when a frequency when i was there when was i there? did you got A Man scared? does she really write poems? its been planned. to make me look like nothing when I started writing survival poetry to mess with me i always write through me with Mind belongs to only Me the Rich want to steal away i let Nature come your way and blow Woosh did It made Your Man scared!? put a satalite on my head use me like testdummy Davids died from
Adolf I say innocent a family line like Heinz's lovestories put my brain on pause to bring things in i think you should see jail before I win this duel in the mind terrorists al shabaab when not wearing that niqaab hijaab i still love Arabia always one two Sheikh Nur Light i Might Even At Night Princess of … Nature?
nadiya Amina A. M. Mohado Sheikh Nur Muhammed like David Like Christian, Jesus. they are NOT!!! we only write like this and suffer!!! if you have a sufferless past you are a fraud. claiming my poetry. already.