Research in Education and Arts Practice (REAP@NAFA) Issue 3 - Living in Liminality

Page 44

Renderings of Arts-Based Methodology

Research, is a state of not knowing – or even better, not yet knowing along with a desire for knowledge. Thus, it is important to keep the view of Artist, Researcher and Teacher in how outputs are emerging.



It is a nonlinear pattern of inquiry. It consists of folding and unfolding the fabric of experience in a process of differentiation

It is the act of unsettling all points of tension and allows for slippage in praxis, unsettling the points of tension

“These were all wonderful presentations and I enjoyed seeing them. What really struck me was how impactful your projects were. They all attempted to develop something concrete: develop new pedagogy, help students in their learning, develop yourselves as teachers, create value and change. You can be really proud of this!” - Dr Susanna Hast, Uniarts Helsinki

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