Medical assessment

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EMT-B PATIENT ASSESSMENT/MANAGEMENT-MEDICAL Evaluator states: “You are to demonstrate an appropriate assessment of a medical patient. Check your equipment and let me know when you are ready to begin. You have ten minutes to complete your assessment and will be notified when you have two minutes remaining.”




I am taking appropriate BSI precautions.

* Takes or verbalizes appropriate body substance isolation precautions (CRITICAL CRITERIA)



ACTION/VERBAL RESPONSE I am determining if the scene is safe. I am determining the nature of illness. I am determining the number of patients. I am determining the need for additional help. I am taking/directing appropriate c-spine precautions.

* Assess scene safety (CRITICAL CRITERIA) Determine nature of illness Determine number of patients Assess need for additional help Take cervical spine precautions as necessary


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Verbalizes general impression of patient

I observe an approximately ___ year old male/female patient who appears to be in mild/moderate/severe distress (determine one and state it). EYES OPEN/AWAKE: “Hello, my name is _________ and I am an EMT, I am going to take care of you.” What is your name? How old are you?” I have determined the patient is awake and alert (if eyes are open but patient seems confused, state it). EYES CLOSED: Determine responsiveness using: Alert - Verbal - Painful - Unresponsive “What seems to be the problem?” I am identifying and managing apparent life threats. IF PATIENT SPEAKS TO YOU: I have determined the airway is patent. IF PATIENT DOES NOT SPEAK OR IS UNCONSCIOUS: I am assessing the airway for patency. I am assessing breathing for: adequate rate & tidal volume, labored or easy. At this time, I would initiate oxygen therapy if appropriate. (specify the device and appropriate flow rate) I am assessing for presence of a pulse at the carotid artery (unconscious pt.) or radial artery (conscious pt.), assessing approximate rate, strength, and regularity. I am assessing for and controlling severe bleeding.

Determines responsiveness/level of consciousness

Determines chief complaint Identify apparent life threats * Assess airway/initiate appropriate airway management (CRITICAL CRITERIA) * Assess breathing/initiate appropriate oxygen therapy (CRITICAL CRITERIA) * Assess circulation (CRITICAL CRITERIA)

* Assess and control severe bleeding (CRITICAL CRITERIA)

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Assess skin signs

I am assessing the skin for color, temperature and moisture. (Assess capillary refill time in patients under the age of 6) At this time I have determined the patient is low or high priority (select one)

State priority of patient for transport

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