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NFCPT donates computers
TheNamibiaFishConsumptionPromotionTrust(NFCPT) donatedtencomputers,includingMicrosoftsoftwarepackages, to the Ohangwena and the //Karas regions worth N$211 433, and an additional five computers to the two institutionsduringthenextfinancialyear.
NFCPT CEO Victor Pea said education is the foundation on which a prosperous and sustainable futureisbuiltupon.“In today's rapidly evolving world, intergrading technology into education has become a necessity ratherthanaluxury.”
Pea said, “access to computersinschools and ICT transcends geographical barriers, bringing the world to our communities and nurturing a generation of digitally proficient citizens ” He added thesecomputerstothe NYC's Oranjemund Youth Forum is to set up computer classes for the youth in the coastal diamond town and the school infrastructure improvement initiative through the officeofthegovernor of the Ohangwena region as we take a significant step toward bridging the digital divide in our communities.
The Director of the NationalYouthCouncil Calista SchwartzGowases who except the donation on behalf of the Youth Council in particularly the Oranjemund constituency said that thisdonationofdesktop computerswillgoalong way to help to meet the movingtargetofchanging the livelihoods of ouryouth.
Schwartz-Gowases said, “I am of the view, that these computers will provide our youth withthenecessarytools to partake in the world of technology marked by the interconnectedness of the digital space. Proficiency in computers is an absolute requirement for successintoday'stechnology-driven environment. However,manyyouths simply do not know howtouseacomputer, therefore your support indeed is for a good courseasitwillhelpto change this by providing basic computer trainingtotheyouthin Oranjemund,”
A c c o r d i n g t o Schwartz-Gowasesbasiccomputertrainingis in great demand, pro-
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viding a much-needed foundation and equipping them for future success. “I would like to reiterate my sincere gratitude to the National Fish Consumption Promotion Trust, for their generous support to the Oranjemund Constituency Youth Forum,” SchwartzGowasessaid.