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formance sport needs a sport ecosystem where all the various entities are inter-dependent and workingtogetherforthe goal to maximise the potential in our talent andfuturestars.”

Sport Expo Project Director, Tjeripo Musutuasaidallconference speakers and whatever isgoingtohappenatthe expo will centre around the theme “We are inviting exhibitors and all those in the sporting fraternity to showcase what they have on their table.”


Musutua, said four federations have already confirmed their participation in the fourth edition of the event. “These are the Namibia Chess Federation (NCF), Namibia Kickboxing Federation, Namibia Ice and Inline Hockey Association, and NamibiaArchery.”

Nasa 2023 will be “an exciting” affair guided by a fair adjudication process of the achievements of the country's highest performing athletes and officials overa12-monthperiod.

The Project Manager of Nasa 2023 Chalo Chainda expressed his excitement for this year's NASA. “We anticipate an extraordinary and distinctive eventthisyear.”

“Through these awards, we celebrate excellence insportsandensurethat those who have worked hard are properly rewarded for their immense efforts. We are committed to fairness and impartiality, ensu- ring that deserving individuals receive the recognition they deserve” Chainda said. Thereare19categories for which nominations opened Tuesday 18 July and close on 19 August. The Deputy Chairperson of the awards' judging panel IlkePlattsaid,“guided bytheNasaRulebook, we are sure the efforts made by our sportswomen and men is recognised The adjudication process will look at national, regional and international competitions, the issue of national colours and international participation granted by NSC will form part of the adjudication process,” Plattsaid. Contact sugnet@thedomenamibia com for more information ontheSportsExpoand visit the wwwnascportal org for more information on howtoentertheSports Awards.

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