Volume 26, Number 1, Fall 2019
The Rainbow Newsletter is published once a semester by the Rainbow Special Interest Group (SIG) of NAFSA: Association of International Educators. The Rainbow SIG is comprised of diverse NAFSAns whose goals are to combat homophobia, heterosexism, and transphobia within NAFSA, to counsel international students and study abroad students who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, and to support gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender professionals in international education.
In T his Edi tio n:
đ&#x;Œˆđ&#x;ŒˆRainbow SIG Announcements (p.2) đ&#x;Œˆđ&#x;ŒˆRainbow Scholarship Updates (p.4) đ&#x;Œˆđ&#x;ŒˆESL Materials: Heteronormativity Doesn’t Have to be the Norm (p.5) đ&#x;Œˆđ&#x;ŒˆThe Importance of LGBTQ+ Pre-Departure Orientations (p.6) đ&#x;Œˆđ&#x;ŒˆTrue Allyship: A Toolkit for Allies of the Education Abroad LGBTQIA+ Community (p.8) đ&#x;Œˆđ&#x;ŒˆNavigating International Education as an LGBTQIA+ & POC Professional (p.10)
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