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Natalie DallOlmo
watch listen observe create ruin question think try i speak with my own tongue my own mouth my own eyes As an English teacher currently living in Eastern Europe, I am a lover of language in a global society where communication is possibly the most important virtue. I dream. Reality is a relative experience, confusing itself with its own constants and variables. (es) hay que pensar, hay que vivir... hay que irse donde quieren los pies. (ro) nu e ca n-am inteles ce ziceai. e ca viseam si visele mele sunt intr-un fel sau altul incurcata cu realitatea. (it) sotto tutto questo determinazione i di speranza, ho trovato mi stesso di letteralmente terrorizzata di essere mondo reale e cio che essa detiene. (en) i am always searching for something. running from something. but together they create understanding.