What Is The Job Of An Appraiser? Do you want to know the true value of your future home? Get it appraised. The seller’s asking price and the true value of the property may differ. An appraiser like the NH appraiser associates helps us to know the actual worth of the property. Let’s know more about the role and responsibility of an appraiser. Inspection – Inspecting the interior and exterior of the property is the first step of every appraisal process. The appraiser examines the property, note down the important points, and takes the pictures. They look at the overall condition of the property.
Comparable – After visiting the site, the next job of an appraiser is to research recently sold similar properties
in the neighborhood. It helps them to know the current housing market value. Final report - The last step is the preparation of the final appraisal report. It includes the size and condition of the home, the photographs of the property, and details of the renovation. It also describes the surrounding area of the property. The job of an appraiser is to evaluate the fair market value of the property. The above-mentioned three steps are an important part of every appraiser’s job. It helps them in evaluating the worth of the property.