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Plateau| 10

Written by: Christopher Pranoto

What is a plateau? The definition is an area of relatively level high ground, or a state of little or no change following a period of activity or progress. We are going to use the latter definition. Plateau can last a short or a long time, depending on the activity and the person. We could also say plateau as a stage of our lives where we make no progress. In a Christian perspective, plateau is better known as a period where Christians stop growing. The reasons may vary from being weary, bored, even to disappointment at the church. A lot of people grow quickly after they believed, only to fall back when they experience plateau. The Bible itself never mention a “spiritual plateau”, leaving many of us not understanding how it works. Many things can cause a plateau. Some people are bored of listening to the same sermon again and again. Others feel that no one could understand and answer their questions of life. There are even people who feel disappointed with a church or another believer, putting them in skeptical views of Christianity. Plateau itself will be encountered by everyone. That includes you, me, your family, everyone. It’s a stage that we can’t avoid. No matter how fiery and passionate we are in worshipping God, it will fade away. No one can feel at a ‘high’ for the rest of their lives. Eventually we sober up. Why does God allow this to happen?


I myself have encountered spiritual plateau multiple times. One of them was when I got involved in a local youth ministry. The work includes managing the Sunday Service, worship training, and writing articles like this. And every day I did the work I was supposed to do. Yet, one day I felt like I’m not growing. I felt as if I was in a dry and flat ground. There wasn’t anything that drove or motivated me to do so. They were nothing more than a routine. I searched for answers, and found little in return. Some friends suggested me to spend more time in devotionals, read some books, or find a new hobby. But I still didn’t find the same spirit that had driven me to know God deeper. Until an article on the internet gave me a thought. Imagine plateau as a level surface. Think of plains as flat and level ground. Now imagine mountains and valleys. Are they the same? No. Mountains and valleys are both huge and deep. Plateaus on the other hand, are flat and plain. Yet they are beautiful in their own ways. If all we had are mountains, we would never see the valleys. If we never see the valleys, we never get to know the plains.


teau| Only by knowing plateaus, that we know how big mountains are. Only by knowing plateaus, we get to see how deep valleys go. The same goes for Christians. We might experience a mountain high drive when we first believed. We might also experience the lowest point of our lives, our valleys. And we might also experience a plateau, where there is no change in our lives. But none of them are bad things. They are a part of our lives. There are reasons why God allows us to experience a plateau. It might be to remind us to appreciate not only the highs of our lives, but also the stagnant point in life. Plateaus also help us to have perseverance, to be patient in our waiting of God. Believers ought not to worry when experiencing plateaus. They are allowed by God for a good purpose. In his grand design, he has put mountains, valleys, and plateaus along the course of our lives. We can be sure that we will grow, quickly or slowly, to become more like him in the process.


The Power of


Written by: Helena Wibawa

I am very blessed to have Indonesian as my mother-language, since I couldn’t find the appropriate word to substitute curhat a.k.a. curahan hati , unless, ‘the outpouring of the heart’ sounded good for you.

It was around 10 p.m. when a typical busy ninth grader was not busy, although she got plenty of to-do lists. And if you’re asking who’d be the goddess of procrastinating, that’d be me. Deadlines have always been my #1 motivation in completing school tasks unless a random spirit came to me magically and motivated me to finish my obligations. Just kidding. I am too getting used to study and work on my assignments until the day and the dates you see on your phone has finally turned into the next day, no matter how much effort I tried to organize my time. Since I got nothing *urgent* to do on that night, and I was still as fresh as a freshly pressed-orange juice, I immediately ran to YouTube.


After watching several videos, suddenly a preaching video by Rick Warren—a senior pastor from Saddleback Church, U.S.—was auto-played (as you know there is this kind of feature in YouTube where the videos can be played automatically, depends on the playlists and others). It was the first time I watched an online sermon. I used to think that watching online sermons may bring fewer message to my brain and will make me forget them easier compared with the ones we watch live. Also I thought I will be distracted easily. But no, it didn’t. Rather, it changed my most perspectives. Rick Warren has blessed me in so many ways. One of the notable parts was when he shared his 2013 experience about his youngest son, Matthew, who took his own life caused by mental illness. It left a great grief to the whole family. They lost their beloved one and it was a huge disaster for sure. In general, I learned that however, grief isn’t something you get over it. You get through it. In other words, you must face it! ‘Get over’ in this context meaning to say you’re trying to escape/move

on from the pain you’re currently situated by yourself, and left it hanging alone. You just move on. You thought it was done. Little did you know it didn’t.


So what’s the point of the existence of curhat when the world’s problems and grieves were meant to be gotten over alone? Nothing of substance. Okay. Take a deep breath, guys. I know it’s deep. *breathe* Here’s the stages and what’s gonna happen when you keep everything on your own. You carry the whole load of your troubles and sadness by yourself. You keep and hold everything inside, and ironically you can’t do anything about it. You are grieving it alone while about to move on. Finally, only unsolved sorrows left inside you, and that’s strongly not

healthy! They are toxics yet not healthy for your spiritual health, physical health, mental health, and emotional health. Studies have proven it. It also may lead to suicide when it’s too extreme. In advance, when you’re holding it back, you’re just postponing it to get completely solved. Curhat was meant to make people go through their problems, by

comforting and praying for each other, and start to grow and transform in the image of our Almighty Lord. Besides carrying the load together, it also builds stronger relations among each other. It’s healthy for your own goodness sake, because again, you feel comforted. Therefore selecting friends/partners are crucial.


While doing curhat, you main focus isn’t on the fixing part. Fixing problems are His thing, not ours, although in reality as a good friend we can give some good advices, and there’s nothing wrong about it. Curhat was meant to ease and comfort minds. I am also so grateful for our beloved SiRem holds CPR once a month as our sharing panel to strengthen our bond in the community and for asking meaningful advices. Not to mention I’m very blessed to have such loving and understanding parents, just like other parents do. So when curhat was meant to comfort, how and when can the problem be fixed? We shouldn’t be sitting down and wait for miracles from the sky to happen instantly, should we? We are once again reminded by Psalm 34: 17–19, saying:

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.”


And from Matthew 7: 7, who wrote:

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” I learned that by praying, He will slowly yet surely guide you to the right path, even if it seemed too impossible. Of course, we need to show some efforts while facing the problem. Acts 1: 7 also quoted:

“It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority.” Eventually, time will tell, and time will heal. All we gotta do is to trust His perfect timing. As a good friend, do not also forget to pray for your brothers and sisters who are currently facing their darkest days. At least, try to be there for them. Suddenly I realized it was finally 12 in the midnight. My heart was so full, and starting from that night I can sleep peacefully forgetting my problems, knowing that He will fix it just in time.


/ Unceasing Love and a Vessel of Flaws / I know God exists, for whenever I am no longer bothered to rise my head from the tears I hold off in the dark of my thoughts nor the pain of defeat, something comes in and does not simply remind me that there is so much light in this life to see; I am lifted and proven that this is indeed true. When I cannot word my frustrations, there is always a line, two, or more to answer and ease my silenced distress. When my eyes fall into fatigue or swell with grief, a verse of hope still goes whispered through the halls of my heart and laden chest. I am not just saved in times I’ve looked into the eyes of death; I am constantly being supported, salved from the looming of sins in the course of days when I cannot part with what indeed makes me a human in need of a Savior. I know that God exists— but more than that, I know and believe that He loves us.


We just need to learn how to accept that something so ineffably great and priceless could dwell within our vessel of cuts and unfavorable scars that we see the world with. Trust me when I tell you He loves you, and you should love yourself, too. Accept that despite all your wrongs, there is an immense good that pulses through you every day. He forgets that you have ever forgotten or denied, and remembers how you have accepted He who has long accepted you.

Written by: Andrieta Rafaela Arifin 21

Unpredictable, Not Uncertain 22

Written by: Natasya Grisella

Not one human being is perfect. We often do what we feel best for ourselves and our peers around us. Though we know it is wrong, we still do these actions in order to find satisfaction and to be accepted in the society. This is a very common struggle in the society that we live today, making influences from others the main factor of our fall into temptations. As we’re humans, we often do what’s best and follow our natural instincts. But, what if we surrender these desire to control everything around us to God? What if we surrender for something beyond our understanding and abilities? Surrendering our lives completely to God will result in something that we may not expect. God uses His unpredictable ways to work in you. This may sound cliché but it is true. I myself have experienced this and saw changes in one’s life due to them surrendering fully to God. Some may ask how to surrender their lives. They may want to surrender their life fully to God in order for them to see God’s work in their lives. But they are still hesitant to do so due to the pressure in society. The scripture shows us stories where one left their wealth and essentials to life in order to follow God. One of the most significant verses can be seen in Matthew 4: 20 where fishermen were called by Jesus to be His disciples, “Immediately they left their nets and followed Him”.


Fishermen’s nets can be equivalent to a photographer’s camera. It is a needed equipment for them. It is what they have. One can see in this verse that these fishermen surrendered all they have and trusted in God to lead their way to work in them. The key is to do what God wants you to do. Don’t just ‘follow you heart’ and once you have seen God’s plan in your life, keep doing it for His name and to spread His words. Many people nowadays serve God for themselves instead of God. They may want the image of a Godly character but we need to humble ourselves, come to God and serve Him. Believe me, He have great plans for you. You may have experienced God working through you but if you have not, be patient, stay faithful to Him and He will use you in great ways that you may not imagine. A friend of mine once talked with me about this very topic. She herself was unsure of God’s plan in her life. She felt useless. As soon as I told her to open her heart for God, she said struggled to due to her not knowing how to. I myself did not know how to response to her question during the time as I also still struggle to surrender all to God. Without expecting that I was able to answer her, God spoke through me to her. God’s plan is truly unpredictable yet amazing.


Continuing the topic of unpredictable but not uncertain, she questioned God’s plan for her life that she did not believe that she has a reason to live. I tell you, God did not promise a victorious plan or something that is always magnificent. Never in the bible it is written that we are the best of the best in the world. The bible rather stated that we will fall into less awarding situations. But, God will stay with us at all times. Through this, He still works in us, He is still able to use us for His glory. You may be in the worst situation you have been in a long time but remember that it is a part of His plan where you will be able to glorify Him still. In conclusion, surrender all you have to God by trusting in Him and doing everything for Him rather than for your own good. God did not promise a smooth journey if you fully surrender to God. Remember that the toughest situations are also a part of His plans for you and He will stay with you through it all. These tough situations may actually make you stronger and lead to a more successful road in the future for His name. God’s plans are never uncertain, He knows us before we were formed in our mother’s womb, He have a plan for each and every one of us. It is not uncertain, but it is a part of the unpredictable ways and process.


/vocation/ 26

Written by: Ernest Sowandi

Setiap kita pasti pernah punya pertanyaan soal tujuan hidup. Nah, biasanya sih ini terjadi pas kita lagi ngedumel soal keadaan status kita— misalkan soal sekolah, keluarga, atau pertemanan. Jujur, gua sendiri pernah bergumul buat mikirin soal beginian. Tapi itu dulu .… Bersyukur banget pas gua kuliah semester lalu, gua ikut kelas yang bahas soal sebuah kata, yaitu vocation. Makanya gua sekarang mau bagiin yang gua dapet semester lalu. Apa sih vocation itu? Status atau kondisi yang menyangkut tanggung jawab bisa didefinisikan sebagai vocation. Secara lebih spesifik, kata vocation berarti pekerjaan yang berasal dari status, kondisi, maupun panggilan yang menuntut tanggung jawab di dalamnya. Semua orang pastinya punya vocation, termasuk Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus. Saat Dia berjalan menuju Yerusalem— padahal Dia tau itu kota dimana Dia bakalan ditangkep dan disiksa—Dia tetep jalan ke kota itu tanpa keraguan. Tuhan Yesus tau jelas vocationNya, yaitu sebagai Juru Selamat buat manusia. Bukan cuma Dia tau, tapi Dia juga menjalaninya dan mentaatinya. Kata vocation bukanlah sebuah kata yang cuma dipakai di lingkungan gereja, tetapi juga di lingkungan sekuler. Dunia punya pengertian sendiri terhadap vocation. Bagi filsuf Yunani di masa kuno, vocation dianggap tidak lebih sebagai sebuah kutukan yang mengikat manusia sampai matinya—tidak ada bedanya dengan binatang. Seorang filsuf yang sangat berdampak pada pandangan modernisme, Karl Marx,


tion/ memiliki pandangan lain terhadap vocation. Baginya, vocation adalah kebebasan bagi manusia untuk berkreasi dan menemukan kepuasan dan kebahagiaan. Karl Marx meyakini bahwa inilah yang membedakan manusia dengan binatang. Ada juga beberapa pandangan lain terhadap vocation yang telah muncul dari zaman ke zaman. Lalu manakah yang benar? Kekristenan pun tidak lepas daripada pertanyaan yang menyangkut pemahaman tentang vocation. Bapak Reformasi Gereja, Martin Luther, juga bergumul soal ini. Setelah menggumulkannya di dalam firman Tuhan, dia menyimpulkan bahwa vocation adalah sebuah panggilan khusus bagi manusia untuk mencintai dan melayani sesamanya. Panggilan ini datang kepada kita melalui tugas-tugas pada tempat sosial kita di dalam kerajaan duniawi. Vocation itu sendiri, kemudian, adalah panggilan ilahi dari Allah. Vocation telah ditentukan oleh Allah sendiri sebagai cara-Nya memenuhi kebutuhan umat manusia setiap hari. Artinya, melalui vocation, kita benar-benar berpartisipasi dalam pemeliharaan Tuhan yang terus berlanjut untuk kemanusiaan. Dengan kata lain, vocation adalah anugerah yang Allah berikan bagi manusia dalam bentuk kesempatan untuk bermitra/bekerja sama dengan-Nya sebagai saluran berkat. Secara singkat, vocation datang dari Allah, melalui Dia, dan untuk Dia. Karena itu, ngejalanin vocation kita buat Tuhan dengan penuh ketaatan adalah sangat penting. Ini adalah bagian dari tanggapan kita akan keselamatan kita yang akan menghasilkan buah-buah roh. Setiap orang Kristen dipanggil untuk menjalani vocation dengan sepenuh hati dalam ketaatan kepada Tuhan. Kita dipanggil untuk menjadi saluran berkat bagi sesama.


Nah setelah mengerti tentang pandangan kekristenan terhadap vocation, apa yang harus kita perbuat? Selayaknyalah kita menghargai setiap vocation yang Allah telah berikan ke kita. Gua dikasih vocation sebagai seorang anak; maka gua harus hidup dengan taat, hormat, dan penuh kasih terhadap ortu gua. Ini penting supaya, lewat gua, ortu gua bisa diberkati. Gua juga dipercayain vocation sebagai mahasiswa. Makanya, gua harus jalanin setiap tugas yang dikasih dengan sebaikbaiknya. Gua juga dituntut buat jadi berkat buat profesor, staf, dan temen-temen gua di sana. Kalo kalian dipercayain vocation sebagai murid di sekolah, jalanilah itu dengan sepenuh hati. Ingatlah bahwa itu adalah anugerah Allah untuk kalian menjadi perpanjangan tangan-Nya bagi sesama di lingkungan sekolah kalian. Kerjainlah tugas-tugas kalian dengan kejujuran. Kerjain ujian kalian seperti untuk Tuhan. Berusahalah untuk mengasihi temen-temen kalian seperti diri kalian sendiri. Hormatin guru kalian. Ingatlah kalo Allah senantiasa bekerja lewat vocation yang Dia percayain ke kalian. Sekarang kita udah ngebahas soal apa yang harus kita lakuin dengan vocation kita sebagai orang percaya. Ayolah, kita ngikutin tapak kaki Kristus menuju Yerusalem yang, dengan segenap hati, ngejalanin vocation-Nya dengan penuh ketaatan.

“Sebab segala sesuatu adalah dari Dia, dan oleh Dia, dan kepada Dia: Bagi Dialah kemuliaan sampai selama-selamanya!� - Roma 11: 36 -


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