NAMI News September 2013 Issue

Page 1

Sept ember ,2013


Awakeni ng t o Wel l ness Pr oducedandDi st r i but edBy:

NAMIYaki ma Fi r s tEdi t i on-Vol umeOneI ssueTwo

We l c o m e !

Wehopey ouenj oyt heSept ember2013i s sueof NAMINews . Fr om Sui c i dePr ev ent i onAwar enes sMont h. . . T oourupc omi ngNAMIYak i maReuni on andAnnual Meet i ngEv ent. . .T oNAMIBas i c s. . . T oWel l nes sRec ov er yAc t i onPl anni ngt r ai ni ng. . . T oNAMISmar t s. . .T oMent al I l l nes sAwar enes s Week. . . .

I nt hi si ssue. . . BookRevi ews Pr ogr am News

Ther ei ss omuc ht ok now,s har eanddot omak e s ur et hatal l f ami l i esi mpac t edbyment al heal t h di s or der sf i ndr es our c esandr ecov er y . AndNAMI Yak i mai sher et ohel pl eadt hos ev i t alef f or t s .

Communi t yPar t ner s

Weex i s tt ohel pf ami l i esf i ndhel pandhope. Webel i ev et hatt her ei snot r ueheal t hwi t hout goodment al heal t h.Wek nowt hatwel l nes sand r ecov er yar epos s i bl e.

St at e&Nat i onalNews

Cont ac tusany t i met ol ear nmor eorget i nv ol v ed.We’ l l l ookf or war dt ohear i ngf r om y ou s oon!

NAMIYaki maReuni on

Sui ci dePr event i on Awar enessMont h Member shi pI nf o Gr oupSchedul es

Ment alI l l nessAwar eness Week Cl assUpdat es Andsomuchmor e!

Sept ember ,2013

Sui ci de Sui c i dei soneoft hegr eat es tt r agedi esi magi nabl ef orav i c t i m andt hei rl ov edones .Eac hy ears ui c i dec l ai ms appr ox i mat el y30, 000l i v esi nAmer i c awhi c hmak esi tr es pons i bl ef ors l i ght l ymor et han1per c entofdeat hs i nt heUni t edSt at es .Sui c i dal t hought sandbehav i or sar eaps y c hi at r i cemer genc yr equi r i ngi mmedi at e i nt er v ent i ont opr ev entt hi sdi s as t r ousev ent .I ti st hemostc ommonps y c hi at r i cemer genc ywi t hc l os et o 1mi l l i onAmer i c ansr ec ei v i ngt r eat mentf ors ui c i dal t hought s ,behav i or sorat t empt sonay ear l ybas i s . Whoi satr i skf orsui ci de? Takeal ookatsomef act s. Thes i ngl ebi gges tr i s kf ac t orf ors ui c i dei sapr i orhi s t or yofs ui c i dal behav i or sorat t empt s . Ov er90per c entofpeopl ewhoc ommi ts ui c i dehav ebeendi agnos edwi t hment al i l l nes s .Someoft hement al i l l nes s esmos tc ommonl yas s oc i at edwi t hs ui c i dei nc l udedepr es s i on,bi pol ardi s or der ,s c hi z ophr eni a, per s onal i t ydi s or der s( i nc l udi ngbor der l i neper s onal i t ydi s or der ) ,anx i et ydi s or der s( i nc l udi ngpos tt r aumat i c s t r es sdi s or derandpani cat t ac k s )andeat i ngdi s or der s( i nc l udi ngbul i mi aner v os aandanor ex i aner v os a) . Subs t anc eabus eandaddi c t i on-of t ent hepr es enc eofac ooc c ur r i ngorot her wi s edual l ydi agnos eds etof di sor der s-ar eal s oas s oc i at edwi t hani nc r eas edr i s kofs ui c i de.Mor et hanonei nt hr eepeopl ewhodi ef r om s ui c i dear ei nt ox i c at ed,mos tc ommonl ywi t hal c ohol oropi at es( e. g. ,her oi n,Per c oc et[ ox y c odone] ) . Themaj or i t yofc ompl et eds ui c i desi nAmer i c ai nv ol v ef i r ear msandac c es st of i r ear msi sas s oc i at edwi t ha s i gni f i c ant l yi nc r eas edr i s kofs ui c i de.Amongy out haged15t o24s ui c i dei st het hi r dl eadi ngc aus eofdeat h. Ol deragei sal s oas s oc i at edwi t hi nc r eas edr i s kofs ui c i de;peopl eabov et heageof65ar eatt hegr eat es t r i s kf ordeat hbys ui c i de. I naddi t i on,c hr oni cmedi c al i l l nes s( i nc l udi ngc hr oni cpai n)i sas s oc i at edwi t hi nc r eas edr i s kofs ui c i de. Whi l ewomenar emor el i k el yt oat t empts ui c i de,menar eappr ox i mat el y4t i mesmor el i k el yt odi ebys ui c i de Peopl eofal l r ac esandet hni c i t i esar eatr i s kf ors ui c i de.Peopl ewhof eel s oc i al l y i s ol at ed( e. g. ,di v or c ed, wi dowed)ar eati nc r eas edr i s kofs ui c i dec ompar edwi t hpeopl ewhohav er es pons i bi l i t yf orf ami l ymember s(cont) Fr om t heaut horoft hebest sel l i ngmemoi rAnUnqui etMi nd,Ni ghtFal l sFasti s t r agi cal l yt i mel y:sui ci dehasbecomeoneoft hemostcommonki l l er sof Amer i cansbet weent heagesoff i f t eenandf or t yf i ve. Ani nt er nat i onal l yacknowl edgedaut hor i t yondepr essi vei l l nesses,Dr .Jami son hasal soknownsui ci def i r st hand:af t eryear sofst r uggl i ngwi t hmani cdepr essi on( now knownasbi pol ardi sor der ) ,shet r i edataget went yei ght t oki l lher sel f .Weavi ngt oget herahi st or i calandsci ent i f i cexpl or at i onoft he subj ectwi t hper sonalessaysoni ndi vi dualsui ci des,shebr i ngsnotonl yher r emar kabl ecompassi onandl i t er ar yski l lbutal soal lofherknowl edgeand r esear cht obearont hi sdevast at i ngpr obl em.Thi si sabookt hathel psust o under st andt hesui ci dalmi nd,t or ecogni zeandcomet ot heai doft hoseatr i sk, andt ocompr ehendt hepr of oundef f ect sont hosel ef tbehi nd.I ti scr i t i cal r eadi ngf orpar ent s,educat or s,andanyonewant i ngt ounder st andt hi s t r agi cepi demi c.

“Themostaut hent i ct hi ngaboutusi sourcapaci t yt ocr eat e, t oover come,t oendur e,t ot r ansf or m,t ol oveandt o begr eat ert hanoursuf f er i ng. � BenOkr i ,Ni ger i anAct i vi st

Sept ember ,2013

( Sui ci de,cont . )

( e. g. ,peopl ewhoar emar r i edorpeopl ewi t hc hi l dr en) Whi l es c i ent i s t shav enotdi s c ov er edones pec i f i cgenet hatc aus ess ui c i de,i ti sk nownt hatpeopl ewi t ha f ami l yhi s t or yofs ui c i dear eati nc r eas edr i s k .Peopl ewi t hahi s t or yoft r auma( e. g. ,c hi l dhoodabus eor c ombatex per i enc e)ar eal s oati nc r eas edr i s kofs ui c i de.Formany ,i nv ol v ementi nc ommuni t yorr el i gi ous or gani z at i onsmaydec r eas et her i s kofs ui c i de. How cansui ci debepr event ed? Ass ui c i dal t hought sorbehav i or sar eaps y c hi at r i cemer genc y ,t hei nv ol v ementofpr oper l y t r ai nedment al heal t hpr of es s i onal si snec es s ar y .Fors omepeopl e,t hi smeansmak i nganappoi nt mentt os eeat her api s t oraps y c hi at r i s t ;f orot herpeopl e,i tmaymeanc al l i ng91 1orgoi ngt ot henear es temer genc yr oom.Af t er t heyar eev al uat edbyament al heal t hpr of es s i onal ,s omepeopl emaybeabl et oc ont i nueout pat i ent t r eat ment ;ot her smayr equi r ei npat i entps y c hi at r i chos pi t al i z at i ont omanaget hei rs y mpt oms . Ongoi ngps y c hi at r i ct r eat menti shel pf ul f ormos tpeopl ewi t hs ui c i dal t hought sandbehav i or s .Somef or ms ofps y c hot her apy —i nc l udi ngc ogni t i vebehav i or al t her apy( CBT)anddi al ec t i c al behav i ort her apy( DBT) — ar eus ef ul i nt r eat mentofs ui c i dal t hought sandbehav i or s .Ps y c hot her apyc anal s obeahel pf ul par ti nt he ongoi ngt r eat mentofpeopl ement al i l l nes s ,s omet hi ngwhi chf ur t herdec r eas est her i s kofs ui c i de. Al cohol anddr ugsar ev er ydanger ousf orpeopl eatr i skofs ui c i de.Addi c t i on—al s oc al l edal c ohol ordr ug dependenc y —put speopl eati nc r eas edr i s kofs ui c i deandc anal s owor s enot herment al i l l nes s eswhi c h f ur t heri nc r eas est hi sr i s k .Addi t i onal l y ,peopl ewhoar ei nt ox i c at edorwi t hdr awi ngf r om dr ugsandal c ohol ar emor ei mpul s i v e.Thi si mpul s i v enes sc anmak epeopl emor el i k el yt oat t emptsui c i deandper hapsl ess l i k el yt oas kf orhel pwi t ht hei rt r oubl i ngs y mpt oms . Somemedi c at i onsmaybehel pf ul i nr educ i ngt her i s kofs ui c i dei nc er t ai npat i ent swi t hment al i l l nes s . Whi l eant i depr es s ant sc ar r ya“ Bl ac kBoxWar ni ng”f r om t heUSFDAr egar di ngt her i s kofi nc r eas eds ui ci de, mos tpeopl ewi t hdepr es s i onoranx i et ywi l l bel es sl i k el yt ohur tt hems el v esi ft heyar et ak i ngan ant i depr es s antmedi c at i on.Mos ts c i ent i f i cs t udi esofpeopl ewi t hdepr es s i ons ugges tt hatant i depr es s ant s s av el i v esbypr ev ent i ngs ui c i debec aus eunt r eat eddepr es s i oni ss uc has i gni f i c antr i s kf ac t orf ors ui c i de. Ot hermedi c at i onsmayal s obeus ef ul :f ors omepeopl ewi t hs y mpt omsofdepr es s i on,l i t hi um c anbe hel pf ul i ndec r eas i ngt her i s kofs ui c i de.Fors omei ndi v i dual swi t hs c hi z ophr eni a,Cl oz ar i l ( c l oz api ne)c an r educ et her i s kofs ui c i de.Aswi t hanyot hermedi c al i l l nes s ,at hor oughev al uat i onbyone’ sphy si c i an— ei t herapr i mar yc ar edoc t ororaps y c hi at r i st —i sappr opr i at epr i ort os t ar t i ngmos tmedi c at i ons . Whatcanf r i endsandf ami l ymember sdo? I ft heyhav ec onc er nst hats omeonec l os et ot hem i ss ui c i dal ,f ami l yandf r i endsc anbemos thel pf ul i n enc our agi ngt hei rl ov edonet os eekt r eat ment .Somepeopl emaybeaf r ai dt hatt heyc oul dwor s ent he s i t uat i oni ft heybr i ngupt het opi cofs ui c i dewi t ht hei rl ov edone.Whi l et hi si sac ommonc onc er n,s c i ent i f i c s t udi ess howt hatas k i ngabouts ui c i de—andenc our agi ngt hei rl ovedonet ogethel p—doesnoti nc r eas e t her i s kofs ui c i de.Rat her ,addr es s i ngc onc er nsabouts ui c i dei shel pf ul i npr ev ent i ngs ui c i de. Adapt ed f r om www. nami . or g Rev i ewedbyKenDuc k wor t h,M. D. ,andJ ac obL.Fr eedman,M. D. ,J anuar y2013 Theaut hor swoul dl i k et ot hankJ anePear s on,Ph. D. ,whowasr es pons i bl ef oranear l i erv er s i onoft hi sr ev i ew.

Sept ember ,2013

Sept ember ,2013

Sept ember ,2013

Sept ember ,2013

WhenSomeoneYouLoveHasaMent alI l l ness. . .

BoundaryBat t l es

Bei ngi nas i t uat i onwher ec ar i ngands uppor t i ngal ov edonewhohasabr ai ni l l nes sc anbr i ngabout s t r es s f ul l i f ec ondi t i onst hatc anaddt ot hef ami l y ’ spr obl ems .Whenwef r equent l yar ei napos i t i onwher e wef eel wehav et ot ak easmuc haswec an,gi v easmuc haswec an,andpl eas eot her swi t houtgi v i ng c ons i der at i ont oour s el v es ,wec anl os eours el f es t eem whi l eourownwel f ar eandgoodheal t hs l owl ybut s ur el yf al l apar t .Thi si sanal l t ooc ommonc ondi t i oni nf ami l i esdeal i ngwi t ht hechal l engespr es ent edwhen oneofi t smember shasbeendi agnos edwi t hamooddi s or der . Per s onal heal t hpr of es s i onal sof t enc aut i onc ompani ons ,f ami l ymember sandc ar egi v er st os omeone bat t l i ngt hes y mpt omsofamooddi s or derwi t ht heneedt obes ur et ohav ewel l es t abl i s hedandwel l def i nedgui del i nest opr ot ec tt hei rphy s i c al ,ment al andemot i onal boundar i es .Theset her api s t s ,soc i al wor k er s ,nur s esandphy s i c i ansadv i s et hatr eas onabl eandc l earr ul eswi t hl i mi t sar ei mper at i v et ohav e i npl ac ei fwehopet omai nt ai nas t r ongs el f i mageandadequat el ymeetourownphy s i c al ,ment al , emot i onal ands pi r i t ual needs . Es t abl i s hi ngc l earands af eboundar i esus ual l yi nv ol v et hef ol l owi ngar eas : •Ourper s onal andphy s i c al s pac ewhi chmus tal way sber es pec t ed. •Ourbel i ef s ,t hought s ,dec i s i onsandc hoi c eswhi c hwehav ear i ghtt o. •Theemot i onal boundar i est hatar enec es s ar yt omai nt ai nours el f es t eem,pos i t i vef eel i ngs andmut ual t r us t . •Es t abl i s hedc l earl i nesofr es pons i bi l i t y . •Howwewi l l r es pondwhens omeones t epsov erorbey ondourl i mi t s . Whenes t abl i s hi ngboundar i esi ti sbel i ev edt obei mpor t antt oav oi dhav i ngt hel i mi t st oos of torbl ur r ed s oast obes us c ept i bl et omani pul at i onorr eadi l ygi v i ngi nt ounhel pf ul c odependenc y .Yess houl dmean y esandnos houl dmeanno.I ti sal s or ec ommendedt oav oi dbei ngt oor i gi di ns et t i ngupgui del i nesand l i mi t st owher ewebec omewal l edof ff r om appr opr i at ec l os enes sori mpor t antandneces s ar ys ugges t i ons . Someopennes st of l ex i bi l i t yi sus ual l yc ons i der edt hewi s erpat h. Pr of es s i onal sar eus ual l yv er yex per i enc edi nhel pi ngt os etupheal t hyandr eal i s t i cboundar i es .Whynot gi veoneat r y ? Fi ndacar egi ver ssuppor tgr oup.Joi ni t …Soonerr at hert hanl at er . Repr i nt edf r om:ht t p: / / sur f c i t ypr es s. or g/

NAMIYaki maFami l yandFr i endsGr oups

Sept ember ,2013

Fi ndHel p.Fi ndHope. NAMIYaki ma 509. 453. 8229 i nf o@nami yaki ma. or g www. nami yaki ma. or g

Sept ember ,2013

Sept ember ,2013

Sept ember ,2013

Sept ember ,2013

Sept ember ,2013

ACommuni t yofPar t ner s Cat hol i cFami l y&Chi l dSer vi ce Cent r alOf f i ce 5301Ti et onDr i ve,Sui t eC Yaki ma,WA989083478 509. 965. 7100 800. 246. 2962 Cat hol i cFami l yandChi l dSer v i c esnet wor kof7of f i c esser v i c es60, 000per s onsannual l y .Whet her s uppor t i ngf ami l i est hr oughear l yl ear ni ngs er v i c es ,s t r engt heni ngf ami l i est hr oughs pec i al i z edment al heal t h s er v i c es ,oras s i s t i ngs eni or ss ot heyc anr emai nl i v i ngi ndependent l y ,CFCSi sanes s ent i al r es our c ef or s c or esofpeopl eeac hy ear . CFCSenv i s i onsc ommuni t i eswher epeopl ear et r eat edwi t hdi gni t yandr es pec t ,t hei rbas i cneedsar emet , andt heyar eempower edt oenhanc et hequal i t yoft hei rownl i v es .

NAMIYaki mawi l lbehost i ngal loft hesegr eatNAMIsi gnat ur e pr ogr amsi ncomi ngmont hs. . .Tol ear nmor e,geti nt ouchwi t h ust oday!

509. 453. 8229 i nf o@nami yaki ma. or g www. nami yaki ma. or g

Sept ember ,2013

Sept ember ,2013

Sept ember ,2013

W ellness Recovery Action Plan

art t S ses 4t s h a l C 2 r P e b RA t m W e E FRE ay,Sep 10 d 4 s e . e t m . ui Tu ! p S r , 0 e t t 3 e : s i e 3 r eg 1- 3r dSt I t or 32N ctNAM a t g or Con 53. 8229 ma. 4 yaki 509. nami o@ nf i

TheW el l nessRecoveryAct i onPl an®,orW RAP®,i san evi dencebasedsyst em t hati susedworl dwi debypeopl e whoaredeal i ngwi t hment alheal t handot herki ndsof heal t hchal l enges.I twasdevel opedbya groupofpeopl ewhohaveal i vedexperi enceofment al heal t hdi f f i cul t i es;peopl ewhoweresearchi ngf orwayst o resol vei ssuest hathadbeent roubl i ngt hem f oral ongt i me. W RAP® i suni versal― i ti sf oranyone,anyt i me, andf oranyofl i f e' schal l enges. W RAPi sasel f desi gnedpl anf orst ayi ngwel landf or hel pi ngyout of eelbet t erwhenyouarenotf eel i ngwel l , t oi ncreasepersonalresponsi bi l i t y,andt oi mproveyour qual i t yofl i f e.

Sept ember ,2013

I t ’ s Aut umn Movi e Ni ght !

Fr i day,Oct11 6: 00p. m. Per ryTech Audi t or i um Ti cket s$10 ( gr oupdi scount s onl i ne) Buyt i cket sat

www. nami yaki ma. or g

orcont actus. . . 509. 453. 8229 i nf o@nami yaki ma. or g

Seeyout her e!

Joi nus t osuppor t NAMI& cel ebr at e Ment al I l l ness Awar eness Week

Sept ember ,2013

Sept ember ,2013

ForHel p 1800SUI CI DE ( 18007842433) 1800273TALK ( 18002738255) Sept ember ,2013

Sept ember ,2013

Thebi ol ogi cal basi sf oraddi ct i oni st her easont ohavenewhopef orer adi cat i ngst i gma, i mpl ement i ngevi dencebasedt r eat ment st hatwor kandhel pi ngpeopl ewi t ht hesebr ai n di sor der st owor kt owar dacommi t mentt or ecover yandadvocacyt hr oughoutt hei rl i ves. Thi si st hemessageChr i st opherLawf or dKennedyef f ec t i v el ys har esi nhi si nf or mat i ve andcompr ehensi vebook,Recovert oLi ve:Ki ckAnyHabi t ,ManageAnyAddi ct i on ( BenBel l aBooks,I nc. ,2013) . KennedyLawf or d,whoi si nr ecover yf r om dr ugaddi ct i onf ormor et han26year s, i nt er vi ewedt het opexper t si naddi ct i onf r om ar oundt hewor l dt opr esentt hemostupt o dat esci ent i f i cf i ndi ngsont hecauseandef f ec toft hemostpr eval entaddi c t i onsandt he ev i dencebasedt r eat ment st hatshowt hemostpr omi sef ors obr i et yandabst i nence.He al soexami nest heef f ect i venessof12st eppr ogr amsanddel v esi nt ot hec ompl ex dy nami csofcodependencyi nf ami l i esandot herr el at i onshi ps. Butt heaut hori smostpassi onat ewhenhecal l sf oragl obalmovementt hatencour ages

peopl ei nr ecover yf r om addi ct i ont ost epoutoft heshadowsofshameandbecomeact i vepar t i c i pant si nanef f or tt o maket hesebr ai ndi sor der sapubl i cheal t hpr i or i t yandnotacausef ormar gi nal i zat i on,cr i mi nal i zat i onordeni al . KennedyLawf or ddoesal loft hi si nat extt hati shonest ,nonj udgment alandf r eeofpi t y .I ns t ead,heeducat esr eader s andgi vest hem t het ool st oobj ect i vel yexami net hei rownunheal t hyt endenci esort hoseofl ovedonest omak ei nf or med deci si onsabouthowt ost opt hepai nandl eadapur posef ull i f e. " Thedi seasel i vesi nt hemi nd, "KennedyLawf or dwr i t esear l yi nt hebook.Dr .Dr ewPi nsky ,addi ct i onmedi ci nespeci al i st andcl i ni calpr of ess orofpsychi at r yatt heUni ver si t yofSout hCal i f or ni aSchool ofMedi ci ne,st at esi nani nt er vi ewt hat addi ct i on" i sabi ol ogi caldi sor derwi t hagenet i cbasi s.‌ Addi ct i oni sabi ol ogi calswi t chhavi ngbeent hr owni n deepr egi onsoft hebr ai n. " KennedyLawf or dwr i t est hati nl at e201 1,t heAmer i canSoci et yofAddi ct i onMedi ci nechangedi t sl onghel ddef i ni t i onof addi ct i ont onowcal li t" apr i mar y ,chr oni cdi seaseofbr ai nr ewar d,mot i vat i on,memor yandr el at edc i r cui t r y . " Pamel aHyde,admi ni s t r at oroft heSubst anceAbuseandMent alHeal t hSer vi ceAdmi ni st r at i on,st at est hat" al mosthal fof t hepeopl ewi t hani dent i f i abl eaddi ct i vedi s or deral sohaveani dent i f i abl ement al i l l nessoranxi et ydi sor der . "Sheal so s t at est hat" 20per centofpeopl esuf f er i nganxi et yorment alpr obl emshavesomes or tofaddi ct i on. " Oncet hef oundat i onf ort hebi ol ogi cal basi sofaddi ct i oni sl ai d,KennedyLawf or dpr esent sachapt ert oeachoft he s even" t oxi ccompul si ons"t hatar eknownasaddi ct i ons–al c oholabuse,dr ugabuse,eat i ngdi sor der s,gambl i ng dependence,hoar di ng,sexandpor nogr aphyandni cot i nedependence.Eachchapt erdet ai l st hel at estsci ent i f i cf i ndi ngs ont hebi ol ogi calcauseoft hecompul si onandi t sc onsequences.Thechapt eral soi ncl udesaquest i onnai r et ohel p r eader sdet er mi nei ft hecompul si oni sapr obl em f ort hem. KennedyLawf or dt hent akesal ookatt hesci ent i f i cevi dencef ort r eat mentmet hodssuchascogni t i vebehavor i al t her apy , 12st eppr ogr ams,mi ndf ul ness,medi t at i on,nut r i t i onandexer ci s e,bodywor k( acupunct ur e)andj our nal i ng.Hedevot es anent i r echapt ert o12st eppr ogr amsandl et st heexper t st al kaboutt hei ref f ect i venessandr easonswhysomepeopl e mayshyawayf r om t hem. I naf i nalchapt er ,KennedyLawf or dwr i t esaboutr ecover yandwhati tmeans.Ear l yonheest abl i shest hatal t hough peopl emaynotber esponsi bl ef ori nher i t i ngabr ai ndi sor dert hatl eadst oanaddi ct i on,t heyar er espons i bl ef ort hei r t r eat mentandr ecover y .Asaper sonwhohaswal kedt hepat hofr ecov er yf ormor et han25year s,KennedyLawf or d makesi tcl eart hatr ecover yi sal i f el ongpr ocessandt hati ti sabout" mai nt ai ni ngal i f ewor t hl i vi ng. "I ti supt oeach per sont odet er mi newhatt hatmeans. Butoncet hatcommi t menti smade,peopl ei nr ecover yshoul dbeabl et oshar et hei rex per i enceswi t hot her swi t hout publ i cr i di cul eandmakeaposi t i vei mpactont hel i vesofot her sandpubl i cheal t hpol i cy . KennedyLawf or di smov i ngf or war dwi t ht hi sconceptt hr oughhi sbookandTheGl obalRecov er yI ni t i at i vehehas l aunched,al ongwi t hi t swebsi t ewww. Recover 2Li ve. c om.Hi sgoali st odi ssemi nat ei nf or mat i ont ogi vepeopl e " t het ool st oenabl et hem t ohaveaf ul landpr oduct i vel i f e. "Hewr i t es" wemustneverst opouref f or t sunt i l addi ct i oni s t r eat edwi t ht hesamel evelofr esour ces,andr ecover yf r om addi ct i onbecomescel ebr at edwi t ht hesameopennes s. " Recovert oLi vei sadef i ni t i vest epi nanewdi r ect i ont owar dhopeand heal i ngf orpeopl ewi t ht oxi ccompul si onsandment al i l l nesses. Li saR.Rhodesi saj our nal i standamemberofNAMIPr i nceGeor ge' sCount yi nMar yl and.

Sept ember ,2013

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