A National Assessment of the Roles and Responsibilities of Training Officers
Introduction Training Officer (TO) definition: “used interchangeably with instructor, preceptor, and mentor”1 “can provide an unbiased viewpoint regarding the ability of the paramedic in question”2 one who attests to the continued competencies of practicing EMS professionals in specific out-ofhospital skills3 1.Nepon B, Eberly B. Field training officer: tips and techniques for FTOs, preceptors, and mentors. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2008. 2. Kuehl A. National Assoication of EMS Physicians. Prehospital Systems and Medical Oversight. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Lifeline, 1994. 3. NREMT. Paramedic Recertification Form 2012. Columbus, OH, 2011
Introduction EMS system leaders rely heavily on these individuals to implement changes within an EMS system and to ensure competency of practicing EMS professionals. Little is understood about the true roles and responsibilities of TOs
Objectives To describe demographic and work-life characteristics of TOs Estimate the number of hours spent on specific TO tasks in a typical week Determine methods of training officer appointment and education received after appointment. Assess differences of roles in EMS service types and size
Methodology: Study Design Cross-sectional census analysis TOs obtained from NREMT database TOs updated and maintained by the agency and its existing TOs Data collection began February 2011 Participation had no bearing on agency affiliation or national certification
Methodology: Variables of Interest Demographics Work-life Characteristics TO Tasks and Roles TO Appointment and Education
Methodology: Data Analysis Web-based survey software Shapiro-Wilk test for normality Medians presented if non normally distributed
Chi-square test (Îą=0.05) Mann-Whitney U test (Îą=0.05)
Results 51% response rate
Discussion Demographics were consistent with profession EMS services seem to be piecing together the TO role Large percentage of TOs have received no education or training for this role
Discussion TOs reported spending a median of one hour observing the continued competency of individuals in their service Little time is spent orienting new employees Who is doing this?
Limitations NREMT TO database No state approval required Individual may be responsible for signing off on individuals and not observing them
Nonresponder bias Respondent error
Which statistical test?