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Legacy Hotel's Whistlestop Café reopens with a fresh new concept

- Delicious coffee and cuisine served in a little slice of Eden await the charming town of Swakopmund…


TheWhistlestopCaféintheSwakopmundHotel&EntertainmentCentreofficially opened to the public on Wednesday this week, sporting a fresh new look and concept.

Thespace,whichwasoriginallyusedasanevening drinks lounge, will now be an all-day social gathering spot, coffee shop, and eatery where guestsandlocalscanmeettoeat,workorplay

RenéGarny,GeneralManageroftheSwakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre said, “After many months of conceptualisation and design, we look forwardtowelcomingguests,localsandtouriststo theall-newWhistlestopCafé.”

Partnering with Two Beard Coffee Roasters, known for their outstanding coffee varieties and delicious beans, patrons can expect an expertly crafted cup of deliciousness from the Legacy Hotels&ResortsGroup'sWhistlestopCafé.

The new menu, designed by Head Chef Hugo features an eclectic mix of fresh and vibrant light mealswithafewclassicsthrownintothemix.

Everythingismadetoorderandmanyofthebread andpastriesaremadeon-siteatthecafétoensurea soft,butteryconsistency

Whereverpossible,ingredientsaresourcedlocally withintheErongoregionofNamibia,andthemenu is designed with seasonality in mind to ensure a sustainableapproachtocuisine.

The café's rehashed look and feel, designed by decoratorandeventsguru,DaleneDeWitt,features a colour palette of greens, creams, and whites.

Coupledwiththeuseofnatural,rawelementslike wood,ironandaplethoraofplants,thespacefeels like a beautiful, vibrant garden retreat with a relaxedambientfeeltoit.

The interior features natural sunlight by day and warm,cozylightingbynight.Repurposedfurniture pieces were chosen for maximum comfort and arranged with a relaxed and welcoming flow to allowgueststositbackandunwind.

Rugged touches in the form of wicker baskets, a mix of different wood textures and tones and chalkboards, ensure the atmosphere is relaxed, unpretentious,andaffable.

The layout of the café can seat up to 45 people comfortablyandseatingisacombinationofcustom cafe counters, high tables, high-back chairs, and couchesallowingforavarietyofchoices.

FoundattheentrancetothehotelinSwakopmund, the café's central location and convenient parking, make it easy and accessible for all, and its highspeed WIFI with easy access to charging stations makes it an ideal remote office or casual meeting placeforcolleaguestoconnectoveracupoffreshly brewedcoffee.

Garny further said, “We, at Legacy Hotels & Resorts, are in the business heart and soul of hospitality, and this café is just one more way to make that felt and known in our special town of Swakopmund.”

So,ifyouareinthemoodforahappyandrelaxed dining experience in a little slice of Eden, do not delay,visittheWhistlestopCafé.

The Whistlestop Café was built in 1994 as part of the iconic Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre. Deemed a historical monument, the hotel mainbuildingsharesitswallswiththeoldGerman Station, making it one of the few places in

Swakopmund to be steeped in the historyofthearea.

The café was recently redesigned from an evening drink lounge into an all-day gathering spot, coffee shop and eatery where guests and localscanmeettoeat,workorplay

The high-speed WIFI and easy access to charging stations make it an ideal remote office or casual meeting place for colleagues to connectoveracupoffreshlybrewed coffee.

Managed by the staff at the Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre, people visitingTheWhistlestop are always guaranteed the freshest cuisine and service with a smile.


Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, a 76m² portion of the Remainder of Erf 4611 Walvis Bay (street),toWalvisBay Medipark (Pty) Ltd (theapplicant)tofacilitatetheexpansionof the Welwitschia hospital.


Portion B (a portion of the Remainder of Erf 4611)WalvisBay

Area: ±76m²

Zoning: Street


N$22 800 (N$300/m²) –excludingVAT; or N$26 220 – includingVAT

Full particulars pertaining to the proposed sale by private transaction will lie open for inspection by interested persons until Wednesday,7June2023at Room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information, Mrs Selma Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3232 during normal officehours.

Any person objecting totheproposedsaleby private transaction must, in writing, lodge such objection, together with the grounds/ motivation thereof, to the General Manager: d EconomicDevelopment at the below address, before 12:00 Monday, 12June2023.


GeneralManager: CommunityAnd Economic Development

MunicipalOffices, CivicCentre,

Drive, PrivateBag5017



Telephone: (064) 201


Email:ssatchipia@ walvisbaycc.org.na



Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, a 76m² portionoftheRemainder of Erf 4611 Walvis Bay (street), to Walvis Bay Medipark (Pty) Ltd (the applicant) to facilitate m²

Zoning: Street PurchasePrice N$22 800 (N$300/m²) –excludingVAT; or N$26 220 – including VAT

Full particulars pertaining to the proposed sale by private transaction will lie open for inspection by interested persons until Wednesday, 7 June 2023 at Room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information, Mrs Selma Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3232 during normalofficehours.

Any person objecting to the proposed sale by privatetransactionmust,in writing, lodge such objection, together with the grounds/motivation thereof, to the General Manager: Community and EconomicDevelopmentat the below address, before 12:00 Monday, 12 June 2023.

AGVICTOR GeneralManager: CommunityAnd EconomicDevelopment MunicipalOffices, CivicCentre, NangoloMbumbaDrive, PrivateBag5017 WALVISBAY



Email:ssatchipia@ walvisbaycc.org.na

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