3 alternatives to marriage counseling

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3 Alternatives To Marriage Counseling

If you are experiencing marital problems and don't think visiting a counselor is an option, here are a few alternatives to marriage counseling. Living in a frustrating and difficult marriage can lead to depression and health related issues. You don't have to be a Doctor to know that extended periods of stress is not good for your mind or body. I hope this article can help you end the pain and frustrations, starting today. Ok, I need to be perfectly honest here and say that if your marriage is in trouble then you most likely will need marriage counseling. The only question is what type of counseling are you open to that can help you improve your marriage. So, perhaps a better way to phrase it is "Alternatives to Traditional Marriage Counseling".

What I'm assuming is that you aren't ready as a couple to visit a marriage counselor or have a Therapist show up at your house to discuss your marriage. Many couples aren't able to commit to this type of counseling and look for alternatives.

Alternatives To Traditional Marriage Counseling

Attend a Marriage Retreat Weekend

I know what you are thinking and it's not true. Most marriage retreat or encounter weekends are wonderful opportunities to reconnect with your spouse. It's generally good food, fun and a time to recapture the feelings you had for each other early on in the marriage.

You don't have to worry about having to publicly discuss any problems in your marriage. Generally, there are a few couples invited to lead the weekend that discuss their marriage obstacles and how they overcame them. It's more of a chance to sit back and take it all in and then see how you can incorporate what others have done to improve their marriage. It's a good alternative to marriage counseling. The one I attended was fantastic and a few couples who were a few days away from divorce or separation saved their marriage.

Spend Time With The Right Couples

It's very easy to want to emulate the people we hang out with. If you want a good marriage it's a good idea to be around positive married couples and people. Once we get married we only have a few examples of marriage to go by, our parents, grandparents or perhaps a few close neighbors or family friends. No training is provided and it's on the job training once you get married. So the best way to learn is by observing. If you know of some strong marriages, see if you can have some couples nights or visits and use this as an alternative to marriage counseling.

Use Self-help Resources

In this day and age that we live in you really wouldn't have to leave your house if you didn't want to. So it's very possible to find resources that you can use in the privacy of your home as an alternative to marriage counseling. The good thing is that you can learn together or if that is not an option you can use the resources and improve your marriage with or without your spouses help.

The only thing I would strongly recommend is that you do something if your marriage has hit a difficult patch and you need an alternative to marriage counseling. The saddest thing I see is couples who never tried anything and let their marriage end.

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