Cv naman dave

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c u r r i c u l u mv i t a e


S/ o Ki shore Kumar Dave,house no.29 ,ward no.40 near Champa Bag,Kumharpara Jagdalpur Chhatti sgarh

I ndi a(494001)

D. O. B 29 jan1992

+917415804505 na ma nda v e nd@gma i l . c o m

OBJECTI VE To learn and develop myself by gai ni ng some quali ty work experi ence doi ng some creati ve and challengi ng projects usi ng the foundati on of the knowledge earned i n collegeand successfull ydeli vermybestto theorgani zati on.

hobbi es LANGUAGE profi ci ency: Engli sh,

Hi ndi ,

Gujarati .

ski ll

Software AutodeskAuto CAD AutodeskRevi t AutodeskVasari AutodeskGreen bui ldi ng studi o Autodeskflow desi gn Sketch up 3dsmax Lumi on Photoshop Word Excel powerpoi nt

others hand Drafti ng Sketchi ng Modelmaki ng team work communi cati on

Photography Readi ng Traveli ng

Musi c Dri vi ng sports

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