4 minute read
Aidan Hogan
Aidan’s Shoot-a-thon Fundraiser
Global Context - Fairness and Development
Goal - To host a basketball shoot-a-thon game to raise money for a charity called Lauralynn Children’s Hospice, which is a charity for helping children and young adults with disabilities.

The Product
I have officially partnered up with the charity Lauralynn and they have helped me create an Instagram account promoting the fundraiser and I created a website where you could donate to the cause. I requested for the help of PTA and teachers to help promote this event. The competition will hopefully take place at the Edge sports hall at Nord Anglia International School Dublin with the permission of from the head of the school’s sport department. The reason I chose this topic and would like to achieve the goal is because I don’t give anything to different communities and I want to contribute more, and by fulfilling this and helping others not only would it make this a better environment, or better people. It would also make me feel like I have contributed something to a community and I have done something special and worthwhile / good. Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions and circumstances. The Shoot-a-thon couldn’t take place before the fair, but it will certainly take place when COVID restrictions have settled and it is safe to proceed with this event.
I believe this global context is connected with my project as Fairness and Development as it is all about the relationships between communities, and sharing or giving resources with other people. As I am helping a community of people with disabilities and trying to encourage them, and be motivational. The ultimate goal I hope to achieve is to have raise some money to donate to Lauralynn and try to make a difference in young people’s lives who are terminally ill, and also to raise awareness about this particular charity.

There were many changes made to my project mainly due to COVID 19 guidelines. Unfortunately these guidelines prevented me with various ideas I had to make this project a unique and organised product. During this criteria, I had to change the capacity of the venue to make sure that the event is safe for participants and audience members. The reasoning behind this is because COVID has restricted the amount of people that can come together in one place. Another change made through this criteria is, the way of collecting funds for the charity. Originally, I had decided to have people from the charity that have partnered up with me to hold buckets and collect cash from participants and audience members who just want to watch but are willing to donate to such a cause. But at this moment, I have created a donation website which I have shared on social media, and shared with Mrs. Bateson to put on her morning emails to all students and teachers to create more attention for my product. I have changed my marketing and promoting strategies in more online ways than physical ways.
My goal will be challenging because during harsh times and restrictions for the COVID 19 rules, it would be very hard to have as many people as I would like to have at one time. Another challenge may be since the people are limited due to COVID 19 we may not raise as much money to as we possibly can. And another challenge for me may be that, this is the first ever time in my life that I am running a fundraiser event on my own so I may make some mistakes but that is expected an a all part of the process. The objective of this event is to raise 500 euro. I will have an official partnership with the charity, so they can help boost the event and provide me with gear such as sponsorship cards, t-shirts etc. For successful advertising, I plan to create social media accounts on multiple platforms and advertise the link (webpage made by me, payment directly to LL) for donations on each platform in order to, possibly achieve higher than my objective. I will also put advertise the event on TV’s all around the schools. I will also email Mr. Crute to make an announcement for me on a particular day so that the whole school can hear about this. I need to email Mr. Dunphy and Mrs. Butler Walker to confirm the data, and to get a floor plan of the hall to know where everything would be set. I will also email chair of the PTA Mrs. Pesak if they can help donate anything to the cause or help with décor. Student volunteers would be good, to email just for extra help. I will also investigate who would be able to cover my event insurance wise just in case of injury. The event would run in a way whereas no one would be bored when their turn is not yet. Tickets cost 5 euro for 3 shots. There will be appointed scorekeeper to monitor and judge the shots. You win the event by making the most shots in a row, whoever has the most wins a prize of a gift basket. Once partnered up with Lauralynn’s Children’s Hospice, payments would be paid directly to them with a special account for the event in order to track how much the event was able to raise.