SE WA FYSPRT - Sept 2013

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Sout heast Washi ngt on


Sept ember ,2013

ami l y out h yst em ar t ner ound abl es

Becausement alheal t hmat t er s. Pr oducedandDi st r i but edBy:

Fi r stEdi t i on-Vol umeOneI s sueOne

Fami l yYout hSyst em Par t nerRoundt abl es( FYSPRTs)ar ea uni quewayf orl ocalcommuni t i esandr egi onalpar t ner st o comet oget herandbr i ngt hei rvoi cest ot hewor kof I NFORMI NG andTRANSFORMI NG publ i cment alheal t hi n Washi ngt onSt at e. FYSPRTsal soi dent i f yl ocalneedsanddevel opapl ant obr i ng t hoseneedsf or war dt ot heSt at ewi deFYSPRT ,wi t h r ecommendat i onsabouthow t omeett hoseneeds. Washi ngt on' spubl i cment alheal t hsyst em i scommi t t edt o movi ngf or war di nawayt hatsuppor t sacl i entandf ami l yl ed, communi t yf ocusedSyst em ofCar emeansofpr ovi di ng ser vi ces.Theseexci t i ngchangesREQUI REt hel eader shi pof yout handf ami l yvoi ceandr estont hef ol l owi ngpr i nci pl es: Fami l yandYout hVoi ceandChoi ce Uncondi t i onalCar e HomeandCommuni t yBased Team Dr i ven Cul t ur al l yRel evant Out comeBased I ndi vi dual i z ed Nat ur alSuppor t s Col l abor at i on TeamBased Gr oupsl i ket hesear ef or mi ngal lovert hest at ef orsome exci t i ngwor kt hathasbegunandl i esahead! I nSout heastWashi ngt on,NAMI( Nat i onalAl l i anceonMent al I l l ness)Yaki mai st hesuppor t i ngandconveni ngf ami l yand peerownedor gani z at i onf orFYSPRTef f or t s. TheSEWAFYSPRTconvenesandsuppor t s:

Formeet i ng schedul esandmor e i nf o,vi si tusat www. f yspr t . or g

Sept ember ,2013

Sept ember ,2013

Monday ,Oct ober28t h 4: 00-5: 30p. m.

www. nami yaki ma. or g/www. f yspr t . or g

Jul y2013


Sept ember ,2013

Thur sday ,Oct ober24t h 3: 00p. m.-4: 30p. m.

Sept ember ,2013

Br i ngi ngt heLanguageofWr apar ound t oSyst em Change

Sept ember ,2013

Tuesday ,Oct ober22nd 4: 00-5: 30p. m.

Mar ket pl aceDel i 304EYaki maAvenue Yaki ma

www. nami yaki ma. or g/www. f yspr t . or g

Jul y2013

WHA TI ST HE3R I V E R S WR A P A R O UNDP R O G R A M? Yout h‘ NAct i onisaStatewideyouthadvocacyprogram thatbringsyouthvoicetopublicpolicy

andempower satr i skyout hages1424t omakedi f f er encesi nt hei rl i ves,communi t i esandsyst emst hatser veyout h

Fi vecor ef unct i onsofYNA Yout hLeader shi p-YNApr ovi desyout hwi t hoppor t uni t i est ogi v emor e,gr owpos i t i vel yandbecomel eader si nt hei r c ommuni t i es,amongstt hei rpeer sandi nt hei rownl i ves.Thi si saccompl i shedt hr oughoppor t uni t i est obepar tofYNA aswel last hr oughYNA’ sef f or t st osuppor tyout ht opar t i ci pat ei ncommuni t yands t at eact i v i t i esonbehal fofot her y out handt oser veasl eader swi t hi nt hei rownl ocalor gani zat i ons. Techni calAssi st anceandOut r each–YNApr ovi descommuni t i es,ser vi cepr ovi der s,pol i cymaker s,yout handf ami l y s er vi ngor gani zat i ons,andyout hwi t ht r ai ni ngandt echni calassi s t ancesot hatt heycanef f ect i vel ycompl et et hei rown mi ssi ons.YNAal sosuppor t sot heryout hor gani zat i onst obepar tofacol l abor at i venet wor kf ocusedonyout h i nvol vementandyout hvoi cei npubl i cpol i cyi nWashi ngt onSt at e. Advocacy–YNAact i vel yor gani zesyout ht odevel oppol i t i calandpol i cyposi t i onst hatar er el evantt oi mpr ovi ngt he heal t handwel l bei ngofat r i skyout hi nt hest at e.YNAt hen or gani zesyout ht oadvocat ef orachi evi ngl egi sl at i ve,pol i cy , andser vi cepr ovi si onchangei nt hesepr i or i t yar eas. PeerSuppor t-YNAor gani zesyout ht opr ovi de oneononeorgr oupbasedsuppor tt opeer si nor der t oaddr essi ndi vi dualneedsandbui l duponi ndi vi dual s t r engt hs,andt oencour aget heheal t hy devel opmentofyoungadul t sast heyt r ansi t i on t oadul t hoodbymeet i ngt hei rneedsf orposi t i ve s oci ali nt er act i onandconnect i ngt hem t o r esour cest hatcanhel pt hem ( e. g. ,housi ng, ment alheal t hser vi ces,empl oyment ,educat i on,et c) . YNAi nvest i gat esandpr omot est heuseofyout h peer t opeersuppor tt echni quest hatar ebasedon ev i dencef oref f ect i veness. Account abi l i t yandSust ai nabi l i t y–YNAi s c ommi t t edt obei nganaccount abl eandef f ect i ve or gani zat i on.YNAaccompl i shest hi sf unct i onby ( 1)set t i nggoal swi t hmeasur abl eout comesand us i ngt hi spr ocesst oensur et hati t sf unct i onsand pl annedact i vi t i esar eact ual l ydone,( 2)eval uat i ng i t sef f ect i veness,and( 3)pr omot i ngi t sef f ect i venessand ac compl i shment si nawayt hatensur et hatYNAcan c ont i nual l yexpandt hei nf l uenceoft heor gani zat i on.

Sept ember ,2013

Wednesday ,Oct ober23r d 4: 00-5: 30p. m.

YakamaNat i onCul t ur alCent er Li br ar y Toppeni sh,WA

www. nami yaki ma. or g/www. f yspr t . or g

Jul y2013

Sept ember ,2013 Pr oducedandDi st r i but edBy:

Fi r s tEdi t i on-Vol umeOneI ssueTwo

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