Slave To The Pretenders
A fool I am For The Pretenders and My Time I won't let them shine Forever darkness you coward confess Do you play with Love? The white dove is gone Freedom is no more Where is my Love? Coward confess My Light seemed a bless To your face i consume clear air To your body I consume clear water You to your body you consume illness Coward confess You seem a mess A fool I was
To be stuck in fake pleasure They give to other women of the dead Blonde hair blue eyes and mad How they exactly want their wom-men A mannequin Men they are Infertile What a joke Fool I was I sometimes still am When I fall for their Plan To brainwash me To brainwash me Does Putin want me? The answer is no. Why do I want him? I don't know Foolish I am a fool The Lonely Dark Skinned Somalian fool, Let's see how this one will go Empowered my Light While I here lay today Enslaved by my law love Work for me Work for The Innocent Those who pretend!
Nadiya Amina A.M. Mohado Sheikh Nur 30-11-1995 For Putin 25-02-2022