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Renderings of Arts-Based Methodology

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It is a nonlinear pattern of inquiry. It consists of folding and unfolding the fabric of experience in a process of differentiation


Research, is a state of not knowing – or even better, not yet knowing along with a

desire for knowledge. Thus, it is important to keep the view of Artist, Researcher and Teacher in how outputs are emerging.


It is the act of unsettling all points of tension and allows for slippage in praxis, unsettling the points of tension

“These were all wonderful presentations and I enjoyed seeing them. What really struck me was how impactful your projects were. They all attempted to develop something concrete: develop new pedagogy, help students in their learning, develop yourselves as teachers, create value and change. You can be really proud of this!”

- Dr Susanna Hast,

Uniarts Helsinki

Read more DAR:E in the issuu catalogue

Metaphor and Metonymy

Through metaphors and metonymic relationships, we make things sensible— that is, accessible to the senses


Openings promote dislocations and displacements in research

“A beautiful, inspired, provocative, critical, creative, honest, and needed week of sharing through DAR:E. I applaud the effort you have put into this work, the leaps made, the realizations, and the ‘ah-ha’ moments along the way.”

- Professor Rose Martin,



Excess refers to writing from within and through the body. It is the intersection of facts, figures, and image into language

Living Inquiry

Here, written, and performative processes are enacted as a living practise in art making, researching and teaching

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