17 minute read
DailyDevotion Taking the Initiative Against Daydreaming
from 21 Feb 2023
Arise, let us go from here. —John 14:31
Daydreaming about something in order to do it properly is right, but daydreaming about it when we should be doing it is wrong. In this passage, after having said these wonderful things to His disciples, we might have expected our Lord to tell them to go away and meditate over them all. But Jesus never allowed idle daydreaming. When our purpose is to seek God and to discover His will for us, daydreaming is right and acceptable. But when our inclination is to spend time daydreaming over what we have already been told to do, it is unacceptable and God’s blessing is never on it. God will take the initiative against this kind of daydreaming by prodding us to action. His instructions to us will be along the lines of this: “Don’t sit or stand there, just go!”
If we are quietly waiting before God after He has said to us, “Come aside by yourselves…” then that is meditation before Him to seek His will (Mark 6:31). Beware, however, of giving in to mere daydreaming once God has spoken. Allow Him to be the source of all your dreams, joys, and delights, and be careful to go and obey what He has said. If you are in love with someone, you don’t sit and daydream about that person all the time— you go and do something for him. That is what Jesus Christ expects us to do. Daydreaming after God has spoken is an indication that we do not trust Him.
One of the intangible heritages which is in danger around the world are the mother languages. There are many reasons for which many of our languages and dialects are in danger. Globally 40 per cent of the population does not have access to an education in a language they speak or understand. But progress is being made in multilingual education with growing understanding of its importance, particularly in early schooling, and more commitment to its development in public life.
It is always suggested that a child should start learning in their own native languages. In spite of this we have seen the impact of powerful languages like English in our society. But it has been learned that multilingualism contributes to the development of inclusive societies that allow multiple cultures, worldviews and knowledge systems to coexist and cross-fertilize. Multilingual education based on mothertongue facilitates access to and inclusion in learning for population groups that speak non-dominant languages, languages of minority groups and indigenous languages. We know how languages change in India when we travel from one state to another and this is a truly rich heritage that any nation can have . There are different languages spoken in our country and similarly there are many other native languages around the world and the challenge for us is how do we protect or safeguard our linguistic diversity in the time of globalization. There is no doubt that languages, with their complex implications for identity, communication, social integration, education and development, are of strategic importance for people and the planet. Every two weeks a language disappears taking with it an entire cultural and intellectual heritage. At least 43% of the estimated 6000 languages spoken in the world are endangered. Only a few hundred languages have genuinely been given a place in education systems and the public domain, and less than a hundred are used in the digital world. When languages fade, so does the world’s rich tapestry of cultural diversity. Opportunities, traditions, memory, unique modes of thinking and expression — valuable resources for ensuring a better future — are also lost. We are aware that multilingual and multicultural societies exist through their languages, which transmit and preserve traditional knowledge and cultures in a sustainable way. One of the global events being organized to address the importance of mother languages and any other indigenous languages is the International Mother Language Day (IMLD) which is observed every year to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism on 21st February.
The theme of the 2023 IMLD is “multilingual education – a necessity to transform education” aligns with recommendations made during the Transforming Education Sum- mit, where an emphasis was also placed on Indigenous people’s education and languages.
The IMLD was proclaimed by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in November 1999. The idea to celebrate the day was the initiative of Bangladesh. The UN General Assembly welcomed the proclamation of the day in its resolution of 2002. On 16th May 2007 the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution A/ RES/61/266 called upon Member States “to promote the preservation and protection of all languages used by peoples of the world”. By the same resolution, the General Assembly proclaimed 2008 as the International Year of Languages, to promote unity in diversity and international understanding, through multilingualism and multiculturalism and named UNESCO to serve as the lead agency for the Year. UNESCO encourages and promotes multilingual
NVCO make a sincere appeal to the highest authority to stop persecution and violence against Christians in India
As several other BJP leaders especially the Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Prime Minister Narendra Modi & Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma are expected to address election campaign in Nagaland, the Nagaland Voluntary Consumers’ Organisation(NVCO) make a sincere appeal to them to stop persecution and violence against Christians in India as a secular democratic nation. NVCO President Kezhokhoto Savi who is a lawyer by profession and also associated to International Defence Alliance(IDA) said that about 100 churches and organisation and more than 15,000 people participated in a peaceful protest rally on rising violence against Christians in India at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 19th Feb, 2023 where speakers highlighted Christians are being accused of forcibly converting people to Christianity. Churches are being attacked, Christians are being beaten up and arrested, not even allowed to pray in one’s own home to the extend a few women were arrested for offering prayers during a birthday celebration and the Christian community are living in a constant state of panic and these persecution & violence are more in the states of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka and so many other places where their basic fundamental rights are being snatched. However, along with the rest of the churches in Nagaland, Jakhama Baptist Church had conducted a prayer programme for 2023 Election and the Persecuted Christian in India call by Nagaland Baptist Church Council(NBCC).
Deacon and Church Board Chairman Shri. Ketholeho Kulnu highlighted about the value of vote, clean election and to follow Christian principles while exercising one’s vote as a Christian. Whereas Shri. Kezhokhoto Savi who is a former chairman of Jakhama Baptist Church Mens’ department spoke on - “the Persecuted Christian in India”. Mr. Savi shares about his presentation on the topic – “Constitutional Provision with special reference to Christians” during the Nagaland Baptist Church Council(NBCC) 21st Triennal
Convention held at Impur, Mokokchung from 2nd to 4th Feb, 2018 whereby he had highlighted about the provision of Indian Constitution safeguards the freedom of conscience and the right to profess, practice and propagate the religion of one’s choice but despite of the above mentioned fundamental rights there several incidence it violates the fundamental rights of the citizens on the ground of religion including the Christianity and also highlighted the persecution and violence against Christians in one year during the BJP led National Democratic Alliance(NDA)’s government under the Prime Minister of Narendra Damodardas Modi from 26th May, 2014. The violence peaked between August and October 2014 with 56 cases, before zooming up to 25 cases during the Christmas season including the burning of the Catholic Church of St. Sebastian in Dilshad garden in the national capital of New Delhi and the violence has continued well into the New Year 2015, with more Catholic churches in the city targeted as incidents continue in other states.
Mr. Savi has also highlighted about Freedom of Religion Act or anti-conversion laws in India whereby several states had passed these laws especially the BJP ruled government and attacks Christians intentionally used as instrumental in brutally suppressing and exploiting Christian as minorities and punishing pastors and church workers. In Indian states where anti-conversion laws have been passed recently, those has been a rapid increase of incidents of persecution against Christians, such as churches being destroyed, Bibles and other literature being confiscated and Christian gathering being banned. NVCO appreciates the press statement of the churches and fellowship including Dimapur Areas Ao Baptist Pastors Fellowship, ABAM & NBCC openly expresses its serious concern & resentment over the usage of sacred and spiritual phrases/slogans during election campaign. He has also condemned the writing of one Jagdamba Mall widely published in local papers recently threatening nagas to remember, “BJP Government in Delhi does not want to go in Kashmir way in Nagaland to avoid unpleasant incidents” who claimed himself as a life-long worker of RSS who has spent forty years of his prime life in service of Nagas of Nagaland stationed at Kohima. Jagdamba Mall has also described as to how RSS is the godfather of BJP and BJP’s roots lie in RSS. The BJP top party leaders instead of preaching in Nagaland during election as “BJP not anti- Christian” stated by BJP national secretary and co-convenor North East, Rituraj Sinha he must convey this message to his Party BJP at Delhi to stop persecution and violence against Christian as a secular democratic nation. As rightly put John Narla Union Minister of state for minorities under scanner by NBCC & ABAM(Ao Baptist Arogo Mungdang), NVCO questioned as to why John Barla minister-in charge for minorities failed to protect the Christians from persecution and violence as minority. NVCO was wandering whether there was any incident John Barla as union minister of state for minorities spoke strongly against persecution and violence upon the Christian community in Parliament? If at all he was a pastor then a very big WHY he was proudly shouting ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’. Today, by seeing the situation of our immediate state neighbour Assam under the BJP Chief Minister, life of Christian in a Christian state including Nagaland is not secure seeing an incident where several churches are been raised down by the state government and several other incidents been facing by Christian in Assam. Assam: RSS- affiliate JDSSM(Janajati DharmaSanskritti Suraksha Manch) demands removal of Christians from ST list where Over 1 lakh members of JDSSM would be staging a demonstration at Janata Bhavan under “Challo Dispur” programme, demanding both the Central and the State governments to amend Article 342A of the Constitution.
Press & Media Cell, NVCO Advocate Kezhokhoto Savi during the prayer programme at Jakhama Baptist Church on Feb 19, 2023
NNC do not recognise Indian election
In view of the upcoming Indian election in Nagaland State scheduled to be held on the 27th of February 2023 and seen the preparations of a stage-managed drama going on for it, I am constrained to write this statement to remind the Naga people that the Naga National Council (NNC) and the Republic of Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) do not recognize any Indian election. This stand of the NNC/FGN is not only confined to Nagaland State but to all the Naga inhabited areas as well .We vehemently condemn and strongly stand against such kind of Indian elections in our land.
When the first General Election of the Indian Republic was held in 1952, the Naga people totally rejected it and even up to this day we remain and hold the truth of the Naga Plebiscite of 16th May 1951 where 99.99% voted in favor of Naga sovereignty which automatically endorsed the Naga Independence Day of 14th August 1947. Following the rejection and boycott of the Indian election in Nagaland, The Indian army carried out all kind of heinous and barbaric tortures manner which will never even to animals. This situation compelled the Nagas to take up arms against the Indian army strictly in self-defense and defense of their women and children. Otherwise NNC/FGN follows non-violent policy, a philosophy that the Father of the Indian Nation taught the world. In spite of these horrible situations, the Naga people were firm in their stand and totally rejected the Second General Election of the Indian Republic again in 1957.
In 1958, the Indian Govt. promulgated the draconian law “Armed Forces Special Power Act” in Nagaland which is now spread over the whole North East India. In 1960, they signed a deceitful and treacherous agreement so-called “16-Point Memorandum” with a group of Naga over-ground self-style leaders and forced upon a State to the present Nagaland State by installing an Interim Govt. Thereafter, on the 16th of Jan, 1969, a crucial telegram message was sent to Indira Gandhi the then Prime Minister of India by A.Z Phizo the then President of NNC which reads: “THE COMING education based on mother tongue or first language.
NIZED. IT IS AGAINST HUMANITY. IT MUST NOT BE FORGOTTEN THAT NAGALAND IS NOT INDIAN TERRITORY AND THE NAGAS ARE NOT INDIANS. THEY ARE NOT DEMANDING INDEPENDENCE FROM INDIA. THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO CONTINUE TO DEFEND HUMAN RIGHTS AND THEIR NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY AND INDIA BEARS RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL CONSEQUENCES AS THE AGGRESSOR”. Thereupon, Indian system of election was brought to Nagaland State by brute force without any legality or justification. Therefore, the so-called Nagaland State Govt. is a ‘puppet government’ which the Naga people can never recognize. I am cautioning the Naga people to be thoughtful of our tomorrow. I am reiterating the stand of Naga National Council that we do not recognize the illegal Indian elections and NNC will do away with such sham and unjustified elections in due course of time with a non-violent policy.
The International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2032) aims to ensure indigenous peoples’ right to preserve, revitalize and promote their languages. It offers an opportunity to collaborate in the areas of policy development and stimulate a global dialogue and to take necessary measures for the usage, preservation, revitalization and promotion of indigenous languages around the world.
Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, in her message on the occasion of IMLD said that “while mother-tongue-based education is essential to the full development of individuals and to the transmission of linguistic heritage, 40% of the world’s students do not have access to education in the language they speak or understand best. Such a situation severely undermines learning, cultural expression and the building of social relatio ns, and significantly weakens the linguistic heritage of humanity.”
The overall aim of the IMLD 2023 is to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 by recognizing the role of actors in education and in related fields in promoting multilingualism and multilingual education, and in fostering quality, inclusive and equitable learning. We must be proud of our mother languages and any native languages and must safeguard these fragile resources. IMLD is an opportunity for us to talk, discuss and brainstorm what best can be done to safeguard our linguistic diversities. One may learn any number of languages but if s/ he is not familiar with own mother tongue then that is one of the biggest tragedies. Let us ensure that all languages are protected and let us take pride in our own mother languages.
Ranjan K Baruah (With direct inputs from UN publication and feedback may be sent to bkranjan@gmail.com)
Naga voters in dilemma
The changing political narrative both at the national and state level has put the electorate masses in a Christian dominated state Nagaland into more bewilderment than ever before. With the polling day just a few days away before we go and cast our valuable votes on 27th of February 2023, there it lies a great challenge to all voters. On one hand religious ideology and on the other hand political ideology seems never in synchronized but always in a squabble mood whenever the election time resurfaces. As a matter of fact, we have seen much of brouhaha and still pouring in lot of public opinion with no concrete resolution at sight over political party issues in the state politics.
Churches issuing condemnations notice against various political party workers for hurting the sentiments of the Christians have also seen in various social media. In fact, religion in the matter of Nagaland politics have been shrouded in dilemma leaving the electorate masses into enigmatic situations as to which political party should the electorate would choose. However, since from the time of inception, politics in the case of Nagaland is different from that of any other states.
Here, most of the electorate masses at the grassroots level did not even bother about as to which candidature belong to which political party. This clearly shows that most of the voters even during this time around will definitely cast their precious vote to whom they think the candidature is capable according to their own conscience based on the individual capability and not based on the party lines. Thus, any intending candidates changing the political party at this time just because the candidature had received backlash due to religious pressure will make no difference to woo the voters. The reason is self-explanatory because voters tend to look up at the individual level and not on which party lines does one belongs to. Therefore, any eligible candidates can be any political party.
Over and above, Nagaland being a revenue starved state, it depends almost entirely on the centre where we often see our leaders going to the centre with a begging bowl. Thus, in the end, it doesn’t matter whichever party may come to formed the government will automatically alliance with the centre not even concerning about which political party is taking the helm at the centre. Therefore, under such pressing circumstances, the question arises is that, to whom shall we appeal to as a conscience keeper? Should we appeal to voters to stave off from voting a particular political party just because their ideology contradict with our Christian belief system? Or should we appeal to the indenting candidates to change their political party? Or isn’t it just a ploy that our Christian voters are taking only one-sided approach and taking the full advantage of the religion card as a tool to suppress another political party? Which side are we truly stand for as a conscience keeper?
Y. Mhonchumo Humtsoe, MA (International Relations), North East Christian University. (The views expressed are of writer’s personal opinion and do not represent the stand of the university)
Guard against misuse of ‘double-engine govt’
Thereality of a ‘Hindu-Rastra’ in the guise of electoral politics and development agenda should not be taken for granted
I am sure many of you are familiar with the term ‘double-engine-sarkar’ that has been widely used by the Narendra Modi led BJP government. To my knowledge this is POLITICAL MARKETING — to sell to the masses the benefit of having the same party or alliance ruling at the Centre and State.
With elections in Nagaland just around the corner let me share my understanding on this narrative of ‘double-engine-govt’ that is being promoted by the BJP and its allies and to guard against it misuse.
Firstly, irrespective of the party in power, one should not be misled into thinking that a favourable party govt at the Centre is needed for a state govt to get the full benefit of development and other resources due to it.
Gen (Rtd) Thinoselie M Keyho, President, Naga National Council (NNC), Kohima Nagaland
It should be made very clear that the rights of States is recognized by the constitution as is evident in the distribution of financial resources, sharing of taxes and the constitutionally binding grants recommended by the Finance Commission and also the grants-in-aid under Art 275. And therefore it does not require that a State govt should run on a single or double engine. What really matters is to make use of whatever resource is made available and to govern well. The bottom-line is that development should not depend on political favours or allegiance to a particular party or belief system. The States in the Indian Union have their own autonomy and rights and should not be at the mercy of the Central govt in Delhi and neither should they be held ransom by the dictates of party or electoral politics.
Secondly, let’s hope that a ‘double-engine sarkar’ does not lead to economic dependency, political dictatorship and cultural/religious suppression. It will be interesting to see how the ‘double-engine NDPP-BJP alliance and government will play out if it comes back to power.
Our Chief Minister is already on record stating the rationale for the 40-20 seat sharing arrangement in favour of a bigger share for the NDPP was proposed by the BJP “to respect the sentiments of Christian-majority Nagaland’”. This move of the BJP is hardly surprising.
Our elected leaders, especially those in power will hopefully stand up to guard and protect the right of States. Nagaland in particular has been provided with certain safeguards (Art 371A) so that we can develop according to our own genius.
The reality of a ‘Hindu-Rastra’ in the guise of electoral politics and development agenda should not be taken for granted. We should not allow money power to be misused — to hold us captive to an alien culture and belief that is detrimental to our freedom and faith. It doesn’t matter who is ruling in Delhi. We should develop according to our own terms and needs without compromising. For us let’s build a strong and self-reliant Nagaland. Let us defend freedom, democracy and the rights guaranteed in the constitution.
Along Longkumer, Former Editor, The Morung Express and
Elephant tramples 4 to death in J’khand
(IANS): A wild elephant that got separated from its herd has trampled four persons including two women, to death in Jharkhand’s Lohardaga district in a span of 12 hours, an official said on Monday. When the elephant entered Masiyatu village on Sunday evening, the people tried to shoo it away, which apparently angered the animal, who then attacked Muniya Devi and wrapped her in its trunk. The elephant then went on to attack three more persons near Kaspur village on Monday morning.
Chinese drone seized in Punjab
CHANDIGARH, FEB 20 (IANS): The Border Security Force (BSF) said that it recovered a Chinese Quadcopter drone in Punjab’s Fazilka district on Monday. On specific information, teams of the BSF and Punjab Police launched a search operation in the area of New Hasta Kalan village, and recovered the Quadcopter drone (DJI Matrice 300 RTK), made in China, from an open area on the outskirts of the village. The BSF in coordination with Punjab Police once again was able to capture a rogue drone, it added.
20 vehicles collide on Lucknow-Delhi highway due to fog
(IANS): About 20 vehicles collided in an accident on the Delhi-Lucknow highway due to dense fog on Monday. According to reports, the visibility was poor and many car drivers jumped onto the wrong side and ended up colliding with other vehicles. The injured have been admitted to the hospital.
Prison inmate swallows mobile
An inmate of Bihar’s Gopalganj district prison swallowed a cell phone to avoid being caught during a checking, an official said. The incident came to light on Sunday after Qaisher Ali, who was booked under NDPS act, complained of severe abdominal pain.
During the medical checkup, he informed the jail doctor and other officials that he had swallowed a mobile phone to avoid being caught during checking of his cell. The authorities then got a medical checkup conducted and x-ray of his stomach revealed the presence of foreign particles.
Woman, daughter booked for killing husband
In a shocking incident, a woman killed her alcoholic husband when he allegedly assaulted her and threatened to rape her daughter.
Police said a case of culpable homicide not amounting to murder has been registered against the accused woman and her daughter, who was also involved in the killing. The woman informed the police that her husband worked as a labourer in Panipat and had recently come to the village on leave.
Two shot dead in Karnataka
CHIKKAMAGALUR, FEB 20 (IANS): In a shocking incident, two persons were shot dead at Kandya near Balehonnur in Chikkamagalur district of Karnataka on Monday. The deceased have been identified as 28-year-old Prakash and 30-year-old Praveen. According to police, the accused had shot the victims with a countrymade rifle, when they were going on a bike. The police have taken the accused Ramesh into custody in connection with the incident and are investigating.