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Cuppa Coffee - Vishal varamaiya
Vishal varamaiya Cuppa Coffee
May I get a large Cappacino please? He said looking at the airhostess. "Sure sir." repiled the airhostess, would you like it with or without sugar, sir? The airhostess questioned. An instant smile came on his face "with sugar". He said, smiling back at him she left. Aarish Gandhi a middle age business was on his way to Spain for yet another business conferance was sitting on seat no. G4 deep into his thoughts smiling all along. "Excuse me, sir! Here is your coffee". She placed the cup of coffee in fornt of him interruption his thoughts. "How much sugar would you like in your coffee?" She inquired lifting the bowl that had sugar cubes in it. "Actually without sugar is just fine" he replied look at her. "Everything alright Sir?" she questioned politly ensuring that he was comfortable. "Well Kaviya!" he paused as he realised that she wouldnt know who Kaviya was. "My wife" he continued "would not allow me to to drink coffee with sugar in it, therefore initially I told you to bring coffee with sugar. However, than started thinking of all the fight we had over a cup of coffee. Whenever we were out somewhere the way she would specifically order a coffee without sugar. Times where I have made her drink coffee without sugar, because I didn't want to suffer the bitter taste of coffee alone. So this one is for her". He paused and picked up the cup. "I know that even when I am busy with my work and spend less time with her due to busy schedule she has always ensured I dont compromise with my health. I wonder how she does it so effectivly?" "So without sugar is just fine." He said and smiled at her. "That's very sweet of you Sir!" she said with a smile on her face and left. Looking at the cup of coffee he said "I love you Kaviya. What would I ever do without you." and sipped his coffee.