ho te l Ma rc ea u Ba st ille ** ** (1 80 € pe r nig ht ) 13 rue Jul es

Cé sar - 750 12 Par is Ce ntr ally loc ate d bet we en the site of the Bas till e, the cha rm ing Ma rai s dis tric t and the Ga re de Lyo n tra in sta tio n, the com ple tel y ren ova ted hot el Ma rce au Bas till e off ers an exc ept ion al ble nd of con tem por ary com for t and art isti c cha rm .



The city is pretty well equipped with its public transport: the subway is the most convenient and fastest way to go around town, bus and tramway also offer a great opportunity to enjoy the beautiful sights of Paris with no connexion or transfer. You can also want to be taken care of from your arrival at the airport, one of the 15000 cabs, taxis cruising the city, and are usually waiting by the Subway stations and airports. You also have the option of renting a car with specialized companies. Other alternative transportations such as bike riding or even roller skating have become very popular in Paris, since efforts have been made toward improving and increasing bicycle paths in order to lessen pollution in Paris. We have selected for you a company which organizes routes in cycle in Paris to visit the capital under another angle: www.veloparis.com

your tickets in Paris - Ile de France. Check the different formulas and prices at www.ratp.fr.


W ith around 15 000 taxis cruising the city, you will easily find a taxi station by your subway station, main train stations and airports.

Tickets are available for purchase in any station, booth or machine – buy single ride or booklet. Check also the 1 day pass/ “many“days pass - that will allow you to save on



Metro or RER




De La




ith over 200 museums and monuments, Paris is with no question the world’s capital of arts and culture.

The diversity of Paris monuments awaits you: the city of Lutèce (former name of Paris), medieval architecture, through the gothic influences to the Baron Haussmann constructions. Let yourself be enchanted by a visit of Paris most emblematic monuments and discover the city with a rich past and present also showing a bright future! Twenty centuries of history and cultural influences have made of Paris the “City of Light” forever. From the left to the right bank (La Rive Gauche - Rive Droite), from one bridge to another, each monument of Paris will unveil to you its own history and wonders. We have selected for you the “absolutely not to be missed” museums. We have also listed them according to themes.

Le Louvre







achines in any genres, sciences of life and the earth, techniques of manufacturing, Paris proposes you museums which redraw the evolution of the Man and the access to the modernity. You will be proposed workshops for small and big so that the sciences and the techniques are for you a real learning.

La Cite des Sciences

Palais de la Découverte Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 75008 Paris, Subway: Champs-Elysées

The ‘Palais de la Découverte’, just near the Champs Elysées in Paris, proposes all along the year permanent or temporary exposures in order to make you discover astronomy, sciences of life and earth, physics, chemistry, mathematics.

Pasteur Museum

25, rue du Docteur Roux - 75015 Paris Subway: Pasteur The Pasteur Museum is located in the South side of the Pasteur Institute first building in Paris,

Parc de la Villette 30, avenue Corentin Cariou, 75019 PARIS, Subway: Porte de la Villette Biggest science museum in Europe, specializing in the fostering of scientific and technical culture. Created on the initiative of President Giscard d’Estaing, its goal is to spread scientific and technical knowledge among the public, particularly for youth, and for creating public interest in science, research, and industry.

which was inaugurated on November the 14th, 1888. Founded in 1936, this Museum keeps the memory of life and work of Louis Pasteur in the vast apartment he occupied during his last 7 years of life (1888 to 1895). This Museum also presents the room of scientific

memories which illustrate the works of the Scientist, as the Byzantine style funeral chapel where Louis Pasteur has been interred.


a rDERN t s

odern Art and the history of Paris mix in mythic palaces. The Petit Palais, newly renewed, opens the doors of contemporary art in an opened and lightened architecture. The Carnavalet Museum will allow you to discover the evolution of Paris from pre-history to our day’s trough its collections.

Modern Art Museum

Avenue Winston Chrurchill 75008 Paris Subway: Champs-Elysées Located in the Tokyo Palace built for the World Fair in 1937, the museum has been inaugurated in Paris in 1961. Its collections, rich of more than 8 000 œuvres, illustrate different waves of Art of the XXth century. Exposures of important moves and remarkable artists of the European scene of the XXth century, but also monographic and thematic exposures present the main tendencies of nowadays art.

Le Louvre

Subway: Le Louvre The museum of the Louvre is one of the most prestigious museums in the world. Located right in the heart

of Paris, it proposes rich and varied collections of paintings, sculptures and objects of all the civilizations: Oriental, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman antiques, paintings, sculptures, art objects and graphic arts of the Middle Age until 1850, French sculptures, paintings of the schools of the North and the French paintings (until XVIIth century), the art of the Islam...

Beaubourg Centre Georges Pompidou

19, rue de Beaubourg - 75004 Paris Subway : Chatelet Hôtel de Ville Located in the heart of the Marais in Paris, the Georges Pompidou Center reunify in a unique place one of the most important museum in the world, which owns the first modern and contemporary art collection in Europe, a big library for public reading which counts more than 20 000 work stations. You will also find generalist documentation about art of the XXTH century, movies and spectacles areas, a music research institute, educational activities spaces, bookshops, a restaurant and a café.

Musée d’Orsay

1, rue de Bellechasse - 75007 Paris Subway: Solferino The Orsay station and its hotel, built in two years, were inaugurated for the World Fair in Paris, on July 14th, 1900. Until 1939 the Orsay station played the role of head of the line for southwest of France. From 1939, the elongation of trains and the progressive electrification do not allow it more than to harm the suburb. On December 1st, 1986, the President of the Republic, François Mitterrand, inaugurated the new museum. The Museum of Orsay presents you national collections resulting essentially from three establishments: the Louvre for artists’ works born. The Jeu de Paume dedicated since 1947 to the impressionism; the national




ediscover the famous writer Victor Hugo and visit the magnificent Notre Dame De Paris cathedral. In the heart of the City, Montmartre is not only famous thanks to the well known artists who set up their headquarters in the “village” but also thanks to the emblematic Basilica of Montmartre (Basilique du Sacré-Coeur). Thus, Paris would not be Paris if there was no Eiffel Tower (Tour

Eiffel) «La Dame de Fer»: Paris most worldwide known monument. Architecture lovers will see in the “Sainte Chapelle” a superb reminder of the Gothic influence on the medieval monuments and religious constructions...and people fond of the Napoleonian history will enjoy visiting the Arc de Triomphe, one of Paris mustsee monuments celebrating the victory of the «Great Army» in Austerlitz.

at n ig h t

Pa r is

de Triomphe Place Charles de Gaulle Etoile 75008 Paris Subway: Charles de Gaulle Etoile The Arch of Triumph in Paris is still the symbol representing Napoleonic epic. It offers an admirable point of view on Paris with, at the first plan, the twelve important avenues, with the Champs Elysees, which represent a star. The engraved names of great marshals under the Arch look as if they are taking care of the Unknown Soldier’s tomb.

Arènes de Lutèce

47, rue Monge and rue de Navarre 75005 Paris Subway: Cardinal Lemoine The Arènes de Lutèce (amphitheatre of Lutetia) remain one of the last vestiges in Paris of Gallo-Roman period with Thermos de Cluny. Built between the 1st and the 2nd centuries, they are incredibly well preserved, we can still see the changing room of the actors as well as the platform of the scene.

La Tour Eiffel The Eiffel Tower is unmistakably the most famous monument and certainly the most visited in the world. Gustave Eiffel set it up in 1889 on the occasion of the World Fair in Paris. The Eiffel Tower is nowadays more the symbol of France than of Paris, it dominates from its 324 meters of steel and lights. The Eiffel Tower has often been the basis of various activities (diving board, antenna…) and, today, it transforms the great meetings of Paris as a lighten fairy tale.

Les Invalides

Esplanade des Invalides 75007 Paris Subway: Invalides Founded by Louis XIV for wounded soldiers, the Hotel des Invalides rises

on the great esplanade of the same name. It shelters several museums, among which the museum of the army, as well as Napoleon’s grave.


Place de la Madeleine 75008 Paris Subway: Madeleine The Madeleine was built on the model of a Greco-Roman temple at the request of Napoleon Ist. Begun in 1764, it was finished after the French Revolution.

Notre Dame de Paris

6 Parvis Notre-Dame Place Jean-Paul II 75004 Paris Subway: CitĂŠ or Saint-Michel


de Paris

G o t h i c masterpiece, Notre-dame of Paris was created by Maurice de Sully and built between 1163 and 1345. As an important place of the French tourism, Notre-Dame of Paris will

delight you with its architecture and objects of art it conceals. Notre-Dame of Paris is also the symbol of the former Paris, of romantic walks along the Seine. It is the majestic witness of our Capital History. For the anecdote, the road distances of France are calculated from the « 0km » point located on the square and which concretizes the centre of Paris.

Observatoire de Paris

61, avenue de l’Observatoire 75014 Paris Subway: DENFERT ROCHEREAU The Observatory of Paris is the world eldest observatory. Built in 1672, it is composed of 3 sites today, including the building Perrault in Paris, the most ancient. This monument of Paris can be visited every 1st Saturday of the month. Based by Colbert, the Observatory of Paris is for more than three centuries the witness of major discoveries in astronomy.

Opéra Garnier

Place de l’Opéra -75009 Paris Subway: Chaussée d’Antin Opéra Garnier is one of the biggest theatres in the world and was built in 1860 by Charles Garnier. The ceiling was decorated by Chagall.

Opéra Bastille

Place de la Bastille -75012 Paris Subway: BASTILLE This Opéra, dedicated to the music and the contemporary dance, was inaugurated in 1989 for the bicentenary of the storming of the Bastille.

Palais du Luxembourg

15, rue de Vaugirard - 75006 Paris Subway : Luxembourg The Palais du Luxemburg was ordered by the Queen Marie of Medicis in 1613. She asked Salomon de Brosse to build her a house which would remind her of the Petit Palace of her native Florence. The Palace has been allocated to the Senate 1852. Parvis du Sacré Coeur 75018 PARIS Subway: Anvers

Opera Bastille

The Basilica of the SacréCœur surprises you with its Byzantine style. Built at the end of the 19th century, it was ended in 1914. Located in the heart of a 19th century village, Montmartre, the Sacré-Coeur is still the privileged inspiration for painters, sculptors and poets of all periods. The Butte Montmartre

Basilique du Sacre Coeur

is still one of highest point of Paris, as it offers a 50 km panorama on Paris.

La Sainte-Chapelle

4, boulevard du Palais 75001 PARIS Subway : Cité This is one of the jewels of Gothic architecture. It was built during the 13th century and ordered by Louis IX, better known as Saint Louis, in order to receive the Christ’s Saint Crown. The Chapel offers one of the most complete stained glass set of this period.

La Tour Montparnasse

Rue de l’Arrivée 75015 Paris Subway : Montparnasse-Bienvenue From its 209 meters, the Tour Montparnasse dominates Paris. At the 56th floor, you will have an exclusive sightseeing on Paris and its Monuments Shows, shop, bars, restaurants are available on the same floor.


ot only is Paris the city of light, but of sound, music, dance, and revelry. In fact, most any big-city diversion you could conceive of is available in France’s capital. Relaxed bar-cafes, high-tech dance clubs, and mellow jazz haunts fit your mood like a well-worn glove, promising good times in any format. Cabaret venues deliver a dose of vibrant entertainment, and pubs prove to be more than just the domain of the British Isles. Progressive Paris also promises a wealth of nighttime opportunities for gay men and women, mostly in the Marais neighbourhood. Trend-setting is a regular pastime for young club-goers along rue Oberkamp, and the Bastille area courts folks intent on an evening of fun. If money’s not an issue, the Champs-Elysées features plenty of high-priced places and attracts lots of tourists. Buddha Bar, with its signature Asian icon, is great for people-watching, and La Flèche d’Or boasts terrific live music and alternative ambience. If you simply want to dance, Paris’s top choice is Queen, nominally a gay venue but one of the city’s best (and most packed) places to groove and be beautiful, no matter your inclinations.





e s t a u r a n t s

believe there is no need to remind you that Paris is the worldwide capital for Gourmet food. The city is worldwidly famous because it has been known for century for its finest French gourmet food, the national culinary know-how, the quality of the products and the talent of its Chefs. Your stay in Paris would not be complete without having a nice diner in one of the outnumbered restaurants, French brasseries or cafes that florish through the city. Depending on your mood: country cuisine, Morroccan ambiances, Chinese cuisine, Italian or Indian, cuisine from all around the world are featured in Paris. Famous French gourmet restaurants such as : Le Plazza/Alain Ducasse, la Tour d’argent, Guy Savoy, Ledoyen , la Maison Blanche are international must go restaurants in Paris and are awaiting you !

Bon séjour et bon appétit !

Depending on your budget and according to your mood, you can also let yourself tempted by the Parisian « bistronomie »: Paris “bistrots” offer great menu at a fairly decent price that might even make you forget about the Gourmet restaurants. In Paris, small restaurants as well as gourmet restaurants are always very appreciated by the tourists, who very often travel to Paris just to enjoy the art of French cooking.

G g

ourmets Ta ille ve nt

is 750 08 Fra nce 15 rue Lam enn ais, Par at its ver y bes t, Fre nch hau te cui sine ly pre par ed foie Che f Del Bur gho ’s fine ioli and oth er gra s, fres hly mad e rav the rest aur ant del icac ies hav e ear ned ’s gou rme t bib le, nce Fra in s star ee thr Exp ect kid -glo ve the ‘Mi che lin Gui de’. and clie nte le to les tab ant eleg serv ice, und er the lov , list e win The mat ch. -Cl aud e Vri Jean of ship ing stew ard the cou ntr y, in st fine the nat , is one of be fou nd! to are s gain eve n if few bar rigu eur for men . Jack et and tie are de

La Fo nta ine de Ma rs

129 rue Sain t-D om iniq ue - Par is 750 05 Old is tru ly gol d. La Fon tain e de Ma rs, wit h its old che que red tab lecl oth s, lacy cur tain s and woo den doo rs, reta ins the old wor ld cha rm. The amb ien ce is cos y and war m, serv ing aut hen tic Fre nch foo d. Get a tast e of Par isia n del igh ts by dig gin g into the Cas sou let or Me uni ere . For des sert , tan tali ze you r tast e bud s wit h Iles Flo ttan tes. And afte r din ner , a win e is alw ays wel com e. Try the Chi non her e. How eve r, the item s are a litt le exp ens ive , so don ’t forg et to car ry you r cre dit car ds.

La Tour d’Argent

15-17 quai de la Tournelle Paris 75005 A combination of fine cuisine and stylish wooden decor has made Claude Terrail’s restaurant one of the most fashionable in Paris. Young, talented chefs ensure that the menu is of consistently high quality, and prices are what you would expect to pay for its sublime offerings of duckling, foie gras and lobster. It also has an exceptional wine cellar. Situated on the sixth floor of a luxurious champagne-coloured building, the restaurant offers stunning views over the Seine and the rest of the city.

Grand Vefour Paris

17 rue du Beaujolais - 75001 Paris This renowned gourmet table nestling under the arcades of the Palais Royal proposes a XVIIIth century decor, once admired by Napoleon, Victor Hugo or Malraux. Chef Guy Martin holds the Grand Vefour Restaurant, one of Paris’ most popular and talked about chefs. “We use the best products from all over France. Good healthful products. Good for the heart, good for the mind. And cooking is evolving more and more. It keeps changing every day.” The restaurant recently got downgraded from three to two stars by the famous Michelin Guide ... However we still consider this table as one of the best of Paris. A unique experience.

Le Maurice restaurant 228 rue de Rivoli - 75012

Le Maurice restaurant is now a member of the very select club of the Paris

three star rated tables in the latest edition of the Michelin Guide. The dining room offers to its guests a wonderful decoration inspired by the Salon de la Paix at the Chateau de Versailles and reinterpreted by Philippe Starck in 2007 - The cuisine is orchestrated by one of the best Chef in France - Yannick Alléno. A very romantic setting and a very romantic restaurant facing the Tuileries Gardens near Le Louvre.

ra nt Tr ain Bl eu re st aun - Ma in Ha ll Lyo 1st flo or - Ga re de n tio sta ay ilw Ra

ned its doo rs in Th e Tra in Ble u ope al res tau ran t” in usu “un an is It 190 1. ect the Ga re exp ld cou o Wh Par is to hos t thi s n tio sta y lwa de Lyo n rai the rai ls ... ing fac rs, tai gre at tab le ups tra dit ion al a oy enj to A un iqu e pla ce bet we en ise rom mp Co Fre nch cui sin e and a rie sse bra n a typ ica lly Par isia t. An dre Ma lra ux gou rm et res tau ran Ble u res tau ran t his gra nte d the Tra in tus in 197 2 - Th e sta nt me nu mo l tor ica or is bre ath tak ing Bel le Ép oqu e dec ral s cov er wa lls and mu and es (Sc ulp tur d ref ine d ... Th e foo the and cei lin gs) a vis it eit her rth wo y tel pla ce def ini ver y un iqu e A . ner din a for a lun ch or co Ch ane l, Co is. Par pla ce to eat in Sal vad or au, cte Co n Bri git te Bar dot , Jea Ma rce l Pag nol and Da li, Jea n Ga bin , e. bee n reg ula rs her ma ny oth ers hav e

r a s s e r i e s

B is t r o s and

Grizzli Cafe

7 rue St-Martin, Paris - 75004 Subway: Hotel de Ville This old-fashioned 19th century bistro is called the Grizzli cafe because decades ago it used to have dance performances by bears. The owner gets his ingredients all the way from Pyrenees. You can also choose from an interesting selection of wines from Southern France. Dishes like the Salmon and the lamb are cooked on a hot plate. There is no lunch served on Mondays and Saturdays. This place is closed on Sundays.

Brasserie de l’Isle St-Louis 55, quai de Bourbon, Paris - 75004

The little Ile Saint-Louis, always one of Paris’ most beautiful and prestigious neighbourhoods, has enjoyed renewed popularity in recent years. Come down for a glass or two in an authentic old Paris district, surrounded by a few tourists and a lot of locals, in this hospitable and youthful establishment where the prices are pretty good as well. You will be able to try specialties from Alsace, like the typical Sauerkraut with Alsace wine.

La Mère Lachaise

78 Boulevard de Ménilmontant Paris 75020 Subway : Le Père Lachaise Situated next to the Père-Lachaise Cemetery, where famous personalities such as singer Jim Morrison are buried, this restaurant has become one of the district’s favourite eating

places. Filled with plants and flowers, the terrace gets loads of sun and, inside, the first room’s decor is in retro chic style; painted wood, wrought iron lamps and lots of brass. The restaurant’s other dining area, whose walls are covered in flashy, eye-catching fabric, provides more fashionable surroundings. Food is simple (savoury tarts, gratins, soup) and high quality.


5-7 rue de la Bastille 75004 - Paris Subway: Bastille In 1864, l’Alsace set up its first beer pump in Paris. Frédéric Bofinger established a small restaurant at 5, rue de la Bastille, which rapidly gained a reputation for the quality of its sauerkraut. And he served beer on tap - unheard of in Paris. As was the glass dome ceiling illuminating the main dining room, a masterpiece by Néret and Royer. A very nice place to eat just off Bastille. This brasserie enjoys an excellent reputation and you may have to queue a lot before getting a table especially during weekends between 8.30 and 10.30pm.

Bazart Cafe

36 Boulevard Henry IV, Paris 75004 Subway: Bastille The Bazart Cafe is nestled in the boulevard Henri IV between Bastille and Le Marais district - It is one of the best bistro in the area. Warm welcome and simple nice menu (very good bargain for lunch) - A

respectable wine list. Nothing very complex here : Just good food and nice people. The location is perfect if you plan to visit Saint Paul Village in the afternoon (located 5 minutes away). No reservation needed even if the place is quite popular. Mostly visited by Parisiens. Chef Lionel Lafrat is revisiting a traditional French cuisine with

imagination and spices. With newspapers at your disposal, discreet music and pleasant young service, this place is one of the best place to eat in a cosy but relax atmosphere in Bastilles.

On a budget

Bistro Vins des Pyrenees 25 rue Beautreillis - Paris 75004 Subway: Bastille

Another little charming bistro nestled in a tiny street just off Saint Paul Village in the very heart of Le Marais

district. A former wine warehouse with an authentic decor serving a classic but good French bistro cuisine. A place mostly visited by Parisiens. Nothing very spectacular in the cuisine but a nice bistro either for dinner of Lunch (Place is a little noisy for a romantic dinner) Service is friendly and casual. Tables have recently been set outside but perhaps too close to the road... prefer the interior. On the menu: Steak to the bone, foie gras, cheese, chocolate cake (to be tried) ... and a lot more... Wine list is short but featuring honest red & white wines.


15 Rue du Faubourg-Montmartre Paris 75009 Subway : Grands-Boulevards This legendary Belle Époque restaurant draws constant crowds for its elegant turn-of-the-century dining room (seating over 300 people), gregarious waiting staff (who scrawl orders out on white paper tablecloths), and, above all, the inexpensive, traditional, and decent fare. The menu is classic (beef bourguignon, sauerkraut, sea bream, etc.). Sides are as low as 2 Euros, main dishes are about 8-10 Euros, and three courses can be enjoyed for approx. 2030 Euros. A must.

Le Ch’ti Catalan

4 rue de Navarin - Paris 75004 Subway : Notre Dame de Lorette It’s unconventional, to say the least, to pair ingredients such as endives, bacon and eel, commonly found in the

north of France, with the sunny flavours of French Catalan cooking. But that’s what two friends have done in this ochre-painted bistro. The amazing thing is, it works. Anchoïade - red peppers with tangy anchovies - is fresh and tasty; tender pork cheeks served in a casserole with melting white beans are succulent; and the gueule noire (black face) - crushed spice biscuits with crème fraîche and egg - refers to the slang for miners in northern France.

La Table du Marquis

3 Rue Beccaria - Paris 75012 Subway: Reuilly-Diderot This gastronomic kitchen specialised in south western French cuisine offers authentic and budget-friendly lunch menus. A fixed menu with a starter, main course and dessert is 18.90 Euros, while seasonal plats du jours are 11.90 Euros. Wine by the glass is 3.50 Euros . Specialties include ham persillade with balsamic vinegar, filet of Pollock with fennel, and chocolate-pear clafoutis.


Le Doobie’s

1 rue du Pont Neuf - 75001 Paris Subway : Pont Neuf

A beautiful and spacious bar-restaurant by the Champs Elysées. During the day, Le Doobie’s is a great place to dine (Thai and Italian specialities); at night, it’s ideal for hanging out at the bar for a drink until late. Both locals and tourists frequent the place. Although it’s a nice place to enjoy brunch on Sunday.

Le Buddha Bar

8 rue Boissy d’Anglas - 75008 Paris Subway: Concorde Subtly lit and lorded over by an enormous Buddha, this temple-like establishment stays at the forefront of Paris cool. While folks come to indulge in the Asian-inspired cuisine, many take advantage of the ambience at the cocktail bar, checking out the beautiful patrons and their style-conscious activity.

Barrio Latino

46 Rue du Faubourg, St Antoine Paris 75011 Subway : Station Georges V For the early birds: The Barrio Latino closes at 2am, but offers a lot of

bang for your buck. This is one of the friendlier joints in Paris – the city that bites back. Wrought-iron ceilings and velvet sofas greet an eclectic mix from students to office workers.

Cafe OZ Paris

11 Quai François Mauriac 75013 Paris Subway: Bercy An Australian themed bar, that is very sports orientated with 2 big screens playing most major football and rugby games. There is also a happy hour between 5pm and 8pm most days of the week. The crowd is mainly students and young professionals.

La Fourmi

74 rue des Martyrs - 75013 Paris Subway: Blanche La fourmi is a bar in Pigalle with a very cool decoration and cool atmosphere. Ideal for having a drink before a long night or after... You got also very nice meal, quite simple but still good and very reasonable prices. From coffees to cocktails, this trendy bar serves a wide selection of drinks to a trendy crowd.

L i ve

M usic Café de l’Industrie

16, rue Saint-Sabin - Paris 75011 Subway: Bréguet-Sabin

Le Point Ephemere

20 Quai de Valmy - Paris 75010 Subway : Jaures This is a bar and restaurant and also an art gallery and live music venue. Owned by an artists’ collective they have taken a 5 year lease on an old cargo building. The exhibitions change on a regular basis and the atmosphere is very relaxed.


7 Boulevard Montmartre - 75018 Paris Subway: Grand Boulevard Traditional Irish style pub over two floors with plenty of plasma and big screens on which to watch sports. Food is also served daily, with traditional fish and chips being quite popular. There is also live music weekly.

L’Industrie was the first “bricole” in Paris, and it still serves great Parisian food. Prices are reasonable, whether you’re ordering a meal or just a cocktail. The interior features Harcourt Studio photography. An all-around pleasant place to visit. Live jazz on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

La Fl ec he d' Or

10 2 bis rue de Ba gn ole t - 75 02 0 Pa ris Su bw ay : Al ex an dre Du ma s Th e ve nu e wa s a tra in sta tio n wh ere the "La Fle ch e d'O r" or "T he Go ld Ar row " tra in lef t fro m. Th ere is liv e mu sic he re on Fri da ys an d Sat urd ay s. Th ere is als o a res tau ran t loc ate d in the ve nu e. Ch eck the we bsi te for up co ming sho ws .


of top DJs (Laurent Garnier, Carl Cox) and a terrific sound system, patrons can expect to be inundated by thumping house and techno sounds. Depending on who’s spinning, you might also catch reggae, funk,...

Les Bains

7 rue du Bourg-l’Abbé - Paris 75003 Subway : Etienne Marcel Totally renovated and equipped with top sound quality, this hip, latenight dance club – which occupies space formerly devoted to Turkish baths – draws fashion models, Hollywood glitterati and international trendsetters. Great house, rock, and disco music typically set the scene, but you’ll also hear R&B and soul.

SanZ SanS Batofar

11 quai Francois Mauriac - Paris 75013 Subway: Bercy Add a little novelty to your night time pursuits at this funky club, which is set on a barge moored on the Seine. Trance, house and techno tunes are spun by world-famous DJs; during the week, patrons are treated to jazz bands and other live performers as well.

Rex Club

5 boulevard Poissonnière - Paris 75002 Subway : Bonne Nouvelle This Parisian dance factory always draws a crowd, just as it’s been doing since the mid-1980s. Thanks to a host

49 rue du Faubourg-St-Antoine Paris 75011 Subway : Bastille This Bastille club keeps bodies moving all night with funk, Latin, and hip-hop sounds. Fun, funky, and oh-so-French. In a pink neogothic, baroque design. Two giant screens show you what’s happening within the club…at this very minute!

World Place

32-34 rue Marbeuf - Paris 75008 Subway: Champs Elysees Clemenceau Having three celebrity owners (Johnny Depp, John Malkovich and Sean Penn) certainly helps maintain the buzz at this frequently-changing club, no matter what the current incarnation. Attractive patrons nibble

on Mediterranean fare while nursing well-mixed cocktails in a fantastic atmosphere with modern white decor...

Bus Palladium

Le Queen

Formerly THE place of yéyé music... this place has kept a 1960’s look. This trendy dance club in the heart of Pigalle spins to a range of musical styles (disco, rap, R&B, soul, funk). It’s a great place to people-watch.

102 avenue des Champs-Elysées Paris 75008 Subway : Franklin D. Roosevelt Although it’s not as strictly gay-only as when it premiered, this grande dame of Paris dance clubs maintains its legendary status as one of the city’s top places to groove and be seen. The fantastic venue attracts hordes of gay men, along with celebrities and folks from creative fields. While dancing is always in...

Le Baron

6 A ve n ue M ar ce au -P Su bw ay : C h ar le s de ar is 75 00 8 G au ll e E to il e H om e to a se le ct gr ou p of cl ie n ts , L e B ar on m fa it h fu l ak it s co sy at m os ph er es th e gr ad e w it h e an d go T h e do or od m po li cy m ay af te r al l, be ex ac ti n us ic . a te en y- ti g (i t is , n y cl ub ), th e m oo d bu t is w el co m in g. R es cu in si de di sr ep ut e by ed pl ay ed h os a gr af fi ti ar ti st , it h fr om as si n ce t to a m or e il lu st ri ou s cr ow d.

6 rue Fontaine - Paris 75009 Subway : Pigalle

Par k s

within the city? ors and nature the great outdo joy greenest city of en e th to is nt ris wa ou s, Pa parks and garden 0 40 d un aro With playground or of wanderings, Europe. a unique choice ers off ris Pa Each district of visit. monuments to imately since they are int asure of culture din tre Jar re e th me a of is ys s park rkwa au, Each one of the g through the pa the Park Monce tory. Wanderin in l his ’ fal ris ter Pa wa to a d linke tto by simply enjoy ver a hidden gro or co rg dis ou s, rie mb ile xe des Tu in the of the Lu ren are playing e in the garden while the child enjoy a poney rid André Citroën rk Pa e th in sunbathing sprinklers. the city. s and garden of ll enjoy the park wi s of Paris. rk ren pa ild lar ch d pu st po Both parents an ection of the mo sel a low be re You will find he





Le Jardin du Luxembourg

g n e P a r is 6 e B o u lo B o is dB o u lo g n e - 7 5 1 1

t B o is d e P o r te M a il lo y: l fi n d Subwa u w il k , y o o n w h ic h r a p th is a ta ti of W it h in d in d ’a c c li m p r o g r a m r g, e th e Ja n e x te n si v s: w a n d e r in a age o a t, b ll a w o ff e r s o r r n ta l) , ie s fo u se . a c ti v it in g (b ik e r e e n h o is o, gre id e n g lo b ik e r o r o u n d , z o u g de Bo arge an h merry e B o is does c ryday. g h th k u r o a h p lt A eve de si d e in n e is p fr fr e e , th fe e . It is o m a t a t i o n . i e l c c n a c a tr en ind .jard www

Rue de Médicis, rue de Vaugirard 75006 Paris Subway: Luxembourg

Program: Playground from 10am for children from 7 to 12 years old – sandbox for toddlers. Puppet theatre: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 2pm. Holidays and week end: pony, swings, tennis, rental of toy sailboat by the pond, merry go round. For the parents: outdoor café between the merry go round and the basketball court, bandstand and concerts.

V in ce nn es ris Le B oi s de ne s - 75 01 2 Pa Bo is de Vi nc en ré e Do Su bw ay : Po rte

a pa rk in Vi nc en ne s is r to th e Th e Bo is de ne an m pe lan ds ca m ed af th e En gl ish na is rk . Th e pa en ne s. nc ea st of Pa ris Vi of by to wn Vi nde te r th e ne ar is Bo e en d of th At th e no rth e th s nd ce nn es sta Vi nCh ât ea u de us ed ce nn es , wh ich vo ur to be a fa ho m e ite se co nd 14 th y an m fo r ng s. ki y ur ce nt Vi nTh e Bo is de ho m e ce nn es is or ts to se ve ra l sp th e ve nu es . In lie s ea ste rn pa rt hi pp od ro m e a in sp ec ial isi ng ra ce s. tro tti ng o a Th er e is als velodrome, and the French national institute of sports and physical education. In the west is a 14.5ha zoo, permanently established in 1934 in place of a smaller, temporary zoo constructed for the 1931 Exposition colonial international. The zoo breeds Asian elephants, and its

most notable feature is a 65m high monolith, home to a herd of rams.

Le Jardin des Tuileries

Place de la Concorde - 75001 Paris Subway: Concorde Program: wandering, open air café, carnival for kids and parents.


HOP Till You Drop


aris, world Capital for fashion, crossroad of creators avand big brands along famous ing! enues dedicated to the art of shopp Paris always stood out as the world nce wide reference for fashion, elega rter» and refinement for «Prêt-à-Po es. and Paris Haute Couture Hous in What is the word for «elegance» e! French? «La Parisienne» of cours d by French Haute Couture is represente Dior, household names such as: Chanel, us Yves Saint Laurent; but also by famo era, names who revolutionized their k Sorsuch as Jean-Paul Gaultier, Franc ntabier, Jean-Louis Scherrer . The prese in tion of collections is a privileged time acle Paris. Each fashion parade is a spect of refinement, luxury and elegance. trave l Shop aholi c will just love their

to Pa ris , be sid e the ch ain sto res (Z ara , H& M) , an d the mu st see Pa ris De pa rtme nt Sto res (G ale rie s La Fa ye tte , Le Bo n Ma rch é, Le Pr int em ps) , sm all er yo un g de sig ne rs bo uti qu es an d Tr en dy sto res in Pa ris are aw ait ing yo u aro un d the co rn er. Th ere are als o hid de n tre asu res thr ou gh the cit y: the cit y ho lds ma ny lux ury go od s co nsi gn me nt sto res an d thr ift sto res !

Go od St ay an d go od sh op pi ng in Pa ri s!

40, Bld Haussmann - 75009 Paris Subway: Chaussée d’Antin


Le Bon Marché

24, rue de Sèvres - 75007 Paris Subway: Sèvres Babylone

Le Printemps

64, Bld Haussmann - 75009 Paris Subway: Havre Caumartin

n e

52-64, Rue de Rivoli - 75004 Paris Subway: Hôtel de Ville












Les Galeries Lafayette


The Shop

3, rue d’Argout – 75002 Paris Subway : Etienne Marcel


64, Rue Tiquetonne - 75002 Paris Subway : Etienne Marcel

Antoine et Lili

95, Quai de Valmy - 75010 Paris Subway : Jacques Bonsergent


213, rue Saint Honoré - 75001 Paris Subway : Opéra/ Concorde

a guide for your perfect break

Paris Office du Tourisme et des Congres

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