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BankmedNamibiaFacesDissolutionDue toHighClaimsandDecliningSolvency
Eileen van der Schyff
BankmedNamibia,aprominenthealthcarefund,isfacingacriticalsituationasexceptionallyhigh claimshavesignificantlyimpacteditssolvency.TheFund'sboardoftrustees,ledbyChairperson AndreSmit,hascommunicatedtheurgentneedtoaddressthisissuewiththefund'smembers.Ina letter, Smit announced that the trustees are recommending the dissolution or liquidation of the Fund,whichwasputtoavoteduringtheAnnualGeneralMeetingonJune28,2023.Theproposed dissolutiondateiseitherAugust31orSeptember30,2023.
Toalleviatethedecliningsolvency and ensure coverage for essential medical services, the Board of Trustees has implemented several measures.Firstly,stricterapproval processeshavebeenputinplaceto managehighclaimsandguarantee that the Fund can fulfill its obligations until the dissolution date.Secondly,allbenefits,except for chronic medication, oncology treatments, and HIVbenefits, will be prorated for the remainder of theyear Prorated benefits imply that the valueofbenefitshasbeenadjusted according to the time period remaining. The calculation takes into accountthe full year's benefit value divided by 12 months, multiplied by the number of monthsfromJanuary1toJuly31, 2023, minus the benefits already utilised.Forinstance,iftheday-todaybenefitsonEssenceamountto N$13,250 per family per year, the available benefit for the period would be (N$13,250 / 12) x 7 = N$7,729.17, minus the benefit alreadyused. It is crucial to note that members will only have access to benefits that they have contributed towards. The Board of Trustees, composed of Andre Smit as Chairperson, A Botha, J du Plessis as Vice Chairperson, E.T Kamati, J.C. Kruger, G. Loubser, A. Simasiku, T Veii, and A. Shikongo, along with Principal Officer E. Fahl, emphasise that starting from August 1, benefits will be prorated on a monthly basis This means that the calculation will be adjusted each monthaccordingly
Furthermore, only emergency or medically necessary procedures will be authorised and honored. Members and healthcare professionals share the responsibility to ensure prudent utilisation of benefits,limitingservicestothose that are critical or emergent in nature. The Board of Trustees pledgestokeepmembersinformed of further developments as they unfold.
Bankmed Namibia, which has providedcrucialhealthcarecoverage to its members, now faces a challenging period. The proposed dissolutionoftheFund,ifapproved, will mark a significant transition in the healthcare landscape. Theboard'srecommendationsaim tomitigatethesolvencyissuesand continue delivering essential servicesuntilthedissolutiondate.
NamibianChangingLivesCharityTransforms LivesandMakesaDifference
NamibianChangingLivesCharity(NAMCL),aphilanthropicorganisationbasedinWalvisBay,is dedicatedtobringingpositivechangetothelivesofchildrenandyoungpeopleacrossthecountry
Established on 2 January 2022, under the name "For All Namibian," the organisation initially focused on assisting young entrepreneurs in promoting their businesses and facilitating job opportunities. However, after witnessing the plight of young individuals living in challenging circumstances, NAMCL made a profound decision to shift its mission towards charitable endeavours.
Under its new name, accepted by the Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA), NAM Changing Lives Charity (NAMCL), the organisation is committed to transforminglivesbysupporting programs in the arts, sports, and culture.
Moreover, NAMCL recognisestheimportance of providing essential everyday items to learners, such as sanitary pads, school shoes, uniforms, pens, and even toiletpaper Theiraimisto ensure that children and young people have the necessary resources to thrive and pursue their dreams. With more than five executives and eight ordinary members, NAMCL boasts a dedicated team of individuals passionateaboutmakinga difference. Led by Mr ShikongoJeremiaAupaas the Founder and Managing Director, and Mr Hilarious Nghikelwa as the Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, the organisation operates under the guidance of experienced professionals from various fields. Over the years, NAMCL has undertaken several initiatives to positively impact the community Notably, CEO Mr Hilarious Nghikelwa has actively supportedstudentsatIUM Coastal Campus by providing essential items suchassanitarypads.The organisation has also assistedstudentsinapplying for NSFAF loans, enabling them to pursue higher education without financial constraints
Currently, NAMCL is actively involved in two key projects The first project, aptly named "SaveaChild,"focuseson assisting school-age childrenbetweentheagesof3 and 13 during the winter season. Recognising that some parents are unemployed and unable to provide warm clothing, NAMCL aims to collect and distribute jerseys and gloves to ensure the children's comfort and well-being. The second project, titled "Sharing is Caring," targets students in Grades 8 to 12, as well as those attending tutorial colleges.The objective of thisinitiativeistoprovide additional educational support and guidance, including career counselling and advice on navigating the education system. To maximise the impact of this project, NAMCLplanstocollaborate with reputable institutions such as IUM, UNAM, NUST, NIMT, Tulipohamba, I-care, Atlantic, Triumphant, Lingua,andmanyothers.
NAMCLextends an open invitation to everyone willing to participate in their projects or join the organisation Collaborationanddonationsare warmly welcomed, as they play a vital role in furthering the organisation's goals and making a meaningful impact on the lives of youngNamibians.While headquartered in Walvis Bay, NAMCL also has branches in Windhoek andOndangwa,ensuring its reach extends across the country Through their unwavering commitment and compassionate initiatives, Namibian Changing Lives Charity is empowering children and young people, nurturing their talents, and providing essential support for a brighter future By uniting with NAMCL, individuals and communitiescancollectively make a significant difference and uplift the livesofthoseinneed. NAMCLcan be reached at 085 754 3059 Managing Director, Shikongo JeremiaAupa.