Part 1 My selection All of my images are made with an IPhone 5s. I used the following Apps: Bazaart Adobe Ideas Color Touch Doodle Dandy PolyFauna Pintograph Genius Scan Kooleido lite Thicket Mindly Grafio lite Color Lake free Hyperlapse PicCollage Imovie More images on Instagram @NAlexBlog or Facebook or Google+
#RelativeSizeOfThings Picture of my eye
„Thinking in pictures, stands nearer to unconscious process than does thinking in words, and is unquestionably older than the latter both ontogenetically and phylogenetically.“ Sigmund Freud
#MusicWithoutSound Picture of silence
John Cage 4‘ 33‘‘
#ThingsWithNoName Liquid on the asphalt
„Don‘t think, look!“ Ludwig Wittgenstein
#PlayItByTrust Sketching blindly my hand
„Chess set for playing as long as you can remember where all your pieces are.“ Yoko Ono
#YourMindWill Diagram of my mind
„Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.“ William S. Burroughs
#YouGottaHave Diagram of my body
„You gotta have a body.“ Jayne Mansfield
Part 2 Selection of other images All images have their own special way. Thus, it is difficult to make a selection. All works are published on the following website.
#ThingsWithNoName Liquid on the asphalt
Made by Dragica Nikolovska
„The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.“ Ludwig Wittgenstein
#StealingThingsIs Collage representing yourself in the place you are at
Made by Kristina Neral
„Stealing things is a glorious occupation, particulary in the art world.“ Malcom McLaren
#InsideNoOutside Collage representing the way you feel
Made by Marina Tele탑ar
The world was in his mind, not outside.
#VoyageDansLaLune Rendering the moon
Made by rightfromthesoul
„Three things cannot be long hidden: The sun, the moon, and the truth.“ Buddha
Part 3 My place The place where I am living is Frankfurt or rather near Frankfurt. Frankfurt is situated in the heart of Europe. It is a traffic junction with motorways, railway stations and one of the biggest airports. So you can often find stripes on the sky. A main characteristic is the skyline. From a distance it looks often like an island. Although it has many commercial buildings and skyscrapers, Frankfurt has many green parks. You will find here also futuristic buildings. Sometimes you think you can reach the stars via an escalator. Last but not least the international internet exchange point (DE-CIX) in Frankfurt is the largest in the world.
#MyBusinessIs Time-lapse video of clouds
„My business is to paint what I see, not what I know where.“ J.M.W. Turner
#WhatMakesTheDesert Digital Collage representing the place I am at
„What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well.“ says Antoine de St-Exupéry‘s Little Prince
#SomePeopleWalk Rendering the rain
„Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.“ Roger Miller
#ALineIsADot Mapping my place as if it a line
„A dot is a line that went for a walk.“ Paul Klee
#NoManIs Mapping my place as an island
„No man is an island.“ John Donne
#ThisWorldIs Mapping my place as a starry sky
„This world is but a canvas to our imagination.“ Henry David Thoreau