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Agricultural Sector Stakeholders meet to deliberate on achievement and challenges

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TheMinistryofAgriculture,WaterandLandReformhadafourday(8-12May) Ministerial Annual Planning Workshop in Swakopmund to deliberate and conclude on policies and strategies to consolidate and strengthen their achievementsandaddresstheirchallenges.

Strategicplanningand annualgoalsettingare a periodic platform where the ministry's management cadre and key stakeholders come together to plan collectively as partners in the delivery of a strategic intent


While officiating the event, the Minister of Agriculture, Water andLandReformCarl Schlettwein said, “for ourministry,thisplatform is of particular significanceduetothe fact that: about 70 percent of the population depends on agriculture for livelihoods, everyone in Namibia needs water for the sustenance of life and livelihoods, and everyone in Namibia needs land for production and dwelling ” Schlettwein further explained,“theprogramsand strategies that we deviseandexecuteand the services that we render affect every Namibian and every economic and social activity in the country

In other words, omissions of much needed strategic interventions or underperformance thereof impact negatively on the lives and livelihoods of every Namibian and the country's socio-economic advancement ” Schlettwein said the ministry's management cadre gathered is the implementing and coordinating arm of the sector programs and strategies “The objectives and strategic initiatives they are setting during this week must be targeted at contributing to the upliftment of the socio-economicconditions of every Namibian through their impact on poverty reduction, job creation, empowerment, the erosion of income inequalities and efficient and effective delivery of services in the execution of our enduring mandate.”

Commenting on the issue of water, Schlettwein said, “we all recognise the primacy ofwatersupplysecuity in the national development agenda and that no development could occur without water.”

According to Schlettwein, this indispensablerolethatthewater resource plays become more elevated for Namibia as an arid country that is highly vulnerable to climate change and variability Enhancing water supply security fo households and industry, addressing existing deep pockets of water

Swakopmund Residents Association's AGM

TheSwakopmundResidents'AssociationhelditsAnnualGeneralMeetingontheeveningof11Maywheretheattendingresidentsandcommitteesharedvariouspointsofinterestandprogress regarding the operation of Swakopmund, covering problemsandsuccesses.

Chairman of the Swakopmund Resident's Association, John Hopkins, showedthatconcernandattentionisbeinggiventoallsectorsofSwakopmund's progress, and that good efforts were being made towards even greater goals that were envisaged for the year ahead. SRA Councillor, Wilfried Groenewald spoke about the general development of Swakopmund, and the challenges being faced, especially in regard to financing.Allconstructionandbuildingactivitieshavebeenbroughttoa halttoavoidfinanciallossasthisbudgethasalreadybeenfullyallocated.It iscommendedthatthetownofSwakopmundincludingothertownsinthe Erongo district, have avoided being named as payment defaulters by Namwater as their water usage has been paid. However, Councillor Groenewaldexpressedconcernaboutthewatersupplysystemduringthe forthcomingDecemberperiodasthereisnosignificantchangetothewater networksystemforSwakopmund,andWalvisBay Itisanticipatedthatthe mineswillnotbecutofffromthewatersupplyastheywereattheendof 2022,andthereforeitislikelythatcoastaltownswillbeadverselyaffected. The meeting was positive and informative, and new members were cooptedontotheSRAcommitteetoserveforthe2023–2024period.

insecurity and sanitation challenges, and exercising effective stewardshipofgroundwater resource are important objectives nowandoverthelongterm in the water sector


Fiston Mulumba Katende (37), appeared on a charge of possession of potentially dangerous dependenceproducing drugs The matter was postponed to 12 June for bail application. The accused remains in custody

Sakeus Iiyambo (35), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The accused was foundguiltyandsentencedtopayafine of N$10 000 or a prison term of 18 months.

Theofelus Simeon (25), appeared on chargesofassaultcommonreadwiththe domesticviolenceact,act4of2003and crimen injuria read with provisions of thedomesticviolenceact,act4of2003. The accused was found guilty and charged to pay a fine of N$1000 or 6 monthsimprisonmentterm.

Clif Kayofi (37), appeared on a charge of offenses in connection with the reception area and refugee settlements. Thematterwaspostponedto15Junefor further investigation. The accused remainsincustody

Hester Steenkamp (39), appeared on a charge of theft by false pretenses. The matter was postponed to 26 September forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Ndeutala Nghilifila (34) and Kephas Jonas (33), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 11 July for continuation of trial. Ndeutala Nghilifila is on bail and Kephas Jonas hasbeenwarned.

Helron Cloete (46), George Kautoorora (33), Stanley Katjizumo (39),Alta Harases (45), Ruth !Hoakhaes (39),

(30), Plan Reimo Uwugaeb (32), and RonelDoeses(36), appearedonacharge of theft. The matter was postponed to 24 Julyforlegalaid.Theaccusedareonbail.

EstofMapoha(35),appearedonacharge ofassaultwithintenttodogrievousbodily harm. The matter was postponed to 10 October for continuation of trial. The accusedisonbail.

Calvin Strammess (23), appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponedto11Octoberforpleaandtrial. Theaccusedisonbail.

Josua Shoombe (57), appeared on a charge if reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 17 October for plea and trial. The accused has been warned.

OswaldFrans(28),appearedonacharge ofassaultwithintenttodogrievousbodily harm. The matter was postponed to 17 Julyforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail. Memory Nelisha (33), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 7 September for plea and trial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Rodney Kanduka (32), appeared on charges of attempted murder and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 19 June for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody

JensieGenoviaUiras(40),appearedona charge of dealing in dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 27 June for plea. The accusedisonbail.

Nesley Goseb (30), appeared on charges ofassaultbythreatreadwithprovisionsof the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003 and malicious damage to property The

Fillemon Jacob (41), appeared on charges of rape.The matter was postponed to 22 MayforP.GDecision(finalremand).Theaccusedisonbail.

MarianaHamupembe(25),appearedonchargesofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto3Augustforpleaandtrail.Theaccusedison bail.

Ivonne Guriras (46), appeared on charges of theft.The matter was postponed to 24 MaybecausethedocketisnotatCourt.Theaccusedisonbail.

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