European Lesson Plans

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HEALTHYLAND eTwinning Project

European Lesson Plans


BULGARIA TEAM IV age group 5-6 years old Educational direction: Mathematics Core: Quantitative relations Subject: Didactic games with vegetables. Tasks: 1. Concerns differently row of numbers from 1 to 10, by numbers and vegetables. 2. Construction of elementary notions of adding one using numbers. 3. Improvement of graphic skills. Proceeding of the situation: Teacher: - Friends, today we play again, but this time we will play with mathematics. I have prepared a few games. Are you ready to begin? You all know the numbers and the numbers from 1 to 10. You can count. All figures are in a row, which is called ...? Children: - Number row. - Arrange it! What number am I if my neighbors are 2 and 4? -3 - Correct! - Let one of you to find the figure of the number 3 and stand in a row. Now, if I'm number 5, who are my neighbors? - 4 and 6 - Two children will find numbers 4 and 6 and will stand in line. / Continue so until the arrangement of the row / Here's a number row of numbers from 1 to 10. Who can count to 10 by showing the figure of the corresponding number? And who can count backwards from 10 to 1? Now we will do a number row, but fun and healthy. Number row of vegetables! In this basket has a lot of vegetables! Do you know them? What is this? - Carrot! - Where grow carrots? - In the vegetable garden, underground. - What's this? - Eggplant! - What do we use it? - We make delicious meals, bake it on the grill. - Please number 5 to come forward. One of you must put in the basket so green beans pods, as this number shows. Now let one of you put in the basket 6 tomatoes and stand behind the correct number. / We continue to arrange with vegetables the other numbers: 1- cauliflower; 2- peppers; 3- zucchini; 4- garlic; 7-cucumbers; 8-

potatoes; 9- carrots; 10- eggplants. / Here is our useful, tasty, healthy number row. Number row of vegetables! Is it fun? We continue! This basket has 5 onions. If I add one more what will become, how much? Now with signs to record this task! ... ... ... ... ... +… = ... ... ... ... ... ... ... If you have two cucumbers and added another, how much they will be? -3 - Now with signs to record the task! ... ... +, = ... ... ... ... Great job! In the basket there are more vegetables. You know how healthy they are. But the most useful are raw. What can we do with raw vegetables? - Salads, sandwiches ... - What kind of salad you ate? - Milk Salad "Snow White," "mixed salad", "Shepherd's salad," "Shopska Salad" - The most delicious and most Bulgarian salad is "Shopska salad". I will tell you vegetables from which it's done. And you'll have to write it. Can you write? There is another way to save the recipe. We will write it with real vegetables and numbers! So ... That's what we need: Number 1 – next to it we put an onion. Number 2 - next to it we put two cucumbers. Number 3 - next to it we put three tomatoes. Number 4 - next to it we put four peppers. To taste grated on top Bulgarian white cheese. Here's how we recorded our recipe for "Shopska salad" When your mom came to pick you up you will read her the recipe and together you will make it at home. It's funny, right? We continue! In front of everyone of you there is a sheet. The sheet is hidden picture. With pencil consistently connect points from 1 to 10. Paint and solve the mystery! What happened? What a interesting vegetables! Little children, today mathematical games were very interesting, right? And finally let's sing the song about vegetables! / "Vegetables who not eat , he will not grow big! He will have no rosy cheeks! Everyone will beat him .." / This is a popular children song in Bulgaria, called „Зеленчуци който не яде“.

BULGARIA TEAM HERBS – A GIFT OF NATURE FOR OUR HEALTH Plan-lesson IV age group /6-7 years old/ Education field: " World Around Us " Core: "Social and healthy environment " - recognizes professions from different fields and their importance to people's lives. Topic: "Herbs - a gift of nature for our health" Objective: 1.Recognizes herbs and determine the biotypes, which it grows / Meadow, forest, mountain /. 2. Reflection importance of herbs for a healthy way of life. Expected result: Recognizes herbs and how to use them. Tasks: 1. Enrich children's knowledge of medicinal plants and their use. 2. Create lasting interest in children in the use of herbs in their life. 3. Assess health as a value and can apply rules for a healthy lifestyle. Nurture respect and gratitude to the people who care the health of children and their families; Keywords: herbs, healing, picking, storage, Midsummer day. Methods: Talk, verbal game Means: books and albums with images of herbs, making herbal tea, dried herbs, recreating the tradition of picking herbs in midsummer day, board, children's encyclopedias, dramatization of the story, "Forest pharmacy" by Lila Zaharieva, folk beliefs, riddles. Methodological guidelines for implementation of the topic: Introduce children to the topic, submit their information for folk medicine. I recall their tea party held on Monday at which alone we have prepared tea. I propose them to tell the story of the forest pharmacy. It rains and herbs soaked. I give them problematic situation - how to continue the story? We decide to wait to dry out and ask leading questions: Where grow herbs? What herbs do you know? Word game "This is my herb" - Every child says the name of the herb and a few sentence to describes it. Only grasses are herbs, is it true? Which shrub leaves, flowers or fruits are herbs? Are there trees, parts of which are also medicinal? What do you call people whose profession is to collect herbs? Rules for picking herbs. How herbs help people? Which ones have you used at home? We recipe Grandma Turtle tea. Summarize - herbs are a healthy food, help to heal, use them to defend our body, collecting herbs accompanied by motor activity. They are a gift of nature for our health. Recreating the ritual of picking herbs on Midsummer Day. Dramatization of the story, "Forest pharmacy" by Lila Zaharieva. Why tell this particular story? - Our message is to honor the work of those who care for our health and heal us. Getting to know the recipe for tea. Links to other Educational Fields: "Bulgarian language and literature" / "Forest pharmacy" from Lila Zaharieva/ Music – Music activity /dance/

BULGARIA TEAM Plan syllabus IІІ age group /5-6 years old/ TOPIC: "The Road Of The Bread" Educational direction: World around us Core: The world of nature and environmental protection . Tasks: 1.Enrich the children knowledge about the road of the bread from the field to the table. 2. Recognizes the need to care for plants throughout the year and their importance to people's lives. 3. Explains the importance of food as a source of energy for the daily function of the plant and human development. Proceeding of the situation: Bulgarian poem in rhyme / in English translation does not rhyme / Silent Bulgarian traditional music… Under the forest, under the green forest there are row ploughmen, row diggers. Plowing plow, sow wheat. They sow it, God grows it to reap it the lasses, to tie it the lads, to threshed it fathers and mothers, to grind it white old men, to eat it Christians, all praise God! Teacher: Hello children! You're the third age group, yes? You're so big and beautiful! I am ............... .. Nice to meet you! Today I am here dressed in traditional Bulgarian dress – “nosiya”. In what country we live? ............. Exactly! Bulgaria! Once, many years ago in Bulgaria all dressed alike. With such waistcoats, skirts, pinafores, embroidered shirts, aprons, beautiful, colorful, woven by hand with handmade embroideries. On holidays people have donned the best costumes “nosii”! Soon we celebrated nice holidays. On Christmas Eve, did you have traditional Bulgarian bread on the table? It is called “pitka”. And for Christmas, too? Do your mothers or grandmothers made this bread? And do you

like it? Well! Now I'll make “pitka –bread”. Will you help me? Let's go from the beginning ... That children is wheat. Feel it! Let each take one grain. Such grains sown sowers in the fields , after having plowed the ground. In Mother Earth sowers sow wheat like that way. / Show the move - do it together! / Earth cuddle the wheat in her hands, warm it and the wheat falls asleep. / Show the move and do it!/ The sun shines warm, earth gives his love and of grain wakes wheat. Opens eyes and looks high to the sky, where the golden sun shines. It grow and grow ... Just as you grow from little babies to big kids. Wheat is like a human. From little seed turns into gold wheatear. / Shows wheatear / When autumn is here, came pickers called reapers to reap. / Show the move - do it together! / They collect the wheatear. It is harvest time. The reapers tie wheatear into sheaves / Show the move - do it together! / and threshed them. / Show the move - do it together! / Then carry them to the mill. There miller grinds the wheat/ Show the move - do it together! / and gets fluffy white flour. Here in this package is nestled flour. Feel it! But how do we turn it into bread? Today I'll show you. At home you will prepare it every holiday. You will gather the whole family around the table. Before we begin let's wash our hands! Bread loves clean hands and pure thoughts! Bulgarian music - bagpipes. Today we will knead delicious bread, which then we will eat. What products do we need? Do you know? We need a magic cube of yeast. Mine is magic! You will see how dough, thanks to yeast, from as little rises and rise sufficiently. This dough goes sooo big! Also we need eggs from the hens. We need yogurt and milk from Mrs. Cow and a little oil, salt and sugar. First we will make magic with the yeast. In some warm water we break cube yeast. / It sounds Bulgarian folk music / What we hear, children? Exactly! This is a bagpipe! Now add in the yeast sugar and a little flour. Stir! / Children one by one mix it / This bread will be so delicious! Interfere it as real bakers! Now we bring this pitka bread to the baker to bake it. Until then we all play together Bulgarian traditional dance horo and rychenica. Children, hear the scream of the bagpipes and do you smell the fragrance of hot bread? Today we walked the road of the bread. From the little wheat grain to delicious, warm bread. Now we see it baked. Mmmmm yummy! Bon Apetit! Bring the pitka- bread. Sounds quiet Bulgarian folk music. Shine, shine, warm sun! To wake up every grain. To mature wholesale wheat. To grind it the miller, to bake it the baker. Warm and delicious pitka bread for obedient children. Thank you, dear sun that you wake up every grain! That wholesale ripe wheat, that we ate so sweet!

BULGARIA TEAM Open practice "Milky Way" for III Age Group Educational Field: World Around Us Core: "Social and healthy environment", "The world of nature and its conservation" Topic: "Milky Way" Object: Building social skills and habits for healthy choices of behavior, culture of healthy and active attitude towards personal and public health. Tasks: 1. Updating and upgrading knowledge, skills and attitudes of children to the diversity of species. 2. Enriching children's knowledge of milk as a valuable and useful product and induce a desire in children to eat dairy products. 3. Development and strengthening of child vocabulary words names of dairy products in English. 4. Nurturing desire and responsibility of children to take care of their health. Expected results: Knows the care that must be made for farm animals. Knows about the purpose of the farm as a place for breeding animals. Knows rules to protect their own health and healthy nutrition. Methods of pedagogical interaction: 1. Visualisation - Presentation - Magnetic board - Pictures 2. Verbal - Story - Talk - Riddles - Supplementary and provocative questions. 3. Interactive - Situational / role game / - Discussion / talk / - Experimentally - empirical / experiment, modeling / Materials and tools: Presentation, children's stores, trucks /toy/, food, stickers, posters, magnetic board. Integrative connections: Bulgarian Language and Literature, Mathematics, Arts, Music, Physical culture Design and technology. Preconditioning: Getting information on the subject, preparation of presentation, selection of music, preparation of dairy products and other food, preparation of devices for racing games.

Enter Milky. M: Hello, children! My name is Milky because: To be healthy for two Not to be sick, with a cheerful face drink milk,drink! Enter Kiddy. K: Hey, hello! Hi Milkyyyy! I stand at the front! Listen to my advice! Every day make a trouble fill the day that way Laze and play Eat everything on your way! Milky and Kiddy: He is Milky - he is Kiddy / 2 / If there is loud noise – everyone knows that we are here! M: Well I really love milk! Did you have milk for breakfast? Did you know I have a surprise for you? Today we will visit a farm! Yeahhh! K: I want, too! I want, too! M: Okay we will go together! Children, close your eyes, because with magic we will go over there Abrakadabra - sim salabim! And now we are flying ...... This is a farm. Listen to the animal sounds ! Wow! Welcome – sounds! Song: "In the farmyard" M: As you can see here is wonderful! K: Just for fun and games! Eheey M: I propose to make a race. You are …. / Group "……………" / you will compete against ... / group "……………" / to see who is more knowledgeable, more capable and who is the best! K: Yes, but without competition jury there is no way. Let me choose the most important people – the jury. Mrs ... and Mrs ... please, take your seats! M: We're ready to start! Now infront of me welcome the children with ….. T-shirts, because the first game is for you! Kiddy, where are you? K: Relax, photographing animals! M: Kiddy, give me the photos to see them! Oh -oo how lovely they are! This one I will give to group "…………." Look and remember it! The other one is for group "………………." Remember it! Now I take the photos and let the game "Puzzle" beinn! Your task will be to assemble the same picture of those parts that are in front of you. Each of you will bring there one piece of the puzzle with jumps in hoops. Kiddy, please show how! ............ Group "……………" look and tell me is there in your picture animals that produce milk? ... Group "……………." And in your picture? K: Honorable jury, your evaluations, please! M: Children, of all these animals one is my favorite! Guess which animal! K: I know, I know! M: Please, Kiddy, keep quiet! With white spots, spotted and brown feed grass, produce milk. With big and good eyes Guess who is so nice? Yes, Mrs. Cow is my favorite animal, and today we have to take care of her.

K: Yes, we'll ride her and we will pull her tail, hurray! M: Nonsense, Kiddy, we will play the game "Small farmers". Children with ……..T-shirts come here for the second game. Your task is to milk the cow, but on the road there will be a real obstacle. You will have to go through two tunnels. The winner is that team that has milked more milk Ready go! Game №2 ...... .. M: Please jury to weigh up the group "……….." milk! And now also the group "…….." milk. K: I'm thirsty, and I am very hungry. Give me this milk! I will drink it! M: Wait, Kiddy, don`t touch it! Did you know how delicious things can be prepared from milk sweet sop for example. Children, what can we prepare from milk? .... / fragrant butter, white cheese, tasty yellow cheese, wholesome cottage cheese and the best of all is yoghurt! Kids, do you know these products? ... Well then, come to me children with …… T-shirts for the next game, which is called "Drivers". Every driver will have to choose one dairy product, it must be dairy! Put it into the truck and drive in zig-zag carefully along the way to deliver it to the dairy store. Teams, let's see who will load faster the dairy store with delicious dairy products. Ready….goooo! Game №3 ...... .. Jury, your evaluation, please! Kiddy goes around in circle, jumping with two empty baskets. M: Kiddy, what is in those baskets? What will you do? K: I'll treat the kids! M: Do not be silly! They are empty! You have eaten everything. K: Oooh sorry I was really hungry! Milky, are you angry with me? M: No, but I wonder why did you do this? But now everything will be all right because a cheerful game "fill the basket" follows! Children with …… T-shirts, come here! Close your eyes! I will give you to eat something and I need to know what it is, then you should find this product from among all others, pass on the rope sideways as skip the knots and put what you have taken in the basket. Winner is this one that is not only faster but also more accurate! Ready, start… Game №4 .......... Kiddy hides the baskets M: The baskets are already full. But where are they? Kiddy? Where are the baskets? K: I don`t know! M: Did you eat them, hey you are so greedy !! Give me back the baskets, immediately! Do you know how many things we can prepare of these wholesome and healthy foods? K: No, and I do not care! M: Kiddy, next game! Be careful! The game is called "Dairy delights". Attention… children with ... T-shirts, come to me! Are you ready, because you will need to know which milk product contained in these articles, you will see in front of you? K: And I do not believe to cope. I can`t imagine that they can handle it! M: Come children, come to show Kiddy how much you know and I hope then you`ll return what you have taken without permission. Kids, in the screen you will see a complete meal. Consider wich dairy product it contains and than, after passing on the bench with a steady walking you should put the dairy product next to a number. I`ll tell you different numbers every time, so be careful! Nesquik, sandwich”Shopska salad”, toast with yellow cheese, “Tarator”/cold soup with yoghurt and cucumbers/.

Please assessment of jury M: Yes, yoghurt and cheese are some products that glorify Bulgaria in Europe and worldwide! Even in England people know them and even tried them! Now children with .... T-shirts. Come here, you will play in English. D: Hello! Hello children! M: I'll ask riddles and wait for the answer in English, listen carefully: From any little baby it quickly makes a hero! If you drink it every day, you will grow laughing and cheerful Your teeth are healthy Muscles strong and tough! It is for drink, we called it‌/milk/ It looks like a lump of snow, but otherwise taste salty. Everyone love to eat it and know it is so good and healthy! / Cheese / Its shaped like a circle and it is yellow in color. Anyone who taste it knows that cheese is its brother! /yellow cheese/ It is like a ice, but it is not ice It is like a honey, but it is not honey, But it is cold like ice and sweet like honey. Guess what is? / Ice cream / M: And now the game with my favorite flash cards. Kiddy, where are the cards? Quickly bring them back! E: You'll have to find them! Two giant steps forward ... .. M: Thank you very much! Playing with flash cards. Choose a card. See what is there. Name it in English. M: Kids, you are great! E: I am the great I am the best! M: I think here in the farm Mrs. Cow is the best and we will thank her with a song. Dear Mrs Cow ..../song/ M: It's time to hear the final score!

BULGARIA TEAM Workshop with parents Topic ,, Quick, easy, delicious " Educational direction: World Around Us Core: The world of nature and its conservation. Educational tasks: 1. To enrich children's views of the riches of nature: fruits and vegetables. Child to classify them by visual signs. 2. To create skills children to work with unusual materials: fruits, vegetables, knives and others. 3.Creating skills to manage and aesthetic arrangement of salad dishes. Integrative connections: Bulgarian language; constructive technologies; music

Proceeding of the situation: It sounds quiet autumn melody. Children enter the art-cabinet. There are arranged on the tables main autumn vegetable - fruit arrangements (baskets filled with different kinds of fruits and vegetables). M: Dear children, welcome !!!! As you can see here on these tables, one fairy left its gifts !!! Who is she!!? She fill each garden with such abundance of fruit and vegetable, so we then be able to pick from the gardens and put on our table these delicious fruits and vegetables. E: It's the Autumn !!! Y: Yes, children !!! Exactly !!! Autumn comes with many gifts for people !!! She gives the gardens of farmers with the most delicions abundance. Donates fruits: apples, pears, plums, quinces, grapes, etc. and most nutritious vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, eggplant, etc. We all love to eat her gifts. .Here, at this table to delight us are all her gifts. We know all fruits and vegetables and know a lot about them. We also know a very nice song dedicated to fruit, vegetables and autumn .... Lets sing it !!!

(Children sing the song ,, Autumn calls us ") At the end of the song enters girl dressed as Autumn) Child-Autumn: Hello children !!! How lovely sounds your voices. I'm very delighted with this nice song !!! Yes, I left here to you these nice gifts to remind you to eating them to grow healthy, lively and cheerful. Y: Yes, Fairy-Autumn, we'll have a bite of your goods. Today we will prepare of them what .....? Fruit salads !!!! Can we, children? E: Yeah !!!! M: How do we prepare them !!!! Well, yes, of course !!! We will keep the recipes ... !!!! (The teacher points out menus, which are prepared in advance, containing basic recipes for making fruit salads. / Y: Children, we will follow the recipes and it will be very easy to deal with them. -And you Fairy-Autumn, stay with us and see how many delicious things we will prepare !!!! Y: Come on, kids, let's get started !!!! Let each of you to go to the tables. There are various products . With the help of our guests, your parents, together we will prepare delicious fruit salads. Y: Have a nice work! Culinary activity ends with arranging the table. On it there are arranged all fruit salads, made by children and their parents.

BULGARIA TEAM Plan syllabus IV age group 5-6 years old TOPIC: "Meet The Dolphin" Educational direction: World around us Core: Nature world and environmental protection Tasks: 1.Enrich the children knowledge of the sea animals –their external and behavioral characteristics. 2. Teach a positive attitude towards objects of wildlife. 3. Familiarizing children with peculiarities of the life of dolphins. Proceeding of the situation: In the room we hear voices of gulls and the sound of breaking waves. Teacher: Children what is this noise? Children: Sea, gulls. Teacher: I know a story, which tells of the sea and its king Neptune. I will show you the protagonist of the story, and you will tell me who is she? / Of the screen appears Ariel / Children: This is Ariel from the story "The Little Mermaid" Teacher: We all like this story, but I think she wants to tell us something! /Ariel greets the children/ -Hello, children! You all know that I live in the sea and I have many friends there. Now I will show you my sea friends and I hope you tell me their names. / The screen shows the picture with different pet- sea crab, seahorse, starfish, octopus, sea urchin, mussels, scallops, dolphin, fish / Children show and name displayed animals. Ariel: Well done, children! I see you know my friends, but now I give you a task. You must divide animals into two groups. The first group will be “animals that live on the bottom”, and the second group is “animals that swim in the water”. / The children have a board with the animals listed up there/ The animals are in the middle of the picture imitating seabed. / Children determine who lives at the bottom and who swims in the water/ Teacher consider whether correctly handle the children. Ariel: Children, among animals that swim in the water, there is my best friend, but to know who is my bestfriend you will have to guess a riddle. I live within the deep dark sea. If you skimmed the water you`d find me. I love to play and jump up high, Sometimes I seem to touch the sky. Humans are one of my friends And wait do, well that depends.

Who am I? ………………………………………………… / Dolphin / Or SPLASH!!! I swim by you going 25 miles an hour. I am slippery, sleek and fast. Don`t blink or you might miss me swim by you. I eat fish and crabs. We are very noisy animals and like to chirp , whistle and squeak. I am a worm-blooded mammal. I have more teeth than any other animal. Most of my kind have dark colors on the upper body, and on the underside we have lighter colors. I live in the ocean and the sea. I have a backbone. My tail helps me swim. What am I? ………………………………………………… / Dolphin / Ariel: Good job! It is the dolphin. That's how it looks like. / Displayed a picture of a dolphin / Teacher: Inside the sea there are various fish - small and big. The biggest fish that can be found in our sea /Black Sea/ is the dolphin. It has three fins and tail which with the dolphin can swim very fast. Baby dolphin love the milk of the mother dolphin. The dolphin see equally in and out of the water, and their hearing is much better than the human. Dolphins live in family, swim together. They all eat and play together. To play sounds to communicate, dolphins use the hole which with they breathe. It is located on top of their head. / Children hear sounds issued by dolphin / Dolphins are very friendly and love humans. They may remain under water up to fifteen minutes. Teacher: I know you love tasks and I have one more for you! If you connect correct numbers from 1 to 10 you will get a dolphin, which you can color. So the dolphin friend of Ariel will have more friends dolphins and Ariel”s friend will not be alone. Ariel: You've done great! You know numbers and the row of the numbers. Now it is time to go back to my home and tell my father King Neptune how much you know about dolphins. Children: Goodbye, Ariel!

Bulgaria Team "Healthy Desserts" Pedagogical situation in ІV preparatory group Education Area: "The World Around Us" Core: "Social and Healthy Environment" National Educational Standarts: Compares health and disease status. Recognizes professions from different fields and their importance to people's lives. Objective: To create an opportunity for children to understand the importance of certain types of foods for human health. Tasks: 1. Consolidate the children's ideas about the types of foods and their importance for human health. 2. Enriching children's ideas for different foods by directly examining taste and external traits. 3. Raising a positive attitude towards healthy lifestyles and healthy eating. 4. Stimulate the desire for a healthy lifestyle. Methods and means: verbal, visual, practical, gameplay Integrative Links: Design and Technology, Bulgarian Language and Literature, Mathematics, Music. Materials: presentation, emblems, necessary products for healthy desserts, tables - 4 , household appliances, utensils and supplies, inscriptions, hats for chefs and others.

The children are arranged in a circle. The teacher is in front of them. Start a talk. - Children, what is most precious to a person? - Health! -What do we have to do to be healthy? - Eat healthy! Sports, play outside, ride a bicycle, go out in the mountains, keep the regime, maintain personal hygiene, body and teeth, be cheerful, peaceful, loved by our loved ones ... - Children, I see you know what is important to grow healthy and strong. You said it was very important to eat healthily. That is why we will prepare healthy food today. In particular, we will prepare a healthy dessert. Presentation on healthy eating and various types of healthy desserts. "Kids, you already see the recipes, the necessary products and the way to prepare healthy desserts. I will now divide you into 4 groups, each group will be a workshop. Each workshop will make a healthy dessert. The teacher chooses the manager of each workshop. At each table are placed the products and utensils necessary for the preparation of healthy desserts. The teacher and assistant supervise and support each workshop.

SCRIPT OF CLASS – 2nd LESSON PLAN SPANISH TEAM Age of students: 3- 4 years’ old Teachers: Mª Ascensión Jiménez, Tania Mª García General purpose: •

Enrich the vocabulary and knowledge for vegetables.

Increase their observation.

Delivering the chance to get involved in activities of cooking.

Learn a winter dish from Spain.

Specific objectives: Every child:  Will be able to recognize vegetables, while enrich his/her vocabulary.  Will be able to collaborate.  Will be able to observe and concentrate.

ATASCABURRAS The atascaburras is a Castilian dish typical of the winter Albacete or the Serrania de Cuenca, preferably when it snows. It is a traditional dish of cold places, which is usually eaten when the first winter snows fall; It is even said that for good to come out, melted snow must be used to cook it. The exquisite and small nuts of the saw are added to adorn and complete a nutritious dish. The locals say that like almost all the country dishes, it is better not to use dishes and eat directly from the mortar. The dish contains various ingredients that are easy to obtain in a village isolated by snow, such as salted cod (desalted in abundant water the previous night), cooked and crumbled potatoes, olive oil, garlic and walnuts. During processing, the ingredients are crushed, so that the final texture is puree. It is served garnished with walnuts, and although it is not traditional, cooked egg slices are used as decoration. In some places it is eaten with plenty of loaf bread soaking the sauce. Ingredients

1 kg of potatoes. 300 g of cod. 2 garlic cloves. 1/4 L olive oil. 3 hard boiled eggs. 50 g of walnuts. Process 1. Cook the potatoes together with the cod, which has previously been washed but not desalted, for about 30 minutes. 2. Once cooked, the cod is shredded, removing the skin and thorns. 3. Chop the garlic in the mortar and gradually add the potato and the cod together with a spoonful of the cooking broth. 4. Add the oil while removing. The result must be a very thick mixture and as homogeneous as possible.

SCRIPT OF CLASS – 1st LESSON PLAN SPANISH TEAM Age of students: 3- 4 years’ old Teachers: Mª Ascensión Jiménez, Tania Mª García General purpose: •

Enrich the vocabulary and knowledge for vegetables.

Increase their observation.

Delivering the chance to get involved in activities of cooking.

Learn two summer dishes from Spain.

Specific objectives: Every child: ɡ Will be able to recognize vegetables, while enrich his/her vocabulary. ɡ Will be able to collaborate. ɡ Will be able to observe and concentrate. GAZPACHO Gazpacho (Spanish pronunciation: [ɡaθɡpatɡo] ; Andalusian: [ɡaɡɡpɡa(t)ɡo]) is a soup made of raw vegetables and served cold, originating in the southern Spanish region of Andalusia. Gazpacho is widely eaten in Spain, particularly during the hot summers, as it is refreshing and cool. A closely related dish is salmorejo. In Andalusia, most gazpacho recipes typically include stale bread, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, onion and garlic, olive oil, wine vinegar, water, and salt. The following is a typical modern method of preparing gazpacho: 1. The vegetables are washed and the tomatoes, garlic and onions are peeled. 2. All the vegetables and herbs are chopped and put into a large container (alternatively, the tomatoes may be puréed in a blender or food processor, pounded in a mortar (the traditional method), or strained and de-seeded with a food mill) 3. Some of the contents of the container are then blended until liquid, depending on the desired consistency.

4. Chilled water, olive oil, vinegar and salt are then added to taste. 5. The remaining contents of the container are added to the liquid, then briefly blended, but not to purĂŠe, leaving some texture. (optional) 6. Garnishes may be made with fresh bell pepper slices, diced tomatoes and cucumber, or other fresh ingredients.

MOJE The moje is a typical Spanish dish from La Mancha. There are two types of wet, which is made using chopped natural tomato and in which peeled (canned) tomato. At the present time this last variety, the one of the natural peeled tomato, is the one that prevails in Castile-La Mancha. The only ingredients are: tomato split into small pieces (with or without skin), finely chopped onion (preferably spring onion), hard-boiled egg, virgin olive oil and canned tuna (not pretty). Chop the tomato and put it with the onion or scallion (preferably the latter), and salt in a large bowl or salad bowl. To put the tuna and the olives and then to put the oil stirring from bottom up without beating until the oil is slightly above. Finally put the egg hard. This salad is convenient to make several hours before consumption, so that all ingredients blend their flavors.

SCRIPT OF CLASS – 2nd LESSON PLAN ITALIAN TEAM Age of students: 4-5 years old Teachers: Muratore Angela, Musicò Rosalia, Savona Cristina, Vitello Valeria General purpose: • • • •

Promote the love for healthy nutrition through the games. Improve the motor skills of each student. Give each student the chance to be spontaneous and express joy. Separate in small groups and collaborate.

Specific objectives: Every child:       

Will be able to collaborate with the members of his/her team Will be able to synchronize different parts of his/her body (eye-hand) Will be able to participate in different levels of activity (easy-hard level) Will promote his/her creativity with different movements (flexibility) Will be able to follow specific rules Will be able to express his/her feeling You will be able to count and classify by size and shape

Course schedule: 1. We recognize the autumn fruits of our country (names), which took part in our games. 2. We chose to obtain a product with recycled material 3. We divide the children into two groups 4. The first group must find a sufficient number of bottles caps for the realization of the bunch of grapes 5. The second group uses the technique and the colors for the realization of the small picture 6. Then every child makes his picture Some photos:




Age of students: 4-5 years old Teachers: Muratore Angela, Musicò Rosalia, Savona Cristina, Vitello Valeria

General purpose: • • • • •

Enrich the vocabulary and knowledge of vegetables. Teaching about the veggies and their nutritional value Improve the motor skills of each student Observation and concentration. Play with math (different games connected with addition and subtraction)

Specific objectives: Every child:        

Will be able to recognize vegetables, so enriching his/her vocabulary. Will be able to collaborate. Will be able to observe and concentrate. Will participate in different levels of activities (easy-middle-hard level). Will promote his/her creativity. Will develop artistic skills Will be able to express his/her feelings. Will be able to prepare a salad.


Course schedule: 1. Firstly, we recognize the vegetables of our country and we try to find their shape. 2. We classify by color and size vegetables. 3. In order to promote children's creativity we use our vegetables as molds for the realization of a poster 4. We make a typical Sicilian salad (see the attached recipe)


DIDACTIC PROJECT ROMANIA TEAM KINDERGARTEN „Floarea soarelui” Craiova II LEVEL, 5-6 years old group THEME: „What is, was and will it be like here on the earth?” SUBTHEME: „THE WORLD OF WATER” SUBJECT: „NEMO AND HIS FIRENDS” CATEGORY OF ACTIVITY: integrate activity MIJLOC DE REALIZARE: didactic game, crafts TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities GENERAL PURPOSE OF ACTIVITY: Consolidation and verification of mathematical knowledge regarding the uptake of the concept of natural number within 1-6; systematization of the knowledge about marine life, exploiting work skills acquired in carrying out practical works inspired by nature; educating the spirit of order and accuracy in carrying out the works. OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES:

Cognitive: To count corectly up and down within the limits 1-6; To form groups of objects and associate the correct number with the quantity; To specify the place of every number in the numerical series and his ”neighbours”; To count form the left to the right and from the bottom to the top by circling the counted elements; To stick silhouettes of marine animals, respecting the required number for each item; To analyze and evaluate personal works and the ones of the other children. Affective: To participate consciously and actively in accomplishing the task of the game; To respect the rules of the games; To cooperate within the group. Psychomotor: To use correctly the work tools; To maintain the right posture towards the table for a good ocular-motor coordination. DIDACTIC STRATEGIES: •

methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, demonstration, didactic game, exercise, gallery tour;

didactic material: magnetic numbers, magnetic tokens of marine animals for the numeric scale, badges and magnetic symbols for every group (fish, octopus, jelly fish , starfish) , manufactured aquarium, small magnetic symbols for every right answer, marine animals silhouettes made of carton, Nemo – the fish, cube with images and numbers, panel for registering the score, glue. Place: classroom; Time: 30-35 minutes.

EVALUATION: systematic observation of children’s behaviour, the analysis of actions and answers, the analysis of actions and answers, the analysis of the activity products, verbal assessment, oral verification, practical test. DIDACTIC TASK: •

Counting within the limits 1-6, forming groups with a given number of objects, the association of the right number to the quantity.

THE GAME RULES: The game will be organized on four teams (The Fish, The Octopus, The Jelly Fish, The Starfish). In order to help Nemo’s friends to win the competition, the children have to solve different tasks and to obey the game rules (act according to the teacher’s indications, wait for their turn, place on the panel the groups of objects and the associated numbers, clap their hands when the answers are right, encourage their team). For each task properly solved the children get a cub of the marine animal they help. The team who will gather thr most cubs will win. GAME ELEMENTS: surprise, competition, expectation, rolling the cube, filling the tank with the indicated number of aquatic species, applause

Didactic event

Scientific content



strategies 1.Preparing the activity

Preparing the materials necessary - badges for



activity; - symbols for

arranging the furniture ( tables and every team chairs) according to the activity requirements. 2. Catching

In order to catch the children’s - frontal



attention the teacher will reveal a -aquarium with

Degree of interest

manufactured aquarium and Nemo, Nemo, the fish

regarding the

the fish. Nemo will introduce his

displayed material


Children’s answers





a Conversation

mathematics competition and aks the children to help them as he can’t count. 3.

The teachers asks the children to -flip-chart


count up and down within the limits -magnetic


1-6, then to form


Oral evaluation tokens Verbal

numeric with figures and appreciation

scale on the board.


Practical work

Conversation 4. Announncing The teacher announces the theme of


Observation of

the subject and

the activity: Nemo and his friends.



the objectives

There are also announced the



of the activity

objectives of the activity and some behaviour rules to be obeyed during the activity.

5. Conducting the process of learning

a) Game explanation:


The game will be organized on four teams (The Fish, The - magnetic Octopus, The Jelly Fish, The symbols for every Starfish). In order to help Nemo’s team (fish, friends to win the competition, the octopus, jelly fish, children have to solve different starfish), tasks and to obey the game rules -small magnetic

The proper

(act according to the teacher’s symbols for every

understanding of

indications, wait for their turn, right answer

the game rules

place on the panel the groups of objects and the associated numbers, clap their hands when the answers are right, encourages their team).


For each task correctly solved the children get a cub of the marine Explanation animal they help. The team who will gather the most cubs will win. The material in the baskets is

Demonstration It is appreciated

predicted, the rules are explained,

the children’s

the trial game is carried on and then

effort to form

the children start solving the work


object groups and



to associate the right figure.

One representative from each team comes and puts into the aquarium

carton silhouettes

as many animals as the number

of marine animals

shown to him indicates. b)Trial game: There will be carried on a trial game in order to check whether all the children understood the game





c) Playing the game:


The game continues, the children solve the requirements. 1st Variant


The teacher shows to every team tokens with personalized tokens with figures, figures and the children will specify the figure animals

The right answers

and form groups having as many Explanation

are applauded.

elements as the token shows.


2nd Variant


The cube is revealed. A member of the team throws the cube and his - the cube with teammates answer. On the cube groups of objects faces there are groups with 1,2,3 and figures elements and 1-3 figures. The -tokens children have to form the group or associate the corresponding figure Explanation according to the face displayed.


Complicating the game Every team gets a personalized piece of paper, images with the -personalized marine animals they help and glue. piece of paper for

The work task is to stick as many every team elements as the figure indicates.

-images of marine animals, glue Demonstration Independent work

6. Getting

The children are appreciated for


their knowledge and invited to prove their capacity of solving mathematics tasks by means of practical activities.


Transition: in order to get to the practical activity there will be used a recitative poem. By means of this transition the children sit at their tables and are invited to help Nemo and stick in Explanation the aquarium as many friends as he needs to play: a fish, 2 seahorses, 3 fishstars etc. The




demonstrated. Before starting work Demonstration


the children make some exercises


for warmig-up the fingers. During the activity the teacher -blue pieces of observes the way children work, paper encourages, stimulates them and -glue gives


explanations Paper cut

when needed.

elements: fish,

Observation of behaviour: children’s

At the end of the activity every seahorses, sea


child will analyse the paper of the stars, marine

the degree of

colleague next to him.



Independent work 7. Ending the

The children make the gallery tour


in order to analyse the exposed

Gallery tour

Verbal appreciations

works. The teacher appreciates the way children woked and offers them stimulents.



SCRIPT OF CLASS – 2nd LESSON PLAN Medicinal herbs Slovakia Team Age of students: 3 - 4 years old Teachers: Zuzana Garajovå Education field:

Man and nature Language and communication Man and the world of work

Objectives: - To answer the questions arising from the text of the story - Identify selected plant species with medicinal effect - To know the importance of plants for humans - To know that man is getting raw materials for the preparation of some commonly used products from the surrounding nature - Sort naturalities produts to according identified characters

Strategies: Listening to the story, interview, observation, research, comparison, sorting, practical activities,

Materials: Book: Philip's adventures - the story "Philip and the medicinal meadow" pictures of medicinal plants, coloring pages, crayons, Plant Encyclopedia / Atlas of Medicinal Plants /, magnifying glass

Activities: - concentrated listening to the story of Philip and medicinal meadow - We talk about the story, the children answer the questions - Identify medicinal plants in the picture : dandelion, violet, nettles, plantain, primrose, coltsfoot - Coloring the medicinal plants - At the school garden, we search for medicinal plants by pictures - We observe the building of the flower : stem, leaves, petal, root - We observe, we compare the shape of the leaves, children assign colors to flowers - We tear off one plant of every kind, put it on paper and pressed in a book - later we produce herbarium

SCRIPT OF CLASS – 1nd LESSON PLAN FRUIT Slovakia Team Age of students: 3 - 4 years old Teachers: Zuzana Garajovå Education field: Man and nature Mathematics and Information work

Objectives: - To get acquainted with the fruits of our country and the fruit coming from different parts of the world - To know the individual fruit names - Recognize the fruits in reality and in the picture - To learn about different uses of fruit - Counting the number of fruit in the group - To compose the parts of the image into a whole according to the original

Strategies: Thematic interview, educational game, sorting and assignment, puzzle,practical activities, fruit processing - Fruit sald

Materials: Pictures of fruits, punnet, fruit models, plate, dessert knifes, ice cream cornets, puzzle fruit from our country, skewers

Activities: - basket with fruit is in front of children - fruit is gradually picked out of the basket and we name it - we assign fruit - children gradually pick fruit, name it and we associate the fruits with the image of the same fruit - we sort and count fruits - apples, pears, plums, nuts ... - we compose puzzle of fruit - preparation of fruit salad - children sit at the tables, prepare the fruit, slicing fruit on plate with dessert knife, ice cream cones are fill the with chopped fruits - wooden skewer we decorate with chopped fruits

Bon appetite!

School Name: Sabiha Gökçen Primary School Activity Name: The importance of water Activity Type: Art-Turkish-Science Integrated Group Activity Age Group: 60-72 Months April ACHIEVEMENTS AND INDICATORS: Cognitive Field: Achievement 3. They remember what they perceive. (Indicators: Tells the object / situation / event after a while, uses what they remember in new situations.) Social-Emotional Development: Achievement 5. Shows the positive or negative feelings about an event or situation in appropriate ways. (Indicators: Indicates negative emotions with positive behaviors.) Learning Process: ● In the art center, water drops drawn in white cardboard handed out to each child .The children are given coloring pages with trees and are asked to do free or optional work with brushes and fingerprints The song "Rain" is sung with children.


Oh rain pour down, Dough on the kneading trough, Mud on the field,Oh Lord give us lots of rain. *(The Turkish Nursery Rhyme-sounds funny when translated but sounds nice in Turkish and is popular among children ) ● Teacher asks a question to children, "Children, would you like to have a flower garden in our class?" After getting the responses from the children,she says "Let's see, tomorrow, everybody is bringing a potted flower, let's water them in turns. Let's see what happens if we water the plants and take good care of them "

School name: Sabiha Gökçen Primary School Activity Name: I am not afraid of microbes Activity Type: Art, Turkish integrated small group event Age Group: 60-72 Months February ACHIEVEMENTS AND INDICATORS: MOTOR DEVELOPMENT Achievement 4. S/he makes movements requiring use of small muscles . Indicators: S/he makes pictures using different materials. SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Achievement 3. Expresses himself in creative ways. Indicators: Creates products with original features. LEARNING PROCESS ● The teacher takes the children to the art center,gives them paper, crayon, watercolor . Teacher says that "Children germs are too small to be seen. How would you visualize and draw microbes?” She guides the children to create unique products. Once the childrens’ works are completed,they are pinned on the board, the children chat about the microbes they have drawn.

PLAN School Name: Sabiha Gökçen Primary School Activity Name: Fast-Slow Activity Type: Turkish-Game Integrated Big Group Event Achievement Group: 60-72 Months December ACHIEVEMENTS AND INDICATORS: Cognitive Development: 19. Produces solutions to problem situations. (Indicators: He/she says the problem,suggests various solutions.) Language Development: Social and Emotional Development: Achievement 4. Describes the feelings of others about an event or situation. (Indicators: says the feelings of others, tells the reasons of others' feelings) Learning Process: ● Children sit on the cushions in the shape of crescent. The teacher says "Rabbit" finger game several times with movements. The volunteer children play the finger game and chant. MY RABBIT The rabbit has two ears. And a funny nose. He likes carrots. He goes hoop everywhere. ● The teacher begins to read the story of the "Rabbit and the Turtle" by showing the pictures. When s/he reads the story, s/he stops to tell the story where the race takes place and asks: them :"The turtle is moving slowly, the rabbit is fast, can the turtle win this race?" After receiving some replies,The teacher asks them to find a solution for the turtle and continues to read the story, saying, "Let's see what happens in the race." Materiel: Story book, paper rabbit ears, mattresses Family Participation: Parents with their chidren are asked to find out which animals are fast and slow. NALAN UYSAL

PLAN School Name: Sabiha Gökçen Primary School Activity name : Emotions Activity Type: Music-Drama Integrated Big Group Event Age Group: 60-72 MonthsJanuary ACHIEVEMENTS AND INDICATORS: Language Development: Achievements 5. The language is used for communication purposes.. (S/He tells about emotions, thoughts and dreams.) S/He tells the reasons of emotions and thoughts. Social-Emotional Development: Achievement 3. S/he express himself in creative ways. (Indicators: Expresses emotions, thoughts and dreams in original ways.) Learning Process:● The children sit in a circle. The teacher gives a mirror to a child and says to the child, "You have received a beautiful gift and you are happy ,show your happiness on your face." While the child is showing happiness while looking in the mirror,meanwhile, the other child whom the teacher tells the name looks at the happy, sad and angry face expressions flashcards prepared beforehand and picks up the card according to the face expression of the friend. -You have lost your favorite toy, you are sad,show your sadness and sorrow on your face. -Your friend took your toy away,you are frustrated. -You dropped the vase and you are very sad. -Your mom is taking you to the playground and you are very happy "and with similar instructions all children participate in this activity by circulating the mirror in hands. Words Concepts: Poor, slow-fast, happy, sad, angry, frightened, confused NALAN UYSAL

School Name: Sabiha Gökçen Primary School Activity Name: Responsibility Activity Type: Art- Turkish Age Group: 60-72 Months March ACHIEVEMENTS AND INDICATORS Social-Emotional Development: Achievement 10. Carries out responsibilities. (Indicators: Indicates the willingness to take responsibility and carries them out. Achievement 13. Maintains esthetic values. (Indicators: S/he says nice and disturbing things he sees around him.) Learning Process: ● In the art corner, the teacher puts a cactus in a pot on the table and allows children to examine it. It is mentioned that the cacti live in deserts for a long time without water and they are covered with thorns. In the project work, materials are prepared to make cactus. Then the children are told the story called "Cactus Seed". (There was an old man but he did not have any children. He loved the trees, the stone, the earth very much and looked at them like his own children, but he is now old and he wants to make other people love the nature, especially the children. Then he decides to organize a competition.He invites all the children to this competition and tells them that he would reward the winner.He tells them "I will give you a cactus seed and ,as a prize,I will take the one who grows the best cactus to the Toy Palace. " The children get excited when they hear it, they all work with great effort. Little Can is one of them.He plants the seed in a flowerpot with care,waters it every day and waits and waits... but the seed is somehow ...................... the story is left incomplete and the children are asked, "What could have happened to the seed of Can , who will win this contest, how should the steps of planting seeds be? They are asked to complete the story by adding a sentence each.

PLAN School Name: Sabiha Gökçen Primary School Name of Activity: We are making Fruit Salad Type of Activity: Game- Music- Science Integrated Big Group Event Age Group: 60-72 months November GAINS AND INDICATORS Cognitive Development: Achievement 3. They remember what they perceive. (Indicators: They tell the object / situation / event again after a while and use what they remember in new situations) Self Care Skills: Achievement 4. Adequate and balanced nutrition. (Indicators: They eat and drink in sufficient quantity / make an effort to eat at meal times) Learning Process: ● Fruit and vegetables are introduced to children with various flash cards and "What kind of fruit I am holding?" game played. Children sit in the shape of a circle, the flash cards, which are vegetables, are distributed over the carpet. One of the players is choosen as”it”.”It” closes his/her eyes. One of the kids in the circle picks up a flash card and keeps it. The chosen one tries to find out which fruit-flash card is missing. According to the children's interest, all children continue until they are the “it”. ● The teacher asks the children to bring the fruit from home. ● After having been talked about how to make a fruit salad ,a fruit salad is made with the children. NALAN UYSAL

School : Sabiha Gökçen İlkokulu Type of Activity: Turkish (Large Group Activity) Fruit Garden Age Group: 60-72 months Oktober Achievements and Indicators Language Development Achievement 5. The language is used for communication purposes. Achievement 10. Reads visual materials. Cognitive Development Achievement 5. Observes objects or entities. Motor Development Achievement 3. makes necessary movements for object control. Materials: A fruit garden poster (this poster may be a different poster), small balls Words: fruit garden Concepts: color: green, brown, white (may vary depending on the colors in the selected poster). Learning Process: Children group in pairs and each group is given one small ball. The teacher hangs the fruit garden poster on place that can be seen by all children at the start of the day. By observing from the easiest to the more difficult ones principle,children are asked to answer the questions listed below by rounding small balls to each other. Each question is asked in turns and the answers of all groups are listened . Let's say the colors we saw on the poster. Let's say the objects or the creatures we saw on the poster. Let's say what people do on the poster. What would you like to do if you were in the fruit garden you saw on the poster? Let’s say. Let's ask each other questions about what we see on the poster. Each time the children speak according to the directions stated above, and the groups in pairs perform this process by rolling the balls to each other one by one. The small balls that are used in this process are external tools which help children start talking and listen to each other. In this process, the above five directives can either be simplified or made difficult according to the poster or the visual. The important thing is that children can understand and express what is intended in the directions. NALAN UYSAL


Kindergarten of Avlonari, Evia, Greece 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026474_4 Age of students: 4-5 years’ old Teachers: Samoutian Margarita, Tsirgioti Eleni, Tatsiou Styliani

THEME: «FRUITS» SUBTHEME: «Autumn fruits in Greece» SUBJECT: «Who is faster?» CATEGORY OF ACTIVITY: Fine and cross mobility TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Sensοrial activity, synchronization of body parts, orientation REALIZATION: sensorial game GENERAL PURPOSE: • • • •

Promote the love for healthy nutrition through games. Increase the fine and cross mobility of each student. Deliver the opportunity to each student to be spontaneous and express joy. Separate in small groups and collaborate.


Every child: Cognitive: will be able to choose his/her group (equal opportunities) will be able to participate in games with grated difficulty (easy-hard level) will be able to synchronize different parts of his/her body (eye-hand) will be able to evaluate his/her personal work and the work of his/her classmates.


Affective: will be able to participate actively in the game will be able to respect the rules of the game will be able to collaborate with the members of his/her team will be able to express his/her feelings Psychomotor: will be able to use correctly the tools of the activity will promote his/her creativity with different movements (flexibility) will be able to preserve his/her position in the line will be able to maintain his/her position in front of the disk, in order to accomplish the task DIDACTIC STRATEGIES: methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, demonstration, didactic game, exercise. didactic material: 4 hola hoops, 2 disks, 4 cups, autumn fruits (such as: red and yellow grapes, apples, bananas, kiwis, pears etc, A4 sheets, carrots, colors, pencils. Place: classroom. Time: 40 minutes. EVALUATION:







verification, analysis of the score. DIDACTIC TASK: Forming groups with a given shapes, syncronization of the eye-hand of

each student, orientation, collaboration. THE GAME RULES: The game will be organized in two teams (the team of squares and the team of circles). Each team will create a line, where the partners will seat side to side and the other team will be in a different line in front of them. Every team has to collaborate in order to transfer the autumn fruits from the left hula hoop ( placed side to the first child) to the other ( right hula hoop, placed side to the last player). Every child has to maintain active and concentrated to help


his/her team accomplish the task faster than the other team. They have to obey the game rules (act according to the teacher’s indications). The team who will gather all the fruits first will win. Afterwards, each team will participate in a more difficult game, where a representative of each team, will try to separate the grape berries, based on their color, and put them in two cups, side to the disk placed in front of them. The faster player will give a mark to the general score of his/her team. Winner will be the team which has bigger score. As a result, the two teams will create a grape craft, using carrots and colors. GAME ELEMENTS: Competition.


Scientific content







the activity

furniture according

the (tables to

classroom’s - 4 hola hoops and the

chairs) activity

- autumn fruits - shapes for


every team

2. Catching

In order to attract childrens’ - Frontal view

Degree of


attention the teacher place in a

interest regarding

line all the autumn fruits.

the displayed - Observation


3. Updating

The teacher asks the students to - Discussion

Oral evaluation


name the fruits that they can

depanding on

observe in front of them, while

- Observation

indicating them with their hand. - Sensors

children’s answers

She also asks to choose a different



time. Enrich 3

Afterwards, the students have


the opportunity to discuss about their caracteristics (color, shape etc) and touch them. 4. Announncing the subject and the objectives of the activity

5. Conducting the process of learning

The teacher announces the

- Frontal view

theme of the activity: «Who is

- Explanation


Observation of children’s behaviour

Also, the teacher announces the rules of the game and presents the objectives of the activity.

a) Game explanation: The game will be organized on - Forming teams

The proper

two teams (the team of squares

understanding of

and the team of circles). Each team will create a line, where the partners will seat side to

- Shapes of cicles and

the game rules


side. The other team will be in a different line in front of their - Hula hoops competitors. - Autumn fruits Every team has to collaborate in order to transfer the autumn fruits from the left hula hoop

Form groups and collaborate

- Discussion

(placed side to the first child) to the right one (placed side to the

- Explanation

last player). Every child has to - Demonstration maintain






Attraction of



team accomplish the task faster than the other team.

- Concentration

They have to obey the game rules







- Orientation 4

teacher’s indications). The team - Game who will gather all the fruits faster will win. b)Trial game:

- Observation

A trial game is carried on in

- Explanation


order to understand the body


position and the game rules.

Observation of behavior and degree of

c) Playing the game: The



- Game and


children transfer the fruits from

- Orientation -Syncronization

one hula hoop to the other.


Body position/ orientation

6. Grated difficulty

Medium level: The children participate in this - Explanation game with grated difficulty. After playing the easy level of game

- Demonstration

they are invited to improve their - Observation capacity of transfering the fruits

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement

(medium level). Every team has to pass the fruit behind their back or above his/her



- Syncronization

the - Orientation

teacher’s instuctions. Winner is

Body position/ orientation

- Game

the team that will transfer all the fruits from the left hula-hoop to the right one, while following verbal instuctions.


Hard level: After accomplishing the medium - Explanation


level, the teams participate in


the last level of this game. They

- Demonstration

have to choose a representative - Observation of their team. After indicating

Observation of

their competitor, they have to

behaviour/ the

take place in front of a disk with

- Syncronization

two type of grapes (yellow and - Orientation red). When the teacher indicates

them in two cups, side to their


- Game

the two competitors have to separate the berries and put

degree of


Body position/



disk. The faster player will give a mark to the total score of the

Evaluation of

team. Winner will be the team


the bigger score. 7. Ending the

At the end of the activity every


team will analyse and evaluate the score of each team.

- Conversation - Explanation

The teacher appreciates the way


Evaluation of

children woked. As a result, the two teams will


score -Creativity

create a grape craft, using carrots and colors.



SCRIPT OF CLASS – 2nd LESSON PLAN Kindergarten of Avlonari, Evia, Greece 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026474_4 Age of students: 4-5 years’ old Teachers: Samoutian Margarita, Tsirgioti Eleni, Tatsiou Styliani

THEME: «VEGETABLES» SUBTHEME: «Vegetables in Greece» SUBJECT: «Guess who!!!» CATEGORY OF ACTIVITY: Mathematics TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Sensοrial and mathematical activity REALIZATION: Observation and experimentation GENERAL PURPOSE: • • • • • •

Promote the love for healthy nutrition through games. Enrich the vocabulary and knowledge for vegetables. Observation and concentration. Delivering the chance to get involved in activities of measuring. Deliver the opportunity to each student to be spontaneous and express joy. Separate in small groups and collaborate.


Every child: Cognitive: will be able to choose his/her group (equal opportunities) will be able to participate in games with grated difficulty (easy-hard level) will be able to categorize the vegetables based on different criteria will be able to understand the meaning of “light” and “heavy” 1

will be able to observe different type of vegetables and understand their circle of life. will be able to observe and discuss about Art will be able to evaluate his/her personal work and the work of his/her classmates. will be able to make measurements will be able to record the perimeter Affective: will be able to participate actively in the game will be able to respect the rules of the game will be able to collaborate with the members of his/her team will be able to express his/her feelings Psychomotor: will be able to use correctly the vegetables of the activity will promote his/her creativity representing art will be able to preserve his/her concentration DIDACTIC STRATEGIES: methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, demonstration, didactic game, exercise, art gallery didactic material: vegetables, cartons, colors, art pictures, pictures of vegetables, scale. Place: classroom. Time: 40 minutes. EVALUATION: systematic observation of childrens’ behaviour, oral verification, sketching the perimeter of vegetables, analysis of the measurements/classifications. DIDACTIC TASK: Forming groups with a given shapes, recognition of vegetables,

representation art, classify and measure, collaboration. THE GAME RULES: The game will be organized on two teams (the team of triangles and the team of circles). Each team will observe the art pictures based on vegetables. 2

They will try to represent the given pictures, using the veggies. Every team has to collaborate in order to represent the given pictures, using the veggies. The group has to maintain active and concentrated to help his/her team accomplish the task. Afterwards, each team will participate in a more difficult game, where each member will sketch the perimeter of each vegetable (easy level). Then, each team will try to find a specific criterion to classify the veggies. As a result, a big list with four categories will be created (medium level). Moreover, each team will measure some vegetables and write down their weight. Finally, each team will recognize the lighter and the heavier vegetable of the list (hard level). GAME ELEMENTS: Analysis.


Scientific content







the activity


the (tables



classroom’s - pictures and the

chairs) activity


- scale - shapes for every team

2. Catching

In order to attract childrens’ - Frontal view

Degree of


attention the teacher place in a

interest regarding

line all the art paintings and the

- Observation


the displayed pictures and vegetables

3. Updating

The teacher asks the students to - Observation

Oral evaluation


name the vegetables that they

depanding on

can observe in the paintings,


while indicating them with their


hand. She also asks to choose a


different vegetable each time.

- Discussion

Afterwards, the students will use - Sensors


the real vegetables to discuss


about their caracteristics (color, shape etc) and touch them. 4.

The teacher announces the


theme of the game: «Guess

the subject


and the objectives of the activity

5. Conducting the process of learning

- Frontal view - Explanation

Observation of children’s behaviour

Also, the teacher announces the rules of the game and presents the objectives of the activity.

a) Game explanation: The game will be organized in - Forming teams

The proper

two teams (the team of triangles

understanding of

and the team of circles). Each team will observe the art pictures based on vegetables. They will try



- Shapes of cicles and triangles

given - Art paintings


pictures, using the veggies.

the game rules

- Vegetables

Form groups and collaborate

Every team has to collaborate in order to represent the given pictures, using the veggies. The - Discussion group has to maintain active and concentrated




- Explanation


- Demonstration



team accomplish the task.

Attraction of

- Creativity b)Trial game: A trial game is carried on in Verbal

order to understand the game - Concentration




- Game

c) Playing the game:

Observation of

The game starts and the children - Observation

behavior and

use the vegetables to represent

degree of

the art paintings.

6. Grated difficulty

- Creativity


Medium level: Afterwards,



will - Explanation

participate in a more difficult game, where each member will

- Demonstration

sketch the perimeter of each - Observation vegetable.

- Sketching perimeter

Then, each team will try to find a - Classification specific criterion to classify the - Game veggies. As a result, a big list

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement Verbal appreciation

List of vegetables Orientation

with four categories will be created (medium level).

- Explanation

Hard level:

After accomplishing the medium - Demonstration level, the teams participate in the last level of this game.






- Observation

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement

vegetables and write down their - Classification weight. Finally, each team will recognize the lighter and the


List of


heavier vegetable of the list (hard - Game


level). 7. Ending the

At the end of the activity, every


team will analyse the exportedproduced lists. The teacher appreciates the way children woked.

- Conversation - Explanation

Verbal appreciation

Evaluation of lists



SCRIPT OF CLASS – 3rd LESSON PLAN Kindergarten of Avlonari, Evia, Greece 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026474_4 Age of students: 4-5 years’ old Teachers: Samoutian Margarita, Tsirgioti Eleni, Tatsiou Styliani

THEME: «FISH AND SEA FOOD» SUBTHEME: «Fish and sea food in Greece» SUBJECT: «Fishing» CATEGORY OF ACTIVITY: Mathematics and Physics TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Sensοrial and mathematical activity REALIZATION: sensorial, fishing game and craft GENERAL PURPOSE: • • • • • •

Promote the love for healthy nutrition through games. Enrich the vocabulary and knowledge of fish and sea food. Observation and concentration. Delivering the chance to get involved in activities of Mathematics and Physics. Deliver the opportunity to each student to be spontaneous and express joy. Increase the fine and cross mobility of each student.


Every child: Cognitive: will be able to participate in games with grated difficulty (easy-hard level) will be able to recognize the fish or sea food through touch


will be able to evaluate his/her personal work and the work of his/her classmates. Affective: will be able to participate actively in the game will be able to respect the rules of the game will be able to express his/her feelings Psychomotor: will be able to use correctly the fishing tools of the activity will promote his/her creativity- fish craft will be able to preserve his/her concentration DIDACTIC STRATEGIES: methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, demonstration, game, sensors-touch, craft. didactic material: plastic toys of fish and sea food, A4 sheets, cartons, scissors, colors, fish pictures, fishing tools. Place: classroom. Time: 40 minutes. EVALUATION:







verification, recognize fish and sea food through touch, creativity, score. DIDACTIC TASK: Recognition of fish and sea food, craft, fishing game-competition.

THE GAME RULES: Every child will try to recognize plastic toys of fish and sea food through touch, between cubes or other plastic animals. Each one has to maintain active and concentrated to accomplish the task. Afterwards, each member will create a craft of a fish, using cartons and decorate them. Finally, each student will try to fish as many fishes as he/she can. As a result, a score list will be created, to indicate the winner. GAME ELEMENTS: Competition and analysis.



Scientific content







the activity


the (tables



classroom’s - plastic toys and the

chairs) activity

- cartons, colors - fishing tools


2. Catching

In order to attract childrens’ - Frontal view

Degree of


attention the teacher place in

interest regarding

front of the children a box full of

- Observation

cubes or plastic animals. Also, she



the displayed box and fish



equipment. 3. Updating

The teacher asks the students - Discussion

Oral evaluation


recognize the items in front of

depanding on

them. Then, they discuss about

- Classification

the caracteristics (color, shape etc)




children’s answers


presented to them. Enrich vocabluary


The teacher announces the


theme of the game: «Fishing»

the subject and the objectives of the activity

Also, the teacher announces the

- Frontal view - Explanation

Observation of children’s behaviour

rules of the game and presents the objectives of the activity.


5. Conducting the process of learning

a) Game explanation: Every child will try to recognize - Discussion

The proper

plastic toys of fish and sea food

understanding of

through touch, between cubes

- Explanation

the game rules

or other plastic animals. Each - Demonstration one has to maintain active and - Sensor (Touch) concentrated to accomplish the task. Attraction of

b)Trial game:


A trial game is carried on in

- Concentration


- Game


order to understand the game rules.

Verbal appreciation c) Playing the game: The





- Observation

children recognize the fish and - Concentration sea food through cubes/plastic animals. 6. Grated difficulty

- Sensor (Touch)

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement

Medium level: Afterwards,

each member will - Explanation

create a craft of a fish, using cartons and decorate them.

- Creativity

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement Verbal

Hard level:

- Explanation


After accomplishing the medium - Demonstration


level, each student participate in - Observation the last level of this game. Each

Observation of behavior and 4

one will try to fish as many - Orientation

degree of

fishes as he/she can. As a








created, to indicate the winner.

- Physics (Magnets)

Score list

- Game 7. Ending the

At the end of the activity, every


student will analyse the score list to indicate the winner. The teacher appreciates the way children woked.

- Conversation - Explanation

Verbal appreciation

- Mathematic symbols <,>,=

Evaluation of lists



SCRIPT OF CLASS – 4th LESSON PLAN Kindergarten of Avlonari, Evia, Greece 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026474_4 Age of students: 4-5 years’ old Teachers: Samoutian Margarita, Tsirgioti Eleni, Tatsiou Styliani

THEME: «GRAINS» SUBTHEME: «Grains in Greece» SUBJECT: «Wheat» CATEGORY OF ACTIVITY: Mathematics and Art TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Sensοrial and Mathematics activity REALIZATION: observation, measurement, creativity GENERAL PURPOSE: • • • • • •

Promote the love for healthy nutrition through games. Enrich the vocabulary and knowledge of grains. Observation and concentration. Delivering the chance to get involved in activities of Mathematics. Deliver the opportunity to each student to be spontaneous and express joy. Increase the fine and cross mobility of each student.


Every child: Cognitive: will be able to participate in games with grated difficulty (easy-hard level) will be able to recognize different type of grains will be able to evaluate his/her personal work and the work of his/her classmates. will be able to make measurements 1

will be able to use his/her creativity to make crafts will be able to understand the process of making bread will be able to solve different type of crosswords Affective: will

be able to participate actively in the game will be able to respect the rules of the game will be able to express his/her feelings

Psychomotor: will be able to use correctly the items of the activity will promote his/her creativity- wheat craft will be able to preserve his/her concentration DIDACTIC STRATEGIES: methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, demonstration, game, sensors-touch, craft, measurements, crosswords. didactic material: A4 sheets, cartons, scissors, glue, colors, pictures of grains, picture of circle of life of a wheat, art paintings. Place: classroom. Time: 45 minutes. EVALUATION:







verification, recognize grains, creativity, measurements. DIDACTIC TASK: Recognition of grains, craft, game-crossword, measurements.

THE GAME RULES: Every child will try to recognize a specific type of grain, placed between another type of grain. He/She will try to name it through sensors-touch. Afterwards, every student, will try to separate the grains placed in a cup in to differnt types. Then, after observing the circle of life of a wheat and the paintings related to it, he/she will try to find the relation between the wheat and the bread (key=flour). Moreover, will make crafts, representing the wheat. 2

Finally, the students, will make some measurements with differnt type of flours and record their weight, in order to use them in the recipe of our bread. Each one has to maintain active and concentrated to accomplish the task. GAME ELEMENTS: Observation, creativity, measurements.


Scientific content







the activity

furniture according

the (tables to

classroom’s - grains and the

chairs) activity


- paintings - craft equipment - scale

2. Catching

In order to attract childrens’ - Frontal view

Degree of


attention the teacher place in

interest regarding

front of the children a scale,

- Observation

paintings and different type of

the displayed items


3. Updating

The teacher asks the students to - Discussion

Oral evaluation


recognize the grains in front of

depanding on

them. Then, they discuss about

- Classification

the caracteristics (color, shape - Observation

children’s answers

etc) and try to find the words of grains in a crossword. Enrich vocabluary Crossword



The teacher announces the


theme of the game: «Wheat»

the subject and the objectives of the activity

5. Conducting the process of learning

- Frontal view - Explanation

Also, the teacher announces the

Observation of children’s behaviour

rules of the game and presents the objectives of the activity.

a) Game explanation: Every child will try to recognize a - Discussion

The proper

specific type of grain (5 pieces),

understanding of

placed between another type of

- Explanation

the game rules

grain (more amount to cover the - Demonstration other). He/She will try to name it - Sensor (Touch) through sensors-touch.

Attraction of

Afterwards, every student, will


try to separate the grains placed


in a cup in to differnt types.


b)Trial game: - Concentration

A trial game is carried on in order to understand the game

- Game

Verbal appreciation


c) Playing the game: The



- Observation and


children recognize the grains through



- Concentration

they -Sensor (Touch)

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement

separate two different type of grains, in two cups.


6. Grated difficulty

Medium level: Then, after observing the circle - Explanation of life of a wheat and the paintings related to it, he/she will

- Creativity

try to find the relation between - Observation the




bread - Assuming (key=flour). Moreover, will make - Creativity crafts, representing the wheat.

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement Verbal appreciation

Hard level: Finally, the students, will make some


- Explanation

with - Demonstration

differnt type of flours and record

- Observation

their weight, in order to use them in the recipe of our bread.

- Measurements

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement List of

Each one has to maintain active


and concentrated to accomplish the task.

7. Ending the

At the end of the activity, every


student will discuss and analyse the circle of life of a wheat. The teacher appreciates the way children woked.

- Conversation - Explanation

Verbal appreciation

Evaluation of crossword and list




SCRIPT OF CLASS – 5th LESSON PLAN Kindergarten of Avlonari, Evia, Greece 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026474_4 Age of students: 4-5 years’ old Teachers: Samoutian Margarita, Tsirgioti Eleni, Tatsiou Styliani

THEME: «DAIRY PRODUCTS» SUBTHEME: «Dairy products in Greece» SUBJECT: «Milk the cow!!!» CATEGORY OF ACTIVITY: Mathematics TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Mathematics activity REALIZATION: observation, classification, creativity, matching, voting. GENERAL PURPOSE: • • • • • •

Promote the love for healthy nutrition through mathematics. Enrich the vocabulary and knowledge of dairy products. Observation and concentration. Delivering the chance to get involved in activities of Mathematics. Deliver the opportunity to each student to be spontaneous and express joy. Increase the fine and cross mobility of each student.


Every child: Cognitive: will be able to participate in games with grated difficulty (easy-hard level) will be able to recognize different type of dairy products will be able to evaluate his/her personal work and the work of his/her classmates. 1

will be able to make measurements

will be able to remember the names of cheese will be able to understand the process of making chesse will be able to vote for his/her favorite cheese Affective: will be able to participate actively in the game will be able to respect the rules of the game will be able to express his/her feelings Psychomotor: will be able to use correctly the items of the activity will promote his/her creativity will be able to preserve his/her concentration DIDACTIC STRATEGIES: methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, demonstration, game, sensors-touch, measurements, list. didactic material: A4 sheets, cartons, scissors, glue, colors, pictures of dairy products, different type of cheese Place: classroom. Time: 40 minutes. EVALUATION: systematic observation of childrens’ behaviour, oral verification, recognize dairy products, creativity, measurements. DIDACTIC TASK: Recognition of dairy products, lists, measurements.

THE GAME RULES: Every child will try to match the names of different type of cheese and complete the cheese list. Afterwards, the students name and taste different cheese. They will discuss about the taste of them, their color, their smell etc. Also, they will vote for their favorite. Finally, they will use different cheese to create healthy cheeseballs. Each one has to maintain active and concentrated to accomplish the task. 2

GAME ELEMENTS: Observation, matching, creativity, measurements.


Scientific content


event 1.Preparing the activity


strategies Arranging furniture

the (tables



classroom’s - dairy products and the

chairs) activity

- lists - pictures


2. Catching

In order to attract childrens’ - Frontal view

Degree of


attention the teacher place in

interest regarding

front of the children some dairy

- Observation

the displayed



3. Updating

The teacher asks the students to - Discussion

Oral evaluation


recognize the dairy products in

depanding on

front of them. Then, they discuss

- Classification

about their caracteristics (color, - Observation

children’s answers

shape etc) and try to make a list indicating



of Enrich


vocabluary Dairy list


The teacher announces the


theme of the game: «Milk the

the subject


and the

- Frontal view - Explanation

Observation of children’s behaviour

Also, the teacher announces the


objectives of

rules of the game and presents

the activity

the objectives of the activity.

5. Conducting

a) Game explanation:

the process of learning

- Discussion

Every child will try to match the - Explanation names of different type of cheese and complete the cheese list.

- Demonstration - Matching

The proper understanding of the game rules Attraction of interest-remain active/ Concentration Cheese List

b)Trial game: - Concentration A trial game is carried on in order to understand the game

- Game

Verbal appreciation


c) Playing the game:

- Observation

The game starts and the children - Concentration match the cheese names in the list. 6. Grated difficulty

- Game

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement

Medium level: Afterwards, the students name - Explanation and taste different cheese. They will discuss about the taste of

- Creativity

them, their color, their smell etc. - Observation Also, they will vote for their - Sensor (taste) favorite.

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement Verbal


- Maths (Voting)

appreciation Voting list

Hard level:

Observation of

Finally, they will use different - Explanation

behavior and


degree of




cheeseballs. Each one has to

- Demonstration

maintain active and concentrated - Observation to accomplish the task.

involvement Cheeseballs

- Measurements -Cooking

7. Ending the

At the end of the activity, every


student will discuss and analyse the lists created for dairy

- Conversation - Explanation

Verbal appreciation

products. The teacher appreciates the way

Evaluation of lists

children woked.



SCRIPT OF CLASS – 6th LESSON PLAN Kindergarten of Avlonari, Evia, Greece 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026474_4 Age of students: 4-5 years’ old Teachers: Samoutian Margarita, Tsirgioti Eleni, Tatsiou Styliani

THEME: «HERBS» SUBTHEME: «Herbs in Greece» SUBJECT: «Herbs and Hippocrates» CATEGORY OF ACTIVITY: Mathematics and Art TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Mathematics and drama activity REALIZATION: observation, classification, creativity, mimicking-role playing. GENERAL PURPOSE: • • • • • •

Promote the love for healthy nutrition through mathematics and art. Enrich the vocabulary and knowledge of herbs. Observation and concentration. Delivering the chance to get involved in activities of drama. Deliver the opportunity to each student to be spontaneous and express joy. Increase the fine and cross mobility of each student.


Every child: Cognitive: will be able to participate in games with grated difficulty (easy-hard level) will be able to recognize different herbs and their usefulness. will be able to evaluate his/her personal work and the work of his/her classmates. will be able to play memory games. 1

will be able to learn information about Hippocrates will be able to create lists of herbs Affective: will be able to participate actively in the game will be able to respect the rules of the game will be able to express his/her feelings through role playing Psychomotor: will be able to use correctly the items of the activity will promote his/her creativity will be able to preserve his/her concentration DIDACTIC STRATEGIES: methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, demonstration, game, sensors-touch, list, role playing-drama. didactic material: A4 sheets, cartons, scissors, glue, colors, pictures of herbs, different type of herbs, doctor tools, cloths for role playing. Place: classroom. Time: 45 minutes. EVALUATION:







verification, recognize herbs, creativity, list. DIDACTIC TASK: Recognition of herbs, lists, drama.

THE GAME RULES: Every child will try to match herbs with their names in order to create a general list. They will discuss about their utility and their caracteristics like color, smell etc. Afterwards, they will play a memory game. In this game, numbers will indicate a specific herb. The teacher will mix up the herbs and each player should remember the initial positions. Finally, the students will use the herbs to represent Hippocrates and examine their patients, while cure them with herbs. Each one has to maintain active and concentrated to accomplish the task. GAME ELEMENTS: Observation, matching, creativity, memory.



Scientific content


event 1.Preparing the activity


strategies Arranging furniture

the (tables



classroom’s - herbs and the

chairs) activity


- cloths - pictures - numbers

2. Catching

In order to attract childrens’ - Frontal view

Degree of


attention the teacher place in

interest regarding

front of the children some herbs

- Observation

the displayed

and cloths.


3. Updating

The teacher asks the students to - Discussion

Oral evaluation


recognize the herbs in front of

depanding on


- Observation - Memory

children’s answers

Enrich vocabluary 4.

The teacher announces the


theme of the game: «Herbs and

the subject


and the objectives of the activity

- Frontal view - Explanation

Observation of children’s behaviour

Also, the teacher announces the rules of the game and presents the objectives of the activity.


5. Conducting the process of learning

a) Game explanation:

The proper

Every child will try to match herbs - Discussion with their names in order to create a general list. They will

- Explanation

understanding of the game rules Attraction of

discuss about their utility and - Demonstration


their caracteristics like color, - Matching smell etc. Also, they will try to - Memory remember items of their daily


routine, which contain herbs.


Concentration Herbs List

(Touch-Smell) Verbal appreciation

b)Trial game: A trial game is carried on in order to understand the game

- Concentration

Observation of

- Game

behavior and degree of


involvement c) Playing the game:

- Observation

The game starts and the children - Concentration match the herbs with their names - Game to create a list. 6. Grated difficulty

Medium level: Afterwards, they will play a - Explanation memory game. In this game, numbers will indicate a specific

- Creativity

herb. The teacher will mix up the - Observation herbs and each player should - Maths

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement Verbal 4

remember the initial positions.



- Memory

Hard level: Finally, the students will use the - Explanation herbs to represent Hippocrates and examine their patients, while

- Demonstration

cure them with herbs. Each one - Observation has




and - Role playing concentrated to accomplish the - Mimicking task.

7. Ending the

At the end of the activity, every


student will remember the name of each herb and its usefulness. The teacher appreciates the way children woked.

- Conversation - Explanation

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement

Verbal appreciation

- Memory Evaluation of list



SCRIPT OF CLASS – 7th LESSON PLAN Kindergarten of Avlonari, Evia, Greece 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026474_4 Age of students: 4-5 years’ old Teachers: Samoutian Margarita, Tsirgioti Eleni, Tatsiou Styliani

THEME: «WATER» SUBTHEME: «Value of Water» SUBJECT: «Why do we need water?» CATEGORY OF ACTIVITY: Mathematics and Physics TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Mathematics and Physics activity REALIZATION: observation, classification, creativity, poster, garden. GENERAL PURPOSE: • • • • • •

Promote the love for healthy nutrition through mathematics and physics. Enrich the vocabulary and knowledge for water. Observation and concentration. Delivering the chance to get involved in gardening. Deliver the opportunity to each student to be spontaneous and express joy. Increase the fine and cross mobility of each student.


Every child: Cognitive: will be able to participate in games with grated difficulty (easy-hard level) will be able to recognize different uses of water. will be able to evaluate his/her personal work and the work of his/her classmates. 1

will be able to record the growth of a plant. will be able to learn the value of water for human organism will be able to create lists for water Affective: will be able to participate actively in the game will be able to respect the rules of the game will be able to express his/her feelings through role playing Psychomotor: will be able to use correctly the items of the activity will promote his/her creativity will be able to preserve his/her concentration DIDACTIC STRATEGIES: methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, demonstration, game, poster, list, planting. didactic material: A4 sheets, cartons, scissors, glue, colors, pictures of water, gardening tools, plants. Place: classroom and schoolyard. Time: 45 minutes. EVALUATION: systematic observation of childrens’ behaviour, oral verification, recognize utility of water, creativity, list, planting. DIDACTIC TASK: Recognition of herbs/flowers/vegetables, lists, poster, garden.

THE GAME RULES: Every child will try to remember where he/she can find water in the environment. Afterwards, a list will be created, where the ideas of brainstorming will be presented. Then, the students will learn about the human organism and its function, while indicating the usefulness of water. They will create a poster to disseminate the value of water for our life. Finally, they will plant seeds of vegetables, herbs and flowers and they will record their growth. Each one has to maintain active and concentrated to accomplish the task.


GAME ELEMENTS: Observation, creativity, planting.


Scientific content


event 1.Preparing the activity


strategies Arranging furniture according

the (tables to

classroom’s - craft items and the

chairs) activity


- pictures - plants - gardening tools

2. Catching

In order to attract childrens’ - Frontal view

Degree of


attention the teacher place in

interest regarding

front of the children a class of

- Observation

the displayed

water and some plants.


3. Updating

The teacher asks the students to - Discussion

Oral evaluation


recognize the plants in front of

depanding on

them and find which is the purpose of the water.

- Observation - Memory

children’s answers

Enrich vocabluary 4.

The teacher announces the


theme of the game: «Why do we

the subject

need water?»

and the objectives of the activity

- Frontal view - Explanation

Observation of children’s behaviour

Also, the teacher announces the rules of the game and presents the objectives of the activity.


5. Conducting the process of learning

a) Game explanation: Every child will try to remember - Discussion

The proper

where he/she can find water in

understanding of

the environment. Afterwards, a

- Explanation

list will be created, where the - Demonstration ideas of brainstorming will be - Memory presented.

the game rules Attraction of interest-remain active/ Concentration Water List

b)Trial game:

- Concentration

A trial game is carried on in

- Game

Verbal appreciation

order to understand the game rules.

- Observation

c) Playing the game: The





- Concentration

children indicate places where - List

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement

we can find water, while a list is being created. 6. Grated difficulty

Medium level: Then, the students will learn - Explanation about the human organism and its function, while indicating the

- Creativity

Observation of behavior and degree of 4

usefulness of water. They will - Observation create a poster to disseminate the value of water for our life.

- Biology - Memory

Hard level:

Verbal appreciation

Observation of

Finally, they will plant seeds of vegetables, herbs and flowers - Explanation and they will record their growth. - Demonstration Each one has to maintain active - Observation and concentrated to accomplish the task.


behavior and degree of involvement

- Gardening - Mathematics

7. Ending the

At the end of the activity, every


student will remember the value of water for living organisms.

- Conversation - Explanation

Also, they will remember its

- Memory

usefulness for specific parts of

- Mathematics

our body. Finally, they will

Verbal appreciation

Evaluation of answers

record down the growth of a plant.


The teacher appreciates the way children woked.



SCRIPT OF CLASS – 8th LESSON PLAN Kindergarten of Avlonari, Evia, Greece 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026474_4 Age of students: 4-5 years’ old Teachers: Samoutian Margarita, Tsirgioti Eleni, Tatsiou Styliani

THEME: «HEALTHY DESSERTS» SUBTHEME: «Healthy and unhealthy desserts» SUBJECT: «Mother’s Day Biscuits» CATEGORY OF ACTIVITY: Mathematics and Physics TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Mathematics and Physics activity REALIZATION: observation, classification, creativity, cooking. GENERAL PURPOSE: • • • • • •

Promote the love for healthy nutrition through mathematics and physics. Enrich the vocabulary and knowledge for desserts. Observation and concentration. Delivering the chance to get involved in cooking. Deliver the opportunity to each student to be spontaneous and express joy. Increase the fine and cross mobility of each student.


Every child: Cognitive: will be able to participate in games with grated difficulty (easy-hard level) will be able to recognize different type of desserts.


will be able to evaluate his/her personal work and the work of his/her classmates. will be able to classify the desserts in two categories (healthy and unhealthy). will be able to learn about the dental problems. will be able to create lists for desserts. Affective: will be able to participate actively in the game will be able to respect the rules of the game will be able to express his/her feelings through role playing Psychomotor: will be able to use correctly the items of the activity will promote his/her creativity will be able to preserve his/her concentration DIDACTIC STRATEGIES: methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, demonstration, game, craft, list, cooking. didactic material: A4 sheets, cartons, scissors, glue, colors, pictures of desserts, cooking tools, ingredients for biscuits. Place: classroom. Time: 45 minutes. EVALUATION:







verification, recognize healthy desserts, creativity, list, cooking. DIDACTIC TASK: Recognition of healthy and unhealthy desserts, lists, craft, cooking.

THE GAME RULES: Every child will indicate his/her favorite dessert. They will create a list with brainstorming preferances. Afterwards, the teacher will read a book based on dental protection and the children will complete a worksheet. In this paper, the children should draw some healthy and unhealthy desserts, separating them in the worksheet. Finally, they will participate in the


preparation of a healthy dessert and a craft for the Mother’s Day. Each one has to maintain active and concentrated to accomplish the task. GAME ELEMENTS: Observation, creativity, cooking.


Scientific content


event 1.Preparing the activity


strategies Arranging furniture according

the (tables to

classroom’s - craft items and the

chairs) activity


- pictures - cooking ingredients - cooking tools - book

2. Catching

In order to attract childrens’ - Frontal view

Degree of


attention the teacher place in

interest regarding

front of the children a book.

- Observation

the displayed item

3. Updating

The teacher asks the students to - Discussion

Oral evaluation


assume about this book and try

depanding on

to explain the story of it, based on the picture in the frontal part.

- Observation - Assuming

children’s answers

Enrich vocabluary



The teacher announces the


theme of the game: «Mother’s

the subject

Day Biscuits»

and the objectives of the activity

5. Conducting the process of learning

- Frontal view - Explanation

Observation of children’s behaviour

Also, the teacher announces the rules of the game and presents the objectives of the activity.

a) Game explanation: Every child will indicate his/her - Discussion

The proper

favorite dessert. They will create

understanding of





- Explanation - Demonstration


- Brainstorming

the game rules Attraction of interest-remain active/ Concentration Dessert List

b)Trial game:

- Concentration

A trial game is carried on in

- Game

Verbal appreciation

order to understand the game rules.

- Observation

c) Playing the game: The





- Concentration

children indicate their favorite - List

Observation of behavior and degree of involvement

dessert, while a list is being created.


6. Grated difficulty

Medium level:

- Explanation

Afterwards, the teacher will read - Classification a





protection and the children will

- Observation

complete a worksheet. In this - Health paper, the children should draw Education some healthy and unhealthy (Dental desserts, separating them in the protection) worksheet.

behavior and degree of involvement Verbal appreciation

- Memory

Hard level:

Observation of

Finally, they will participate in the preparation of a healthy

- Explanation

dessert and a craft for the - Demonstration Mother’s Day. Each one has to maintain

Observation of


behavior and degree of involvement

- Observation


concentrated to accomplish the task.

- Cooking


- Mathematics


-Creativity 7. Ending the

At the end of the activity, every


student will separate the desserts in two categories

- Conversation - Explanation

(healthy and unhealthy). Also,

- Memory

they will explain their decision to

- Mathematics

locate a dessert in this category.

Verbal appreciation

Evaluation of answers

Through this procedure they will do more responsible choices and taste healthier desserts. The teacher appreciates the way children woked.




SCRIPT OF CLASS – 9th LESSON PLAN Kindergarten of Avlonari, Evia, Greece 2016-1-PL01-KA219-026474_4 Age of students: 4-5 years’ old Teachers: Samoutian Margarita, Tsirgioti Eleni, Tatsiou Styliani

THEME: «NUTRITION PYRAMID» SUBTHEME: «Mediterranean Pyramid of Nutrition» SUBJECT: «Our Pyramid of Nutrition» CATEGORY OF ACTIVITY: Mathematics TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Mathematics activity REALIZATION: observation, classification, creativity, pyramid. GENERAL PURPOSE: • • • • • •

Promote the love for healthy nutrition through mathematics and physics. Enrich the vocabulary and knowledge for water. Observation and concentration. Delivering the chance to get involved in gardening. Deliver the opportunity to each student to be spontaneous and express joy. Increase the fine and cross mobility of each student.


Every child: Cognitive: will be able to participate in games with grated difficulty (easy-hard level) will be able to recognize food groups. will be able to evaluate his/her personal work and the work of his/her classmates. 1

will be able to complete the nutrition pyramid. will be able to classify ingredients in the correct group will be able to separate healthy and unhealthy food Affective: will be able to participate actively in the game will be able to respect the rules of the game will be able to express his/her feelings Psychomotor: will be able to use correctly the items of the activity will promote his/her creativity will be able to preserve his/her concentration DIDACTIC STRATEGIES: methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, demonstration, game, worksheets, list, 3D pyramid. didactic material: A4 sheets, cartons, scissors, glue, colors, pictures of food, boxes, plastic toys of food. Place: classroom. Time: 45 minutes. EVALUATION:







verification, recognize food groups of pyramid, creativity, list, 2D & 3D Pyramid of Nutrition. DIDACTIC TASK: Recognition of food groups, lists, pyramid.

THE GAME RULES: Every child will try to separate pictures of healthy and unhealthy food. A list will be created, which will indicate their choices. They will explain their decision to put the picture in the specific category. Afterwards, they will observe a food pyramid and notice the groups. Using their memory they have to compete a 3D Pyramid of Nutrition. They should put in the pyramid plastic food toys, in order to understand the food groups. Finally, each student will be able to compete the Mediterranean Pyramid of Nutrition, creating a 2D


pyramid. Each one has to maintain active and concentrated to accomplish the task. GAME ELEMENTS: Observation, creativity, pyramid. Didactic

Scientific content


event 1.Preparing the activity


strategies Arranging furniture according

the (tables to

classroom’s - craft items and the

chairs) activity

- pictures - plastic food


- boxes 2. Catching

In order to attract childrens’ - Frontal view

Degree of


attention the teacher place in

interest regarding

front of the children pictures of

- Observation

the displayed

different kind of food.


3. Updating

The teacher asks the students to - Discussion

Oral evaluation



depanding on




each picture and assume the purpose of the game.

- Observation - Memory

children’s answers

- Assuming Enrich vocabluary 4.

The teacher announces the


theme of the game: «Our

the subject

Pyramid of Nutrition»

and the objectives of the activity

- Frontal view - Explanation

Observation of children’s behaviour

Also, the teacher announces the rules of the game and presents the objectives of the activity.


5. Conducting the process of learning

a) Game explanation: Every child will try to separate - Discussion

The proper


understanding of




unhealthy food. A list will be

- Explanation

created, which will indicate their - Demonstration choices. They will explain their - Memory decision to put the picture in the specific category.

the game rules Attraction of interest-remain active/ Concentration Food List

b)Trial game:

- Concentration

A trial game is carried on in

- Game

order to understand the game

Verbal appreciation


- Observation

c) Playing the game: The




the - Concentration

children indicate pictures and - List justify their choice to put them in the




Observation of behavior and degree of involvement


unhealthy food. 6. Grated difficulty

Medium level: Afterwards, they will observe a - Explanation

Observation of


food pyramid and notice the - Creativity

behavior and

groups. Using their memory they

degree of

have to compete a 3D Pyramid

- Observation

of Nutrition. They should put in - Memory the pyramid plastic food toys, in

involvement Verbal appreciation

order to understand the food groups.

3D pyramid

Hard level:

Observation of

Finally, each student will be able

behavior and

to compete the Mediterranean - Explanation

degree of

Pyramid of Nutrition, creating a


- Demonstration

2D pyramid. Each one has to maintain



- Observation

2D pyramid

concentrated to accomplish the - Mathematics task.

7. Ending the

At the end of the activity, every


student will be able to remember the food categories of the

- Conversation - Explanation

nutrition’s pyramid. They will be

- Memory

able to indicate healthy and

- Mathematics

unhealthy food and justify their

Verbal appreciation

Evaluation of answers

choice. The teacher appreciates the way

Worksheet of

children woked.

nutrition pyramid



The Kingdom of a goldfish. Main aims 1. Extanding the knowledge of the tales. 2. Developing thinking and manual skills. 3. Stimulating the cognitive curiosity Child 1. Can listen to the tale very carefully 2. Can put the picture In the correct order 3. Can concentrate on the activities 4. Know a few things that can float on the water 5. Know how to work with plasticine, can cope with the brush, paints, glue. Methods • • •

oral active – self activity tasks

Forms of work • •

individual group

Extra materials A tale, Picture, „fish” made of different things, a bowl of water, glass bottle, a fishing rod made of a stick, animated scarf, grey paper, paper fish, paints, brushes, glue, relaxing music.

The course of the lesson 1.

Listening to the tale read by the teacher „ A fisherman and a goldfish”

2. Discussing the tale. Guessing the motto. 3. Picture story puzzles( 4 elements) abort the tale. 4. „Fish” a game. A teacher with children checks which objects float on the water and which drown. They try to define the type of material, which the fish are made of. They count the floating fish and the fish which are drown. 5. „Fish a fish” – a game. With the help of the rod, children try to place the stick In the box 6.

„A fisherman and a fish” – a child who is a “fish”, stays under the scarf. A “fisherman” on the scarf, tries to catch the fish.

7. The Kingdom of a goldfish – children create the underwater world, they stick, paint and draw etc.

Mrs Autumn’s vegetable counting. Mathematical games using vegetables. Aims Child - counts the elements In the set to 6 - classifies the elements according to the criterion given - compares the number of the set - gives the results of adding and subtracting helping the counting sticks - distinguishes the prepositions of place ( behind, in front of, next to, on the right, on the left) - moves in a rhythm of a song - creates a funny face using vegetables - feels happy with the tasks - know that vegetables are very healthy Methods - Presentation of the activities for the child - individual experiences Forms - individual - work in groups Teaching aids fresh vegetables, vegetable bard In the basket, boards of collections, picture with vegetables for each child, Mrs. Autumn’s costume, autumn prizes for each child, recordings of the songs

The course of the lesson 1. Mrs. Autumn comes, bringing baskets with the vegetables, explanation of the rules of Mrs. Autumn’s observation 2. explanation The role of vegetables for the healthy eating 3. Word riddles 4. „Put the veggies to the basket” – a game on counting. Comparing: where is the smallest number of vegetables, where is the biggest number and where is the same number 5. TPR song „Tomato” 6. Classification of the collection: from the smallest Mount to the biggest ( tomato collection), from the biggest to the smallest number( onion collection) 7. Let’s play with Mrs. Autumn – prepositions of place : behind, In front of, under, on the left, on the right. Pitting In the circle, children get colorful rings. They place the ring in front of them, behind them, on the left, on the right, above themselves, sit on the ring. They can state that the ring is under them. “Count the vegetables in the basket” – a game 8. “Happy cabbage” – singing the song 9. Creating the funny faces with vegetables

In the orchard Main aims • • • • •

learning a few names of the fruit learning healthy habits encouraging for the healthy diet, eating various fruit developing cognitive process: comments and observations developing sense of the rhythm

Objectives: Child • • • • • •

can name a few names of fruit can define the features of the particular fruit can guess the fruit through taste knows that eating fruit is healthy can react for the established rules moves in a rhythm of the melody

Methods • • • •

oral active – self activity Tasks Forms of work

• •

individual group

Teaching aids A nursery rhyme for greting; „Vitamins” a poem; fruit emblems; tambourine; skipping ropes; fruit: apples, pears, bananas, clementines, grapes, kiwi fruit etc.; animation sheet, plastic plates and forks The course of the lesson 1. A play In the circle-warm up. All children together say the rhyme and make correct gestures. Good morning, Welcome all of you, It’s high time to start – (pointing to the other kids) It is me ( pointing to yourself) It is you( pointing to another child) 1,2,3 (clap your hand 3 times ) 2. Listening to the teacher reading a poem „Vitamins” 3. Discussing the subject of the poem. 4. TPR game „Fruit”. Children choose papers with the fruit emblems. On the carpet, there are skipping ropes with the fruit emblems. Children move around the classroom to the rhythm of the tambourine. When the teacher stops playing the tambourine, they gather around the rope with the suitable emblem. Then, they swap emblems with one another. 5. „Fruit” – watching the exhibits. Children touch the fruits, smell, try if they are soft or hard, talk about the colour, describe their features. 6. „Look for your pair” – children look for the person with the same fruit emblem. They match in pairs and dance In the rhythm of the melody player by the teacher. When the music stops, every child moves himself around the classroom. When the music is on again, children find pairs and they start dancing again. Later, children swap the emblems. 7. What fruit is it? A volunteer with his eyes folder, tries a fruit prepared by the teacher and he guesses the name of the fruit. 8. A play with the animation scarf (klanza parachute) to revise the names of the fruit. A teacher gives the fruit emblems to the children. Then, she shows a flashcard with the fruit. Children whose emblems are the same, run under the scarf and change places. 9. „Fruit composition” . Each child gets a plastik plate. A child creates a composition of the given fruit eg. apples, pears, bananas, clementines, grapes, kiwi fruit etc. Then, children describe their work and eat it.

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