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hey, yo


Seorang siswa butuh kedisiplinan untuk menghadapi ujian. Seorang atlit butuh kedisiplinan untuk bertanding. Seorang musisi butuh kedisiplinan untuk tampil di atas panggung. Dan kita, sebagai pengikut Kristus, juga butuh kedisiplinan. Bukan kedisiplinan fisik, melainkan kedisiplinan rohani untuk memiliki pertumbuhan iman menjadi iman yang dewasa. Kedisiplinan rohani ga gampang buat dilakukan, benar? Tapi juga bukan sesuatu yang mustahil. Apalagi kita ada komunitas yang saling mendukung dan mengingatkan. Beberapa artikel pada edisi kali ini juga memberikan kita banyak inspirasi untuk memiliki gaya hidup disiplin rohani. Jangan pernah menyerah untuk berdisiplin, Teens! It takes a lot of time and effort indeed. Tapi saya yakin, Roh Kudus yang akan memampukan kita untuk menjadi pribadi yang disiplin. Selamat membaca dan Tuhan memberkati!


Arina Palilingan Nico Tanles Tjhin


Arina Palilingan, Christina Citrayani, Glory Amadea, Kezia Rusli


Paulus Adi, Timothy Secawardaya, Sarah Amanda Palilingan, Christopher Pranoto, Emma Miriam, Genesaret Tsujila, Natasha Handoko

Salam, Nico Tanles Tjhin Redaksi

Kalau karya-karya kamu ingin diterbitkan di sini, ayo kirim email ke dengan subject NAFIRI TEEN - (Judul Karya Kamu)!




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KECEWA Temen-temen gw mau nanya soal Mantan... Mantan menurut kalian itu apa sih? Mantan itu orang yang pernah ngecewain kita atau yang pernah kita kecewain? 88

Paulus Adi

Nah.... Temen-temen hubungan temen-temen sama mantan itu relasinya gimana sih? Musuhan kah? Atau temenan sih? Banyak orang berkata mantan adalah musuh tapi sebagian orang berkata lain, mantan adalah teman. Pasti temen-temen akan komentar begini “eleh masih kecil ngomongin cinta-cintaan belum waktunya” Yak!!! Memang betul gw masih berada di usia 13-14 tahun, memang betul gw belum pernah merasakan cinta seperti yang temen-temen pernah lakukan dan pernah rasakan. Tapi bukan soal mantan yang akan gw bahas kali ini, melainkan pertanyaan sebelumnya yang berfokus pada rasa kecewa, “Mantan itu orang yang pernah ngecewain kita atau yang pernah kita kecewain?” Ngomongin soal kekecewaan, memang ga pernah mengenakkan. Sekarang gw mau ajak teman-teman mengganti kata ‘mantan’ dengan ‘Tuhan’ (mengecewakan mantan aja uda ga enak banget

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ya perasaannya. Apalagi mengecewakan Tuhan?). Kalimat pertanyaan tersebut akan berubah menjadi: “Tuhan itu pribadi yang pernah ngecewain kita atau yang pernah kita kecewain?” Yang pertama, Tuhan tuh gak pernah ngecewain kita, malah... kita yang ngecewain Dia. Semua orang sering mengecewakan Dia dengan perbuatan dosanya. Sedangkan kita sering kecewa sama Tuhan karna permintaan kita melalui doa belum dikabulkan. Dan misalkan akhirnya kita mendapatkan apa yg kita minta pada Tuhan, kita baru bersyukur padaNya, dan baru saat di dalam kesulitan atau kesusahan kita baru datang kepadaNya. Jadi sebenernya, kita yang butuh Dia atau Dia yang butuh kita? Selain kita, umat manusia di Alkitab banyak juga lho yang pernah kecewa padaNya. Kita tuh tidak sendirian. Alkitab mencatat sejumlah orang yang pernah “kecewa” kepada Tuhan. Yunus kecewa karena Tuhan mengampuni orang-orang jahat yang bertobat (Yunus 4:1-2). Habakuk kecewa karena Tuhan tidak menjawab dan tidak menolong meski ia sudah berdoa sekian lama (Habakuk 1:2-3). Naomi kecewa karena Tuhan mengizinkan hal-hal buruk menimpa hidupnya (Rut 1:20-21). Seorang muda yang kaya kecewa karena setelah berusaha keras menaati segala perintah Tuhan, namun justru ia diminta meninggalkan semua hartanya (Markus 10:20-22).

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Bicara tentang “kecewa” mau tidak mau membawa kita bicara tentang “apa yang kita percayai” di dasar hati. Tentang Tuhan. Tentang diri kita. Tentang kehidupan. Di balik kemarahan dan kekecewaan Yunus, ada ketidakpercayaan terhadap bijaksana tidaknya keputusan Tuhan. Sebab itu kepada Yunus, Tuhan balik bertanya, “Layakkah engkau marah?” (Yunus 4:4). Di balik pertanyaan Yohanes Pembaptis tentang siapa Yesus, ada keraguan terhadap kuasa Sang Mesias. Kepadanya, Tuhan mengingatkan: “Berbahagialah orang yang tidak menjadi kecewa dan menolak Aku.”. Gw mau ngasih tau, sebagai umat manusia, kita hanya bisa melihat apa yang ada di depan mata, dan seringkali apa yang kita lihat membuat kita kecewa. Namun, apa yang kita percayai tentang pribadi dan karya Tuhan akan memampukan kita melihat melampaui apa yang ada di depan mata. Memampukan kita bersyukur dalam hari-hari yang paling sulit. Memampukan kita menghadapi hal-hal di luar ekspektasi kita dengan pikiran yang jernih. Kita tidak menjadi kecewa kepada Tuhan dan lari menjauh dari-Nya, tetapi justru makin mendekat dan bergantung kepadaNya.

Jadi... siapa yang sering mengecewakan kita? Tuhan? Atau diri kita sendiri?

He knows better than us. 11 11

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ntroversia est of its co rr a t n e c re the as Ahok. as struck by , also known a Indonesia w m a rn u P suki Tjahaja governor, Ba

I was in a car ride home when I heard about the news. I was never

a big fan of politics. To be honest, I was quite indifferent about the politics in my country and how it is evolving. Part of it is because I don’t watch or read much about anything that has to do with politics and the other part is because every time I take a peek of the game that is being played I was shook. All the foul-play, oppression of the minority, thirst for power and money, are surprising enough for me to shift my head to something else that are more pleasing to the ears. I refuse to see the bad and focus on the good instead. The statement

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Sarah Amanda Palilingan

sounds like a motivational quote found on some random motivational blog. At first, it sounds convincing but come to think of it I wasn’t being realistic. Because what’s supposed to be a wake-up call turns out to be just another reason to hate on what I’m supposed to understand. One tweet, post, snaps after another, projects hate towards the oppressed and the persecutor. I, myself was very saddened by the news among friends that are part of minority in this country. I took the time to grieved and prayed for the apparent phenomenon. But sadness was not all I experienced regarding the happening, I was furious. As I browsed the

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Explore page on my Instagram, I came across posts of the people who took matters into their own hand by promoting language of hatred and judgements. Mind you, half of the hate that I encountered are coming from fellow believers. I was hypnotized by the hype, thinking I shouldn’t just sit and scroll through the timeline. I decided to join the party and fire comments on how the justice system is so flawed and how the persecutor should be treated worse for the countless blasphemy they’ve showered the minorities with before. Nonetheless, my rage was silenced by a small voice in my head saying, “As if you don’t know that this is going to happen.” Sometimes we believe we are owed a pain-free life. We think we are in a bubble of safety simply because we are Christians. If this is our mindset, then I realized we haven’t grown much as a disciple. I should’ve seen this coming. We should’ve seen this coming. Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. 1 Peter 4:12-14 Our belief is not a force field. On the contrary, our belief is what puts us on trial.

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We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. 2 Corinthians 4:8-11 The verses above were written by Paul, apostle of Jesus Christ, to the Church in Corinth who suffered for their faith in Christ. This is a wakeup call for us that as Christians, suffering is part of our lives. Hate is supposed to be given towards us not from us. I’m not suggesting that we should be proud when we are hated. What I’m implying is for us to grow up and remember that our God suffered. If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. John 15:18 Let us renew our mindset and stop thinking that we should be spoonfed with justice and love in this world, because we don’t belong here. To hate is such a lazy thing to do. Try to forgive. We may not understand fully the gravity of what is happening to this world, but we are given a chance to forgive. You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” But I say to you, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, Matthew 5:43-44

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