NCARB Practice Vignettes 4.0 Evaluation Candidate Date
Passing Marginal
Joe Candidate 10/13/2009
Fail Key
Acceptable Intermediate Unacceptable Element Source Requirements
Evaluation Comments
Stair (ST) 800 s.f. ± 10% 2 Stairs per Floor code
Discharges Directly to the Exterior at Grade
Connects Directly to a Corridor or Circulation Area at Each Floor
Minimum Width is 4'-0" Stairs are Stacked at Both Floors
Elevator Shaft (E) 200 s.f. ±10% 1 Elevator Shaft per floor Shaft is Stacked at Both Floors Minimum Dimension is 7ft. code
Connects Directly to Corridor or Circulation Area
Second floor elevator is inaccessible.
Elevator Equipment Room (EE) 100 s.f. ± 10% Adjacent to Elevator Shaft
Electrical/Mechanical Room (EM) 500 s.f. ±10% code
Connects Directly to Corridor or Circulation Area
Lobby (L) 700 s.f. ±10% Main Entrance to Building Faces West code
Lobby has west view but Lobby door faces north. Face the door west.
Connects Directly to a Corridor or Circulation Area
AREvaluation NCARB Building Layout 4.0
© 2008 NALSA LLC
Receptionist (R ) 400 s.f. ± 10% Exterior Window Visual Control of Lobby (L) Entry
View of Lobby door is limited.
Visual Control of Children's Room (CR) entry Visual Control of Game Room (GR) Entry code
Connects Directly to a Corridor or Circulation Area
Locker Rooms (LR) 2 @ 100 s.f. +/- 10% each Exterior Windows Prohibited Direct access to Multi-Purpose Room (MP) code
Must have a door between both LR's and MP.
Connects Directly to a Corridor or Circulation Area
Multi-purpose Room (MP) 2,600 s.f. ± 10% Exterior Window View to the south 2 Exits
MP has only one exit.
Exit doors swing out of Multi-Purpose Room (MP)
South door must swing into the corridor.
18 ft. Ceilings First Floor code
Exits are Separated by a Distance ≥ 1/2 the Max. Overall Diagonal Dimension of that Room
Connects Directly to a Corridor or Circulation Area
Toilet Rooms (TR) 800 s.f. ± 10% 2 Toilet Rooms per Floor 1st Floor = 2 at 200 s.f. Each 2nd Floor = 2 at 250 s.f. Each code
Connects Directly to a Corridor or Circulation Area
Game Room (GR) 1,350 s.f. ± 10% Exterior Window, view to the south code
Room has a window, but the window must face south.
Connects Directly to a Corridor or Circulation Area
Large Meeting Room (LM) 1000 s.f. ± 10% Exterior Window code
Connects Directly to a Corridor or Circulation Area
Small Meeting Room (SM) 750 s.f. ± 10% Exterior Window Required
AREvaluation NCARB Building Layout 4.0
© 2008 NALSA LLC
Near Large Meeting Room (LM) code
Moove doors to SM and LM closer together.
Connects Directly to a Corridor or Circulation Area
Children's Room (CR) 750 s.f. ± 10% Exterior Window Near Multi-purpose Room (MP) code
Connects Directly to a Corridor or Circulation Area
Director's Office (DO) 350 s.f. ±10% Exterior Window Direct Access to Secretarial Office (SO) Connects Directly to Circulation
Assistant Director's Office (AO) 200 s.f. ±10% Exterior Window Direct Access to Secretarial Office (SO) Connects Directly to Circulation
Table/Chair Storage (TS) 300 s.f. ± 10% Near Multi-Purpose Room (MP) Connects Directly to Circulation
Secretarial Office (SO) 500 s.f. ± 10% Exterior Window Near Large Meeting Room (LM) Second Floor code
Direct Access to Circulation
Social Worker (SW) 500 s.f. ± 10% Exterior Window code
Window is missing.
Connects Directly to a Corridor or Circulation Area
General Requirements Total Corridor Space Does Not Exceed 25% of Total Program Area
Second Floor Envelope is Congruent or Contained Within First Floor Envelope
Design Logic Spaces are Functionally Proportioned
Proportions of MR are poor. Try to avoid L shaped rooms.
Circulation System is Efficient and Direct Solution Fits Within Buildable Area
AREvaluation NCARB Building Layout 4.0
© 2008 NALSA LLC
Site Features are Undisturbed Exterior Spaces are Reasonably and Functionally Proportioned
Codes Exit Requirements Minimum 2 Exits from Each Floor Separated by â&#x2030;Ľ Max. Overall Diagonal Dimensions of Floor Served Required Exit Doors Swing in Direction of Travel Door Swings Shall Not Reduce the Min. Clear Exit Path to < 3 feet Corridors Discharges Directly to Exterior at Grade or thru stairs or lobby Not Interrupted by Intervening Rooms (Circulation Areas are not Considered to be Intervening Rooms) Maximum Length of Dead End is 20 ft. Minimum Clear Width is 6 ft.
General Notes Read the program very carefully. Consider creating a Dorf Chart to make sure you have satisfied all of the program requirements. Be careful, a combination of several small errors can be enough to fail.
AREvaluation NCARB Building Layout 4.0