Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Traditional Games of Europe Leading Organisation: - Agrupamento de Escolas de Frazรฃo, Paรงos de Ferreira
Participating Organisations: - - Colegiul National Calistrat Hogas - Piatra-Neant - - Inonu Anadolu Lisesi - Ankara - - ISMA Secondary school "Premjers" - Riga - - Zespol Szkol Sportowych w Tychach - Tychy 1
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Index Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Chapter I - LATVIAN TRADITIONAL GAMES .................................................................................................. 5 1.1. THE SUN AND THE MOON ................................................................................................................. 7 1.2. ADAM HAD SEVEN SONS ................................................................................................................... 9 1.3 KERLIDO ........................................................................................................................................... 11 1.4 LIDSĒNE ............................................................................................................................................ 15 1.5. BALTENY ......................................................................................................................................... 17 1.6. NOVUSS .......................................................................................................................................... 18 1.7. NEIGHBOUR, RAISE YOUR HAND! ................................................................................................... 20 1.8. A BIRD WITHOUT A NEST ................................................................................................................ 22 Chapter II - POLISH TRADITIONAL GAMES ................................................................................................. 24 2.1. BLIND MAN’S BLUFF ....................................................................................................................... 24 2.2. FIRES ............................................................................................................................................... 25 2.3. HIDE AND SEEK ............................................................................................................................... 26 2.4. BOTTLE CAPS' RACE ........................................................................................................................ 27 2.5. THE THOUSAND .............................................................................................................................. 28 2.6. LINES ............................................................................................................................................... 29 2.7. SHIPS ............................................................................................................................................... 30 2.8. HOPSCOTCH .................................................................................................................................... 31 Chapter III - PORTUGUESE TRADITIONAL GAMES ..................................................................................... 32 3.1. MARBLE GAME ............................................................................................................................... 32 3.2. TOAD GAME “SAPO” ....................................................................................................................... 34 3.3. SPINNING TOP GAME ..................................................................................................................... 35 3.4. TRUNK GAME .................................................................................................................................. 37 3.5. DONKEY GAME ............................................................................................................................... 38 3.6. HORSESHOE GAME SIMILAR ........................................................................................................... 40 3.7. BALL GAME OR SILVA ..................................................................................................................... 42 3.8. ROLL HOOP ..................................................................................................................................... 44 2
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life Chapter IV - ROMANIAN TRADITIONAL GAMES ........................................................................................ 46 4.1. 9 STONES ........................................................................................................................................ 46 4.2. OINA ............................................................................................................................................... 49 4.3. THE HIDDEN OR THE (YOU) SEEK .................................................................................................... 53 4.4. COPS AND ROBBERS / THIEVES AND COPS ..................................................................................... 57 4.5. TURKEY ........................................................................................................................................... 59 4.6. THE RAZOR / KNIFE / COUNTRY ...................................................................................................... 61 4.7. THICK MILK ..................................................................................................................................... 63 4.8. PEOPLE, PEOPLE, WE SOLDIER! ...................................................................................................... 65 Chapter V - TURKISH TRADITIONAL GAMES .............................................................................................. 67 5.1. GRAB THE KERCHIEF ....................................................................................................................... 67 5.2. PUSS IN THE CORNER ...................................................................................................................... 69 5.3. DODGE BALL ................................................................................................................................... 71 5.4. BLIND MAN’S BUFF ......................................................................................................................... 73 5.5. TEETOTUM ...................................................................................................................................... 75 5.6. LEAP FROG ...................................................................................................................................... 77 5.7. BOCCE BALL .................................................................................................................................... 79 5.8. TOMBİK ........................................................................................................................................... 81 LOGOS ............................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
The project European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life has two main objectives: on the one hand, to promote the acquisition of healthy living habits, physically active, as a way of developing health; Secondly, the implementation of this project is intended to contribute to the acquisition of European values, such as fraternity, justice, peace, equality especially gender equality, tolerance and solidarity, thus contributing to the social development of all participants and school communities. At the same time, it is intended to create a better school environment, more confident students, thus reducing early school leaving, which is recognized as one of the factors that provoke unequal opportunities within Europe. Participate in this project: - Agrupamento de Escolas de Frazão - Paços de Ferreira, from Portugal, as the coordinating institution of the project; - Colegiul National Calistrat Hogas - Piatra-Neant, from Romania; - Inonu Anadolu Lisesi - Ankara, from Turkey; - ISMA Secondary school "Premjers" - Riga, from Latvia. - Zespol Szkol Sportowych w Tychach - Tychy, from Poland; This e-book brings together eight traditional games from each of the countries from which the participating institutions originate, in the mother tongue of each country and in English.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Chapter I - LATVIAN TRADITIONAL GAMES Most Latvian games are choral games with singing, including imitative and choreographic elements. These games come from olden times and are kept until nowadays but mostly known and performed by folk groups to musical accompaniment at Latvian festivals such as Easter, Christmas, Midsummer’s Eve, etc. Latvian games are closely connected with folklore, traditions, nature (trees, flowers, the sea, birds, animals), crafts (shoemaking, forging, fishing, weaving, etc.). A prominent place among the Latvian folk games in the past was occupied by games with throwing sticks and other objects, held as individual and collective competitions among young people on strength, sleight and accuracy.
Ancient Latvians used to personify all the natural processes around them, they believed that the environment was being controlled by numerous deities e.g. the Sun. The Sun is one of the most polite and kindest Godesses, She gives her warmth and light to everyone despite their social status, She stays with people all day long to help them with their daily work. There is also an interaction between the Sun and the Moon who is believed to be whether her husband or her daughter’s husband (might vary in different sources). Latvian traditional games are often accompanied with singing songs. 5
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Lielākā daļa latviešu spēļu ir kora spēles ar dziedāšanu, imitācijas un horeogrāfijas elementiem. Šīs spēles nāk no seniem laikiem un pateicoties folkloras grupām, kuras izpild tās mūzikas pavadījumā tādos svētkos kā Lieldienas, Ziemassvētki, Jāņa svētki u.c., tās tiek saglābātas līdz pat mūsdienām. Latvijas spēles ir cieši saistītas ar folkloru, tradīcijām, dabu (kokiem, ziediem, jūru, putniem, dzīvniekiem), amatniecību (apavu izgatavošanu, kalšanu, zveju, aušanu utt.). Pagātnē svarīgu vietu latviešu tautas spēlēs aizņēma spēles ar nūju, kā arī citu priekšmetu, mešanu. Tās tika organizētas jauniešu vidū kā individuālie un kolektīvie konkursi spēka, veiklības un precizitātes demonstrēšanai. Senie latvieši personificēja visus dabas procesus ap viņiem, viņi ticēja, ka dabā valda daudzas dievības, piemēram, Saule. Saule ir viena no visdevīgākajām un laipnākajām dievietēm, tā sniedz siltumu un gaismu ļaudīm, neskatoties uz to sociālo statusu, Saule paliek ar cilvēkiem visas dienas garumā, lai palīdzētu ikdienas darbos. Pastāv arī mijiedarbība starp Sauli un Mēnesi, kas, domājams, ir viņas vīrs vai viņas meitas vīrs (dažādos avotos informācija atšķiras). Latviešu tradicionālās spēles bieži tiek spēlētas dziedot dziesmas.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
The song: Do not sleep, the Sun, in the apple orchard! Do not sleep, the Sun, in the apple orchard! The Moon has gone out to look for the bride. The Moon has gone out to look for the bride. Run away, the Sun, run away; the Moon is chasing you! Run away, the Sun, run away; the Moon is chasing you! Soon the Sun is in the Moon’s hands. Soon the Sun is in the Moon’s hands.
The gameplay: The players make a circle (an orchard). The girl (the Sun) and the boy (the Moon) stand outside the orchard. The players go around in circles singing the first two verses of the song. The Sun and the Moon go along the orchard. When the players start singing „Run away, the Sun!”, the orchard stops and the Moon tries to catch the Sun who carefully runs around the orchard. The players must repeat the third verse until the Moon catches the Sun. After that they sing the last verse. The girl and the boy choose a new couple to be the Sun and the Moon and the game starts from the very beginning.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
,,SAULE UN MĒNESS” Dziesma: Neguli, saulīte, ābeļu dārzā! Neguli, saulīte, ābeļu dārzā! Mēnesis izgāja malējas meklēt. Mēnesis izgāja malējas meklēt. Bēdz, bēdz, saulīte, mēnesis dzenas! Bēdz, bēdz, saulīte, mēnesis dzenas! Jau drīz saulīte mēneša rokās. Jau drīz saulīte mēneša rokās.
Rotaļnieki izveido dārziņu. Meita (Saule) un puisis (Mēness) nostājas ārpus dārziņa. Dziedādami pirmos divus pantus, rotaļnieki iet pa apli. Saule un Mēness iet gar dārziņu. Ar vārdiem „bēdz, bēdz” dārziņš apstājās. Mēness ķer Sauli, kura izmanīgi bēg ap dārziņu. Trešo pantu atkārto tikmēr, kamēr noķer Sauli, tikai tad dzied ceturto pantu. Nu Saule un Mēness izraugās sev vietniekus. Rotaļu var sākt no gala.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
1.2. ADAM HAD SEVEN SONS This game was practised at the LTTA 1 in Latvia and seems both the students and teachers enjoyed it at fullest. The biggest advantage of this game is that you do not need any special tools or equipment to play the game and unlimited number of players can join it.
The gameplay: Players make a circle. One player or one pair goes into the middle of the circle. The other players move around holding each other in hands and they sing: “Ādamam bij’ septiņ’ dēli, septiņ dēli, ne tie ēda, ne tie dzēra, ne tie zin’ kas jādara”.
The players who are in the middle think of the movements they will show other players when the song is over. When the song is over, the other players have to imitate the movement performed by the players in the middle. Those, who cannot imitate it, exchange their positions with the players from the middle. In the case all the players can repeat the trick, the players stay in the middle and the game starts from the beginning. The song “Adam had seven sons” Adam had seven sons, seven sons, who didn’t eat, who didn’t drink, who don’t know what to do. Everyone is doing this! 9
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Šī spēle tika praktizēta Latvijā, LTTA 1 laikā, un šķiet, ka gan skolēni, gan skolotāji izbaudīja to pilnā apmērā. Šīs spēles lielākā priekšrocība ir tas, ka jums nav nepieciešami īpaši līdzekļi vai aprīkojums, un tajā var pievienoties neierobežots spēlētāju skaits. Spēlēs apraksts: Spēlētāji izveido apli. Viens spēlētājs vai viens pāris nostājas apļa vidū. Pārējie spēlētāji pārvietojas pa apli, turot rokas un dziedot dziesmu. Spēlētāji, kuri atrodas apļa vidū, domā par kustībām, ko viņi parādīs citiem spēlētājiem, kad dziesma ir beigusies.
Kad dziesma ir beigusies, citiem spēlētājiem ir jāatdarina kustība, ko izdomāja un parādīja spēlētāji apļa vidū. Tie, kas nevar to atdarināt, apmainās ar pozīcijām ar spēlētājiem no vidus. Gadījumā, ja visi spēlētāji var atdarināt kustību, spēlētāji paliek vidū un spēle sākas no sākuma. Dziesma: “Ādamam bij’ septiņ’ dēli, septiņ dēli, ne tie ēda, ne tie dzēra, ne tie zin’ kas jādara, Visi dara tā 10
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
1.3 KERLIDO The word “Kerlido” derives from the Latvian language: “Ķer” – „catch!”, “lido” – „ fly !” The Kerlido toy is a flying toy with three legs, with weights on their ends and a slight tail. The toy is designed for sporting games and juggling. It can be recommended for age from 6 to 96 years. It can be used both individually and collectively.
1 – light tail sticking up 2 – one of the rigid legs 3 – the bob at the end of the leg 4 – a stick on which the flying toy lands
When thrown, the toy turns in the air under the influence of aerodynamic forces and flies with its heavy feet ahead. Sprung up on the stick, which is horizontally held by a player, the toy hangs on it so that one leg hanging from one hand while the other two on the other hand of the stick. The Kerlido can then be immediately thrown back by the same stick without making any preliminary motions. Unlike games where the flying object is caught by a butterfly net or by Velcro, here are not necessary to use your left hand to release the Kerlido. This property makes the game much more dynamic and interesting. This toy can be used for the game remotely resembling badminton. But unlike the shuttlecock in badminton, you need not to beat back (repulse) the Kerlido, but only to simply catch it on the stick.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Simple ideas for a game: 1. You can make competitions not between 2 players, as in traditional games,
simultaneously. Let’s say players A,B, C. They should throw the Kerlido toy clockwise: from A to B, from B to C, from C to A and so on. If, for example, B throws the toy to C but C has not caught the toy and the toy falls on the ground, then the witness A will get 1 point. The reason is simple - both B and C are guilty. The game goes until one of the players receives 10 points. 2. Two players playing together can try to pass the toy as far as possible. 3. You can play with two Kerlido toys throwing them toward each other simultaneously, which makes the game much more interesting and dynamic. Two standard-defined areas 10×6 meter each are used. A net or rope can be used between them. But it is possible to use a 6 meter width boundary path between the areas instead of the net. When it falls onto the ground, the Kerlido can be lifted with a stick. The goal of the game is to deliver both Kerlidos on the opponent’s territory, at least one of them standing on its feet. Once a player is successful, he cries – “Two !” which means requirement to stop the game and to award him one point. If the Kerlido flies outside the site, hits the net or flies below the tight rope, a point is awarded to the opponent. The game is played until one of the contenders gains 21 point. However, if during the game the Kerlido hangs on the upper edge of the net or rope, the player who did it loses the entire game. On the sand or grass (but not on asphalt) the Kerlido mostly lands on its three feet. If no net is used, but instead is used a boundary path between the areas instead of the net, then the following additional rule can be used: if the opponent has not touched the Kerlido, the Kerlido must stay on its feet. Otherwise the hit is considered as bad and the point goes to the opponent. 12
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Nosaukums izriet no latviešu vārdiem “Ķer ” un ” Lido”. Kerlido ir lidojoša rotaļlieta ar trijām izplēstajām kājām, uz kuru uzgaļiem ir piestiprināti atsvari un kurai ir viegla aste. Rotaļlieta ir paredzēta sporta spēlēm un žonglēšanai. To var rekomendēt cilvekiem vecumā no 6 līdz 96 gadiem. To var izmantot gan individuāli, gan kolektīvi. 1 – viegla aste, kas ir iztaisnota uz augšu 2 – viena no cietajām kājām 3 – atsvars uz kājas uzgaļa 4 – nūja, uz kuras piezemējas lidojoša rotaļlieta
Esot izmesta gaisā, rotaļlieta izvēršas gaisā zem aerodinamisku spēku darbības un lido ar smagām kājām uz priekšu. Uzlidojot uz nūjas, kuru horizontāli tur rokā spēlētājs, tā pakāras uz tās tā, kā viena kāja karājas no vienas puses, bet divas citas no otras nūjas puses. Kerlido var uzreiz no jauna sviest gaisā ar to pašu nūju nedarot nekādas sagatavošanas kustības. Atšķirībā no spēlēm, kur lidojošais priekšmets tiek noķerts ar dukuru vai lipekli, šeit nevajag izmantot otro roku Kerlido atbrīvošanai. Šī īpašība padara spēli par daudz dinamiskāku un interesantāku. Dotā rotaļlieta var būt izmantota pāra spēlei, kas attālināti atgādina badmintonu. Bet atšķirībā no badmintona bumbiņas, Kerlido nevis atsit, bet gan ķer uz nūjas.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Vienkāršas idejas spēlēm: 1. Šajā spēlē var sacensties ne tikai divi spēlētāji, kā tradicionālajās spēlēs, bet 3 spēlētāji vienlaicīgi. Pieņemsim, spēlētāji A,B un C. Viņiem vajadzētu izmest Kerlido rotaļlietu pulksteņrādītāja virzienā: spēlētājs A spēlētājam B, spēlētājs B spēlētājam C, spēlētājs C spēlētājam A un tā tālāk. Ja, piemēram, spēlētājs B met rotaļlietu spēlētājam C, bet C nav noķeris rotaļlietu un rotaļlieta nokrīt uz zemes, tad liecinieks A saņems 1 punktu. Iemesls ir vienkāršs - gan B, gan C ir vainīgi. Spēle notiek līdz brīdim, kad viens no spēlētājiem saņem 10 punktus. 2. Divi spēlētāji, kas spēlē kopā, var mēģināt izmest rotaļlietu tik tālu cik iespējams. 3. Jūs varat spēlēt ar divām Kerlido rotaļlietām, ko vienlaikus iemeta vienu pret otru, kas padara spēli daudz interesantāku un dinamiskāku. Sacensībām var izmantot divas standarta laukumus, kuru izmērs ir 10 × 6 metri. Starp tiem var izmantot tīklu vai virvi. Arī ir iespējams izmantot 6 metru platuma robežu tīkla vai virves vietā. Kad tas nokrīt zemē, Kerlido var pacelt ar nūju. Spēles mērķis ir nogādāt abas Kerlidos uz pretinieka laukumu, vismaz vienai no tām ir jāstāv uz kājām. Kad spēlētājam tas izdevās, viņš kliedz - "Divi!", kas nozīmē prasību pārtraukt spēli un piešķirt viņam vienu punktu. Ja Kerlido lido ārpus laukuma, nokļūst tīklā vai lido zem virves, punkts tiek piešķirts pretiniekam. Spēle tiek spēlēta, līdz viens no pretendentiem iegūst 21 punktu. Tomēr, ja spēles laikā Kerlido karājas uz tīkla vai virves augšējās malas, spēlētājs, kurš to izdarījis, zaudē visu spēli. Uz smiltīm vai zāli (bet ne uz asfalta) Kerlido pārsvarā nokļūst trīs kājās. Ja tīklu neizmanto, bet tā vietā tiek izmantots robežu ceļš starp laukumiem, tad var pielietot šādu papildu noteikumu: ja pretinieks nav pieskāries Kerlido, Kerlido ir jāstāv uz tās kājām. Pretējā gadījumā trāpījums tiek uzskatīts par sliktu, un punkts tiek piešķirts pretiniekam.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
The word “Lidsēne” derives from the Latvian language: “Lid” – „fly!”, “sēne” – „mushroom!” The game Lidsēne is something like Flying Roly-Poly toy.
Lidsēne uses elasticity. There is no heavy metal bob in it - just rubber. So it is absolutely safe even for small children.
Lidsēne is a very collective game. It is ideal for a group from 4 to 10 children. Lidsēne stimulates children for running. One child throws it and all the rest run after – who will be the first! Such simple rule of the game is recommended for children from 2 to 8 years old. Also adult people can play Lidsēne. If you organize the game in a small room such as your office, you can use two books. Just try to put the toy vertically on them throwing Lidsēne from the distance. As Lidsēne always stays vertically it will be an ideal sport for people who do not want to bend their backs.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
“Lidsēne” butiski nozīme lidojoša sēne. Spēle Lidsēne ir kaut kas līdzīgs “Lidojošais Resnītis” rotaļai.
Lidsēne izmanto elastību. Tajā nav smago metālu, tikai gumijas. Tāpēc tā ir pilnīgi droša pat maziem bērniem.
Lidsēne ir ļoti kolektīva spēle. Tā ir ideāla grupai no 4 līdz 10 bērniem. Lidsēne veicina bērnus skriet. Viens bērns to izmet un visi pārēji skrien pakaļ kurš būs pirmais! Šāds vienkāršs spēles noteikums ir ieteicams bērniem no 2 līdz 8 gadiem. Arī pieauguši cilvēki var spēlēt ar Lidsēni. Ja jūs organizējat spēli mazā telpā, piemēram, jūsu birojā, jūs varat izmantot divas grāmatas. Vienkārši mēģiniet likt rotaļlietu vertikāli uz tām metot Lidsēne no attāluma. Tā kā Lidsēne vienmēr paliek vertikāla stāvoklī, tas būs ideāls sports cilvēkiem, kas nevēlas saliekt muguru.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
For such a dynamic game for children, it is better to choose summer time. The best venue may be a park or field. Players: 1 leader and (minimum 4) players. Gameplay: All the players lie face down on the grass and close their eyes. The leader throws a special wooden stick – balteny - as far as possible into the thickets of grass or bushes. At his signal, the participants run to search for the object. The one who finds it first becomes a new leader.
BALTEŅI Šāi dinamiskai spēlei vislabāk izvēlēties vasaras laiku. Labākā vieta var būt parks vai zaļa pļava. Spēlētāji: 1 vadītājs un vismaz 4 spēlētāji. Spēles apraksts: Visi spēlētāji guļ uz zāles ar sēju uz leju un aizver savas acis. Vadītājs izmet speciālu koka nūju - balteņi – tik tālu cik iespējams uz biezu zāli vai krūmus. Pēc viņa signāla dalībnieki meklē objektu. Tas, kurš pirmais atradīs to, kļūst par jaunu vadītāju.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
1.6. NOVUSS It is a two-player or four-player game of physical skill which is closely related to carrom and pocket billiards. The board is approximately 100 centimetres square, typically made of wood, has pockets in each corner, and lines marked on the surface. It uses small discs instead of balls, and each player has his/her own small puck instead of the cue ball used in other cue sports. Players use a small cue stick to propel their pucks into their coloured object discs, knocking them into the pockets. The winner is the first one to sink all eight of his/her object discs (of which there are sixteen in total in two different-coloured sets, plus the two pucks). Some facts about novuss: • It was first played around 1925-1927. • The first professional competition took place in 1932, in which Alberts Raminš won 1st place. • The Latvian Novuss Federation was founded in 1963. • National Championships have been held since 1964 in singles and since 1966 in team competitions. Men's, women's and junior's (up to 15 years old) divisions have been established. • The International Novuss Championship has been held annually, beginning in 1993.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Tā ir divu spēlētāju vai četru spēlētāju biljardam līdzīga spēle, ko spēlē uz speciāliem novusa galdiem, ar kiju izdarot sitienus pa apaļiem, plakaniem kauliņiem, kas izgatavoti no koka. Galds ir no koka, kvadrāta formā 1 x 1 m, ar apaļiem caurumiem stūros un līnijām uz galda virsmas. Daži fakti par novusu: • Tas pirmo reizi tika spēlēts ap 1925-1927. • Pirmās meistarsacīkstes notika 1932.gadā, kurās Alberts Raminš ieguva 1.vietu. • Latvijas Novusa federācija tika nodibināta 1963. gadā. • Sākot ar 1964. gadu, tika organizēti Latvijas individuālie čempionāti un ar 1966. gadu, komandu čempionāti. • Starptautiskais novusa čempionāts notiek katru gadu sākot ar 1993.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
The players stand or sit in the circle. The leader stands in the middle of the circle. He or she slowly goes around the circle, then stops opposite one of the players and loudly says, “Hands!� The player who is being addressed to continues standing or sitting without changing his or her position, but both his/her neighbours must raise their hands up: the neighbour on the right raises his left hand but the neighbour on the left raises his right hand, i.e. the hand that is closer to the player standing or sitting between them. The player who makes a mistake, e.g. raises the wrong hand or forgets to raise it, becomes a new leader. The certain time can be set for this game. The winner of the game is the player who has made no mistakes.
The rules: The player is considered to lose the game if he/she even attempts to raise the wrong hand. The leader of the game must stop exactly opposite the player he/she is addressing to, otherwise his/her command is not executed.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
KAIMIŅ, PACEĻ ROKU! Spēlētāji stāv vai sēž aplī. Vadītājs stāv apļa centrā. Viņš vai viņa lēnām iet pa apli, tad apstājas pretī vienam no spēlētājiem, un skaļi saka: "Rokas!" Spēlētājs, kuram uzrunā turpina stāvēt vai sēdēt, nemainot savu stāvokli, bet viņa/viņas kaimiņi paceļ rokas uz augšu: kaimiņš labajā pusē paceļ savu kreiso roku, bet kaimiņš kreisajā pusē paceļ savu labo roku, t.i., roku, kas atrodas tuvāk spēlētājam, kas atrodas starp viņiem. Spēlētājs, kas pieļauj kļūdu, piemēram, izvirza nepareizu roku vai aizmirst to izvirzīt, kļūst par jaunu vadītāju. Šai spēlei var noteikt laiku. Spēles uzvarētājs ir spēlētājs, kurš nav pieļāvis nevienas kļūdas.
Spēles noteikumi: Tiek uzskatīts, ka spēlētājs zaudē spēli, ja viņš pat mēģina pacelt nepareizo roku. Spēles vadītājam ir jāapstājas tieši pretī spēlētājam, uz kuru viņš vēršas, pretējā gadījumā viņa komanda netiek izpildīta. 21
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
1.8. A BIRD WITHOUT A NEST The players are divided into pairs and stand in a large circle at a certain distance from each other. The person who is standing closer to the circle is a nest, the other partner is a bird. The player-bird must stand behind the playernest. In the middle of the large circle there must be drawn a small circle for the leader of the game to stand. The leader counts: “One …” – the players portraying the nests put their hands on their waists; “Two …” – the playersbirds put their hands on the shoulders of the players-nests (the birds are in their nests), “Three!” – the birds fly out of their nests and fly around the whole site. At the leader’s signal: “All the birds in nests!”, every bird is trying to occupy his/her nest, i.e. stand behind the player-nest and put his/her hands on the player’s-nest shoulders. At the same time the leader of the game tries to occupy one of the nests. When repeat the game several times the players can swap their roles.
The rules: The players-birds fly out only to the count of “Three!” The leader must not cross the borders of the small circle while the birds are flying around the site.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
PUTNS BEZ LIGZDAS Spēlētāji tiek sadalīti pāros un nostājas lielā aplī noteiktā attālumā viens no otra. Spēlētajs, kas stāv tuvāk aplim, ir ligzda, otrais partneris ir putns. Spēlētājam-putnam jānostājas aiz spēlētāja-ligzdas. Lielā apļa vidū ir jāuzzīmē neliels aplis, kurā stāvēs spēles vadītājs. Vadītājs skaita: "Viens ..." - spēlētāji, kas attēlo ligzdas, ieliec rokas uz jostas; “Divi …” – spēlētāji-putni ieliek rokas uz spēlētāju-ligzdu pleciem (putni atrodas savās ligzdās); “Trīs!” – putni izlido ārā no savām ligzdām un lido pa visu laukumu. Pēc vadītāja signāla: "Visi putni ligzdās!", katrs putns mēģina aizņemt savu ligzdu, t.i., nostāties aiz spēlētāja-ligzdas un ielikt rokas viņam uz pleciem. Tajā pašā laikā spēles vadītājs mēģina aizņemt kādu no ligzdām. Atkārtojot spēli vairākas reizes, spēlētāji var mainīt savas lomas.
Spēles noteikumi: Spēlētāji-putni izlido ārā tikai uz skaitu "Trīs!". Vadītājam nedrīkst šķērsot maza apļa robežas, kamēr putni lido apkārt laukumam.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
•Selected person should have covered eyes (with using a cloth), and must catch other players. First person caught, is a new catcher.
CIUCIUBABKA •Wybrana osoba powinna mieć zasłonięte oczy (używając chusty lub szala), a jej zadaniem jest złapanie pozostałych graczy. Jeśli ktos zostanie złapany, staje się nową „ciuciubabką”.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
2.2. 2 FIRES •2 equal teams choose their half of court, and stay there till other team is ready. Both teams must choose one „mother” who stays behind opponent team, and helps to get points. You can get points by throwing ball into enemies. If you hit an enemy with the ball you have a point. If the ball touches the floor before hitting someone, you don’t get point. At the beginning of game, both teams should settle points required to win. If you get hit by the ball, you must come out from the court.
2 OGNIE •2 równe drużyny wybierają swoja połowę boiska i zostają tam do czasu, az przeciwna drużyna będzie gotowa. Obie drużyny muszą wybrać „matkę”, która będzie stała za przeciwnikami i pomagała zdobyć punkty. Punkty można zdobyć trafiając piłką w przeciwnika. Jeśli piłka dotknie podłogi przed trafieniem przeciwnika, nie otrzymasz punktu. Na początku rozgrywki obie drużyny powinny ustalić ilość punktów potrzebną do zwycięstwa. Jeśli zostaniesz zbity, schodzisz z boiska.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
•One person must turn back to other players and stay there for 10 seconds. In this time you must hide yourself. After 10 seconds, the choosen person must locate hidden players. If he does, he should tell where the person is. After finding all players, the first found person will be „hunter”.
CHOWANY Jedna wybrana osoba musi odwrócić się tyłem do pola gry, i pozostać tak przez 10 sekund. W tym czasie reszta graczy musi się schować. Po 10 sekundach szukający musi znaleźć ukrytych graczy. Jeśli mu się uda, musi krzyknąć gdzie widział ukrytą osobę. Po znalezieniu wszystkich graczy, pierwsza znaleziona osoba będzie nowy szukającym.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
2.4. BOTTLE CAPS' RACE All you need is a bottle cap and chalk. You must draw a racetrack, and move bottle caps with your fingers. The cap can’t move out of the track, if it does you lose your turn and must start from the place on the line, where you left the track. First person who crosses the finish line wins.
GRA W KAPSLE Wszystko czego potrzebujesz to kapsel i kreda. Najpierw musisz narysować tor wyścigowy i przesuwać kapsel za pomocą palców. Kapsel nie może wyjechać poza linię toru. Jeśli tak się stanie, gracz traci kolejkę i rusza z miejsca , gdze wypadł z toru. Pierwsza osoba, która przekroczy linię mety wygrywa.
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2.5. THE THOUSAND You should play this game on pitch, because you need a goal and a ball. Post= 100 points Crossbar= 200 points Connector= 300 points Rules are very simple. You must kick the ball and try to hit a post, a crossbar or a connector. First person who gets 1000 points wins.
Powinniście grać w tysiąca na boisku, bo potrzebna jest bramka i piłka. Słupek= 100 punktów Poprzeczka= 200 punktów Spojenie= 300 punktów Zasady są bardzo proste. Musisz kopnąć piłkę, celując w słupek, poprzeczkę lub spojenie. Pierwsza osoba, która zdobędzie 1000 wygrywa.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
2.6. LINES
Rules are very simple. One person must catch other players, but everyone can move only on the court lines. You CAN move only on lines
LINIE Zasady są bardzo proste. Osoba goniąca musi złapać innych graczy, ale każdy może poruszać się jedynie po liniach na boisku.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
2.7. SHIPS You need squared paper, a pen or a pencil and one more player. You can use: Four ships 1x1 Three ships 2x1 Two ships 3x1 And one ship 4x1 Draw 10x10 square and mark length 1-10 and width A-J. Then draw your ships (as you want, but you must use all of them and they can't touch each other). When you and your friend are ready, one player chooses the place he thinks that ship is (for example A3 or J7). Your goal is to find all opposing ships.
STATKI Potrzebujesz kartki w krakę, długopisu lub ołówka i jeszcze jednego gracza. Możesz używać statków: 4 statki 1x1 3 statki 2x1 2 statki 3x1 Oraz 1 statek 4x1. Narysuj kwadrat 10x10 i zaznacz długość 1-10 oraz szerokość A-J. Narysuj swoje statki (jak chcesz, ale musisz użyć je wszystkie i nie mogą się stykać). Kiedy jesteście gotowi, jeden z graczy wybiera miejsce, na którym, według niego statek się znajduje (na przykład A3 lub J7). Celem gracza jest znaleźć wszystkie statki przeciwnika.
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2.8. HOPSCOTCH This game is very easy. You just need to draw board and that's all. You must jump on one leg on pieces in order 1-10. But you can't lurch! If you do, you must start from scratch.
KLASY Zasady są bardzo proste. Musisz tylko narysować planszę do skakania i ponumerować ją w kolejności od 1 do 10. Musisz skakać na jednej nodze w pola po kolei. Ale uwaga! Nie możesz się zachwiać! Jeśli się zachwiejesz- musisz zacząć od początku.
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Historical origin: To play the game of marbles, they used the marbles or glass beads. , which once served as capsules to the old Portuguese soft drinks called "pirolites." Game procedure: - Draw a circle with 1 meter. - Put 7 marbles in the center of the game circle. - When your turn comes, shoot your marble, trying to push as many marbles out of the circle. - Continue until the circle is empty. The winner is the player who puts out more marbles.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Origem histórica: Para jogar o jogo do berlinde, utilizavam-se os berlindes ou esferas de vidro. Muitas vezes usavam-se os berlindes que vinham nas garrafas de antigos refrigerantes portugueses.
Procedimento do jogo:
- Desenha-se um círculo com 1 metro no chão.
- Coloca-se 7 berlindes no centro do círculo do jogo. - Quando chegar a vez de jogar, atira-se o berlinde, tentando empurrar o máximo de berlindes para fora do círculo.
- Continua-se até o círculo estar vazio.
O vencedor é o jogador que coloca mais berlindes para fora do círculo.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
3.2. TOAD GAME “SAPO” Historical origin: The toad game is similar to the donkey game, which is practiced in various parts of the country. It is played mainly in popular parties, in fairs and near taverns mainly on beaches in the north of Portugal. Rules: A box, about one meter high, having on the upper platform a few holes and one being the mouth of the toad, to which corresponds 2000 points.
Each player has 12 small metal disks and launches them into the platform. Wins the one with the highest score. A team game is also allowed.
JOGO DO SAPO Origem histórica: O jogo do sapo é parecido com o jogo do burro, praticado em várias zonas do país. Joga-se, essencialmente, em festas populares, em feiras e junto a tabernas principalmente em praias do norte de Portugal. Regras: Uma caixa de cerca de um metro de altura, tendo na plataforma superior alguns furos e um sendo a boca do sapo, a qual corresponde a 2000 pontos. Cada jogador tem 12 pequenos discos de metal e lança-os na plataforma. Vence aquele com a maior pontuação. Um jogo de equipa também é permitido. 34
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
3.3. SPINNING TOP GAME Historical origin: The top game is a traditional game very popular in various parts of the world. In Portugal, it is played mainly in spring and autumn, on days without rain, because it is a game that is practiced outdoors. It is traditionally a game of boys, played in the courtyards of schools. To play it is necessary a small rope, with which the top is rolled up, so that later can throw itself on the ground and roll. Materials: - one spinning top and one string per participant.
Playground: - a circle with a radius of about 1.50m, where all participants will have to play the spinning top, according to a previously chosen order.
Aim of the game: - throw the spinning top to the ground, into the circle and hit the other players' tops. -
wins the spinning top that keeps spinning to the end. 35
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Origem histórica: O jogo do pião é um jogo tradicional muito divulgado em várias partes do mundo. Em Portugal jogava-se principalmente na primavera e no outono, nos dias sem chuva, por ser um jogo jogado ao ar livre. É tradicionalmente um jogo de rapazes, jogado nos pátios das escolas. Para se jogar é necessário uma pequena corda, com a qual se enrola o pião, para que depois se possa lançar para o chão e fique a rodar.
Materiais: - um pião e uma corda por participante.
Terreno de jogo: - Um círculo com um raio de cerca de 1,50m, onde todos os participantes terão que jogar o pião, de acordo com um pedido previamente escolhido. Objetivo do jogo: - Joga-se o pião no chão, no círculo, para acertar nos piões dos outros jogadores; - Ganha o pião que continua a girar até o final.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
3.4. TRUNK GAME Historical origin: The Ball Game or Silva is a very popular game in the lower classes in Portugal, but also in the clergy from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It continued to be played to this day, especially in rural areas. In Trás-os-Montes, especially in the Alvão area, the trunk is thrown into the hills, after the tree trunks have been cut. Materials: 1 pine trunk from 4 to 5 meters long. Rules: The player raises the pine trunk with both hands and places it on his shoulder. The launch can be done after a short run to the finish line. Who projects the pine trunk at the greatest distance, wins.
JOGO DO TRONCO Origem histórica: O Jogo da Bola ou Silva é um jogo popular nas classes mais baixas em Portugal, mas também no clero desde os séculos XVI e XVII. Continuou a ser jogado até aos dias de hoje, principalmente nos meios rurais. Em Trás-os-Montes, especialmente na zona do Alvão, o tronco atira-se nas colinas, após o corte dos troncos das árvores. Materiais: - 1 tronco de pinheiro de 4 a 5 metros de comprimento. Regras: O jogador levanta o tronco de pinheiro com as duas mãos e coloca-o no ombro. O lançamento pode ser feito após um curto percurso até uma linha. Quem projeta o tronco de pinheiro a maior distância, vence. 37
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
3.5. DONKEY GAME Historical background: The donkey game has very old origin in Portugal. In the middle ages it was played mainly by the popular classes, being a very popular game at the time and played by people of all ages. At that time, it was played with Roman numerals. Aim of the game: - to score 200 points. Number of players: - two players.
Rules: Game played with two players. Each player has three coins and throws one coin at a time. All the coins situated on a line do not count. If the coin hits the image you lose 10 points.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
JOGO DO BURRO Origem histórica:
O jogo do burro tem origem muito antiga em portugal. Na idade média era jogado principalmente pelas classes populares, sendo um jogo muito apreciado na época e jogado por pessoas de todas as idades. Nessa altura, era jogado com números romanos.
Objetivo do jogo: - marcar 200 pontos. Número de jogadores: - 2 jogadores.
Regras: Jogo jogado com dois jogadores. Cada jogador tem três moedas e joga uma moeda de cada vez. Todas as moedas situadas em cima de uma linha não contam. Se a moeda atingir a imagem, o jogador perderá 10 pontos.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
3.6. HORSESHOE GAME SIMILAR Historical origin: The beginning of the practice of the horseshoe game similar in Portugal is originated in the Roman army, where the soldiers, to occupy their leisure hours, threw the horseshoes of horses that were no longer fit for use. Currently, in Portugal, this game is played normally at the end of the afternoon, after a day of work, as a way of fraternizing among friends. In certain areas of the country, this game is also known as the Chinquilho game. Materials: - 4 iron pieces - 2 stakes (roundImagem: to balance) Players: - 2 teams of 2 elements each
Rules: The stakes are placed on a leveled pit, placed in the same direction and about 15/18 meters apart. One element of each team is behind each stake. The members of each team will pitch one at a time, with the goal of knocking down or throwing the iron piece nearest to the other team’s stake. Score: -6 points for each pitch; -3 points for the iron piece that is nearest to the stake; -When a team reaches 30 points wins. A match consists of a single game.
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JOGO DA MALHA Origem histórica: O início da prática do jogo da malha em Portugal tem origem no exército romano, onde os soldados, para ocuparem as suas horas de lazer, atiravam as ferraduras dos cavalos que já não estavam em condições de ser usadas. Actualmente, em Portugal, este jogo é jogado normalmente ao fim da atarde, após um dia de trabalho, como modo de confraternizar entre amigos. Em certas zonas do país, este jogo também é conhecido como o jogo do Chinquilho. Materiais: - 4 malhas - 2 pinos Jogadores: - 2 equipas de 2 jogadores cada Regras: Os pinos são colocados num chão nivelado, colocados na mesma direção e separadas por cerca de 15/18 metros. Um elemento de cada equipa está por trás de cada pino. Os membros de cada equipa irão lançar um de cada vez, com o objetivo de derrubar o pino ou lançar a malha de ferro mais próxima do pino da outra equipa. Pontuação: -6 pontos para cada derrube; -3 pontos para a peça de ferro mais próxima da estaca; -Quando uma equipa atinge 30 pontos ganha o jogo. 41
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Historical origin: It is a game practiced between popular classes and the clergy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, having survived to this day with many good practitioners in our rural areas. Materials: 1 ball of dry wood with 23 to 25 cm in diameter; 10 rounded pins: 9 of 22 cm of height and 4 cm of diameter and the larger one, the "Silva", with 25 cm in length. Starting position: The pins are placed in three rows and three columns with three elements each. The "Silva" is placed in front of all. Development: The players throw the ball about 20 meters from the "Silva". In each launch the following result is assigned: each pin dropped 5 points; If only the "Silva" drops 10 points; If "Silva" falls along with others, each of them is worth 5 points, including Silva. The aim of the game is to score 140 points.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Origem Histórica: É um jogo praticado entre as classes populares e o clero nos séculos XVI e XVII, tendo sobrevivido até hoje com muitos bons praticantes em nossas áreas rurais. Materiais: 1 bola de madeira seca com 23 a 25 cm de diâmetro; 10 pinos arredondados: 9 de 22 cm de altura e 4 cm de diâmetro e o maior, o "Silva", com 25 cm de comprimento. Posições iniciais: Os pinos são colocados em três linhas e três colunas com três elementos cada. O "Silva" é colocado na frente de todos. Desenvolvimento: Os jogadores jogam a bola a cerca de 20 metros do "Silva". Em cada lançamento, o seguinte resultado é atribuído: cada pino que caiu 5 pontos; se apenas o "Silva" cai 10 pontos; se o "Silva" cai junto com os outros, cada um deles vale 5 pontos, incluindo Silva. O objetivo do jogo é marcar 140 pontos.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
3.8. ROLL HOOP Historical origin: The game of roll hoop is quite ancient. In Greek antiquity it was practiced in the gymnasium, whereas in the time of the Roman empire there are records of children playing with this game. Sometimes the stick was not even used. As a hoop was used the rim of a wine kite or the wheel of a bicycle, without rays, touched with a stick. It is a game that is played in the street. Aim of the game: - Get to the finish line at the first place, when the course is done at the same time by the all the players, or take the least time to complete the course determined, when the course is done by only one player at a time. Number of players: - At least two.
If the player loses control of the bow, he resumes the event where it happened.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Origem histórica: O jogo do arco e da gancheta é bastante antigo. Na antiguidade grega era praticado no ginásio, enquanto no tempo do império romano havia registos de crianças brincando com este jogo. Às vezes, a gancheta nem sequer era usada. Como arco era usada a borda de uma pipa de vinho ou a roda de uma bicicleta, sem raios, tocada com um pedaço de pau. É um jogo que é jogado na rua. Objetivo do jogo: - Chegar primeiro à meta, quando o percurso é feito ao mesmo tempo pelos jogadores, ou então demorar o menor tempo a completar o percurso determinado, quando o percurso é feito por apenas um jogador de cada vez. Número de jogadores: - Pelo menos dois. Regras: Cada jogador percorre um percurso já determinado e controla o arco com a gancheta. O objetivo do jogo é demorar o menor tempo possível a terminar o percurso. Quando o jogador deixa cair o o arco no chão, o jogo recomeça no local onde isso aconteceu. Gnha o jogador que chega primeiro à meta ou então aquele que demora menor tempo a completar o percurso determinado.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Chapter IV - ROMANIAN TRADITIONAL GAMES 4.1. 9 STONES 9 Stones is a simple but amusing game; a game that our parents and many of us played in the childhood. It is not only an activity of filling free time but one in which players develop their team spirit, develop the dexterity of feet and hands, learning also to respect certain rules.
The game is played with up to 6 players. First the players form a "castle" of 9 stones, placing them one above the other. The participants are divided into two teams. When the game starts, one of them will defend the castle, the other will attack it. Nine steps from the castle of stones will be counted and a line will be drawn. This is the point from where team 2 will try to demolish the castle with the ball. If the castle is still standing after all members of the team 2 have thrown the ball, the teams change roles and team 1 will try to demolish the castle with the ball. After the demolition of the castle, the defending team at that moment will have to recover the ball and to chase components of the other team, trying to get them out 46
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of the game (as in "ducks and hunters"). At the same time, the members of the team that managed to demolish the castle will have to rebuild the castle in order to win the game. They will have to do so without being hit with the ball by the opposing team. In the end, the defending team wins if it can put out of action all the members of the other team (by touching with the ball) before they rebuild the castle. The team that demolished the castle - if it can rebuild the stone castle before the other team put of action all the members. The winning team will start the next game in attack position. In my opinion it is an interesting game that I have enjoyed playing. Unfortunately it is not played by the children of the present generation and I think we need to change something. There are many beautiful games of this type that are "forgotten" because computers and other electronics. What should we do to change things?
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
9 PIETRE 9 Pietre este un joc simplu, dar distractiv; jocul pe care parintii nostrii si multi dintre noi l-au jucat in copilarie. Nu este doar o activitate de umplere a timpului liber ci una in care jucătorii îşi dezvoltă spiritul de echipa, îşi dezvoltă dexteritatea picioarelor şi a mâinilor, invatand totodata sa respecte anumite reguli. Jocul se joacă cu de la 6 jucători în sus. Pentru inceput jucatorii formeaza un "castel din 9 pietre asezandu-le una peste alta. Participantii se impart in doua echipe. Cand jocul incepe una dintre ele va apara castelul, cealalta il va ataca. Se vor numara 9 pasi de la castelul de piatra si se va trage o linie. De aici va incerca echipa 2 daramarea castelului, cu ajutorul mingii. Daca, dupa ce toti componentii echipei 2 arunca cu mingea, castelul este inca in picioare, echipele vor schimba rolul si echipa 1 va incerca ea sa darame castelul cu ajutorul mingii. Dupa daramarea castelului, echipa aflata in aparare in acel moment, va trebui sa recupereze mingea si va vana componentii celeilalte echipe, incercand sa ii scoata din joc (ca la ratele si vanatorii). In acelasi timp, componentii echipei care a reusit daramarea castelului vor trebui sa recladeasca castelul pentru a castiga jocul. Acestia vor trebui sa faca acest lucru fara sa fie loviti cu mingea de echipa adversa. La final va castiga echipa aflata in aparare daca reuseste sa scoata din joc (sa atinga cu mingea) toti componentii celeilalte echipe, inante ca acestia sa recladeasca castelul. Echipa care a daramat castelul – daca reuseste sa recladeasca castelul de piatra inainte ca cealalta echipa sa ii scoata toti componentii afara din joc. Echipa castigatoare va incepe urmatorul joc in poziti de atacant. In opinia mea, este un joc interesant pe care eu l-am jucat cu mare drag. Din pacate nu prea mai este jucat de copii din generatiile actuale si eu cred ca ar trebuii sa schimbam ceva. Sunt multe jocuri frumoase de acest gen care sunt “uitate’’ din cauza calculatorului si a altor electronice. Ce trebuie sa facem pentru a schimba ceva?
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
4.2. OINA Oina (or hoina) is a traditional Romanian sports game. The game was spread throughout the country, with a large number of names and variants: in Banat it was called the "small ball" or "saw" in Transylvania "long" or "long ball" in Sibiu area "Run away" in Muntenia and Moldova "hoina" and then in Maramures the "ojerul" or "oirul" in Dobrogea "long" etc. In some parts, the girls are also played by the girls as "oinita". It is similar to sports games common to other countries, such as the German Schlagball, the Finnish pesäpallo, the paul play in France and the Cluiche Corr Irish. The game requires complex sports qualities (good running speed, quick reflexes in self-defense moves against ball blasts, precision in throwing and hitting the ball with a stick or bat). Regulations Oina is an outdoor sports game on a rectangular ground, preferably covered with grass, between two teams of 11 players. The game starts when someone in the team kicks the ball in the air while another player in the same team has to hit it with a wooden stick and send it as far as he can. After that, if the ball is caught by the field team, the player must run (with or without another teammate) on the runway and then on the return lane trying not to be hit by the team at the grip. If he stops the ball with his palm, he is not considered "hit". The player is not allowed to catch the ball and must immediately release it. If the player is hit on the duct, he has to go to the bottom. If he is hit on the return aisle, he is removed from the game. Every time after the hit ball lands on one of which / triangles, a point is awarded to the team. Two points are awarded if the ball passes the bottom line and no point if the ball lands off the side. The team in the field is given two points each time they manage to hit a player running in the color. 49
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Rules The team at bat is selected by a ritual where the players have to grab the bat, thrown by the referee, and the last one to be able to place at least 4 fingers on the bat wins. The game begins with the team at bat, with one of the players throwing the ball while another player of the same team has to hit it with a wooden bat ("bâtă") and send it as far as he can towards the adversary field. After that, if the ball is caught by the adversaries, the player can run (if he wishes, or if he is forced to run by the referee) the advance and return corridors/lanes ("culoarele de ducere şi întoarcere"), without being hit by the defenders. If he stops the ball with his palm, it is not considered a hit. The player is not allowed to catch the ball, and he must release it immediately. If the player doing a run is hit he goes out of field and into the back zone, or he finishes his tasks, depending on which lane he is running. Ball A spherical ball made of leather, filled with horse, pig, or bovine hair is used in oină. The ball is around 8 cm in diameter and 140 grams in senior games and around 7 cm in diameter and 100 grams in U-18 games. Equipment Batting stick The ounce stick (or bay) is made of hardwood, such as fragile or ash. It has the shape of a trunk and has a length of 90 to 100 centimeters. The handle has two inches of two-inch tightening so that it does not slip out of the player's hand. The ball The ball is made of leather, has a diameter of eight centimeters and weighs about 140 grams. 50
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Oina (sau hoina) este un joc sportiv tradițional românesc. Jocul de oină era răspândit pe întreg cuprinsul țării, având un număr mare de denumiri și variante: în Banat i se spunea „lopta mică” sau „pila”, în Transilvania „de-a lunga” sau „lopta lungă”, în zona Sibiului „fuga”,în Muntenia și în Moldova „hoina” și apoi oina, în Maramureș „ojerul” sau „oirul”, în Dobrogea „de-a lunga” etc. În unele părți oina se juca și de către fete, sub numele de „oiniță”.Este asemănător cu jocuri sportive comune altor țări, cum ar fi Schlagball-ul german, pesäpallo-ul finlandez, jocul paume din Franța, respectiv Cluiche Corr-ul irlandez.
Jocul solicită calități sportive complexe (viteză bună de alergare, reflexe rapide în mișcările de autoapărare față de loviturile mingii, precizie în aruncarea și lovirea mingii cu un baston sau bâtă).
Regulament 51
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Oina este un joc sportiv practicat în aer liber, pe un teren dreptunghiular, preferabil acoperit cu iarbă, între două echipe de câte 11 jucători. Jocul începe când cineva din echipa la bătaie aruncă mingea în aer în timp ce un alt jucător din aceeași echipă trebuie să o lovească cu un baston din lemn și să o trimită cât poate el de departe. După aceea, dacă mingea este prinsă de echipa din teren, jucătorul trebuie să alerge (cu sau fără alt coechipier) pe culoarul de ducere iar apoi pe culoarul de întoarcere încercând să nu fie lovit de către echipa la prindere. Dacă oprește mingea cu palma, nu este considerat "lovit". Jucătorul nu are voie să prinda mingea și trebuie să îi dea drumul imediat. Dacă jucătorul este lovit pe culoarul de ducere, acesta este nevoit să se ducă în zona de fund. Dacă este lovit pe culoarul de întoarcere, el este eliminat din joc. De fiecare dată după ce mingea bătută aterizează pe unul din caree/triunghiuri i se acordă un punct echipei la bătaie. Se acordă două puncte dacă mingea trece de linia de fund și niciun punct dacă mingea iese din teren pe lateral. Echipei din teren i se acordă două puncte de fiecare dată când reușesc să lovească un jucător care fuge pe culoare. Echipament Bastonul de bătaie Bastonul (sau bâta) de oina este confecționat dintr-un lemn de esență tare, cum ar fi fragul sau frasinul. Are forma unui trunchi de con și are lungimea între 90 și 100 de centimetri. Mânerul are șantulețe din doi în doi centimetri pentru a nu aluneca din mâna jucătorului. Mingea Mingea este confecționată din piele, are diametrul de opt centimetri si cântărește aproximativ 140 grame.
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Children's game in which a searcher must find hidden players in a particular area previously established. Is called: Ajumitul, Eve, bees, the cuckoo, the Dubas, the LUSU, the Mija, the stealth, the Tupu ', Mija-Patca, Mojoarca, Mijoiu, Mijoatca, MotroaĹ&#x;ca, Pitulatu, Wren Hide-and-seek, or hide-and-go-seek, is a popular children's game in which any number of players (ideally at least three)[1] conceal themselves in the environment, to be found by one or more seekers. The game is played by one player chosen (designated as being "it") closing their eyes and counting to a predetermined number while the other players hide. For example, count to 100 in units of 5: "five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five thirty, thirty-five forty, forty-five fifty, fifty-five sixty, sixty-five seventy, seventy-five eighty, eighty-five ninety, ninety-five one hundred. Here I come, ready or not." After reaching this number, the player who is "it" calls "Ready or not, here I come!" and then attempts to locate all concealed players. How to play: Seeker, who is the "blinked" must stand facing the wall, tree, etc. (instead of "blinked") with eyes closed without speculate where others hide and count aloud to a certain number set. At the end of counting, the simplified version is crying with loud voice, "Who's ready or not ready, take it with a shovel," and starts looking for players. In another variant just shout: "No: and someone predetermined, check hid all and answer" NO ", and so on until all the children hide and the designated shouting" READY ". If during the search that led to "blinked" sees, discovers hiding, a player announces shouting his name and had to flee to the place of "blinked" to achieve by hand instead and say "phew" and saw the name of . If you 53
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saw the wrong name then all out and scream "You've broken pots and ate stuffed cabbage! . Many take advantage of acceasta rule and changes with each different clothing items to be mistaken. If the saw and correctly pronounce the name should run and get ahead of their pursuers not to be the "blinked". Usually marked last seen looking for is one that will be the "blinked" the next search. During search some of the players can take advantage of inattention seeker and come before him at "blinked." Sometimes, for fun and preserve the interests of all participants, it is established that if the last player before the seeker reaches the place of "blinked" and if you shout "Phew, last escape herd", the seeker to stay again "blinked." This "phew" dummy spit which symbolizes this player is marked on site. different variations in the game is giving up some "phew" and replace with "chicken" (chicken repezentand found the hen, or simply is more civilized than a symbolic spit), or enough to pronounce the name of the saw without even running to the place of "blinked" or the choice of the form the "blinked" has a preamble count, circle songs, or other game in which the sentence is to be designated as the seeker / pursuer / hunter, etc..
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De-a v-ați ascunselea este un joc din copilărie, în care mai mulți copii se ascund în mediul înconjurător, în afară de unul, care trebuie să-i găsească pe ceilalți. Înainte de a porni în căutarea lor, cel desemnat trebuie să numere până la un număr prestabilit, după care spune „Cine nu e gata, îl iau cu lopata.” Primul găsit este cel care va căuta în următoarea rundă. De-a v-ați ascunselea este un joc popular pentru copii, în care orice număr de jucători (în mod ideal cel puțin trei) se ascund în mediul înconjurător și pot fi găsiți de unul sau mai mulți căutători. Jocul este jucat de un jucător ales (desemnat ca fiind "el") închizându-și ochii și numărându-se la un număr predeterminat în timp ce ceilalți jucători se ascund. De exemplu, numărați la 100 în unități de 5: "cinci, zece, cincisprezece, douăzeci, douăzeci și cincizeci treizeci și cincizeci și patruzeci și cincizeci cincizeci și cincizeci șaizeci șaizeci și cinci șaptezeci, șaptezeci și cinci de optzeci, optzeci și cinci de nouăzeci, nouăzeci și cinci de sute. Aici vin, gata sau nu. După ce a ajuns la acest număr, jucătorul care este "el" cheamă "Gata sau nu, aici vin!" și apoi încearcă să localizeze toți jucătorii ascunși. Cum se joacă: Căutătorul, care este "clipit", trebuie să stea în fața peretelui, copacului etc. (în loc de "clipit"), cu ochii închiși, fără să speculeze unde ceilalți ascund și numără cu voce tare un anumit set. La sfârșitul numărării, versiunea simplificată plânge cu voce tare, "Cine e gata sau nu, să o ia cu o lopată" și începe să caute jucători. Într-o altă variantă striga: "Nu: și cineva predeterminat, verificați ascunse tot și răspundeți" NU "și așa mai departe până când toți copiii se ascund și strigătele desemnate" READY ".Dacă în timpul căutării care a condus la" clipit " descoperă ascunzându-se, un jucător anunță să strige numele său și a trebuit să fugă la locul "mișcat" pentru a obține cu mâna în loc și a spune "phew" și a văzut numele lui Dacă ați văzut numele greșit apoi tot afară și țipa "Tu" au vase sparte și mânca varză umplute! . Mulți profită de regula acceasta și se schimbă cu fiecare 55
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articol de îmbrăcăminte diferit pentru a fi confundat. În cazul în care văzut și pronunța în mod corect numele ar trebui să ruleze și să obțină înainte de urmăritorii lor să nu fie "clipit". În mod obișnuit marcat cautat ultima dată caută este unul care va fi "mișcat" următoarea căutare. În timpul căutării, unii dintre jucători pot profita de căutătorul de lipsă de atenție și pot veni în fața lui la "clipit". Uneori, pentru distracție și pentru a păstra interesele tuturor participanților, se stabilește că dacă ultimul jucător înaintea căutătorului ajunge în locul "clipit" și dacă strigați "Phew, ultimul șef de evadare", solicitantul de a rămâne din nou "clipi. " Această scuipă falsă, care simbolizează acest jucător, este marcată pe site. diferitele variații ale jocului se renunță la unele "pui" și se înlocuiesc cu "pui" (puiul repetă și găsește găina sau pur și simplu este mai civilizat decât o scuipat simbolic) sau suficient pentru a pronunța numele ferăstrăului fără a locul "mișcat" sau alegerea formei "clipit" are un număr de preambul, cântece de cerc sau alt joc în care sentința urmează să fie desemnată ca căutător / urmăritor / vânător etc.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
4.4. COPS AND ROBBERS / THIEVES AND COPS Children's game in which a team has to catch thieves robbers. The rules are as malleable in any child's play differs from district, city or region. It establishes that the thieves are allowed to hide possibly the maximum period in which to stay hidden in a place (to remove boredom from too much looking, if well-hidden). It is based on sincerity, is considered one who is seen first broke and claiming he was shot (usually shout bang-bang I shot and pronator name is pronounced in some areas prrr-pac (like machine guns) ). Wilderness of wood, plastic or any other material, if any, are purely symbolic, and one that is seen first need to recognize that it was shot down. At participating evolved in many times and is now the most mature paintball, playing with weapons that perfectly mimic real ones, but that shoot balls of ink. It takes a special protective equipment that mimic military equipment, the most visible effect is that infuse the atmosphere of war, but their primary purpose is to protect you if the ink you scoring (shot).
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Hotii si vardistii / Hotii si politistii
Joc de copii ĂŽn care o echipa vardistii trebuie sa prinda hotii. Regulile sunt ca in orice joc de copii maleabile difera de cartier, localitate sau zona. Se stabileste zona in care hotii au voie sa se ascunda, eventual perioada maxima in care sa stea ascunsi intr-un loc (pentru a inlatura plictiseala de prea mult cautat, in cazul locurilor bine ascunse). Se bazeaza pe sinceritate, se considera doborat cel care este vazut primul si este anuntat ca a fost impuscat ( de obicei se striga poc-poc team impuscat si se pronuta numele, in unele zone se pronunta prrr-pac (ca la mitraliere)). Pustile din lemn, plastic sau orice alt material daca exista, sunt pur simbolice, iar cel care este vazut primul trebuie sa recunoasca ca a fost doborat. La nivel mai evoluat in care participa de multe ori si cei mai maturi este acum paintball-ul, care se joaca cu arme care imita perfect pe cele reale, dar care trag cu bile cu cerneala. Este nevoie de un echipament de protectie special, care imita echipamentul militar, efectul cel mai vizibil este atmosfera de razboi care o insufla, dar scopul lor principal este de a te proteja de cerneala in cazul in care esti marcat (impuscat).
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Children's game in which collides with a stick another stick to be thrown far away.
The player who starts the game is placed in a circle, where the stick strikes above. If the opponent catches the flight stick won the game, if not catch stick, then three inercari entitled to cast him in a circle, during which the learned circle must reject stick. As in any game, the rules are malleable and are set before the game (they vary from area to area). So stick can be thrown from your hand or in your hand and then hit with a stick larger, or can be put down and hit with big stick in order to jump to the ground and then hit to be thrown as far (in this case must be less sharp stick at the ends).
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
ŢURCA Joc pentru copii, in care se loveste cu un băț un alt bețișor care trebuie aruncat cât mai departe. Betisorul trebuie adus de echipa adversa "acasa". Jucatorul care incepe jocul, este plasat intr-un cerc, de unde loveste betisorul amintit mai sus. Echipa adversa daca prinde betisorul din zbor a castigat jocul, daca nu prinde betisorul, atunci are dreptul la trei inercari de a-l arunca in cerc, ocazie cu care cel aflat in cerc trebuie sa respinga betisorul. Ca in orice joc, regulile sunt maleabile si se stabilesc inainte de joc (ele difera de la zona la zona). Astfel betisorul poate fi aruncat din mana sau tinut in mana, iar ulterior lovit cu batul mai mare, sau poate fi pus jos si lovit odata cu batul mare, pentru a fi saltat de la pamant si pe urma lovit pentru a fi aruncat cat mai departe (in acest caz betisorul trebuie sa fie putin ascutit la capete)..
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Game in which each player has equal parts of a circle on the ground made soft enough that knife / knife player to be able poked and remain stuck when throwing from different positions required by the rules stabilte from the beginning. Examples of throwing and position: the hand with knife tip to finger tip of the hand to the body, forehead, nose, etc. .. When the knife stick into enemy territory is draw a line that follows the direction of the blade and the territory of which increases with the cast that. Any failure in a knife poked in neighboring territories reduces the chances of plots November conquer and win. Required pitches are in your territory. It is believed that you won (won) when the opponent is no longer able to stay stable in feet (or foot) in territories where it belongs when you have to throw the knife. It sits on land only when throwing knife November plots to conquer Earth, otherwise stay away as the direction in which the knife throwing. Attention to play with sharp objects older children and present legal provisions for the protection of children!
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
DE-A BRICIUL / BRICEAGUL /TARILE Joc in care fiecare jucator detine parti egale dintr-un cerc, facut pe pamant suficient de moale incat briceagul/cutitasul jucatorului sa se poata infinge si sa ramana infipt cand este aruncat din diferite pozitii impuse de regulile stabilte de la inceput . Exemple de aruncari si pozitii: din palma cu varful briceagului spre degete, din palma cu varful spre corp, de pe frunte, nas, etc.. Cand briceagul se infige in teritoriul adversarului se trage o linie care urmareste directia lamei iar teritoriul celui care a aruncat se mareste cu partea respectiva. Orice esec in a infinge briceagul in teritoriul vecin micsoreaza sansele de a cucerii noi parcele si de a castiga. Obligatoriu aruncarile se fac din teritoriul tau. Se considera ca ai castigat (cucerit) cand adversarul nu mai are posibilitatea sa stea stabil in picioare (sau pe un picior) pe teritorului care ii apartine, atunci cand trebuie sa arunce briceagul. Se sta pe teritoriu numai cand arunci cu briceagul pentru a cucerii noi parcele de pamant, altfel se sta cat mai ferit de directia in care se arunca briceagul.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Children's game in which a team is a string consisting of pole (neutral player), and the first player you are in "fight" stand bent, head neutral player's hands (which you hand-stands clasped about in the right arm), the next player, bent, his head between the legs of the first player, taking the hands off the feet first player or to them and so on (is looking for everyone to have as high stability). Other team members jump back row defense, compulsory shouting "thick milk", so as to enable all team members to be able to climb the string format was not unbalanced or foot touching the ground, and if possible to land by force and break the string format. If the landing string breaks when those who are lean, remain to "beat" continue to form the string. If the string was not broken, then the first player is the sequence (those staying lean) show the fingers of one hand a number from 1-5, neutral player. Team leader is at stake has to guess the number of fingers shown. The game is lost if: - The player jumps back bend move players after landing to lie better (required should remain still, which can result in losing the game by: fall, reaching the ground, unable to string up all team ) - One of the players who jumped (and is on the back of the other team players) foot touches the ground - If one of the players who jumps forgets to say "thick milk" - If a player wants to jump does not occur in string - If the string was broken (this can be caused both by the landing blow and the weight of poor posture or to jump). 63
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LAPTE GROS Joc pentru copii, in care o echipa face un sir, format din stalp (jucator neutru), iar primul jucător al echipe ce se afla la "bataie" sta aplecat, cu capul în mâinile jucatorului neutru (care tine mainele impreunate aproximativ in dreptul braului), următorul jucător, aplecat, cu capul între picioarele primului jucător, tinandu-se cu mainele de picoarele primului jucator sau de ale sa-le si asa mai departe (se cauta ca fiecare sa aiba cat mai mare stabilitate). Membrii celeilalte echipe sar pe rand pe spatele echipei adverse, strigand obligatoriu "lapte gros", astfel incat sa dea posibilitatea ca toti membrii echipei sa se poata urca pe sirul format, sa nu se dezechilibreze sau sa atinga cu piciorul pamantul, iar daca este posibil sa aterizeze cu forta si sa rupa sirul format. Daca la aterizare se rupe sirul atunci cei care sunt aplecati, raman la "bataie" sa formeze in continuare sirul. Daca sirul nu a fost rupt, atunci primul jucator care este pe sir (cei care stau aplecaţi) arata cu degetele de la una din maini un număr de la 1 la 5, jucatorului neutru . Seful echipei care este la bataie trebuie sa ghiceasca numarul de degete aratat. Jocul este pierdut daca: - jucătorul care sare pe spatele jucătorilor aplecaţi se mişca după ce a aterizat pentru a se aseza mai bine (obligatoriu trebuie sa ramana nemiscat, fapt care poate determina pierderea jocului prin: caderea acestuia, atingerea pamantului, imposibilitatea de a se urca toata echipa pe sir) - unul dintre jucătorii care au sărit (şi se află pe spatele jucătorilor celeilalte echipe) atinge cu piciorul pământul - dacă unul dintre jucătorii care sare, uită sa spună “lapte gros” - dacă un jucător care doreşte să sară nu mai are loc pe sir - daca sirul a fost rupt (acest lucru poate fi provocat atat de lovitura puternica la aterizare cat si de pozitia incomoda sau greutatea celui care a sarit) 64
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Children's game in which two teams make a turn in front, consisting of players who are holding hands. First team shouted Country, Country, we soldier! The other team answer Who? It answers "... and choose a player on the second team. Player selected must run and try to break the chain of hands formed the first echipă.Unii players when running joins hand-stands in front and hit them with full force, hand-stands the opponent players to undock. If he manages to break the chain means to save and return to his team after the rules stabilte possibly can choose a player as punishment. If this fails to break the chain will move the team who called. Remains the only team with a player loses the game.
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Joc pentru copii, in care cele doua echipe fac cate un rand faţă în faţă, format din jucătorii care se tin de mâini. Prima echipa strigă Ţară, ţară, vrem ostaş ! Cealaltă echipă răspunde Pe cine ? Se răspunde "Pe … şi aleg un jucător din echipa a doua. Jucătorul ales trebuie să alerge şi să încerce să spargă lanţul de mâini format de prima echipă.Unii jucatori cand alearga impreuneaza mainele in fata si lovesc cu ele cu toata forta, mainele jucatorilor echipei adverse pentru a le desprinde. Dacă reuşeşte să rupă lanţul înseamnă că s-a salvat şi revine la echipa lui, eventual dupa regulile stabilte poate alege un jucator drept pedeapsa. Dacă nu reuşeşte să spargă lanţul va trece în echipa care l-a chemat. Echipa care rămâne numai cu un jucător pierde jocul.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Min 8
Set up time
2 minutes
Playing time
Depend on the number of the players
Playing area
Running , catching
The children are divided into two equal teams. Each player has a number. The “team leader,” sitting in the middle of a circle holding a handkerchief, calls the players by numbers. One of the most common bluffs used in the game is to make as if one will grab the handkerchief, and allow the opponent to catch the handkerchief and catch him. Whichever team succeeds in grabbing the handkerchief the most times, wins the game. The losing team is “punished” by being made to carry the other children on their backs, sing a song, or forced to do some ridiculous act. Sometimes the winning team gets the prize put in the centre.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Minumum 8
Oyunun Hazırlanma Süresi 2 dakika Oynanma Süresi
Oyuncu Sayısına bağlı
Oyun Alanı
Koşma, Yakalama
Oyuncular iki eşit gruba ayrılır ve karşılıklı olarak sıra halinde dizilirler. İki sıranın ortasına çizgi çekilir ve kaptan seçilir. Kaptan bu çizginin üzerinde mendili elinde tutarak oyuncuların isimlerini veya sıra numaralarını söyler. İki gruptan da oyuncular koşar ve mendili kapmaya çalışır. Mendili kapamayan oyuncu mendili kapan oyuncuyu kovalar. Mendili kapan oyuncu yakalanmadan eski yerine dönerse, kovalayan oyuncu oyundan çıkar. Eğer yakalanır ve mendili kaptırırsa oyundan kendisi çıkar. Oyun belirlenen tur sayısında biter ve oyuncu sayısı daha fazla olan grup oyunu kazanır. 68
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
M alzemeler
Set up tim e
1 minute or less
Playing time
No limit
Playing Area
Yard, court, room ,street etc
A yard, court, room, street or other area is chosen as the playing arena. One player is nominated as a "Puss" and takes his place in the centre of the area. Each of the other four players selects one of the corners and takes his/her place there. Play begins with the four corner players attempting to exchange places with each other in any direction. "Puss" attempts to gain a corner during the exchange. If he succeeds, the player without a corner becomes "Puss" and takes his place in the middle of the area. Play resumes in a similar manner.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Oyunun Hazırlanma Süresi
1 dakika
Oynanma Süresi
İstendiği kadar
Oyun Alanı
Sokak, düz alan, bahçe, salon
Ebe diğer oyunculara göre ortada bir yerde durur. Oyuncular ebeye yakalanmadan, birbirleriyle köşeleri sürekli değiştirmeye çalışırlar. Bu değiştirme sırasında ebeye yakalanan oyuncu köşesini kaybeder ve kendisi ebe olur. Oyuncular, sözde yer değiştiriyormuş gibi hareket edip ebeyi yanıltabilir. Bu oyun çok zevklidir. 70
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
5.3. DODGE BALL Materials
Min 3
Set up time
2-3 minutes
Playing time
No limit
Playing area
Yard, court etc
Running, throwing and catching the ball
Dodge ball is a sport played by throwing soft balls, or hard rubber balls, at people in a square court. The goal is to be the last one to be hit with the ball. The players divide into two equal teams. Players may only throw balls at people who are not on their own team. If a player is hit by the ball, he or she should lose life and go to the outside of the court to the other team. From the outside, players throw the ball at players still on the inside. If the ball is caught in the air by the other team, they win an extra life. The more you win life the more you have right to be hit. Dodge ball is often played in elementary schools in physical education classes. Many school children play this game. In recent years, many adults who played it as children have formed adult leagues and clubs. Tournaments are sometimes held in schools.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
YAKAN TOP M alzemeler
En az 3
Oyunun Hazırlanma Süresi
2-3 dakika
Oynanma Süresi
Oyun Alanı
Sokak, düz alan, bahçe, salon
Yakan Top çok koşturmalı bol attırmalı bir oyundur. Yakan Top oyununun diğer adı Ortada Sıçan Oyunu dur. Aynı takım oyuncuları (A takımı) topun karşı tarafa fırlatılabileceği kadar mesafe (yaklaşık 4-7 metre) aralık bırakılarak iki tarafa ayrılır. Ortada ise rakip takımın (B takımı) oyuncuları yer alır. A takımı oyuncuları topu birbirlerine fırlatırken ortada duran B takımı oyuncularını vurmaya çalışır. Vurulan oyuncu yanmış olur ve oyundan çıkar. A takımının fırlattığı top hiç yere değmeden B takımının oyuncuları tarafından el ile tutulursa tutan oyuncu bir can kazanmış olur. Kaç adet canı var ise o kadar yanma hakkı vardır. Bu canlarıyla isterse oyundan çıkmış arkadaşlarını oyuna dahil edebilir. Oyuna sokulan oyuncu tekrardan toptan kaçmaya çalışır. Bütün oyuncular vurulduğunda vuran ile vurulan takım değişir. Yakan top oyunu böyle devam eder gider.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
Blind fold
Min 3
Set up time
2-3 minutes
Playing time
No limit
Playing area
Inside or outside
Audio skills, catching
To play the standard game of blindman’s buff, one player is blindfolded and then disoriented by being spun around several times. The other players, who are not blindfolded, amuse themselves by calling out to the “blind man” and dodging away from him. In the Middle Ages blindman’s buff was an adult game, and the blindfolded player was usually struck and buffeted as well, hence “buff.” A player touched or caught by the blind man takes on the blindfold, although sometimes the blind man must guess the identity of his captive before the blindfold is removed (if the guess is wrong, the captive is released and the game continues).
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
M alzemeler
En az 3
Oyunun Hazırlanma Süresi
2-3 dakika
Oynanma Süresi
Oyun Alanı
İçerisi ya da dışarısı
Duyusal Yetenekler, Yakalama
Oynamaya başlamamızdan önce bir tekerleme veya sayı yardımıyla ebe olacak kişi seçilir. Ebe seçilen kişinin gözü eşarp veya bir bez yardımıyla kapatılır. Daha sonra ebe ortaya alınır veya diğer oyuncular onun etrafında serbest bir şekilde gezinir. Ebe seçilen kişinin yapması gereken eli ile diğer arkadaşlarından birini tutup ebeliğini ona devretmektir. Diğer oyuncular da oyun sırasında körebe, sesime gel şeklinde bağırıp veya ebeye dokunup kaçarak eğlenir. Ebe ise bu seslerden ve diğer oyuncuların dokunup kaçmasından yararlanıp onların yerini tespit etmeye çalışır. Bu sayede onları yakalayabilir.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
M aterials
Teetotum, chalk, stick
Set up tim e
2-3 minutes
Playing time
No limit
Playing area
Every flat floor
The game can be played by single or multiplayer. Firstly they draw a circle on the floor and then the teetotum is wrapping by cotton rope. The teetotum must be spinning in the circle. The player loses the game when teetotum is left the circle. The player tries to keep the teetotum inside the circle. The game is played 5 times and the winner is the one who gets the highest points.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
M alzemeler
En az 2
Oyunun Hazırlanma Süresi
2-3 dakika
Oynanma Süresi
Oyun Alanı
İçerisi ya da dışarısı
El kol koordinasyonu
Topaç, çoğunlukla köşeleri yuvarlatılmış koni şeklinde, sivri ucu üzerinde ve dikey bir eksen etrafında dönen oyuncak. İki ya da daha fazla oyuncunun bir araya gelmesiyle oynanan zevkli bir oyundur. Öncelikle bir daire çizilir. Sırası gelen oyuncu topacın etrafına ip sarar ve topacı daire içine atıp ipi çekerek topacı çevirmeye çalışır. Eğer topaç daire dışına çıkarsa ya da topaç dönmezse oyuncu o turdan puan alamaz. Oyun 5 tur oynanır ve en çok puan alan oyunu kazanmış sayılır.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
M aterials
Set up tim e
2 minutes
Playing time
No limit
Playing area
The first child should crouch down and rest their hands on their knees. The second player runs up to the crouched child in front, placing his/here hands on crouched child’s back and leaping over like a frog, straddling their legs wide apart on each side. On landing, this player immediately stoops down into the frog position so that the third player has to leap over the first and second, and then adopts the crouching position for the fourth player to leap over. When all the players are stooping, the last in the line begins leaping over all the others in turn.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
M alzemeler
En az 3
Oyunun Hazırlanma Süresi
2-3 dakika
Oynanma Süresi
Oyun Alanı
İçerisi ya da dışarısı
El kol koordinasyonu, Zıplama, hoplama
Bu oyunda kişi sınırlaması yoktur. Kişi sayısı arttıkça oyun daha zevkli hale gelir. İlk oyuncu elleri dizlerine değecek şekilde eğilir. Diğer oyuncu eğilen oyuncunun üstünden atlar ve eğilir. Sırayla bütün öğrenciler aynı hareketi tekrarlar (atla ve eğil). Oyun bu şekilde devam eder. 78
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
M aterials
Bocce balls, coin, a target object
Max 4 for per team
Set up tim e
10 minutes
Playing time
Continues until the determined point
Playing area
Rolling the ball
Bocce is played with eight large balls and one smaller target or object ball called a pallina. There are four balls per team and they are made of a different colour or pattern to distinguish the balls of one team from those of the other team. The game is played with two teams, with each team having one, two, or four players. For four player teams, each player throws one ball. For two player teams, each player throws two balls. For one player teams, each player throws four balls. When there are multiple players on a team, a playing rotation is determined at the start of a game and is maintained throughout the entire game. A game begins with the toss of a coin. The team that wins the coin toss can choose to either have first toss of the pallina or the colour of the balls they will use. The main aim is rolling the ball to the nearest point of the pallina. The side whose ball is closest to the pallina is called the "in" ball and the opposing side the "out" ball. Whenever a team gets "in", it steps aside and allows the "out" team to deliver. The other team throws until it gets its ball closer (not ties) to the pallina. This continues until both teams have thrown all their Bocce balls. After both teams have exhausted all their balls, a frame is over and points are awarded.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
BOCCE M alzemeler
Takımlar en fazla 4 kişiden oluşur
Oyunun Hazırlanma Süresi
10 dakika
Oynanma Süresi
15 puan kazanana kadar
Oyun Alanı
İçerisi ya da dışarısı
El kol koordinasyonu, top yuvarlama
yuvarladığınız veya attığınız toplarınızın hedefe en yakın olmasını sağlamaktır. Rakip toplarından hedef topa daha yakın olarak atılan her top için oyuncu veya takım 1 puan almaktadır. 15 puan alan oyuncu veya takım oyunu ( maçı ) kazanmaktadır. Eğer rakibin topu hedef topa daha yakınsa ve sizin yuvarlamanız olanaksızsa hedef topu ya da rakip topu vurmak için de atış yapılabilmektedir. Oyun başlarken ilk önce atılan top rastgele herhangi bir yere atılır. Atılan bu top oyunda atılacak olan topların yaklaşması gereken bir yeri belirlemek içindir. Başlangıç atışı yapan sporcu küçük topa en yakın atışı yapmaya çalışarak küçük topa erişimi de engellemiş olmaktadır. Hem de amacına ulaşarak küçük topa en yakın yere konumlanmış olmaktadır. Atışlarda toplardan biri küçük topa değerek topun yerini değiştirse oyunda topların yaklaşması gereken yer küçük topun gittiği yer olur. 80
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
5.8. TOMBİK M aterials
Stones, a ball
Min 6
Set up tim e
5 minutes
Playing time
No limit
Playing area
Yard, court etc.
Rolling the ball, running, throwing the ball
There are two teams and each team has a leader. The leaders of the teams choose the players. Then the teams determine the first team by flipping a coin. After that the winner team starts the game by rolling the ball trying to hit the stones. If they succeed to shot the stones they run away and the other team run after them and try to hit them with the ball. Meanwhile the member of the escaping team tries to restore the knocked down stones. . If the escaping team manages to restore the stones before its last player is hit, they say “tombik” and get one point. That means they will play again. If all the players in group are hit, the other group has a right to play.
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life
TOMBİK M alzemeler
Taş, Top
En az 6
Oyunun Hazırlanma Süresi
5 dakika
Oynanma Süresi
Oyun Alanı
Açık Alan, okul bahçesi, sokak
El kol koordinasyonu, top yuvarlama, yakalama, koşma
Oyun 5 – 8 adet yassı taş ve 1 adet top ile oynananır. Oyuna başlamadan önce grupları oluşturmak için grup liderleri sırayla oyuncularını seçerler. Seçme işlemine kimin başlayacağı yazı tura ile belirlenir. Oyuncu seçmede birinci olan grup, taşların karşısına arka arkaya dizilerek geçer ve taşlara belli bir mesafe uzaklıkta durur. Diğer grup da taşların arkasında bekler. Atıcı olan grubun elemanları başta lider olmak üzere topla taşları devirmek için atış yapmaya başlarlar. Yapılan atışlar sonucunda eğer taşlar yıkılırsa, atıcı grup kaçmaya başlar. Ebe olan diğer grup ise topla onların arkasından koşarak onları vurmaya çalışır. Ebe olan grup birisinin arkasından koşarken, kaçan grubun diğer elemanları yıkılan taşları üst üste koyup, eski haline getirmeye çalışırlar. Eğer taşları dizebilirlerse galip olurlar, Tombik diye bağırırlar ve atıcılık yeniden onlara geçer. Oyun sırasında vurulan kişiler taşları dizemezler. Eğer tüm grup vurulursa, diğer grup onların yerini alır ve onlar yeni ebe olurlar. Tüm grup, vurulmadan taşları üst üste dizmeyi başarırsa; ebe değişmez oyuna yeniden başlanır. 82
Erasmus+: European Values and Being Physically Active through Games for a Better Life